NAICS 312210 - Tobacco Stemming and Redrying

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NAICS 312210 - Tobacco Stemming and Redrying

YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: 1997 and 2002 Economic Census; other years, up to 2006, are from Annual Survey of Manufactures. Establishment counts for non-Census years are from County Business Patterns; 1997 and 2002 values are from the 1997 and 2002 censuses, respectively. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1998 32235.63.98.6132.18.102,858.9729.53,567.328.0
1999 27214.12.86.6116.28.742,180.2292.02,507.526.1
2000 33183.72.75.9106.38.801,937.8390.02,312.916.1
2001 32174.23.16.5109.18.241,812.5513.22,338.020.9
2003 15132.51.93.975.010.95784.1187.7962.624.6
2004 16122.
2005 13102.
2006 12P8P2.01.52.961.110.25647.6224.5873.14.6
2007 10P6P1.2P1.0P1.6P46.8P10.94P   5.1P
2008 7P4P0.8P0.7P1.0P38.6P11.23P   2.8P
2009 5P3P0.4P0.4P0.3P30.4P11.51P   0.5P
2010 3P1P 0.1P 22.2P11.79P    
YearCompaniesEstablishmentsEmploymentCompensationProduction ($ million)
Totalwith 20 or more employeesTotal (000)ProductionPayroll ($ mil)Wages ($/hr)Cost of MaterialsValue Added by ManufactureValue of ShipmentsCapital Invest.
Workers (000)Hours (Mil)
Sources: Same as General Statistics. Values reflect change from the base year, 2002. Values above 100 mean greater than 2002, values below 100 mean less than 2002, and the values of 100 in other years means the same as 2002. ‘P’s show projections by the editors.
1998 20017720718621518182352287331295
1999 16916215213316515988268115233275
2000 20613813712914814589239153215169
2001 20013115614816314983223202217220
2003 94100939098103110977489259
2004 1009285818092106779179134
2005 81777871758610069857299
2006 74P60P7471738410380888148
2007 59P47P44P48P40P64P110P   54P
2008 45P33P30P33P25P53P113P   29P
2009 31P19P15P19P8P42P116P   5P
2010 17P6P 5P 30P119P    
For 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndexFor 2002Avg. of All Manufact.Analyzed IndustryIndex
Sources: Same as General Statistics. The ‘Average of All Manufacturing ‘column represents the average of all manufacturing industries reported for the most recent complete year available. The Index shows the relation-ship between the Average and the Analyzed Industry. For example, 100 means that they are equal; 500 that the Analyzed Industry is five times the average; 50 means that the Analyzed Industry is half the national average. The abbreviation ‘na’ is used to show that data are ‘not available’. Ratios shown for 2002, the last complete census year.
Employees per Establishment42169402Value Added per Production Worker182,367121,04866
Payroll per Establishment1,639,1844,568,750279Cost per Establishment5,769,01550,775,000880
Payroll per Employee39,05327,07469Cost per Employee137,446300,889219
Production Workers per Establishment30131445Cost per Production Worker195,506386,857198
Wages per Establishment694,8452,477,500357Shipments per Establishment11,158,34867,312,500603
Wages per Production Worker23,54818,87680Shipments per Employee265,847398,889150
Hours per Production Worker1,9801,90596Shipments per Production Worker378,144512,857136
Wages per Hour11.899.9183Investment per Establishment361,338593,750164
Value Added per Establishment5,381,32515,887,500295Investment per Employee8,6093,51941
Value Added per Employee128,21094,14873Investment per Production Worker12,2454,52437
LEADING COMPANIES Number shown: 2 Total sales ($ mil): 1,968 Total employment (000): 4.6
Company NameAddress   CEO NamePhoneCo. TypeSales
($ mil)
Empl. (000)
Sources: Ward's Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies, Volumes 1 and 2, 2008. The company type code used is as follows: P - Public, R - Private, S - Subsidiary, D - Division, J - Joint Venture, A - Affiliate, G - Group. Sales are in millions of dollars, employees are in thousands. An asterisk (*) indicates an estimated sales volume. The symbol < stands for ‘less than’. Company names and addresses are truncated, in some cases, to fit into the available space.
UST Inc.100 W Putnam Ave.GreenwichCT06830 203-661-1100P1,9514.6
Tobacco Technology Inc.600 Liberty Rd.SykesvilleMD21784Jeremy Cassels-Smith410-549-8800R17*<0.1
Material QuantityDelivered Cost
($ million)
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. Explanation of symbols used: (D): Withheld to avoid disclosure of competitive data; na: Not available; (S): Withheld because statistical norms were not met; (X): Not applicable; (Z): Less than half the unit shown; nec: Not elsewhere classified; nsk: Not specified by kind; - : zero; p : 10-19 percent estimated; q : 20-29 percent estimated.
Leaf tobacco, unstemmed (incl green tobacco not packed)mil lb158.6p292.0
Unstemmed leaf tobacco, redried and packedmil lb(D)(D)
Stemmed leaf tobacco (exc processed sheet and homogenized)mil lb(D)(D)
Reconstituted tobacco, processed sheet and homogenizedmil lb(D)(D)
Paperboard containers, boxes, and corrugated paperboard (X)4.3
All other materials, components, parts, containers, and supplies (X)45.1
Materials, ingredients, containers, and supplies, nsk (X)2.1
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil
Product or Product Class ShipmentsMil
Sources: 2002 Economic Census. The values are product shipments in millions of dollars for 2002. Total product shipments may be lower or higher than industry shipments. See Introduction for a full discussion. Values of indented subcategories are summed in the main heading(s). The symbol (D) appears when data are withheld to prevent disclosure of competitive information. The abbreviation nsk stands for ‘not specified by kind’ and nec for ‘not elsewhere classified’. A dash (-) means zero.
UNSTEMMED, STEMMED, AND REDRIED TOBACCO1,050.6      Stemmed tobacco, packed for use in own manufacturing (interplant transfers), including both aged and not aged leaf49.3
  Unstemmed leaf tobacco, redried before packing123.2  Unstemmed, stemmed, and redried tobacco, nsk, total275.2
  Tobacco, stemmed652.1  
      Stemmed tobacco, packed for sale as such, aged leaf254.2  
      Stemmed tobacco, packed for sale as such, not aged leaf348.6  
Economic Sector or Industry Providing Inputs%SectorEconomic Sector or Industry Buying Outputs%Sector
Sources: Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 2002, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C., January 2008. User should note that this Input-Output table is not for this particular narrowly defined industry but for a larger aggregate. Input and Output data for Tobacco Product Manufacturing include Input and Output data for the Annual Survey of Manufactures’ NAICS industries 312210 and 31222M. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Taxes on production & imports, less subsidies17.0 Personal consumption expenditures88.7 
Tobacco products5.5Manufg.Exports of goods & services5.4Cap Inv
Compensation of employees4.6 Tobacco products5.4Manufg.
Tobacco3.8Agric.General S/L govt. services0.4S/L Govt
Management of companies & enterprises2.8Services   
Paperboard containers2.7Manufg.   
Wholesale trade1.8Trade   
Artificial & synthetic fibers & filaments1.3Manufg.   
Metal cans, boxes, & other containers (light gauge)0.9Manufg.   
Truck transportation0.6Util.   
Soap & cleaning compounds0.4Manufg.   
Motor vehicle parts0.3Manufg.   
Sawmills & wood preservation0.3Manufg.   
Power generation & supply0.2Util.   
Petroleum refineries0.2Manufg.   
Scientific research & development services0.2Services   
Valve & fittings other than plumbing0.2Manufg.   
Lessors of nonfinancial assets0.2Fin/R.E.   
Paperboard mills0.2Manufg.   
Software, audio, and video media reproducing0.2Manufg.   
Storage batteries0.1Manufg.   
Natural gas distribution0.1Util.   
Nonwoven fabric mills0.1Manufg.   
Mechanical power transmission equipment0.1Manufg.   
Chemical products & preparations, nec0.1Manufg.   
Fabricated metals, nec0.1Manufg.   
Noncomparable imports0.1Foreign   
Speed changers, industrial high-speed drives, & gears0.1Manufg.   
Lighting fixtures0.1Manufg.   
Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016Occupation% of Total 2006Change to 2016
Sources: Industry-Occupation Matrix, Bureau of Labor Statistics, December 4, 2007. These data are reported based on 4-digit NAICS categories but have been matched to corresponding 6-digit NAICS industry codes. The change reported for each occupation to the year 2016 is a percent of growth or decline as estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The abbreviation nec stands for ‘not elsewhere classified’.
Packaging & filling machine operators & tenders10.6-39.8Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, & weighers1.8-36.9
Maintenance & repair workers, general5.8-33.1Mixing & blending machine operators & tenders1.7-33.1
Helpers--Production workers5.2-33.1Machine feeders & offbearers1.6-39.8
Industrial machinery mechanics4.6-23.0Production, planning, & expediting clerks1.5-33.1
Extruding, forming, pressing machine operators4.4-33.1Executive secretaries & administrative assistants1.3-33.1
Laborers & freight, stock, & material movers, hand3.0-39.8General & operations managers1.1-39.8
First-line supervisors/managers of production workers3.0-33.1Packers & packagers, hand1.1-46.5
Industrial truck & tractor operators2.4-39.8Shipping, receiving, & traffic clerks1.0-35.6
Team assemblers2.2-33.1   

State-level data are not available.

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    NAICS 312210 - Tobacco Stemming and Redrying