NAICS 334113 - Computer Terminal Manufacturing

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NAICS 334113 - Computer Terminal Manufacturing

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1992, 1997, 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses respectively, reported in the Federal Government's NAICS format. Other years were originally reported in equivalent SIC format. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
1991 1547011.75.210.3386.111.991,429.5865.02,326.542.4
1993 177617.93.56.8307.212.25807.8615.81,435.029.3
1994 169676.62.75.2260.412.85894.7516.21,427.541.7
1995 157597.33.26.0284.413.431,001.5522.11,498.754.0
1996 148575.82.75.5221.412.51590.8352.4938.626.0
1998 154395.22.25.0218.214.83651.3444.51,096.230.7
1999 134344.42.24.4183.714.76544.6388.8941.267.4
2000 132343.31.53.1149.616.83410.7390.3808.259.3
2001 133414.41.72.8167.516.97503.9498.2988.037.1
2003 70252.00.91.793.916.82151.2188.0350.713.6
2004 62201.60.71.376.018.48121.5151.5275.05.7
2005 52141.
2006 58P11P1.10.50.960.618.1673.6132.6203.84.1
2007 49P6P   14.0P19.05P   10.4P
2008 40P2P    19.50P   7.9P
2009 31P     19.96P   5.4P
2010 22P     20.42P   2.8P
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
2001 187241244189165208105336228267247
2003 99147111100100117104101869591
2004 871188978769411481697438
2005 73826756597811254595829
2006 81P62P6156537511249615527
2007 68P38P   17P118P   69P
2008 56P14P    120P   53P
2009 43P     123P   36P
2010 30P     126P   19P
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing’ column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment422560Value Added per Production Worker182,367242,556133
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1841,133,80369Cost per Establishment5,769,0152,109,85937
Payroll per Employee39,05344,722115Cost per Employee137,44683,22261
Production Workers per Establishment301343Cost per Production Worker195,506166,44485
Wages per Establishment694,845388,12756Shipments per Establishment11,158,3485,214,08547
Wages per Production Worker23,54830,619130Shipments per Employee265,847205,66777
Hours per Production Worker1,9801,88995Shipments per Production Worker378,144411,333109
Wages per Hour11.8916.21136Investment per Establishment361,338211,26858
Value Added per Establishment5,381,3253,074,64857Investment per Employee8,6098,33397
Value Added per Employee128,210121,27895Investment per Production Worker12,24516,667136
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 75 Total sales ($ mil): 129,018 Total employment (000): 406.8
Company NameAddress   CEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales ($ mil)Empl. (000)
Source: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
International Bus. Machines1 New Orchard Rd.ArmonkNY10504 914-499-1900P98,786329.4
Sun Microsystems Inc.4150 Network Cir.Santa ClaraCA95054 650-960-1300P13,87334.2
SYNNEX Corp.44201 Nobel Dr.FremontCA94538 510-656-3333P7,0046.1
Unisys Corp.Unisys WayBlue BellPA19424 215-986-4011P5,65330.0
Palm Inc.950 W Maude Ave.SunnyvaleCA94085Eric Benhamou408-617-7000P1,5611.2
Marquardt Switches Inc.2711 US Rte. 20CazenoviaNY13035Michael Beckett315-655-8050R338*0.2
Wyse Technology Inc.3471 N First St.San JoseCA95134Tarkan Maner408-473-1200R221*0.9
Smartronix Inc.22685 Three NotchCaliforniaMD20619M. Arshed Javaid301-737-2800R221*0.4
KDS USA7373 Hunt Ave.Garden GroveCA92841John Hui714-379-5599R192*0.1
Optimus Solutions Inc.22 Technology ParkNorcrossGA30092Mark Metz770-447-1951R1220.3
Princeton Digital (USA) Corp.3300 Irvine Ave.Newport BeachCA92660Si-Chung Chang949-777-3379R111*0.2
Interstate Electronics Corp.PO Box 3117AnaheimCA92803Robert Huffman714-758-0500S90*0.6
Grayhill Inc.PO Box 10373La GrangeIL60525Gene Hill708-354-1040R56*0.5
Aydin Displays Inc.1 Riga Ln.BirdsboroPA19508 610-404-7400S43*<0.1
Advanced Programs Inc.7125 Riverwood Dr.ColumbiaMD21046Steve Rice410-312-5800R42*<0.1
Follett Software Co.1391 Corporate Dr.McHenryIL60050Tom Schenk815-344-8700S39*0.3
Crystal Group Inc.850 Kacena Rd.HiawathaIA52233 319-378-1636R36*<0.1
Rorke Data Inc.9700 W 76th St.Eden PrairieMN55344 952-829-0300S30*<0.1
Two Technologies Inc.419 Sargon Way, AHorshamPA19044 215-441-5305R30*<0.1
Ind. Electronic Engineers7740 Lemona Ave.Van NuysCA91405Donald Gumpertz818-787-0311R29*0.1
Electronic Monitoring Systems30201 AventuraR St MargaritaCA92688Fiona Walters949-635-1600R27*0.1
Ultimate Technology Corp.100 Rawson Rd.VictorNY14564 585-924-9500R26*0.1
Linx Data Terminals Inc.625 Digital Dr.PlanoTX75075Marvin Kline972-964-7090R26*<0.1
Kristel L.P.555 Kirk Rd.Saint CharlesIL60174 630-443-1290R26*0.1
Global Data Granite Communic.13 Columbia Dr.AmherstNH03031Robert St603-881-8666R22*<0.1
Milwaukee P.C. Incorporated6013 W BluemoundMilwaukeeWI53213Jim Petr414-258-2275R15*<0.1
Annapolis Micro Systems Inc.190 Adm CochranAnnapolisMD21401Jane Donaldson410-841-2514R14*<0.1
Electronic Systems Services22515 Gateway Ctr.ClarksburgMD20871Bill Kisse301-944-2300R14*0.1
Ezenia! Inc.14 Celina Ave., 17NashuaNH03063 781-505-2100P13<0.1
Duratab Corp.PO Box 2187AbingtonMA02351Mark Burns508-944-3818R13*<0.1
Verity Instruments Inc.2901 Eisenhower St.CarrolltonTX75007Mike Whelan972-446-9990R13*<0.1
Acroprint Time Recorder Co.5640 Departure Dr.RaleighNC27616Glenn Robbins919-872-5800R13*0.1
MCF Industries Inc.39 1st StreetLowellMA01850Richard Mailloux978-459-0127R13*<0.1
New England Keyboard Inc.1 Princeton Rd.FitchburgMA01420David Myers978-345-8332R13*<0.1
Transparent Products Inc.28064 Ave. StanfordValenciaCA91355 661-294-9787R13*<0.1
Quadrant Components Inc.4378 Enterprise St.FremontCA94538Chad Yau510-656-9988R12*<0.1
Universal Display Corp.375 Phillips Blvd.EwingNJ08618Steven V. Abramson609-671-0980P12<0.1
Giraffics115 S State St.LindonUT84042Leonard Lee801-785-5000R12*0.1
GraphOn Corp.5400 Soquel Ave.Santa CruzCA95062Robert P. Dilworth603-225-3525P12<0.1
Peripheral Systems Inc.257 W 2950 SSalt Lake CityUT84115 801-474-2214R11*<0.1
Telco Intercontinental Corp.9812 Whithorn Dr.HoustonTX77095Frank Liang281-855-2218R11*<0.1
Teledata Communications Inc.100 Engineers Rd.HauppaugeNY11788George Nagrodsky631-231-6700R10*<0.1
Digitron Electronics7801 E TelegraphMontebelloCA90640 323-887-0777R10*<0.1
Elec-Tron Inc.2050 E Northern St.WichitaKS67216Rose Rohleder316-522-3401R9*<0.1
CSI Keyboards Inc.56 Pulaski St., 1PeabodyMA01960Peter Castner978-532-8181R9*<0.1
AB Electronics Inc.61 Commerce Dr.BrookfieldCT06804Armando Bernardo203-740-2793R9*<0.1
Behemoth Corp.202 Reynolds Ave.League CityTX77573Luanne Edelman281-332-4798R9*<0.1
Jupiter Systems31015 HuntwoodHaywardCA94544 510-675-1000R9*<0.1
Westrex International25 Denby Rd.BostonMA02134Dom Emello617-254-1200R8*<0.1
Tate Technology Inc.3102 E Trent Ave.SpokaneWA99202Lee Tate509-534-2500R8*<0.1
Continuum Technology Corp.220 Continuum Dr.FletcherNC28732Stephen Hafer828-684-8682S7*<0.1
Bartizan Data Systems L.L.C.217 Riverdale Ave.YonkersNY10705Lew Hoff914-965-7977R7*<0.1
Martech Computers5235 Cottage FrmAlpharettaGA30022Marvin Tedjamulia770-418-0101R7*<0.1
N American Technology Exchg.PO Box 7510BroomfieldCO80021Wade Luther303-443-1984R7*<0.1
All Technics Products Inc.216 Gates Rd.Little FerryNJ07643David Wu201-440-2225R6*<0.1
Nortech Engineering Inc.15 Commerce WayNortonMA02766Bob Davis508-285-7831R6*<0.1
Comark Corp.93 West St.MedfieldMA02052Steve Schott508-359-8161R6*<0.1
Dynasys Technologies Inc.800 Belleair Rd.ClearwaterFL33756Bob Scher727-443-6600R6*<0.1
Megadata Corp.47 Arch StreetGreenwichCT06830James T. Barry631-589-6800P6<0.1
OCP Group Inc.7130 Engineer Rd.San DiegoCA92111Neil Gleason858-279-7400R6*<0.1
SGB Enterprises Inc.25327 Ave. StanfordSanta ClaritaCA91355William Blowers661-294-8306R6*<0.1
Marco Manufacturing Company1701 15 S 26th St.PhiladelphiaPA19145Anthony Simiriglio215-463-2332R5*<0.1
Computerwise Inc.302 N WinchesterOlatheKS66062 913-829-0600R5*<0.1
Genovation Inc.17741 Mitchell NIrvineCA92614Max Rahim949-833-3355R5*<0.1
Pixelink Corp.753 Forest St., 100MarlboroughMA01752John Bowab978-562-4803S5*<0.1
Portable Warehouse Corp.4430 E MiralomaAnaheimCA92807Kenny Le714-701-1830R5*<0.1
Custom Board Design Ltd.609 Rte. 109West BabylonNY11704Tony Marasco631-884-2700R5*<0.1
Modular Industrial Solutions1729 Little OrchardSan JoseCA95125William Carey408-971-0910R5*<0.1
3b Technologies Corp.5475 Peoria St.DenverCO80239Wen Liu303-373-5718R4*<0.1
Ind. Data Entry Automation Sys27 Fennell St.SkaneatelesNY13152John Hattersley315-685-8311R4*<0.1
Comcept Solutions L.L.C.13770 58th St. NClearwaterFL33760 727-497-1757R4*<0.1
Westport Research Associates7001 Blue RidgeKansas CityMO64133Don Cartner816-358-8990R4*<0.1
CECORP8 ChryslerIrvineCA92618Alex Hagen949-583-0792R4*<0.1
Esprit Systems Inc.6723 Mowry Ave.NewarkCA94560Jason Barnes510-438-3500R4*<0.1
Technology Alternatives Corp.1950 NE 208 Ter.MiamiFL33179Lincoln Russin305-933-2026R4*<0.1
MaterialQuantityDelivered Cost ($ million)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Cathode ray tubes (CRT) (excluding X-ray)(X)(D)
Printed ciruit boards (without inserted components) for electronic circuitry(X)0.5
Printed memory boards for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Printed peripheral controllers for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Printed computer processors for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Printed communication boards for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Other printed circuit boards for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Semiconductors (incl. transistors, diodes, rectifiers, and integrated circuits), for electronic circuitry(X)6.9
Capacitors for electronic circuitry(X)3.9
Resistors for electronic circuitry(X)0.3
Connectors for electronic circuitry(X)2.3
Battery packs for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Other power supply units for electronic circuitry(X)0.3
Other components and accessories, for electronic circuitry (coils, transformers, etc.), excluding tubes(X)(D)
Electrical transmission, distribution, and control equipment(X)(D)
Steel, aluminum, and other metal electronic enclosures(X)0.4
Plastics electronic enclosures(X)(D)
Sheet metal products, including stampings (exc. enclosures)(X)4.0
Castings, rough and semifinished(X)(D)
Insulated copper wire and cable (including magnet wire)(X)(D)
Fabricated plastics products (excluding enclosures)(X)0.2
Purchased software(X)(D)
Appliance outlets and other current-carrying wiring devices(X)(D)
Paper and paperboard products (incl. paperboard boxes, etc.)(X)0.4
Purchased computers(X)(D)
Purchased peripheral storage devices(X)(D)
Purchased computer terminals(X)(D)
Purchased peripheral input devices (including keyboards, mouse devices, track balls, etc.)(X)0.6
Purchased peripheral printers(X)(D)
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies(X)84.4
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk(X)18.8
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
COMPUTER TERMINALS348.3  Parts, attachments, and accessories for computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and funds-transfer devices)54.8
  Computer terminals (excluding point-of-sale and funds-transfer devices, parts, attachments, and accessories)258.9  Computer terminals, nsk, total34.6
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Compensation of employees27.0 Private fixed investment35.1 
Wholesale trade10.2TradePersonal consumption expenditures14.3 
Management of companies & enterprises8.9ServicesExports of goods & services12.1Cap Inv
Software publishers5.7ServicesElectronic computers4.6Manufg.
Forging, stamping, & sintering, nec4.1Manufg.Management of companies & enterprises4.0Services
Semiconductors & related devices3.4Manufg.General S/L govt. services2.8S/L Govt
Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)2.9Manufg.Nondepository credit intermediation activities2.6Fin/R.E.
Computer terminals & peripherals2.7Manufg.Telecommunications1.9Services
Scientific research & development services2.4ServicesS/L govt. invest., other1.6S/L Govt
Noncomparable imports2.2ForeignS/L govt. invest., education1.6S/L Govt
Plastics products, nec1.5Manufg.Retail trade1.1Trade
Advertising & related services1.4ServicesComputer terminals & peripherals0.9Manufg.
Unlaminated plastics profile shapes1.3Manufg.Change in private inventories0.7In House
Real estate1.0Fin/R.E.Physician, dentist, other health practitioner offices0.7Services
Telecommunications0.9ServicesLegal services0.7Services
Lessors of nonfinancial assets0.8Fin/R.E.Irradiation apparatus0.7Manufg.
Ornamental & architectural metal products0.7Manufg.Federal government, investment, national defense0.7Fed Govt
Truck transportation0.7Util.Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.6Fin/R.E.
Plastics pipe & pipe fittings0.6Manufg.Federal government, investment, nondefense0.6Fed Govt
Legal services0.6ServicesLight truck & utility vehicles0.6Manufg.
Electronic computers0.5Manufg.Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.5Services
Electronic connectors0.5Manufg.Search, detection, & navigation instruments0.4Manufg.
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Source: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C., January 2008. User should note that this Input-Output table is not for this particular narrowly defined industry but for a larger aggregate. Input and Output data for Computer Terminals & Other Computer Peripherals include Input and Output data for the Annual Survey of Manufactures’ NAICS industries 334113 and 334119. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Motors & generators0.5Manufg.Computer storage devices0.4Manufg.
Switchgear & switchboard apparatus0.5Manufg.Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.4Services
Power generation & supply0.5Util.Automobiles0.4Manufg.
Relay & industrial controls0.5Manufg.Architectural, engineering, & related services0.4Services
Wiring devices0.5Manufg.General Federal government services, nondefense0.3Fed Govt
Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.4ServicesSecurities, commodity contracts, investments0.3Fin/R.E.
Crowns & closures & metal stamping0.4Manufg.Truck transportation0.3Util.
Electronic capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers0.4Manufg.Newspaper publishers0.3Services
Nonferrous metal (ex. copper & aluminum) processing0.4Manufg.Other computer related services, including facilities0.3Services
Petroleum refineries0.4Manufg.Other S/L govt. enterprises0.2S/L Govt
Other computer related services, including facilities0.4ServicesProfessional, scientific, technical services, nec0.2Services
Wood kitchen cabinets & countertops0.4Manufg.Elementary & secondary schools0.2Services
Bare printed circuit boards0.4Manufg.Printing0.2Manufg.
Hardware0.4Manufg.General Federal government services, defense0.2Fed Govt
Concrete pipe, brick, & block0.4Manufg.Scientific research & development services0.2Services
Concrete products, nec0.4Manufg.Hotels & motels, including casino hotels0.2Services
Sawmills & wood preservation0.3Manufg.Advertising & related services0.2Services
Pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures0.3Manufg.Employment services0.2Services
Wood windows & doors & millwork0.3Manufg.Nursing & residential care facilities0.2Services
Data processing, hosting, & related services0.3ServicesOwner-occupied dwellings0.2 
Electron tubes0.3Manufg.Telephone apparatus0.2Manufg.
Machine shops0.3Manufg.Computer system design services0.2Services
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies0.3 Broadcast & wireless communications equipment0.2Manufg.
Brick, tile & other structural clay products0.3Manufg.Urethane & other foam products (except polystrene)0.2Manufg.
Plumbing fixture fittings & trim0.3Manufg.Data processing, hosting, & related services0.1Services
Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.3Fin/R.E.Colleges, universities, & professional schools0.1Services
Warehousing & storage0.3Util.Business support services0.1Services
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.3ServicesServices to buildings & dwellings0.1Services
Paperboard containers0.3Manufg.Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.1Manufg.
Communication & energy wires & cables0.3Manufg.Periodical publishers0.1Services
Fabricated metals, nec0.2Manufg.Petroleum refineries0.1Manufg.
Coating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities0.2Manufg.Analytical laboratory instruments0.1Manufg.
Securities, commodity contracts, investments0.2Fin/R.E.Watches, clocks, & related devices0.1Manufg.
Electronic components, nec0.2Manufg.Custom computer programming services0.1Services
Computer system design services0.2ServicesOffice administrative services0.1Services
Natural gas distribution0.2Util.   
Electrical equipment & components, nec0.2Manufg.   
Computer storage devices0.2Manufg.   
Iron & steel mills & ferroalloys0.2Manufg.   
Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.2Construct.   
Commercial & industrial machinery rental & leasing0.1Fin/R.E.   
Services to buildings & dwellings0.1Services   
Chemical products & preparations, nec0.1Manufg.   
Paperboard mills0.1Manufg.   
Employment services0.1Services   
Turned products & screws, nuts, & bolts0.1Manufg.   
Retail trade0.1Trade   
Business support services0.1Services   
Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet0.1Manufg.   
Motor vehicle parts0.1Manufg.   
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Source: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Computer software engineers, systems software10.1-28.0Computer & information systems managers1.5-34.5
Electrical & electronic equipment assemblers7.4-47.6Financial analysts1.4-28.0
Computer hardware engineers6.5-28.0Purchasing agents, exc wholesale, retail, & farm1.4-34.5
Computer software engineers, applications5.5-21.4Engineers, nec1.3-34.5
Sales representatives, wholesale & manufacturing, tech2.5-34.5Computer programmers1.3-47.6
Computer support specialists2.4-34.5Accountants & auditors1.3-34.5
Computer systems analysts2.4-28.0Executive secretaries & administrative assistants1.3-34.5
Engineering managers2.3-34.5Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers1.3-38.3
Electrical & electronic engineering technicians2.3-34.5Electrical engineers1.2-34.5
Business operation specialists, nec2.1-28.0Team assemblers1.2-34.5
Industrial engineers1.8-20.5Logisticians1.1-28.0
Marketing managers1.7-34.5General & operations managers1.1-41.1
Office clerks, general1.6-35.5Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks1.1-37.0
Market research analysts1.6-34.5Production, planning, & expediting clerks1.0-34.5
Electronics engineers, exc computer1.5-34.5   


State-level data are not available.

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NAICS 334113 - Computer Terminal Manufacturing

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    NAICS 334113 - Computer Terminal Manufacturing