NAICS 333415 - Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment

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NAICS 333415 - Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1997 and 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses, respectively. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
1998 812498120.092.0184.63,844.713.4313,736.511,265.425,007.9630.8
1999 810497124.095.9190.94,043.113.4514,002.212,376.426,220.7822.2
2000 806491127.498.0197.14,267.913.6714,149.912,221.526,294.1798.5
2001 848498118.989.0183.43,950.513.4213,152.511,622.425,025.5748.4
2003 843468104.677.5151.43,775.815.4412,412.012,272.624,535.1376.5
2004 87447099.773.6146.73,708.015.6013,186.612,348.125,451.1701.7
2005 916493102.476.0151.33,942.816.1215,388.513,281.428,612.8540.8
2006 911P476P98.174.9150.64,021.117.1615,494.713,821.329,140.2494.9
2007 925P473P94.6P69.8P138.0P3,904.4P17.20P14,945.6P13,331.5P28,107.5P499.0P
2008 938P471P91.4P67.1P132.3P3,905.6P17.67P15,174.5P13,535.7P28,538.0P478.2P
2009 951P468P88.2P64.4P126.7P3,906.8P18.14P15,403.5P13,739.9P28,968.6P457.4P
2010 965P465P85.0P61.7P121.0P3,908.0P18.61P15,632.4P13,944.1P29,399.2P436.6P
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
1998 911001141171221038811594103139
1999 9110011712212710988118103109181
2000 919812112513111590119102109176
2001 951001121131221068811097104165
2003 9594999910010110110410210283
2004 9894949497100102111103105155
2005 103999797100106106129110118119
2006 102P95P9395100108113130115121109
2007 104P95P89P89P92P105P113P125P111P116P110P
2008 105P94P86P85P88P105P116P127P113P118P105P
2009 107P94P83P82P84P105P119P129P114P120P101P
2010 108P93P80P79P80P105P122P131P116P122P96P
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing’ column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment42119283Value Added per Production Worker182,367153,13284
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1844,183,034255Cost per Establishment5,769,01513,380,899232
Payroll per Employee39,05335,22190Cost per Employee137,446112,66882
Production Workers per Establishment3088299Cost per Production Worker195,506151,70778
Wages per Establishment694,8452,583,933372Shipments per Establishment11,158,34827,152,472243
Wages per Production Worker23,54829,296124Shipments per Employee265,847228,62586
Hours per Production Worker1,9801,92197Shipments per Production Worker378,144307,84381
Wages per Hour11.8915.25128Investment per Establishment361,338509,888141
Value Added per Establishment5,381,32513,506,629251Investment per Employee8,6094,29350
Value Added per Employee128,210113,72789Investment per Production Worker12,2455,78147
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 75 Total sales ($ mil): 198,802 Total employment (000): 746.6
Company NameAddress   CEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales
($ mil)
Source: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
United Technologies Corp.1 Financial Plz.HartfordCT06101Mario Abajo860-728-7000P47,829225.6
Danaher Corp.2099 Penn. AvenueWashingtonDC20006H. Lawrence Culp Jr.202-828-0850P11,02650.0
Carrier Corp.One Carrier Pl.FarmingtonCT06034Geraud Darnis S10,6004.3
API Group Inc.2366 Rose Pl.St. PaulMN55113Lee R. Anderson Sr.651-636-4320R9,0005.0
American Standard Inc.PO Box 6820PiscatawayNJ08855 732-980-3000S7,614*67.0
Trane Inc.PO Box 6820PiscatawayNJ08855 732-980-6000P7,45029.6
Dover Corp.280 Park Ave.New YorkNY10017 212-922-1640P7,22633.4
Trane4 Wood Hollow Rd.PiscatawayNJ08855 973-887-8800S6,02027.1
McDermott International Inc.757 N Eldridge Pky.HoustonTX77079Robert Deason281-870-5011P5,63228.4
Hussmann Corp.12999 St. Chrles RdBridgetonMO63044Dennis Gibson314-291-2000S4,623*8.0
York International Corp.PO Box 1592YorkPA17405 717-771-7890S4,51023.2
PepsiAmericas Inc.4000 Dain RauscherMinneapolisMN55402 612-661-4000P4,48020.7
Marley-Wylain Co.13515 Ballnyn Corp.CharlotteNC28277C. J. Kearney704-752-4400S4,372*23.8
Manitowoc Company Inc.PO Box 66ManitowocWI54221 920-684-4410P4,00510.5
Lennox International Inc.PO Box 799900DallasTX75379Todd M. Bluedorn972-497-5000P3,75015.0
Harsco Corp.PO Box 8888Camp HillPA17001S. D. Fazzolari717-763-7064P3,68821.5
Siemens Power Generation Inc.4400 N Alafaya Trl.OrlandoFL32826Randy Zwirn407-736-2000R3,081*3.0
Amsted Industries Inc.2 Prudential PlazaChicagoIL60601W. Robert Reum312-645-1700R3,0509.9
Cornelius IMI Inc.101 Broadway St. WOsseoMN55369Richard Barkley763-488-8200R2,840*0.3
Baltimore Aircoil Company Inc.PO Box 7322BaltimoreMD21227Steven Duerwachter410-799-6200R2,510*0.2
Consolidated Metco Inc.PO Box 83201PortlandOR97283 503-286-5741R2,510*0.1
Mechanical Construction Inc.1500 Chester Pk.EddystonePA19022Michael J. Hall610-876-9292S2,370*3.3
A.O. Smith Corp.PO Box 245008MilwaukeeWI53224 414-359-4000P2,31216.8
NTK Holdings Inc.50 Kennedy Plz.ProvidenceRI02903Richard L. Bready401-751-1600S2,2189.8
Hutchinson FTS Inc.1835 TechnologyTroyMI48083Paul Campbell248-589-7710R1,863*<0.1
Goodman Global Inc.2550 North Loop WHoustonTX77092Charles A. Carroll713-861-2500S1,7954.9
Engineered Support Systems201 Evans Ln.St. LouisMO63121Nicholas Innerbichler314-553-4000S1,7365.7
Rainin Instrument L.L.C.PO Box 4026WoburnMA01888Kenneth Rainin510-564-1600R1,590*0.1
Formtek Inc.260 N Elm St.WestfieldMA01085John E. Reed413-568-9571S1,530*2.6
Williams Enterprise of Georgia1285 HawthorneSmyrnaGA30080Dale Williams770-436-1596R1,478*0.6
Connell L.P.1 International Pl.BostonMA02110Margot C. Connell617-737-2700R1,429*2.0
Sanden of America Inc.601 Sanden Blvd.WylieTX75098Kazuhiko Arai972-442-8400R1,420*<0.1
Tecumseh Products Co.100 E Patterson St.TecumsehMI49286Edwin Bunker517-423-8411P1,13310.3
Babcock and Wilcox Co.PO Box 351BarbertonOH44203John A. Fees330-753-4511S1,080*10.8
TriMas Corp.39400 WoodwardBloomfield HlsMI48304Grant Beard248-631-5450P1,0685.1
C and D Zodiac Inc.5701 Bolsa Ave.Huntington BchCA92647 714-934-0000R1,045*0.5
EPE Industrial Filters Inc.9250 BloomingtonBloomingtonMN55431William Cook847-381-0860R1,024*1.5
McWane Corp.PO Box 43327BirminghamAL35243G. Ruffner Page, Jr.205-414-3100R944*7.0
Manchester Tank and Equipment1000 Corp Centre DrFranklinTN37067Robert Richard615-370-3833R926*<0.1
Behr Climate Systems Inc.5020 Augusta Dr.Fort WorthTX76106 817-624-7273R885*0.2
McQuay International13600 Indu Prk BlvdMinneapolisMN55441Ho Nyuk Chow763-553-5330S838*5.0
MKS Instruments Inc.90 Industrial WayWilmingtonMA01887Leo Berlinghieri978-284-4000P7833.0
Chart Industries Inc.One Infinity Corp.Garfield HeightOH44125Samuel F. Thomas440-753-1490P6662.8
Enodis Corp.2227 Welbilt Blvd.New Port RicheyFL34655Peter Brooks727-375-7010S650*3.0
Axair Nortec Inc.PO Box 698OgdensburgNY13669URS Schenk315-425-1255R627*<0.1
Standex International Corp.6 Manor Pky.SalemNH03079Roger L. Fix603-893-9701P6215.4
Riley Power Inc.PO Box 15040WorcesterMA01615 508-852-7100R612*0.4
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.PO Box 2727BirminghamAL35202 205-325-7701R596*2.3
NATCO Group Inc.2950 N Loop W, 700HoustonTX77092John U. Clarke713-683-9292P5702.5
Fisher Scientific2000 Park Lane Dr.PittsburghPA15275David Dellapenta412-490-8300S5681.8
Middleby Corp.1400 Toastmaster DrElginIL60120Selim A. Bassoul847-741-3300P5011.7
LSB Industries Inc.16 S Penn. AvenueOklahoma CityOK73107Jack E. Golsen405-235-4546P4921.6
Elkay Manufacturing Co.2222 Camden Ct.Oak BrookIL60523Ronald Katz630-574-8484R470*3.6
Luwa Inc.3901 Westpoint BlvdWinston-SalemNC27103 336-760-3111R448*0.1
Newport Corp.1791 Deere Ave.IrvineCA92606Michael ONeill949-863-3144P4452.0
Liebert Corp.PO Box 29186ColumbusOH43229Robert Bauer614-888-0246S440*5.0
Proliance International Inc.100 Gando Dr.New HavenCT06513Barry R. Banducci203-401-6450P4162.0
Alaskan Copper Co's Inc.PO Box 3546SeattleWA98124Kermit Rosen206-623-5800R392*0.3
Lan-Leasing Inc.6655 Lancer Blvd.San AntonioTX78219Chris Hughes210-310-7000S386*0.7
Nordyne Inc.8000 Phoenix Pkwy.O FallonMO63366David Lagrand636-561-7300S377*1.8
Mestek Inc.260 N Elm St.WestfieldMA01085R. Bruce Dewey413-568-9571R372*2.6
FES Systems Inc.PO Box 2306YorkPA17405Ronald Eberhard717-767-6411R347*0.2
Reddy Ice Holdings Inc.8750 N Central ExpyDallasTX75231William P. Brick214-526-6740P3391.5
Mobile Mini Inc.PO Box 79149PhoenixAZ85062Steven G. Bunger480-894-6311P3182.1
TOPP Portable Air12 Crozerville Rd.AstonPA19014Dan Topp610-459-5515R303*<0.1
Mammoth Inc.101 W 82nd St.ChaskaMN55318David J. Huntley952-361-2711S299*0.4
Maxcess Technologies Inc.230 Deming WaySummervilleSC29483Andy Miarka843-821-1200R291*<0.1
Fedders Corp.PO Box 813Liberty CornerNJ07938Michael Giordano908-604-8686P2792.0
Kirk and Blum Manufacturing3120 Forrer St.CincinnatiOH45209Richard J. Blum513-458-2600S265*0.4
CEI Enterprises Inc.245 Woodward SEAlbuquerqueNM87102 505-842-5556S264*0.1
AAON Inc.2425 S Yukon Ave.TulsaOK74107N H. Asbjornson918-583-2266P2631.4
Southern Heat Exchanger Corp.PO Box 1850TuscaloosaAL35403Bill Laganke205-345-5335R234*0.2
Michigan Automotive Compressor2400 N Dearing Rd.ParmaMI49269Hiroyo Kono517-622-7000R231*0.8
General AtomicsPO Box 85608San DiegoCA92186James Blue858-455-3000R219*1.0
Burnham Holdings Inc.PO Box 3205LancasterPA17604Albert Morrison III717-397-4700P2181.3
MaterialQuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Refrigeration compressors, compressor units, condensing units, and other heat transfer equipment(X)1,915.8
Fractional horsepower electric timing motors (less than 1 hp)(X)313.9
Fractional horsepower electric motors (less than 1 hp), exc. timing motors(X)228.1
Integral horsepower electric motors and generators (1 hp or more)(X)475.7
Fans and blowers(X)180.4
Electrical transmission, distribution, and control equipment(X)347.7
Current-carrying wiring devices(X)149.7
Automatic temperature controls (thermostats, regulators, etc.)(X)267.9
Ball and roller bearings (mounted or unmounted)(X)22.7
Metal bolts, nuts, screws, and other screw machine products(X)186.1
Metal stampings(X)141.5
Metal hardware (inc. hinges, handles, locks, casters, etc.)(X)71.2
Metal pipe, valves, and pipe fittings (excluding forgings)(X)158.2
All other fabricated metal products (excluding forgings)(X)304.2
Iron and steel castings (rough and semifinished)(X)377.6
Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy castings (rough and semifinished)(X)118.6
Other nonferrous metal castings, rough or semifinished (inc. aluminum)(X)22.9
Steel bars, bar shapes, and plates (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)247.4
Steel sheet and strip (including tinplate)(X)667.1
Steel wire and wire products(X)53.5
All other steel shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)123.4
Copper and copper-base alloy pipe and tube (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)495.5
All other copper and copper-base alloy shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)52.1
Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy sheet, plate, foil, and welded tubing(X)285.2
All other aluminum and aluminum-base alloy shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)46.5
Other nonferrous shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabricated metal products)(X)35.2
Paper and paperboard containers (incl. shipping sacks and other paper packaging supplies)(X)146.5
Wooden containers, complete (incl.combination wood and paperboard)(X)43.5
Paints, varnishes, stains, lacquers, shellacs, japans, enamels, etc.(X)44.0
Refrigerant gases and other synthetic organic chemicals(X)68.2
Plastics resins consumed in the form of granules, pellets, etc.(X)78.9
Plastics products consumed in the form of sheets, rods, etc.(X)90.0
Fabricated plastics products (exc. gaskets, hoses, and belting)(X)164.0
Rubber and plastics hose and belting(X)37.1
Gaskets (all types) and asbestos packing(X)45.7
Mineral wool insulation (fibrous glass, rock wool, etc.)(X)65.3
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies(X)1,817.3
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk(X)1,131.5
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
  Heat transfer equipment (except electrically operated dehumidifiers), mechanically refrigerated, self-contained, except motor vehicle mechanical air-conditioning systems4,775.3      Commercial refrigerators and related equipment, nsk21.9
  Commercial refrigerators and related equipment2,740.8  Refrigeration condensing units, all refrigerants, except ammonia (complete)326.2
    Commercial refrigerators and related equipment2,718.9  Room air-conditioners and dehumidifiers, except portable dehumidifiers1,013.3
      Commercial refrigerated sectional coolers and cooling rooms of the prefabricated (factory produced) type, including self-contained and remote units719.7  Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, nec927.8
      Commercial reach-in refrigerators and reach-in verticle display cabinets for normal temperature applications (not intended for frozen foods, ice cream, etc.), incl. self-contained and remote units465.6    Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, nec904.5
      Commercial reach-in refrigerators and reach-in type verticle display cabinets for low temperature application, including self-contained and remote units259.1      Soda fountain refrigeration equipment (cooler box, fountainette, and similar equipment)266.6
      Commercial closed refrigerated display cases, operated at normal temperatures, including self-contained and remote units50.6      Beer dispensing refrigeration equipment7.9
Commercial open, one level, self-service refrigerated display cases, operated at normal temperatures, including self-contained and remote units89.6      Evaporative air coolers125.8
      Commercial open, multilevel, self-service refrigerated display cases, operated at normal temperatures, including self-contained and remote units341.5      Other refrigeration equipment, nec192.2
      Commercial open, self-service refrigerated frozen food display cases, including self-contained and remote units11.5      Other air-conditioning equipment, nec312.0
      Commercial closed, refrigerated frozen food cabinets, other than reach-in type, including self-contained and remote units20.6    Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, nec, nsk23.3
      Other commercial refrigerated display cases operated at low temperatures, including self-contained and remote units58.5  Compressors and compressor units, all refrigerants, except automotives2,412.4
      Commercial mechanical refrigerated drinking water coolers203.7  Warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces and humidifiers, and electric comfort heating equipment1,915.5
      Commercial mechanical refrigerated bottled beverage coolers, dry and wet types, except coin-operated(D)  Parts and accessories for air-conditioning and heat transfer equipment1,697.4
      Commercial mechanical refrigerated bulk beverage dispensers, including malt dispensers and precooler cabinets, except coin-operated(D)    Parts for heat transfer and air-conditioning equipment, nec1,673.0
        Parts for heat transfer equipment, including parts for air- conditioning condensing units652.3
        Parts for unitary air-conditioners191.0
        Parts for commercial refrigeration and related equipment248.0
        Parts for compressors and compressor units222.1
        Parts for condensing units, excluding air-conditioning condensing units3.5
        Parts for dehumidifiers and room air-conditioners13.1
        Other parts for refrigeration equipment, nec73.8
        Other parts for air-conditioning equipment, nec172.5
        Parts for warm air furnaces, including duct furnaces (excluding complete humidifiers)96.8
      Parts and accessories for air-conditioning and heat transfer equipment, nsk24.4
    Unitary air-conditioners, except air source heat pumps5,403.8
    Air source heat pumps, except room air-conditioners1,150.8
    Ground and ground water source heat pumps127.8
    Air-conditioning and warm air heating equipment and commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment, nsk, total787.8
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Compensation of employees22.0 Private fixed investment18.6 
AC, refrigeration, and warm air heating equipment8.4Manufg.Exports of goods & services13.3Cap Inv
Wholesale trade6.6TradeResidential permanent site structures7.8Construct.
Motors & generators4.3Manufg.AC, refrigeration, and warm air heating equipment7.3Manufg.
Iron & steel mills & ferroalloys4.1Manufg.Commercial & health care structures5.8Construct.
Management of companies & enterprises3.8ServicesResidential structures, nec5.1Construct.
Copper rolling, drawing, extruding, & alloying2.1Manufg.Owner-occupied dwellings4.5 
Ferrous metal foundries1.5Manufg.Nonresidential structures, nec4.2Construct.
Aluminum products from purchased aluminum1.4Manufg.Personal consumption expenditures3.9 
Automatic environmental controls1.3Manufg.Pipeline transportation3.6Util.
Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces)1.2Manufg.Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures2.5Construct.
Plastics products, nec1.1Manufg.General S/L govt. services2.2S/L Govt
Truck transportation0.9Util.Food services & drinking places1.4Services
Relay & industrial controls0.9Manufg.Household refrigerators & home freezers1.2Manufg.
Air purification & ventilation equipment0.9Manufg.Maintenance/repair of residential structures1.2Construct.
Advertising & related services0.8ServicesWholesale trade1.0Trade
Crowns & closures & metal stamping0.7Manufg.Federal government, investment, national defense1.0Fed Govt
Machine shops0.7Manufg.Light truck & utility vehicles0.9Manufg.
Valve & fittings other than plumbing0.7Manufg.Other S/L govt. enterprises0.9S/L Govt
Turned products & screws, nuts, & bolts0.7Manufg.Heavy duty trucks0.9Manufg.
Wiring devices0.7Manufg.Retail trade0.7Trade
Nonferrous metal foundries0.7Manufg.S/L govt. invest., education0.6S/L Govt
Paperboard containers0.6Manufg.Automobiles0.6Manufg.
Power boilers & heat exchangers0.6Manufg.Travel trailers & campers0.6Manufg.
Securities, commodity contracts, investments0.5Fin/R.E.Motor homes0.5Manufg.
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Source: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., January 2008. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Power generation & supply0.5Util.Vending, commercial, industrial, office machinery0.5Manufg.
Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.5Construct.Colleges, universities, & professional schools0.5Services
Semiconductors & related devices0.5Manufg.Oil & gas extraction0.5Mining
Plate work & fabricated structural products0.5Manufg.Urethane & other foam products (except polystrene)0.4Manufg.
Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet0.5Manufg.Manufactured homes & mobile homes0.4Manufg.
Real estate0.5Fin/R.E.Canned & dehydrated fruits & vegetables0.4Manufg.
Lessors of nonfinancial assets0.5Fin/R.E.Cable & other subscription programming0.4Services
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies0.4 Motor vehicle parts0.4Manufg.
Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.4Manufg.Computer system design services0.3Services
Services to buildings & dwellings0.4ServicesCommercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.3Services
Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.4Fin/R.E.Civic, social, & professional organizations0.3Services
Gaskets, packing, & sealing devices0.4Manufg.Hospitals0.3Services
Hardware0.3Manufg.Truck trailers0.2Manufg.
Mineral wool0.3Manufg.Wood windows & doors & millwork0.2Manufg.
Plastics materials & resins0.3Manufg.Chemical products & preparations, nec0.2Manufg.
Professional, scientific, technical services, nec0.3ServicesWaste management & remediation services0.2Services
Coating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities0.3Manufg.Manufacturing structures0.2Construct.
Automotive repair & maintenance, ex. car washes0.3ServicesData processing, hosting, & related services0.2Services
Basic organic chemicals, nec0.3Manufg.Tobacco products0.2Manufg.
Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.3Fin/R.E.Telecommunications0.1Services
Legal services0.3ServicesReal estate0.1Fin/R.E.
Telecommunications0.3ServicesPlastics products, nec0.1Manufg.
Commercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.3ServicesS/L govt. invest., other0.1S/L Govt
Noncomparable imports0.3ForeignAir purification & ventilation equipment0.1Manufg.
Primary smelting & refining of copper0.3Manufg.Nursing & residential care facilities0.1Services
Wood containers & pallets0.2Manufg.Prefabricated wood buildings0.1Manufg.
Food services & drinking places0.2ServicesGeneral Federal government services, nondefense0.1Fed Govt
Cutting tools & machine tool accessories0.2Manufg.   
Retail trade0.2Trade   
Data processing, hosting, & related services0.2Services   
Scientific research & development services0.2Services   
Electronic components, nec0.2Manufg.   
Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.2Services   
Steel products from purchased steel0.2Manufg.   
Warehousing & storage0.2Util.   
Paints & coatings0.2Manufg.   
Ball & roller bearings0.2Manufg.   
Rubber & plastics hose & belting0.2Manufg.   
Air transportation0.2Util.   
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.2Services   
Abrasive products0.2Manufg.   
Hotels & motels, including casino hotels0.2Services   
Communication & energy wires & cables0.2Manufg.   
Nonferrous metal (ex. copper & aluminum) processing0.1Manufg.   
Commercial & industrial machinery rental & leasing0.1Fin/R.E.   
Natural gas distribution0.1Util.   
Fabricated pipes & pipe fittings0.1Manufg.   
Electronic capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers0.1Manufg.   
Motor vehicle parts0.1Manufg.   
Chemical products & preparations, nec0.1Manufg.   
Rail transportation0.1Util.   
Fabricated metals, nec0.1Manufg.   
Metal cans, boxes, & other containers (light gauge)0.1Manufg.   
Other computer related services, including facilities0.1Services   
Forging, stamping, & sintering, nec0.1Manufg.   
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Source: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Team assemblers19.2-8.0Machinists1.6-3.4
Welders, cutters, solderers, & brazers6.1-2.1Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks1.5-11.5
Cutting, punching, & press machine operators5.0-17.2Heating, AC, & refrigeration mechanics & installers1.4-8.0
Sheet metal workers3.4-9.8Mechanical engineers1.4-8.0
First-line supervisors/managers of production workers3.1-8.0Maintenance & repair workers, general1.3-8.0
Helpers--Production workers2.9-8.0Sales reps, wholesale & manufacturing, exc tech1.3-8.0
Assemblers & fabricators, nec2.7-17.2Welding, soldering, & brazing machine operators1.33.4
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers2.3-13.3Electrical & electronic equipment assemblers1.2-26.4
Laborers & freight, stock, & material movers, hand2.2-17.2Production, planning, & expediting clerks1.1-8.0
Industrial truck & tractor operators2.1-17.2Coating, painting, & spraying machine operators1.1-12.6
Structural metal fabricators & fitters2.0-8.0Customer service representatives1.11.2
Multiple machine tool operators & tenders1.91.2General & operations managers1.1-17.2
StateEstablishmentsShipmentsEmploymentCost as % of ShipmentsInvestment per Employee
Total ($ mil)% of U.S.Per Establ.Total Number% of U.S.Per Establ.Wages ($/hour)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The states are in descending order of shipments or establishments (if shipment data are missing for the majority). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. States marked with (D) are sorted by number of establishments. A dash (-) indicates that the data element cannot be calculated. Data may not show all states active in the NAICS category. All data available at the time of publication are shown.
New York471,109.44.623,605.34,2004.08916.8855.92,284
New Jersey18637.52.635,416.72,6242.514613.9651.43,823
North Carolina23620.92.626,995.02,3432.210213.8755.43,442
New Hampshire623.90.13,976.72350.23915.3432.02,328

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NAICS 333415 - Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment

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    NAICS 333415 - Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment