NAICS 32223M - Stationery Product Manufacturing

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NAICS 32223M - Stationery Product Manufacturing*

*Equivalent to Federal Government NAICS 322231, 322232, 322233.

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1997 and 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses, respectively. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1998 77438948.336.774.61,388.812.324,235.43,600.17,839.3190.7
1999 77538847.936.476.21,445.512.554,259.13,590.07,834.3176.3
2000 74137146.936.175.21,498.813.064,678.23,490.28,133.2179.2
2001 71437245.134.970.61,452.313.644,623.03,484.68,074.7127.1
2003 60031736.628.759.21,286.114.594,406.83,275.07,666.993.8
2004 58931035.627.857.01,294.715.204,420.93,232.57,677.091.8
2005 56529733.326.053.31,268.115.774,706.43,234.07,943.9121.8
2006 526P285P31.524.851.11,230.316.004,881.33,470.38,360.0141.3
2007 493P272P29.7P23.7P48.7P1,236.8P16.54P4,727.2P3,360.7P8,096.1P81.4P
2008 461P259P27.6P22.2P45.7P1,215.9P17.01P4,748.7P3,376.0P8,132.9P68.7P
2009 428P246P25.5P20.7P42.8P1,195.1P17.47P4,770.2P3,391.3P8,169.7P55.9P
2010 396P233P23.5P19.3P39.8P1,174.3P17.93P4,791.7P3,406.6P8,206.5P43.1P
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1998 122121125122122107849710499131
1999 122120124121125111869810499121
2000 11711512112012311589107101103123
2001 1121161171161151129310610110287
2003 949895959799100101959764
2004 939692929399104101939763
2005 8992868687971081089310184
2006 83P89P8182839411011210010697
2007 78P85P77P78P80P95P113P108P97P102P56P
2008 72P80P71P74P75P93P117P109P97P103P47P
2009 67P76P66P69P70P92P120P109P98P103P38P
2010 62P72P61P64P65P90P123P110P98P104P30P
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing’ column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment4261145Value Added per Production Worker182,367114,65963
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1842,047,799125Cost per Establishment5,769,0156,858,019119
Payroll per Employee39,05333,65486Cost per Employee137,446112,70582
Production Workers per Establishment3047161Cost per Production Worker195,506144,42774
Wages per Establishment694,8451,404,906202Shipments per Establishment11,158,34812,426,101111
Wages per Production Worker23,54829,587126Shipments per Employee265,847204,21277
Hours per Production Worker1,9802,026102Shipments per Production Worker378,144261,68969
Wages per Hour11.8914.60123Investment per Establishment361,338228,77463
Value Added per Establishment5,381,3255,444,497101Investment per Employee8,6093,76044
Value Added per Employee128,21089,47570Investment per Production Worker12,2454,81839
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 75 Total sales ($ mil): 77,259 Total employment (000): 248.7
Company NameAddress   CEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales ($ mil)Empl. (000)
Sources: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
International Paper Co.6400 Poplar Ave.MemphisTN38119 901-419-9000P21,89051.5
Weyerhaeuser Co.PO Box 9777Federal WayWA98003 253-924-2345P16,30837.9
API Group Inc.2366 Rose Pl.St. PaulMN55113Lee R. Anderson Sr.651-636-4320R9,0005.0
MeadWestvaco Corp.11013 W Broad St.Glen AllenVA23060James A. Buzzard804-327-5200P6,91024.0
Hallmark Cards Inc.PO Box 419034Kansas CityMO64141 816-274-5111R4,100*16.0
Pactiv Corp.1900 W Field Ct.Lake ForestIL60045 847-482-2000P3,25313.0
Solo Cup Co.1700 Old DeerfieldHighland ParkIL60035Robert L. Hulseman847-831-4800R2,1068.7
American Greetings Corp.1 American Rd.ClevelandOH44144 216-252-7300P1,74528.9
Potlatch Corp.601 W RiversideSpokaneWA99201Michael Covey509-835-1500P1,6543.8
National Service Industries1420 Peachtree St.AtlantaGA30309Carol Ellis Morgan404-853-1000R1,650*22.0
Cenveo Inc.One Canterbury Grn.StamfordCT06901Robert G. Burton, Sr.203-595-3000P1,5116.6
Green Bay Packaging Inc.PO Box 19017Green BayWI54307William F. Kress920-433-5111R858*3.0
National Envelope West L.L.C.4450 Edison Ave.ChinoCA91710 909-364-1373R704*5.0
National Envelope Corp.333 Earle OvingtonUniondaleNY11553Nathan F. Moser516-699-4000R625*5.0
Smead Manufacturing Co.600 Smead Blvd.HastingsMN55033S Hoffman Avent651-437-4111R5502.6
Amscan Holdings Inc.80 Grasslands Rd.ElmsfordNY10523James Harrison914-345-2020R386*2.0
WS Packaging Group Inc.PO Box 127AlgomaWI54201Terrence Fulwiler920-487-3424R314*<0.1
Nashua Corp.11 Trafalgar SquareNashuaNH03063Thomas Brooker603-880-2323P2730.8
Kanzaki Specialty Papers Inc.1350 Main St.SpringfieldMA01103  R236*0.3
Alcan Composites USA Inc.PO Box 507BentonKY42025 270-527-4200R224*0.1
Nielsen and Bainbridge40 Eisenhower Dr.ParamusNJ07653Jack Forbes201-368-9191R219*0.9
Stump Printing Company Inc.PO Box 305South WhitleyIN46787 260-723-5171R128*0.2
Tufco Technologies Inc.PO Box 23500Green BayWI54305Louis LeCalsey III920-336-0054P1200.4
Western States Envelope Co.PO Box 2048MilwaukeeWI53201Mark Lemberger262-781-5540R112*0.5
Tension Envelope Corp.819 E 19th St.Kansas CityMO64108Bertram Berkley816-471-3800R107*0.4
Sam Flax Inc.1401 E Colonial Dr.OrlandoFL32803Mark Honigsfeld407-898-9785R99*<0.1
Thilmany Nicolet Mill200 Main Ave.De PereWI54115John Zuleger920-336-4211S97*0.3
Outlook Group Corp.1180 American Dr.NeenahWI54956Joseph J. Baksha920-722-2333R860.5
GBS Corp.PO Box 2340CantonOH44720Eugene Calabria330-494-5330R85*0.2
Mackay Mitchell Envelope Co.2100 Elm St. SEMinneapolisMN55414 612-331-9311R82*0.2
Tri-State Envelope Corp.1 Orgler Pl.AshlandPA17921Joel W. Orgler570-875-0433R78*0.5
J.J. Collins Sons Inc.7125 Janes Ave.WoodridgeIL60517Jim Collins630-960-2525R77*0.2
William Arthur Inc.PO Box 460West KennebunkME04094 207-985-6581R71*0.3
Carrollton Specialty ProductsPO Box 529LexingtonMO64067Erin Boster660-542-0021R66*0.2
National Label Co.2025 Joshua Rd.Lafayette HillPA19444 610-825-3250R62*0.2
Rohrer Corp.PO Box 1009WadsworthOH44282Scot Adkins330-335-1541R62*0.2
Ampac Packaging L.L.C.12025 Tricon Rd.CincinnatiOH45246John Baumann513-671-1777R60*0.2
Poly Pak America Inc.2939 E WashingtonLos AngelesCA90023Richard Gerwitz323-264-2400R58*0.1
Concote Corp.PO Box 35848DallasTX75235Robert Hanton214-956-0077R56*0.1
Ames Safety Envelope CompanyPO Box 845257BostonMA02284 617-776-3360R53*0.4
Norampac New York City Inc.55-15 Grand Ave.MaspethNY11378Eric Laflamme718-386-3200S53*0.3
Ecological Fibers Inc.40 Pioneer Dr.LunenburgMA01462Stephen F. Quill978-537-0003R51*0.2
Blumberg Excelsior Inc.62 White StreetNew YorkNY10013Robert Blumberg212-431-5000R45*0.4
Top Flight Inc.1300 Central Ave.ChattanoogaTN37408Harry Robinson423-266-8171R41*0.2
DecoGard Products Inc.6696 Rte., 405 Hwy.MuncyPA17756 570-546-5941S40*0.3
Consolidated Converting Co.2601 Workman MillWhittierCA90601George Richter562-692-9421S40*0.1
New England Paper Tube Co.PO Box 186PawtucketRI02862Kenneth Douglas401-725-2610R40*0.2
Worcester Envelope Co.PO Box 406AuburnMA01501Dexter Pond508-832-5394R39*0.3
Caraustar Industries Inc.PO Box 987Hunt ValleyMD21030 410-785-2233S39*0.2
Fortifiber Corp.419 W Plumb Ln.RenoNV89509Stuart Yount775-333-6400R39*0.2
Wisco Envelope Company Inc.PO Box 880TullahomaTN37388Paul V. Reilly S38*0.3
Glitterwrap Inc.701 Ford Rd.RockawayNJ07866Alfred Scott973-625-4200R38*<0.1
Atlas Tag and Label Inc.PO Box 638NeenahWI54957Mark Bissell920-722-1557R37*0.1
Acucote Inc.PO Box 538GrahamNC27253John Leath336-578-1800R35*0.1
Pacon Corp.PO Box 7170AppletonWI54912 920-830-5050R35*0.2
Fibre Converters Inc.PO Box 248ConstantineMI49042James Stuck269-435-8431R35*<0.1
Specialty Industries Inc.PO Box 330Red LionPA17356Carl Cheek717-246-1661R34*0.1
Associated Bag Co.400 W Boden St.MilwaukeeWI53207Herbert Rubenstein414-769-1000R33*0.2
Mid Island Die Cutting Corp.77 Schmitt Blvd.FarmingdaleNY11735Robert Geier631-293-0180R33*0.2
Bradford Co.PO Box 1199HollandMI49422Judson Bradford616-399-3000R33*0.2
Crescent Cardboard Company100 W Willow Rd.WheelingIL60090Jeffrey Dolan847-537-3400R32*0.2
Barton Nelson Inc.13700 Wyandotte St.Kansas CityMO64145Barton Nelson816-942-3100R30*0.3
Oles Envelope Corp.532 E 25th St.BaltimoreMD21218John Young410-243-1520R30*0.2
Roysons Corp.40 Vanderhoof Ave.RockawayNJ07866Roy Richie973-625-5570R28*0.1
Roaring Spring Blank Book Co.740 Spang St.Roaring SpringPA16673Daniel Hoover814-224-5141R27*0.3
P.C. I Paper Conversions Inc.6761 Thompson Rd.SyracuseNY13211 315-437-1641R27*0.3
Fine Impressions Inc.1680 Roe Crest Dr.North MankatoMN56003Mike Schmidt507-625-4355R27*0.2
International Bus. Communic.1981 Marcus Ave.New Hyde ParkNY11042Norman Kay516-352-4505R27*<0.1
Sullivan Paper Company Inc.PO Box 88W SpringfieldMA01090Richard Sullivan413-734-3107R27*0.2
Colorbok Inc.2716 Baker Rd.DexterMI48130William Taylor734-426-5300R26*0.2
Hub Labels Inc.18223 Shawley Dr.HagerstownMD21740Abbud Dahbura301-790-1660R26*0.2
Pioneer Packaging and Printing1220 Lund Blvd.AnokaMN55303Greg Polack763-323-8308R26*0.2
Envelope 1 Inc.41969 State Rte 344ColumbianaOH44408James Jakubovic330-482-3900R25*0.2
Bontex Inc.PO Box 751Buena VistaVA24416Charles W.J. Kostelni540-261-2181P250.3
K and Company L.L.C.11125 NW AmbassdrKansas CityMO64153Kay Stanley816-389-4150R24*0.1
MaterialQuantityQuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Recovered paper, all types (X)172.9
Paper and paperboard (excluding boxes and containers)1,000 s tons(S)692.7
Plastics products consumed in the form of sheets, rods, etc. (X)16.6
Coated and laminated fabrics (including vinyl coated) (X)7.1
Glues and adhesivesmil lb(S)17.7
Printing inks (X)7.3
Paperboard containers, boxes, and corrugated paperboard (X)84.3
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies (X)117.1
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk (X)243.0
MaterialQuantityQuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Recovered paper, all types (X)92.7
Paper and paperboard (excluding boxes and containers)1,000 s tons1,335.7p885.7
Plastics products consumed in the form of sheets, rods, etc. (X)70.1
Coated and laminated fabrics (including vinyl coated) (X)4.5
Glues and adhesivesmil lb(S)43.0
Printing inks (X)23.6
Paperboard containers, boxes, and corrugated paperboard (X)91.8
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies (X)64.5
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk (X)283.2
Material QuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Recovered paper, all types (X)5.2
Paper and paperboard (excluding boxes and containers)1,000 s tons924.6p557.9
Plastics products consumed in the form of sheets, rods, etc. (X)7.5
Coated and laminated fabrics (including vinyl coated) (S)6.6
Glues and adhesivesmil lb(X)3.6
Printing inks (X)43.5
Paperboard containers, boxes, and corrugated paperboard (X)75.8
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies (X)113.4
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk (X)5.2
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
DIE-CUT PAPER AND PAPERBOARD OFFICE SUPPLIES2,538.0  Paper supplies for business machines and other miscellaneous unprinted paper office supplies, nec1,055.3
  Die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies1,228.3    Paper supplies for business machines and other miscellaneous unprinted paper office supplies, nec1,021.7
    Hanging and expandable file folders, all types and materials131.9      Paper rolls for adding and other business machines, except rolls for facsimile and photocopy machines203.0
      Hanging file folders, all types and materials83.0      Other unprinted paper supplies, including photocopy, laser, safety, facsimile, teletype, etc. (excluding sensitized paper)818.8
       Expanding file folders (including wallets), all types and materials48.9    Paper supplies for business machines and other miscellaneous unprinted paper office supplies, nec, nsk33.5
    Other file folders (including file jackets and file pockets), all types and materials520.8  Die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies, nsk, total254.4
    Other die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies, including index, guide, and tabulating cards, presentation and report covers (except looseleaf), etc.466.5  
    Die-cut paper and paperboard office supplies, nsk109.0  
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
ENVELOPES3,225.1    except clasp and string-and-button types1,934.4
  Envelopes, commercial, all types and materials3,225.1    Envelopes, commercial, kraft mailing, except clasp and string-and-button types211.7
    Envelopes, commercial, all types and materials2,916.1    Envelopes, commercial, all other types, including padded shipping envelopes668.5
      Envelopes, commercial, clasp and string-and-button types, including mailing101.5  Envelopes, commercial, all types and materials, nsk, total309.0
      Envelopes, commercial, white or colored mailing,   
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
STATIONERY, TABLET, AND RELATED PRODUCTS1,511.6    All other tablets and pads, including columnar117.8
  Stationery359.3    Notebooks, bound with wire (except columnar), staples, thread, or plastics (including composition, memo, and stenographic but excluding case made)282.7
    Stationery342.0    Looseleaf paper fillers, school and commercial types(D)
      Boxed stationery and portfolios57.3    Wrapped ream paper (exclude looseleaf fillers, photographic and photocopy paper, and paper for fax machines)(D)
      Wedding and social announcements, paper, cards, and envelopes228.5    All other tablets, pads, and related products, nec126.1
      All other stationery products, including packaged paper and envelopes, noncommercial56.2    Tablets, pads, and related products, nsk26.6
    Stationery, nsk17.3  Stationery, tablet, and related products, nsk, total120.6
  Tablets, pads, and related products1,031.8  
    Tablets and pads, 8 1/2 in. x 11 in. and 8 1/2 in. x 14 in., except columnar81.2  
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Compensation of employees22.8 General S/L govt. services53.3S/L Govt
Paper mills16.3Manufg.General Federal government services, nondefense11.1Fed Govt
Paperboard mills12.9Manufg.Personal consumption expenditures9.9 
Wholesale trade7.6TradeExports of goods & services6.9Cap Inv
Management of companies & enterprises4.6ServicesPrinting5.9Manufg.
Paperboard containers3.4Manufg.Hotels & motels, including casino hotels4.6Services
Scrap2.7ScrapFood services & drinking places1.9Services
Truck transportation1.6Util.Hospitals1.1Services
Real estate1.5Fin/R.E.Retail trade0.7Trade
Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet1.1Manufg.Stationery products0.6Manufg.
Pulp mills1.1Manufg.Wholesale trade0.5Trade
Adhesives1.0Manufg.Physician, dentist, other health practitioner offices0.4Services
Power generation & supply0.9Util.Management of companies & enterprises0.4Services
Rail transportation0.9Util.General Federal government services, defense0.3Fed Govt
Lessors of nonfinancial assets0.7Fin/R.E.Colleges, universities, & professional schools0.2Services
Advertising & related services0.7ServicesPetroleum refineries0.2Manufg.
Stationery products0.6Manufg.Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.2Fin/R.E.
Semiconductors & related devices0.5Manufg.Religious organizations0.1Services
Architectural, engineering, & related services0.5ServicesNondepository credit intermediation activities0.1Fin/R.E.
Printing inks0.5Manufg.Medical & diagnostic labs & outpatient services0.1Services
Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.5Manufg.   
Food services & drinking places0.4Services   
Machine shops0.4Manufg.   
Data processing, hosting, & related services0.4Services   
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.4Services   
Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.3Fin/R.E.   
Coating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities0.3Manufg.   
Wood containers & pallets0.3Manufg.   
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies0.3    
Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.3Construct.   
Services to buildings & dwellings0.3Services   
Hotels & motels, including casino hotels0.3Services   
Professional, scientific, technical services, nec0.3Services   
Nondepository credit intermediation activities0.2Fin/R.E.   
Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.2Fin/R.E.   
Legal services0.2Services   
Air transportation0.2Util.   
Scientific research & development services0.2Services   
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Sources: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., January 2008. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Warehousing & storage0.2Util.   
Unlaminated plastics profile shapes0.2Manufg.   
Fabric coating mills0.2Manufg.   
Automotive repair & maintenance, ex. car washes0.2Services   
Commercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.1Services   
Employment services0.1Services   
Business support services0.1Services   
Other computer related services, including facilities0.1Services   
Commercial & industrial machinery rental & leasing0.1Fin/R.E.   
Securities, commodity contracts, investments0.1Fin/R.E.   
Fabricated metals, nec0.1Manufg.   
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Sources: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Paper goods machine setters, operators, & tenders20.5-16.1Customer service representatives2.2-7.7
Helpers--Production workers6.1-16.1Cementing & gluing machine operators & tenders1.9-16.1
Industrial truck & tractor operators4.2-24.5Industrial machinery mechanics1.8-3.5
First-line supervisors/managers of production workers4.0-16.1Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks1.8-19.2
Printing machine operators3.9-16.1Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers1.7-20.9
Cutting & slicing machine operators3.7-16.1Coating, painting, & spraying machine operators1.7-20.3
Packers & packagers, hand3.5-32.9General & operations managers1.4-24.5
Team assemblers3.1-16.1Production workers, nec1.1-17.6
Sales reps, wholesale & manufacturing, exc tech2.8-16.1Truck drivers, heavy & tractor-trailer1.1-16.1
Machine feeders & offbearers2.8-24.5Industrial production managers1.0-16.1
Laborers & freight, stock, & material movers, hand2.7-24.5Cutting, punching, & press machine operators1.0-24.5
Maintenance & repair workers, general2.5-16.1   
StateEstablishmentsShipmentsEmploymentCost as % of ShipmentsInvestment per Employee ($)
Total ($ mil)% of U.S.Per Establ.Total Number% of U.S.Per Establ.Wages ($/hour)
New York57372.44.76,533.82,4046.24214.1450.33,941
StateEstablishmentsShipmentsEmploymentCost as % of ShipmentsInvestment per Employee ($)
Total ($ mil)% of U.S.Per Establ.Total Number% of U.S.Per Establ.Wages ($/hour)
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. The states are in descending order of shipments or establishments (if shipment data are missing for the majority). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. States marked with (D) are sorted by number of establishments. A dash (-) indicates that the data element cannot be calculated. Data may not show all states active in the NAICS category. All data available at the time of publication are shown.
North Carolina13232.22.917,862.98112.16211.9560.74,049
New Jersey26218.72.88,412.01,4313.75514.0654.82,277

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