NAICS 325920 - Explosives Manufacturing

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NAICS 325920 - Explosives Manufacturing

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1992, 1997, 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses respectively, reported in the Federal Government's NAICS format. Other years were originally reported in equivalent SIC format. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1991 135  52  14.0  9.2  16.9  401.2  13.70  573.7  1,020.8  1,592.4  84.3  
199265123  50  11.4  7.5  13.4  338.6  14.83  402.1  851.7  1,252.0  31.7  
1993 119  52  10.0  6.8  13.2  314.7  13.78  385.2  793.6  1,172.6  49.1  
1994 119  54  9.1  6.4  12.6  303.1  14.49  421.0  613.1  1,023.4  52.6  
1995 117  52  8.7  6.2  12.7  299.6  14.61  518.0  629.8  1,138.3  52.7  
1996 116  53  8.5  6.1  12.1  293.4  14.23  560.4  720.8  1,276.0  46.5  
199765101  52  7.8  5.5  11.0  280.6  15.55  542.8  772.9  1,318.4  44.2  
1998 99  53  8.4  6.0  11.7  296.9  15.30  623.3  612.3  1,247.9  59.9  
1999 95  53  8.7  5.9  11.1  301.3  15.83  507.7  504.7  1,011.8  40.3  
2000 92  53  8.0  5.4  10.5  301.8  15.97  500.4  642.6  1,135.0  24.2  
2001 100  56  6.5  4.6  8.8  252.7  16.23  492.5  605.5  1,085.9  24.1  
20025688  46  5.6  4.1  7.7  227.7  18.00  416.7  596.8  1,026.9  24.9  
2003 89  44  5.5  3.9  8.1  224.1  16.05  409.6  607.3  1,018.0  18.6  
2004 84  41  5.2  3.7  7.8  233.4  18.47  460.5  610.3  1,063.9  22.8  
2005 82  43  5.6  3.7  7.8  258.1  17.70  689.4  517.6  1,205.6  30.3  
2006 76P45P6.0  4.1  8.0  282.5  19.13  765.9  664.1  1,409.4  35.2  
2007 72P45P4.2P3.0P6.3P224.7P18.62P596.3P517.0P1,097.2P18.4P
2008 69P44P3.7P2.7P5.8P217.3P18.94P590.6P512.1P1,086.8P15.8P
2009 65P43P3.3P2.4P5.3P209.8P19.26P584.9P507.2P1,076.3P13.3P
2010 62P43P2.8P2.1P4.8P202.3P19.59P579.2P502.2P1,065.9P10.7P
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1992116140   109   204   183  174  149  82  96  143  122  127  
1997116115  113  139  134  143  123  86  130  130  128  178  
2001 114  122  116  112  114  111  90  118  101  106  97  
2002100100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  
2003 101  96  98  95  105  98  89  98  102  99  75  
2004 95  89  93  90  101  103  103  111  102  104  92  
2005 93  93  100  90  101  113  98  165  87  117  122  
2006 86P98P107  100  104  124  106  184  111  137  141  
2007 82P97P75P73P82P99P103P143P87P107P74P
2008 78P96P66P66P75P95P105P142P86P106P63P
2009 74P94P59P59P69P92P107P140P85P105P53P
2010 70P93P50P51P62P89P109P139P84P104P43P
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing’ column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment4264152Value Added per Production Worker182,367145,56180
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1842,587,500158Cost per Establishment5,769,0154,735,22782
Payroll per Employee39,05340,661104Cost per Employee137,44674,41154
Production Workers per Establishment3047158Cost per Production Worker195,506101,63452
Wages per Establishment694,8451,575,000227Shipments per Establishment11,158,34811,669,318105
Wages per Production Worker23,54833,805144Shipments per Employee265,847183,37569
Hours per Production Worker1,9801,87895Shipments per Production Worker378,144250,46366
Wages per Hour11.8918.00151Investment per Establishment361,338282,95578
Value Added per Establishment5,381,3256,781,818126Investment per Employee8,6094,44652
Value Added per Employee128,210106,57183Investment per Production Worker12,2456,07350
LEADING COMPANIES     Number shown: 19     Total sales ($ mil): 3,014    Total employment (000): 2.7
Company NameAddressCEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales ($ mil)Empl. (000)
Source: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
Orica USA Inc.33101 E QuincyWatkinsCO80137Donald Brinker303-268-5000R1,774*0.1
LSB International Sales Corp.16 S Penn. AvenueOklahoma CityOK73107Jack Golsen405-235-4546S588*1.2
Austin Powder Co.25800 Science ParkClevelandOH44122William Davis216-464-2400R208*<0.1
Ensign-Bickford IndustriesPO Box 7SimsburyCT06070Bob Lepossky860-843-2000R185*0.6
Viking Explosives and Supply4469 Highway 5HibbingMN55746D.H. Bednar218-263-8845R52*<0.1
St Lawrence Explosives Corp.PO Box 230Adams CenterNY13606Julie Pecori315-583-5432R45*<0.1
Boren Explosives Company Inc.8425 Hwy. 269ParrishAL35580Russell Boren205-686-5095R24*<0.1
Technical Ordnance Inc.PO Box 800St BonifaciusMN55375Norman Hoffman952-446-1526R21*<0.1
Action Manufacturing Company100 E Erie Ave.PhiladelphiaPA19134Arthur Mattia215-739-6400R18*0.2
Pepin-Ireco Inc.PO Box 8IshpemingMI49849Joseph Pepin906-486-4473R17*<0.1
Sierra Chemical Co.PO Box 50730SparksNV89435Stanley Kinder775-358-0888R17*<0.1
Alpha Dyno NobelPO Box 310LincolnCA95648Bradley Langner916-645-3377R16*<0.1
Accurate Energetic Systems5891 Hwy. 230 WMc EwenTN37101 931-729-4207R12*<0.1
Pyrotechnic Specialties Inc.1661 Juniper CreekByronGA31008Dave Karlson478-956-5400R9*<0.1
Buckley Powder Co.42 Inverness Dr. EEnglewoodCO80112Daniel J. Buckley303-790-7008S8<0.1
Hanley Industries Inc.PO Box 1058AltonIL62002Gaynor Blake618-465-8892R7*<0.1
Cartridge Actuated Devices51 Dwight Pl.FairfieldNJ07004Ralph Dodd973-575-1312R7*<0.1
Evenson Explosives L.L.C.516 Bedford Rd.MorrisIL60450 815-942-5800R4*<0.1
Blastgard International Inc.2451 McMullen BthClearwaterFL33759James F. Gordon727-592-9400P1<0.1
Material QuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Ammonia, synthetic anhydrous (100 percent NH3)1,000 s tons(D)(D)
Nitro. fertil. ammonium nitrate (100 percent NH4NO3)1,000 s tons558.763.4
Nitro. fert., nitric acid (100 percent HNO3)1,000 s tons(D)(D)
Sulfuric acid, excluding spent (100 percent H2SO4)1,000 s tons(D)(D)
High explosives (including PETN, TNT, azides, and fulminates) (X)34.4
Paper and paperboard containers (incl. shipping sacks and other paper packaging supplies) (X)15.7
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies (X)187.7
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk (X)42.2
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
EXPLOSIVES892.2      powder, liquid oxygen explosives, nitroglycerin, etc.253.1
  Explosives, propellants, and blasting accessories892.2    Blasting accessories, including blasting caps, squibs, ignitors, detonating primers, fuses, detonating cord, etc231.8
    Industrial explosives364.5    Other explosives and propellants, including military detonators, jet starters, fuse and explosive assemblies, etc231.5
      Industrial ammonium nitrate explosives, fuel sensitized, except slurry111.4    Explosives, nsk, total64.4
      Other industrial explosives; including water gel and slurries, permissibles, dynamites, black blasting   
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Compensation of employees18.9 Exports of goods & services12.4Cap Inv
Management of companies & enterprises13.8ServicesGeneral S/L govt. services11.7S/L Govt
Plastics materials & resins6.1Manufg.Personal consumption expenditures6.6 
Scientific research & development services4.8ServicesChemical products & preparations, nec4.5Manufg.
Chemical products & preparations, nec4.8Manufg.Plastics products, nec3.2Manufg.
Wholesale trade4.4TradeCoating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities2.4Manufg.
Basic inorganic chemicals, nec4.3Manufg.General Federal government services, defense2.2Fed Govt
Basic organic chemicals, nec3.8Manufg.Printing2.0Manufg.
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Petroleum refineries2.7Manufg.Ornamental & architectural metal products1.7Manufg.
Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet1.6Manufg.Plastics materials & resins1.7Manufg.
Lessors of nonfinancial assets1.4Fin/R.E.Basic organic chemicals, nec1.5Manufg.
Paperboard containers1.3Manufg.Personal services, nec1.4Services
Synthetic dyes & pigments1.1Manufg.General Federal government services, nondefense1.4Fed Govt
Power generation & supply0.9Util.Advertising & related services1.2Services
Alkalies & chlorine0.9Manufg.Physician, dentist, other health practitioner offices1.2Services
Industrial gases0.9Manufg.Soap & cleaning compounds1.2Manufg.
Rail transportation0.8Util.Canned & dehydrated fruits & vegetables1.1Manufg.
Petrochemicals0.8Manufg.Semiconductors & related devices1.1Manufg.
Adhesives0.8Manufg.Wholesale trade1.1Trade
Truck transportation0.8Util.Pharmaceutical preparations0.9Manufg.
Paper mills0.7Manufg.Oil & gas well drilling0.9Mining
Noncomparable imports0.7ForeignPaper mills0.8Manufg.
Real estate0.5Fin/R.E.Nonresidential structures, nec0.8Construct.
Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.5Manufg.Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet0.8Manufg.
Plastics products, nec0.5Manufg.Motor vehicle parts0.7Manufg.
Fertilizer0.5Manufg.Plate work & fabricated structural products0.7Manufg.
Soap & cleaning compounds0.5Manufg.Specialized design services0.7Services
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies0.4 Photographic services0.6Services
Advertising & related services0.4ServicesReal estate0.6Fin/R.E.
Semiconductors & related devices0.4Manufg.Retail trade0.6Trade
Fabricated metals, nec0.4Manufg.Legal services0.6Services
Scrap0.4ScrapPaperboard mills0.6Manufg.
Fats & oils refining & blending0.3Manufg.Warehousing & storage0.6Util.
Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.3Fin/R.E.Toilet preparations0.6Manufg.
Valve & fittings other than plumbing0.3Manufg.Truck transportation0.6Util.
Natural gas distribution0.3Util.Medical & diagnostic labs & outpatient services0.6Services
Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.3Construct.Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.6Construct.
Coating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities0.3Manufg.Paints & coatings0.5Manufg.
Ground or treated mineral & earth0.3Manufg.Basic inorganic chemicals, nec0.5Manufg.
Services to buildings & dwellings0.3ServicesPrinted circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.5Manufg.
Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.3Fin/R.E.Scientific research & development services0.5Services
Coated & laminated paper & packaging materials0.3Manufg.Architectural, engineering, & related services0.5Services
Professional, scientific, technical services, nec0.3ServicesTelephone apparatus0.4Manufg.
Custom computer programming services0.3ServicesUrethane & other foam products (except polystrene)0.4Manufg.
Machine shops0.2Manufg.Residential permanent site structures0.4Construct.
Legal services0.2ServicesAlkalies & chlorine0.4Manufg.
Metal cans, boxes, & other containers (light gauge)0.2Manufg.Residential structures, nec0.4Construct.
Relay & industrial controls0.2Manufg.Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.4Services
Plastics bottles0.2Manufg.Aircraft0.4Manufg.
Automotive repair & maintenance, ex. car washes0.2ServicesHospitals0.4Services
Telecommunications0.2ServicesPetroleum refineries0.3Manufg.
Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.2ServicesTelecommunications0.3Services
Architectural, engineering, & related services0.2ServicesSynthetic dyes & pigments0.3Manufg.
Air transportation0.2Util.Oil & gas operations services0.3Mining
Waste management & remediation services0.2ServicesOther S/L govt. enterprises0.3S/L Govt
Warehousing & storage0.2Util.Soft drinks & ice0.3Manufg.
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.2ServicesMotion picture & video industries0.3Services
Commercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.2ServicesSecurities, commodity contracts, investments0.3Fin/R.E.
Retail trade0.2TradeSeasoning & dressing0.3Manufg.
AC, refrigeration, and warm air heating equipment0.2Manufg.Electronic components, nec0.3Manufg.
Food services & drinking places0.2ServicesMonetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.3Fin/R.E.
Pressed & blown glass & glassware, nec0.2Manufg.Synthetic rubber0.3Manufg.
Soybean & oilseed processing0.1Manufg.Analytical laboratory instruments0.3Manufg.
Commercial & industrial machinery rental & leasing0.1Fin/R.E.Civic, social, & professional organizations0.3Services
Industrial machinery, nec0.1Manufg.Poultry processing0.3Manufg.
Data processing, hosting, & related services0.1ServicesMachine shops0.3Manufg.
Air & gas compressors0.1Manufg.Plastics pipe & pipe fittings0.3Manufg.
   Snack food0.3Manufg.
   Magnetic & optical recording media0.3Manufg.
   Oil & gas extraction0.2Mining
   Support activities for printing0.2Manufg.
   Electromedical & electrotherapeutic apparatus0.2Manufg.
   Support services, nec0.2Services
   Veterinary services0.2Services
   Software publishers0.2Services
   Bare printed circuit boards0.2Manufg.
   Bread & bakery products0.2Manufg.
   Pesticides & other agricultural chemicals0.2Manufg.
   Business support services0.2Services
   Scenic & sightseeing transport & related services0.2Util.
   Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.2Fin/R.E.
   Fabricated metals, nec0.2Manufg.
   Unlaminated plastics profile shapes0.2Manufg.
   Services to buildings & dwellings0.2Services
   Paperboard containers0.2Manufg.
   Natural gas distribution0.2Util.
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Source: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C., January 2008. User should note that this Input-Output table is not for this particular narrowly defined industry but for a larger aggregate. Input and Output data for All Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing include Input and Output data for the Annual Survey of Manufactures’ NAICS industries 325920, 325991, and 32599N. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
   Plastics bottles0.2Manufg.
   Commercial & health care structures0.2Construct.
   Automotive repair & maintenance, ex. car washes0.2Services
   Electronic computers0.2Manufg.
   Cookies, crackers, & pasta0.2Manufg.
   Pressed & blown glass & glassware, nec0.2Manufg.
   Tobacco products0.2Manufg.
   Directories, mailing lists, & other publishers0.2Services
   Springs & wire products0.2Manufg.
   Nursing & residential care facilities0.2Services
   Owner-occupied dwellings0.2 
   Power boilers & heat exchangers0.1Manufg.
   Aircraft parts & auxiliary equipment, nec0.1Manufg.
   Forging, stamping, & sintering, nec0.1Manufg.
   Electronic connectors0.1Manufg.
   Internet publishing & broadcasting0.1Services
   Asphalt paving mixtures & blocks0.1Manufg.
   Photographic & photocopying equipment0.1Manufg.
   Confectionery products, chocolate0.1Manufg.
   Nondepository credit intermediation activities0.1Fin/R.E.
   Rail transportation0.1Util.
   Wood containers & pallets0.1Manufg.
   Crowns & closures & metal stamping0.1Manufg.
   Frozen food0.1Manufg.
   Periodical publishers0.1Services
   Vending, commercial, industrial, office machinery0.1Manufg.
   General purpose machinery, nec0.1Manufg.
   Metal tanks (heavy gauge)0.1Manufg.
   Food services & drinking places0.1Services
   Dairy cattle & milk0.1Agric.
   Poultry & eggs0.1Agric.
   Newspaper publishers0.1Services
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Source: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Mixing & blending machine operators & tenders13.1-21.3General & operations managers1.8-29.2
Team assemblers4.4-21.3Industrial production managers1.5-21.3
First-line supervisors/managers of production workers4.3-21.3Laborers & freight, stock, & material movers, hand1.5-29.2
Packaging & filling machine operators & tenders4.3-29.2Customer service representatives1.4-13.5
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers4.0-25.8Bookkeeping, accounting, & auditing clerks1.4-21.3
Chemical plant & system operators3.6-21.3Electrical & electronics repairers, commercial/industry1.4-16.1
Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks2.7-24.3Production, planning, & expediting clerks1.4-21.3
Maintenance & repair workers, general2.4-21.3Sales representatives, wholesale & manufacturing, tech1.3-21.3
Chemical equipment operators & tenders2.4-21.3Office clerks, general1.1-22.5
Sales reps, wholesale & manufacturing, exc tech2.3-21.3Molding, coremaking, & casting machine operators1.1-29.2
Extruding & drawing machine operators & tenders2.3-21.3Executive secretaries & administrative assistants1.1-21.3
Chemical technicians2.2-21.3Industrial truck & tractor operators1.1-29.2
Helpers--Production workers2.1-21.3Cutting & slicing machine operators1.1-21.3
Industrial engineers2.0-4.5Extruding, forming, pressing machine operators1.1-21.3
StateEstablishmentsShipmentsEmploymentCost as % of ShipmentsInvestment per Employee ($)
Total ($ mil)% of U.S.Per Establ.Total Number% of U.S.Per Establ.Wages ($/hour)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The states are in descending order of shipments or establishments (if shipment data are missing for the majority). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. States marked with (D) are sorted by number of establishments. A dash (-) indicates that the data element cannot be calculated. Data may not show all states active in the NAICS category. All data available at the time of publication are shown.

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    NAICS 325920 - Explosives Manufacturing