NAICS 445210 - Meat Markets

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NAICS 445210 - Meat Markets

YearEstablishments (number)Employment (number)Payroll ($ million)Sales ($ million)Employees per Establishment (number)Sales per Establishment ($)Payroll per Employee ($)
Sources: Economic Census of the United States, 1997 and 2002. Establishment counts, employment, and payroll are from County Business Patterns for non-Census years. This is a newly defined industry. Data for prior years are unavailable at the time of publication but may become available over time. Values followed by a ‘p’ are projections by the editors. Sales data for non-Census years are extrapolations, marked by an ‘e’.
19986,61538,886564.44,367.5 e5.9660,241.214,514.2
19996,51639,664593.94,388.0 e6.1673,418.014,973.3
20006,51741,010643.34,408.5 e6.3676,459.615,686.4
20016,59941,924695.64,429.0 e6.4671,159.816,591.9
20035,90241,039629.74,470.0 p7.0757,366.115,343.6
20045,98939,747668.84,490.5 p6.6780,828.6 p16,825.2
20055,99739,813708.64,511.0 p6.6804,528.4 p17,798.9
20065,635 p39,689 p705.5 p4,531.5 p7.0 p828,228.1 p17,781.3 p
20075,491 p39,683 p721.7 p4,552.0 p7.1 p851,927.8 p18,192.8 p
20085,347 p39,677 p737.9 p4,572.5 p7.3 p875,627.6 p18,604.2 p
20095,203 p39,671 p754.1 p4,593.0 p7.4 p899,327.3 p19,015.7 p
20105,059 p39,664 p770.3 p4,613.5 p7.5 p923,027.1 p19,427.1 p
YearEstablishments (number)Employment (number)Payroll ($ million)Sales ($ million)Employees per Establishment (number)Sales per Establishment ($)Payroll per Employee ($)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The values shown reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and a value of 100 in the 1990-2001 or 2003-2010 period means same as 2002. Values followed by a ‘p’ are projections by the editors; ‘e’ stands for extrapolation. Data are the most recent available at this level of detail.
1998113.1109.598.598.2 e96.786.890.0
1999111.4111.7103.798.6 e100.088.592.8
2000111.5115.4112.399.1 e103.388.997.3
2001112.9118.0121.499.5 e104.988.2102.9
2003100.9115.5109.9100.5 p114.899.595.1
2004102.4111.9116.7100.9 p108.2102.6 p104.3
2005102.6112.1123.7101.4 p108.2105.7 p110.4
200696.4 p111.7 p123.1 p101.8 p114.8 p108.8 p110.3 p
200793.9 p111.7 p126.0 p102.3 p116.4 p112.0 p112.8 p
200891.4 p111.7 p128.8 p102.8 p119.7 p115.1 p115.4 p
200989.0 p111.7 p131.6 p103.2 p121.3 p118.2 p117.9 p
201086.5 p111.7 p134.5 p103.7 p123.0 p121.3 p120.5 p
For 2002Avg. of All RetailAnalyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All RetailAnalyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All’ column, Wholesale or Retail, represents the average of the sector reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’.
Employees per Establishment17636Sales per Employee174,682125,25372
Payroll per Establishment333,44597,98229Sales per Establishment3,332,269760,98923
Payroll per Employee20,31116,12779Expenses per Establishmentnanana
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 75 Total sales ($ mil): 30,490 Total employment (000): 128.0
Company NameAddressCEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales ($ mil)Empl. (000)
Sources: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2007. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
7-Eleven Inc.2711 N Haskell Ave.DallasTX75204Joseph M. DePinto214-828-7011S13,096*33.7
Whole Foods Market Inc.550 Bowie St.AustinTX78703AC Gallo512-477-4455P6,95252.6
Hickory Farms Inc.PO Box 219MaumeeOH43537John Langdon419-893-7611R1,870*0.2
GNC Corp.300 6th Ave.PittsburghPA15222Robert J DiNicola412-288-4600S1,49012.7
Herbalife International Inc.PO Box 80210Los AngelesCA90080Michael O Johnson310-410-9600S1,337*2.6
Modern Continental Companies600 Memorial Dr.CambridgeMA02139Kenneth Anderson617-864-6300R1,098*4.2
Cost Plus Inc.200 4th St.OaklandCA94607Barry J Feld510-893-7300P1,0406.7
Fresh Market Inc.628 Green Valley RdGreensboroNC27408Ray Berry336-272-1338R506*6.0
Green Valley Acquisition Co.477 E Beaver Ave.State CollegePA16801Henry D Sahakian814-234-6000R241*2.0
Nutraceutical International1400 Kearns Blvd.Park CityUT84060Frank W Gay II435-655-6106P1570.8
Cattleman's Meat Co.1825 Scott St.DetroitMI48207David Rohtbart313-833-2700R137*0.3
Calumet Diversified Meats Inc.10000 80th Ave.Pleasant PrWI53158Lawrence Becker262-947-7200R135*0.1
Team Schierl Cos.PO Box 308Stevens PointWI54481William Schierl715-345-5060R1330.6
Smith, Dale T & Sons Meat PackPO Box 479DraperUT84020Dale Smith801-571-3611R108*0.1
Newport Creamy L.L.C.35 Sockanosset CrssCranstonRI02920Nicholas Janikies401-946-4000R104*0.3
Miller and Holmes Inc.2311 O’Neil Rd.HudsonWI54016Jerry Peterson715-377-1730R103*0.3
Aloe Commodities Intl.1270 Champion Cir.CarrolltonTX75006Scott Knight972-241-4251R96*<0.1
Spec's Family Partner's2410 Smith St.HoustonTX77006John Rydman713-526-8787R80*0.3
Gold Standard Enterprises Inc.5100 W DempsterSkokieIL60077Michael Binstein847-674-4200R78*0.3
American Frozen Foods Inc.155 Hill St.MilfordCT06460Kenneth Cherry203-378-7900R76*0.4
Frontier Equity ExchangePO Box 998GoodlandKS67735Ned Smith785-899-3681R62*<0.1
national Enzyme Co.15366 US Hwy. 160ForsythMO65653Anthony Collier417-546-4796R60*0.1
Boyd Coffee Co.19730 NE SandyPortlandOR97230Richard Boyd503-666-4545R59*0.2
Community Coffee SpecialtyPO Box 791Baton RougeLA70821 225-368-2900R56*<0.1
Excellence Holdings L.L.C.9957 S Jordan Pkwy.SandyUT84070Larry Holman801-542-8900R54*0.1
Barlean's Organic Oils L.L.C.4936 Lake TerrellFerndaleWA98248 360-384-0485R52*<0.1
Magnetic Springs Water Co.PO Box 182076ColumbusOH43218James Allison614-421-1780R48*<0.1
Peoria Packing Ltd.1307 W Lake St.ChicagoIL60607Harry Katsiavelos312-226-2600R45*<0.1
Yoakum Packing Co.PO Box 192YoakumTX77995Glen Kusak361-293-3541R43*<0.1
New Chapter Inc.PO Box 1947BrattleboroVT05302Tom Newmark802-257-0018R43*0.1
Agostino Passananate BrothersPO Box 604BristolPA19007AJ Passanante R42*<0.1
New Stockton Poultry Inc.PO Box 2129StocktonCA95201John Luu209-466-9503R41*<0.1
Glorybee Natural SweetenersPO Box 2744EugeneOR97402 541-689-0913R39*<0.1
Economy Locker Storage Co.324 Worthington Ln.MuncyPA17756Thomas Kubinsky570-546-2241R38*<0.1
Fairway Packing Inc.1313 Erskine St.DetroitMI48207Eugene Baratta313-832-2711R38*<0.1
Diedrich Coffee Inc.28 Executive Pk.IrvineCA92614Stephen V Coffey949-260-1600P370.2
Kewaskum Frozen Foods Inc.PO Box 510KewaskumWI53040Robert Beisbier262-626-2181R35*<0.1
Pocono Springs Co.PO Box 787Mount PoconoPA18344Michael Melnic570-839-2837R34*<0.1
Fresh Start Vitamins1067 E Bedmar St.CarsonCA90746Aubrey Cole310-638-9000R34*<0.1
Kowalski Co's Inc.2270 Holbrook St.DetroitMI48212Michael Kowalski313-873-8200R33*0.1
A To Z Portion Control Meats201 N Main StreetBlufftonOH45817Lee Kagy419-358-2926R32*<0.1
Hyde Slaughter House Inc.24362 Hwy. 190 ERobertLA70455Janice Hyde985-345-5756R32*<0.1
Park Packing Company Inc.4107 S Ashland Ave.ChicagoIL60609Tom Bairaktaris773-254-0100R30*<0.1
HoneyBaked Ham Co. of Ohio11935 M MontgmryCincinnatiOH45249Craig Kurz513-583-9700R30*<0.1
Nueske's Meat Products Inc.203 Genesee St.WittenbergWI54499Robert Nueske715-253-2226R28*0.1
Revolution Tea L.L.C.5120 W BuckeyePhoenixAZ85043 602-393-3737R28*<0.1
Glenwood Smoked Products Inc.4491 N HaroldsenIdaho FallsID83401Clark Scott208-529-9851R27*<0.1
Krusinski, John6300 Heisley Ave.ClevelandOH44105John Krusinski216-441-0100R27*<0.1
AJ Peachey and Sons Inc.72 Barrville Rd.BellevillePA17004Joseph Peachey717-667-2185R27*<0.1
Spring Wissahickon Water Inc.10447 DrummondPhiladelphiaPA19154James Land215-824-3300R27*<0.1
Tony's Seafood Ltd.5215 Plank Rd.Baton RougeLA70805Bill Pizzolato225-357-9669R26*0.2
Masotta Variety and Deli307 Main StreetWoburnMA01801Catino Masotta781-935-2648R26*<0.1
Mishler Packing Company Inc.5680 W 100 NLaGrangeIN46761Paul Mishler260-768-4156R26*<0.1
P and N Packing Inc.RR 2 Box 180WyalusingPA18853Walter Newton570-746-1974R26*<0.1
Blanchard's Seafood Inc.1348 Byu AlexnderSt MartinvilleLA70582Linda Blanchard337-394-6907R25*<0.1
CJL Enterprise Inc.1185 Breaux BridgeBreaux BridgeLA70517Cleus Leblanc337-845-4413R25*<0.1
Schroedl's Brothers Inc.N3705 State Rd. 89JeffersonWI53549Dennis Schroedl920-674-3760R25*<0.1
Canal Fulton Provision Inc.2014 Locust St. SCanal FultonOH44614George Mizarek330-854-3502R24*<0.1
Lee's Sausage Company Inc.1054 Neeses Hwy.OrangeburgSC29115Walter Lee803-534-5517R23*<0.1
Suncrest Farms Country HamsPO Box 634WilkesboroNC28697Randall Gambill336-667-4441R21*<0.1
Manchester Packing Company349 Wetherell St.ManchesterCT06040Robert Bogner860-646-5000R21*<0.1
Deep Creek Custom Packing Inc.PO Box 39229NinilchikAK99639Jeff Berger907-567-3980R20*<0.1
Lewright Meats Inc.108 N Iowa Ave.Eagle GroveIA50533Paul Bubeck515-448-4286R19*<0.1
Standard Process Inc.PO Box 904PalmyraWI53156Charles Du Bois262-495-2122R19*0.2
Kruse Meat Products Inc.2100 Kruse LoopAlexanderAR72002Jeanne Hutchison501-316-2110R16*<0.1
Bay Beyond Inc.29368 Atlantic Dr.MelfaVA23410Pamela Barefoot757-787-3602R15*<0.1
Karl Ehmer Inc.6335 Fresh Pond Rd.RidgewoodNY11385Mark Hanssler718-456-8100R14*<0.1
Cold Hollow Cider Mill Inc.PO Box 420Waterbury CtrVT05677Paul Brown802-244-8771R14*<0.1
Chesapeake Bay Packing L.L.C.800 Terminal Ave.Newport NewsVA23607 757-244-8440R14*<0.1
Bucks County Coffee Co.2250 W Cabot Blvd.LanghornePA19047Rodger Owen215-741-1855R13*0.4
Schaller Manufacturing Corp.2235 46th StreetAstoriaNY11105Ralph Schaller718-721-5480R13*<0.1
La Bella Sausage Inc.PO Box 15609BrooksvilleFL34604George Kurppe352-799-6301R13*<0.1
Race Street Foods Inc.PO Box 28385San JoseCA95159Gino Barsanti408-294-6161R12*0.1
Willow Tree Poultry Farm Inc.997 S Main StreetAttleboroMA02703Chester Cekala508-222-2479R12*0.1
New Aqua L.L.C.7785 E US Hwy. 36AvonIN46123 317-272-3000R11*<0.1
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Sources: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Cashiers, exc gaming17.6-14.4Laborers & freight, stock, & material movers, hand2.7-14.4
Retail salespersons12.5-4.9Packers & packagers, hand2.6-23.9
Food preparation & serving workers, incl fast food7.14.6Meat, poultry, & fish cutters & trimmers2.0-4.9
Food preparation workers5.34.6First-line supervisors/managers of food service workers1.8-4.9
Butchers & meat cutters4.8-4.9Bakers1.5-5.4
Stock clerks & order fillers4.7-20.4Sales reps, wholesale & manufacturing, exc tech1.5-4.9
Counter attendants, cafeteria, concession, & coffee shop4.3-4.9Truck drivers, heavy & tractor-trailer1.4-4.9
First-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers4.2-7.6General & operations managers1.4-14.4
Driver/sales workers3.4-14.4Bookkeeping, accounting, & auditing clerks1.3-4.9
Truck drivers, light or delivery services3.0-4.9Office clerks, general1.2-6.3

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State-level data are not available.

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    NAICS 445210 - Meat Markets