NAICS 334414 - Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing

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NAICS 334414 - Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1992, 1997, 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from the Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses respectively, reported in the Federal Government's NAICS format. Other years were originally reported in equivalent SIC format. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
1991 1259418.513.527.2417.88.82618.6926.31,546.157.1
1993 1158118.713.727.9438.79.37788.2979.01,762.863.9
1994 1157718.814.229.4474.29.99879.81,002.31,871.978.5
1995 1177821.216.834.7514.39.381,047.61,333.82,346.0156.6
1996 1207518.414.228.3472.19.57984.61,004.81,977.9212.3
1998 1258118.212.725.0510.410.911,033.11,239.52,265.6158.7
1999 1287816.211.122.3482.011.751,088.81,258.22,361.1122.0
2000 1207917.912.924.9576.512.361,533.01,919.43,385.9281.5
2001 1198015.510.820.6518.312.801,101.3979.82,130.3144.1
2003 95569.06.313.3323.013.43625.4648.31,291.853.8
2004 94528.15.611.3305.513.90618.9639.31,251.356.0
2005 87477.85.110.2303.513.98482.8680.71,179.136.6
2006 98P54P7.44.79.8302.614.04442.6740.01,178.642.5
2007 97P51P7.8P4.9P9.7P353.1P14.72P599.7P1,002.6P1,596.9P98.5P
2008 95P49P6.9P4.2P8.3P343.5P15.11P586.6P980.8P1,562.1P97.0P
2009 93P47P6.0P3.5P6.8P333.8P15.49P573.5P958.9P1,527.3P95.5P
2010 91P44P5.2P2.8P5.4P324.1P15.88P560.5P937.1P1,492.5P94.0P
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P's show projections by the editors.
2001 114133142144139135102131136131115
2003 91938384908410774907943
2004 90877475768011174897745
2005 84787268697911257947229
2006 95P90P68636679112531037234
2007 93P86P72P65P66P92P117P71P139P98P79P
2008 91P82P63P56P56P90P121P70P136P96P78P
2009 89P78P55P47P46P87P124P68P133P94P76P
2010 87P74P48P37P36P85P127P67P130P92P75P
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing’ column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relationship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment42105250Value Added per Production Worker182,36796,06753
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1843,687,500225Cost per Establishment5,769,0158,085,577140
Payroll per Employee39,05335,18390Cost per Employee137,44677,14756
Production Workers per Establishment3072244Cost per Production Worker195,506112,12057
Wages per Establishment694,8451,783,115257Shipments per Establishment11,158,34815,655,769140
Wages per Production Worker23,54824,726105Shipments per Employee265,847149,37656
Hours per Production Worker1,9801,973100Shipments per Production Worker378,144217,09357
Wages per Hour11.8912.53105Investment per Establishment361,3381,202,885333
Value Added per Establishment5,381,3256,927,885129Investment per Employee8,60911,477133
Value Added per Employee128,21066,10152Investment per Production Worker12,24516,680136
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 71 Total sales ($ mil): 11,162 Total employment (000): 82.0
Company NameAddress   CEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales ($ mil)Empl. (000)
Source: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
Vishay Vitramon Inc.One Greenwich PlaceSheltonCT06484Gerald Paul402-563-6866P4,99527.9
Vishay Intertechnology Inc.PO Box 4004MalvernPA19355Gerald Paul610-644-1300P2,83327.9
AVX Corp.PO Box 867Myrtle BeachSC29578John S. Gilbertson843-448-9411P1,33313.0
KEMET Corp.PO Box 5928.GreenvilleSC29606 864-963-6300P6599.1
United Chemi-Con Inc.9801 W Higgins Rd.RosemontIL60018 847-696-2000R510*<0.1
Murata Electronics N America2200 Lake Park Dr.SmyrnaGA30080Hiroshi Jozuka770-436-1300R175*0.2
Micro Dynamics Corp.6201 Bury Dr.Eden PrairieMN55346Michael Brown952-941-8071R63*<0.1
Johanson Technology Inc.PO Box 923697SylmarCA91392Eric Johanson818-364-9800R60*0.3
Novacap Inc.25136 Anza Dr.ValenciaCA91355 661-295-5920S510.5
Beckwith Electric Company Inc.6190-118th Ave. NLargoFL33773Bob Beckwith727-544-2326R41*0.1
Elpac Electronics Inc.1562 Reynolds Ave.IrvineCA92614 949-476-6070R29*0.2
TDK Corporation of America1600 Feehanville DrMount ProspectIL60056Frank Avant847-803-6100S24*0.2
Electrocube Inc.PO Box 889MonroviaCA91017Clay Parrill626-301-0122R24<0.1
Cornell-Dubilier Electronics140 Technology Pl.LibertySC29657James Kaplan864-843-2626R22*<0.1
Steinerfilm Inc.987 Simonds Rd.WilliamstownMA01267Else Steiner413-458-9525R21*0.2
Nemco Electronics Corp.675 Mariners IslandSan MateoCA94404John Nolan650-571-1234R20*0.2
Vertical Circuits Inc.10 Victor Sq., 100Scotts ValleyCA95066Sunil Kaul831-438-3887R19*<0.1
Presidio Components Inc.PO Box 81576San DiegoCA92138Violet Devoe858-578-9390R16*0.1
ASC Capacitors301 W O StreetOgallalaNE69153 308-284-3611S15*0.2
Johanson Manufacturing Corp.301 Rockaway VlyBoontonNJ07005Nancy Johanson973-334-2676R14*0.1
ASJ Components Inc.451 E PatagoniaNogalesAZ85621 520-287-4731R14*<0.1
General Assembly Corp.140 Indu. Park WayWest JeffersonNC28694Tom Lane336-246-5143R13*<0.1
AVX Tantalum Corp.401 Hill St.BiddefordME04005 207-282-5111S12*0.1
Dearborn Electronics Inc.1221 N US Hwy 17LongwoodFL32750 407-695-6562R12*<0.1
Tusonix Inc.PO Box 37144TucsonAZ85740 520-744-0400S12*<0.1
Mpulse Microwave Inc.576 Charcot Ave.San JoseCA95131Billy Long408-432-1480R11*<0.1
Electronic Concepts Inc.PO Box 1278EatontownNJ07724Bill Levin732-542-7880R9*0.1
Electron Coil Inc.PO Box 71NorwichNY13815Douglas Marchant607-336-7414R9*<0.1
Knox Semiconductor Inc.PO Box 609RockportME04856John Williams207-236-6076R9*<0.1
TSC Electronics Ltd.1610 Lockness Pl.TorranceCA90501Shi Tsai310-534-2738R8*<0.1
Custom Electronics Inc.87 Browne St.OneontaNY13820Peter Dokuchitz607-432-3880R8*<0.1
ZF Array Technology Inc.1965 Concourse Dr.San JoseCA95131Robert Zinn408-433-9920R7*<0.1
Viking Technologies Ltd.80 Montauk Hwy.LindenhurstNY11757David Kjeldsen631-957-8000R7*<0.1
Steelman Industries Inc.PO Box 1461KilgoreTX75663Danny Bell903-984-3061R7*<0.1
Bishop Electronics Corp.3729 San GabrielPico RiveraCA90660William Bishop562-695-0446R6*<0.1
Electronic Film Capacitors41 Interstate Ln.WaterburyCT06705Jay Weiner203-755-5629R6*<0.1
Voltronics Corp.100 Ford Rd., 10DenvilleNJ07834Aaron Goldberg973-586-8585R6*<0.1
F-Dyne Electronics10443 Peach Ave.Mission HillsCA91345John Strickland818-893-6068R6*<0.1
FW Capacitors Inc.PO Box 12636FlorenceSC29504Joseph Falcone843-662-4728R5*<0.1
Metuchen Capacitors Inc.2139 State Rte. 35HolmdelNJ07733Stephen Ficsor732-888-9700R5*<0.1
Sigma Probe Inc.1054 Yosemite Dr.MilpitasCA95035Thang Vo408-441-8183R5*<0.1
Union Technology Corp.718 Monterey PassMonterey ParkCA91754David Chu323-266-6603R5*<0.1
Capax Technologies Inc.24842 Ave. TibbittsValenciaCA91355Jagdish Patel661-257-7666R4*<0.1
Polyflon Co.1 Willard Rd.NorwalkCT06851Will Larusso203-840-7555S4*<0.1
Virgil Walker Inc.27555 Ave. ScottValenciaCA91355Virgil Walker661-257-9282R4*<0.1
Corry Micronics Inc.1 Plastics Rd.CorryPA16407Don Pavlek814-664-7728R4*<0.1
American Capacitor Corp.5367 3rd StreetIrwindaleCA91706Joseph Latourelle626-814-4444R3*<0.1
Electro Ceramic Industries75 Kennedy St.HackensackNJ07601Herbert Schlomann201-342-2630R3*<0.1
Wright Capacitors Inc.2610 Oak StreetSanta AnaCA92707Casey Crandall714-546-2490R3*<0.1
Bycap Inc.5505 N WolcottChicagoIL60640Kenneth Yahiro773-561-4976R3*<0.1
Custom Capacitors Inc.PO Box 15026BrooksvilleFL34604Jeffrey Fielder352-796-3561R3*<0.1
Tantalum Pellet Company Inc.21421 N 14th Ave.PhoenixAZ85027Todd Knowles623-582-5555R3*<0.1
Tdl Inc.550 Tpke. StreetCantonMA02021Tobe Deutschmann781-828-3366R3*<0.1
Motor Capacitors Inc.6455 N AvondaleChicagoIL60631Terry Noon773-774-6666R3*<0.1
CSI Technologies Inc.2595 CommerceVistaCA92081Narendra Soni760-682-2222R2*<0.1
Rtron Corp.PO Box 743SkokieIL60076Bryan McLean847-679-7180R2*<0.1
Oren Elliott Products Inc.PO Box 638EdgertonOH43517June Elliott419-298-2306R2*<0.1
Arco Electronics Inc.4690 Calle QuetzalCamarilloCA93012John Drake818-707-6465R2*<0.1
Pacific Capacitor Co.288 Digital Dr.Morgan HillCA95037Harold Francis408-778-6670R2*<0.1
Richey Capacitor Inc.PO Box 100296NashvilleTN37224Royce Richey615-254-3561R2*<0.1
Gemini Controls L.L.C.PO Box 380CedarburgWI53012 262-377-8585R1*<0.1
High Voltage Components Inc.PO Box 223CedarburgWI53012Ronald Nielsen262-375-0172R1*<0.1
Standard Condenser Corp.PO Box 1484SkokieIL60076Bryan Lean847-675-3133R1*<0.1
Myron Zucker Inc.36825 Metro Ct.Sterling HgtsMI48312Donna Zobel586-979-9955R1*<0.1
Capcon International Inc.23 Nassau Ave.InwoodNY11096Mario Irizarry516-371-5600R1*<0.1
Quality Components Inc.103 Bridge St.RidgwayPA15853Judson Porter, Jr.814-834-2817S1*<0.1
Diablo Industries2245 Meridian Blvd.MindenNV89423Jim Gibson775-782-1041R1<0.1
Phillips Components Inc.23142 Alcalde Dr.Laguna HillsCA92653Stu Phillips949-855-4263R1*<0.1
HVC Inc.7374 Sycamore Dr.CedarburgWI53012Clifford Zahn262-375-4955R1*<0.1
Kemet Management/Development3809 4th St. WBirminghamAL35207Carlos Spratt205-323-6281R1*<0.1
Tronser Inc.3066 John TrushCazenoviaNY13035Michael Tronser315-655-9528R1*<0.1
MaterialQuantityDelivered Cost
($ million)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Tube blanks(X)(D)
Printed ciruit boards (without inserted components) for electronic circuitry(X)(D)
Printed circuit assemblies, loaded boards, and modules(X)(D)
Semiconductors (incl. transistors, diodes, rectifiers, and integrated circuits), for electronic circuitry(X)1.2
Capacitors for electronic circuitry(X)69.7
Resistors for electronic circuitry(X)0.6
All other miscellaneous components and accessories for electronic circuitry (exc. tubes)(X)17.2
Gold and other precious metals, all forms (incl. ingot, sheet, etc.)(X)65.0
Doped chemicals and other doped materials for electronic use(X)(D)
Ferrites (powder and paste).(X)(D)
Metal powders(X)119.7
Electronic computer equipment(X)<0.1
Current-carrying wiring devices(X)(D)
Electrical instrument mechanisms and meter movements(X)(D)
All other miscellaneous electrical measuring instruments and parts(X)(D)
Glass and glass products (excluding windows and mirrors)(X)(D)
Plastics resins consumed in the form of granules, pellets, etc(X)7.9
Fabricated plastics products (excluding gaskets)(X)1.1
Sheet metal products (excluding stampings)(X)1.3
Metal stampings(X)17.9
Metal bolts, nuts, screws, and other screw machine products(X)0.9
Other fabricated metal products (excluding forgings)(X)2.0
Castings, rough and semifinished(X)(D)
Steel shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)(D)
Copper and copper-base alloy shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)0.5
Aluminum and aluminum-base alloy shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabr. metal products)(X)34.9
Other nonferrous shapes and forms (exc. castings, forgings, fabricated metal products)(X)5.8
Insulated wire and cable (including magnet wire)(X)0.1
Paper and paperboard containers (incl. shipping sacks and other paper packaging supplies)(X)11.8
Resists (photosensitive resin films applied to surface of wafer)(X)(D)
Commodity gases(X)3.0
Speciality gases(X)(D)
Cleaning compounds(X)<0.1
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies(X)160.5
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk(X)27.8
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil. $
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
ELECTRONIC CAPACITORS1,366.0  Capacitors for electronic circuitry1,366.0
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Compensation of employees37.8 Exports of goods & services28.5Cap Inv
Management of companies & enterprises10.4ServicesSoftware publishers5.5Services
Wholesale trade8.2TradeMotor vehicle parts4.2Manufg.
Iron & steel mills & ferroalloys3.1Manufg.Semiconductors & related devices4.0Manufg.
Scientific research & development services2.8ServicesPrinted circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)3.5Manufg.
Electronic capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers2.3Manufg.Electronic computers3.4Manufg.
Nonferrous metal (ex. copper & aluminum) processing2.0Manufg.Bare printed circuit boards3.2Manufg.
Primary nonferrous metal, ex. copper & aluminum1.8Manufg.Electromedical & electrotherapeutic apparatus2.8Manufg.
Lessors of nonfinancial assets1.7Fin/R.E.Telecommunications2.3Services
Power generation & supply1.6Util.Search, detection, & navigation instruments2.2Manufg.
Copper rolling, drawing, extruding, & alloying1.5Manufg.Electronic components, nec2.0Manufg.
Crowns & closures & metal stamping1.2Manufg.Audio & video equipment1.9Manufg.
Alumina refining & primary aluminum production1.0Manufg.Data processing, hosting, & related services1.9Services
Electronic components, nec0.9Manufg.Telephone apparatus1.8Manufg.
Real estate0.9Fin/R.E.Electrical equipment & components, nec1.7Manufg.
Paperboard containers0.9Manufg.Electricity & signal testing instruments1.7Manufg.
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Source: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C., January 2008. User should note that this Input-Output table is not for this particular narrowly defined industry but for a larger aggregate. Input and Output data for Electronic Capacitors & Other Inductors include Input and Output data for the Annual Survey of Manufactures’ NAICS industries 334414, 334415, and 334416. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Communication & energy wires & cables0.7Manufg.Broadcast & wireless communications equipment1.6Manufg.
Plastics products, nec0.7Manufg.Other computer related services, including facilities1.5Services
Noncomparable imports0.7ForeignBasic organic chemicals, nec1.4Manufg.
Truck transportation0.7Util.Electronic capacitors, resistors, coils, transformers1.3Manufg.
Advertising & related services0.7ServicesComputer storage devices1.3Manufg.
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies0.6 Computer terminals & peripherals1.2Manufg.
Printed circuit assemblies (electronic assembiles)0.6Manufg.Communications equipment, nec1.1Manufg.
Securities, commodity contracts, investments0.5Fin/R.E.Watches, clocks, & related devices1.0Manufg.
Chemical products & preparations, nec0.5Manufg.Custom computer programming services0.9Services
Turned products & screws, nuts, & bolts0.5Manufg.Power, distribution, & specialty transformers0.9Manufg.
Wiring devices0.5Manufg.General Federal government services, defense0.9Fed Govt
Plastics materials & resins0.4Manufg.Motors & generators0.9Manufg.
Telecommunications0.4ServicesCommercial & service industry machinery, nec0.8Manufg.
Semiconductors & related devices0.4Manufg.Industrial process variable instruments0.7Manufg.
Legal services0.4ServicesSurgical appliances & supplies0.7Manufg.
Maintenance/repair of nonresidential structures0.4Construct.Totalizing fluid meters & counting devices0.7Manufg.
Management, scientific, & technical consulting0.4ServicesMaterial handling equipment0.7Manufg.
Services to buildings & dwellings0.3ServicesInvestigation & security services0.7Services
Warehousing & storage0.3Util.General purpose machinery, nec0.7Manufg.
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, & payroll0.3ServicesAC, refrigeration, and warm air heating equipment0.6Manufg.
Data processing, hosting, & related services0.3ServicesIrradiation apparatus0.6Manufg.
Bare printed circuit boards0.3Manufg.Educational services, nec0.5Services
Other computer related services, including facilities0.3ServicesWholesale trade0.5Trade
Automotive equipment rental & leasing0.3Fin/R.E.Automatic environmental controls0.5Manufg.
Natural gas distribution0.3Util.Analytical laboratory instruments0.5Manufg.
Employment services0.3ServicesSemiconductor machinery0.4Manufg.
Automotive repair & maintenance, ex. car washes0.2ServicesIndustrial machinery, nec0.4Manufg.
Specialized design services0.2ServicesHousehold cooking appliances0.3Manufg.
Architectural, engineering, & related services0.2ServicesEngine equipment, nec0.3Manufg.
Ornamental & architectural metal products0.2Manufg.General S/L govt. services0.3S/L Govt
Business support services0.2ServicesPlastics materials & resins0.3Manufg.
Commercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.2ServicesConstruction machinery0.3Manufg.
Basic inorganic chemicals, nec0.2Manufg.Electronic & precision equipment repair/maintenance0.3Services
Pressed & blown glass & glassware, nec0.2Manufg.Household refrigerators & home freezers0.3Manufg.
Relay & industrial controls0.2Manufg.Internet service providers & web search portals0.3Services
Plastics packaging materials, film & sheet0.2Manufg.Rolling mill & other metalworking machinery0.2Manufg.
Machine shops0.2Manufg.Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.2Fin/R.E.
Monetary authorities/depository credit intermediation0.2Fin/R.E.Nondepository credit intermediation activities0.2Fin/R.E.
Electricity & signal testing instruments0.2Manufg.Household laundry equipment0.2Manufg.
Waste management & remediation services0.2ServicesSecurities, commodity contracts, investments0.2Fin/R.E.
Coating, engraving, heat treating & allied activities0.1Manufg.Aircraft0.2Manufg.
Professional, scientific, technical services, nec0.1ServicesPhotographic & photocopying equipment0.2Manufg.
Commercial & industrial machinery rental & leasing0.1Fin/R.E.Plastics & rubber industry machinery0.2Manufg.
Motors & generators0.1Manufg.Electron tubes0.2Manufg.
Food services & drinking places0.1ServicesAir & gas compressors0.2Manufg.
Computer system design services0.1ServicesOptical instruments & lenses0.2Manufg.
Industrial gases0.1Manufg.Pumps & pumping equipment0.2Manufg.
Support services, nec0.1ServicesAir transportation0.1Util.
Custom computer programming services0.1ServicesMagnetic & optical recording media0.1Manufg.
   Farm machinery & equipment0.1Manufg.
   Vending, commercial, industrial, office machinery0.1Manufg.
   Commercial & industrial equipment repair/maintenance0.1Services
   Industrial gases0.1Manufg.
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Source: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Electrical & electronic equipment assemblers10.9-30.1Computer software engineers, systems software1.5-3.8
Semiconductor processors8.2-12.6Production workers, nec1.3-14.2
Team assemblers4.5-12.6Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks1.3-15.9
Electrical & electronic engineering technicians4.1-12.6Purchasing agents, exc wholesale, retail, & farm1.3-12.6
Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers3.9-17.6Production, planning, & expediting clerks1.2-12.6
Electronics engineers, exc computer3.9-12.6General & operations managers1.2-21.3
First-line supervisors/managers of production workers2.8-12.6Coil winders, tapers, & finishers1.1-30.1
Electrical engineers2.6-12.6Machinists1.1-8.2
Industrial engineers2.56.2Industrial production managers1.0-12.6
Engineering managers2.3-3.8Maintenance & repair workers, general1.0-12.6
Electromechanical equipment assemblers1.7-12.6   
StateEstablishmentsShipmentsEmploymentCost as % of ShipmentsInvestment per Employee
Total ($ mil)% of U.S.Per Establ.Total Number% of U.S.Per Establ.Wages ($/hour)
Source: 2002 Economic Census. The states are in descending order of shipments or establishments (if shipment data are missing for the majority). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. States marked with (D) are sorted by number of establishments. A dash (-) indicates that the data element cannot be calculated. Data may not show all states active in the NAICS category. All data available at the time of publication are shown.
North Carolina4194.111.948,524.58517.821315.2156.58,818
New York10115.77.111,567.11,0269.410311.8620.78,001

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    NAICS 334414 - Electronic Capacitor Manufacturing