Financial Aid for Performing Arts

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Performing Arts


Attn: Scholarship Director
2101 E Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037
Tel: (202)944-5504
Free: 800-704-AFSA
Fax: (202)338-6820
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for education in the arts to dependents of U.S. government employees involved in foreign service activities.

Title of Award: AFSA Art Merit Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Dance; Music; Performing arts; Poetry; Visual arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Each year, 1 winner and several honorable mentions (recently, 4) are selected. Funds Available: Winners receive $1,500 per year and honorable mentions win $500. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors who are dependents of foreign service employees in the Department of State, USIA, Commerce Service, IBB, Foreign Agriculture Service, or Agency for International Development. The parent may be active, retired with pension, or deceased but must have served at least 1 year abroad and must be a member of the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) or the Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide (AAFSW). Applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher and demonstrate extraordinary talent in the field of visual arts, musical arts, dance, creative writing (e.g., short stories, poetry), or drama. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


c/o K. Bryan Kirk
1700 Broadbridge Avenue, A32
Stratford, CT 06614
Tel: (203)377-5240

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students interested in preparing for a career in organ performance and church music.

Title of Award: M. Louise Miller Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduates enrolled or planning to enroll at a college, university, or conservatory in the United States. Applicants must be preparing for a career in organ performance and church music. They must submit a short essay and a recording of 2 standard organ pieces. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1998.


Attn: ASCAP Foundation
ASCAP Building
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY 10023
Tel: (212)621-6320
Fax: (212)621-6236
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding young American composers.

Title of Award: Morton Gould Young Composer Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Music composition Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 21 students received these awards. Funds Available: The winners share cash awards of more than $30,000. Duration: The award is presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or enrolled students with proper visas who are younger than 30 years of age, including students in grades K-12, undergraduates, and graduate students. Original music of any style is considered. However, works that have earned awards or prizes in other national competitions are ineligible, as are arrangements. To compete, each applicant must submit a completed application form, 1 reproduction of a manuscript or score, biographical information, a list of compositions to date, and 2 professional recommendations. Only 1 composition per composer may be submitted. A cassette tape or CD of the composition may be included. So that music materials may be returned, each entry must be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Morton Gould was president of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. This program was established in 1979. The awards include the Leo Kaplan Award.


Attn: Achievement Awards Program
315 Montgomery Street, Eighth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-1866
Tel: (415)953-0927; 888-488-9802
Fax: (415)622-3469
Web Site:

To recognize and reward high school seniors in California who excel in specific subject areas.

Title of Award: Bank of America Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Art; Business administration; Communications; Computer and information sciences; Education, English as a second language; English language and literature; History; Home Economics; Linguistics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Music; Playwriting; Religion; Science; Social sciences Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: All 320 finalists receive cash awards; the top 40 finalists (1 in each general study area in each region) receive first-place awards and other finalists receive awards depending on their scores in the competition. Funds Available: The cash awards are $2,000 for first-place winners, $1,500 for second-place winners, $1,000 for third-place winners, and $500 for other participating finalists. Duration: Prizes are awarded annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are high school seniors in California who are chosen by faculty committees in their schools. The committees select students to receive certificates in specific study areas (agriculture, art, business, communications, computer studies, drama, English, English as a Second Language, foreign language, history, home economics, mathematics, music, religious studies, science, social science, and trades and industrial studies). Small high schools (those with 199 or fewer students in grades 10-12) may award a total of 7 certificates and large high schools (those with 200 or more students) present a total of 14 certificates. In addition, the faculty committees select graduating seniors to receive plaques in 4 general study areas (applied arts, fine arts, liberal arts, and science and mathematics); certificate winners may not also receive plaques; the number of plaques awarded by each high school also depends on the size of the school (2 plaques with enrollment of 1 to 199 students in grades 10-12, 3 plaques with 200 to 599 students, and 4 plaques for schools with more than 600 students). Winners of plaques are then eligible to enter the Achievement Awards competition. Of all plaque winners statewide, 320 finalists (8 in each of 10 regions in each of the 4 general study areas) are selected to enter competitions involving 1) an essay judged on written expression, logical progression, ability to focus on topic, and creative interpretation, and 2) a group discussion judged on cooperation, sound and logical thinking, oral communication and command of English, and originality of thought. Deadline for Receipt: Schools must select their plaque recipients before the end of January of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1948.


Attn: Director, Music Ministry
5325 Wyoming Boulevard, N.E.
P.O. Box 94485
Albuquerque, NM 87199-4485
Tel: (505)924-2330
Fax: (505)924-2349
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college or seminary to Southern Baptist students from New Mexico who are preparing for a career in music.

Title of Award: New Mexico Singing Churchmen Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Master's, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college and seminary students who are active members of churches affiliated with the Baptist Convention of New Mexico. Applicants must have experienced a call to vocational music ministry. They must be enrolled full time at least at the sophomore level, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be majoring in music. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Church Growth Division
6538 Baptist Way
East Syracuse, NY 13057
Tel: (315)433-1001
Free: 800-552-0004
Fax: (315)433-1026
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of churches in the Baptist Convention of New York who are preparing for a vocation in full-time Christian service.

Title of Award: Mary Crowley Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Education, Religious; General studies/Field of study not specified; Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; may be renewed as long as the recipient maintains full-time enrollment and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who are members in good standing of churches in the Baptist Convention of New York. First priority is given to students preparing for full-time Christian service as ministerial students, missionary candidates, or other church-related vocations in music, education, or youth. If funds are available, students not entering full-time Christian vocations will be considered. Applicants must submit an essay in which they share their goals for the future and how a degree in higher education will help them achieve those goals. Financial need is also considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: BMI Foundation
320 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019-3790
Tel: (212)830-2537
Fax: (212)246-2163
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding student composers from the Western Hemisphere.

Title of Award: BMI Student Composer Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music composition Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 8 of these awards were presented. A total of $20,000 in prizes is awarded each year. Funds Available: Prizes range from $500 to $5,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to citizens of countries in North, Central, or South America, the Caribbean Island nations, or the Hawaiian Islands who are younger than 26 years of age. Applicants must be enrolled in accredited public, private, or parochial secondary schools, enrolled in accredited colleges or conservatories of music, or engaged in the private study of music with recognized and established teachers (other than a relative). Any composer having won the award 3 times previously is not eligible to enter the contest again. Compositions may be for vocal, instrumental, electronic, or any combination of those. There are no limitations on medium, instrumentation, or length of the work. Manuscripts may be submitted either on usual score paper or reproduced by a generally accepted reproduction process. Electronic music and recordings of graphic works that cannot adequately be presented in score may be submitted on cassette or CD. Selection is based on evidence of creative talent. Academic finesse is considered, but that is secondary to vital musicality and clarity of expression of the composer's work. Judges consider 1) formal content of the composition; 2) melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic idioms, but only in terms of their consistency and suitability for the intent of the particular composition; 3) instrumentation, orchestration, and vocal writing; and 4) age of the composer (if 2 compositions are of equal merit, preference is given to the younger contestant). Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1951. The score judged "most outstanding" in the competition receives the William Schuman Prize, named in honor of the chairman of this competition for 40 years. The 2 youngest winners receive awards designated the Carlos Surinach Prizes.


Attn: BMI Foundation
320 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019-3790
Tel: (212)830-2520
Fax: (212)246-2163
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding student composers.

Title of Award: John Lennon Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music composition Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year: 1 at $10,000 and 2 at $5,000. Funds Available: Prizes are $10,000 or $5,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to musicians between 15 and 24 years of age who are 1) current students or graduates of 50 selected colleges, universities, or schools of music, or 2) participating through a local collegiate chapter of the National Association for Music Education at their school. Applicants may not have had any musical work commercially recorded or distributed or have been a prior winner in this competition. They must submit (on audio cassette or CD with a typed copy of the lyrics) an original song with lyrics and accompanied by any instrumentation. Both lyrics and music must be original and not based on any prior work. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1997 by Yoko Ono in conjunction with Gibson Musical Instruments and the BMI Foundation. For a list of the selected organizations, contact BMI.


Attn: BMI Foundation
320 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019-3790
Tel: (212)830-2537
Fax: (212)246-2163
Web Site:

To recognize and reward students at colleges and universities in selected states who submit outstanding songs or instrumental works in a Latin genre.

Title of Award: peermusic Latin Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music composition Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The award is $5,000. Duration: The award is presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to students between 16 and 24 years of age enrolled at colleges and universities in California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Puerto Rico, or Texas. Applicants may not have had any musical work commercially recorded or distributed. They must submit an original song or instrumental work in a Latin genre. The entry must be submitted on audio cassette or CD, accompanied by 3 typed copies of the lyric. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This award, first presented in 2003, is sponsored by peermusic Companies.


Attn: Friends of the Fair Scholarship Program
1600 Exposition Boulevard
P.O. Box 15649
Sacramento, CA 95852
Tel: (916)274-5969
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of California who are studying the arts in college.

Title of Award: California State Fair Arts Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Cinema; Dance; Filmmaking; Music; Performing arts; Visual arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 at $1,500 and 1 at $500. Funds Available: Stipends are $1,500 or $500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of California currently working on an undergraduate degree at a college or university in the state. Applicants must be studying the arts, including visual arts, dance, music, film, etc. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a 2-page essay on why they are pursuing their desired career and life goals. Selection is based on personal commitment, goals established for their chosen field, leadership potential, and civic accomplishments. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The Friends of the Fair Scholarship Program was established in 1993.


69 Woodley Road Winnetka, IL 60093
Tel: (847)446-8538

To recognize and reward outstanding young dancers who are interested in furthering their education.

Title of Award: Carey Rose Winski Dance Scholarship Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Dance Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: A total of $1,500 in scholarships is awarded each year. Funds must be used for further dance training at a school of the recipient's choice. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to dancers (male or female) in the United States who are between 13 and 18 years of age. Competitors first participate in a 1-hour classical warm-up class and then perform a 3-minute solo in classical ballet and another in an eclectic style (jazz, modern, character, etc.). Deadline for Receipt: September of each year.


Attn: Executive Director
P.O. Box 3194
Chicago, IL 60690-3194
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to entering or continuing undergraduate students majoring or planning to major in specified fields.

Title of Award: Carpe Diem Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Architecture; Art; Biological and clinical sciences; Chemistry; Education; Engineering, Biomedical; Medicine; Music; Music composition; Political science; Science; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 17 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $2,500 to $5,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for up to 3 additional years if the recipient maintains a GPA of "B+" or higher, full-time enrollment, and participation in activities that improve the quality of the academic and social life of their community.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduates majoring or planning to major in the following 6 areas: 1) political science; 2) pre-med, biomedical engineering, biology, and chemistry; 3) science and technology; 4) education; 5) art and architecture; and 6) music performance or composition. Applicants must be high school seniors or college freshmen, sophomores, or juniors. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a 200-word essay on their accomplishments during high school in which they take the greatest pride; 2) a 200-word essay on their family, especially with regard to service occupations and involvement in community organizations; and 3) a 500-word essay explaining why they have chosen their course of study. Music and art applicants must also submit samples of their work. Preference is given to students whose parents are or have been employed in education; local, state, or federal government; social service; public health (including medical providers); the administration of justice; and the fine arts. Selection is based on demonstrated leadership, community service, character, academics, and potential to improve the quality of human life. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, but they may be residents of any state. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 2002. There is a $14 application fee.


Attn: Executive Director
1440 John F. Kennedy Causeway, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33141
Tel: (305)868-0624
Fax: (305)865-5150
Web Site:

To recognize and reward young American pianists for their outstanding performances of Chopin's works.

Title of Award: National Chopin Piano Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Piano Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 prizes and 3 special awards and presented at each competition. Funds Available: First prize is $18,000, a debut recital at the Carnegie/Weill Recital Hall in New York, a concert recital at the Smithsonian in Washington, and 20 concerts arranged by the foundation; second prize is $12,000; third prize is $8,000; and fourth prize is $5,000. Special awards in the amount of $1,000 are also awarded for best performance of a polonaise, best performance of a mazurka, and best performance of a concerto. The 4 top winners go to Warsaw, Poland (all expenses paid) to compete in the International Chopin Piano Competition. Duration: The competition is held every 5 years (2005, 2010, etc.).

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to U.S. citizens (native born or naturalized) who are between the ages of 17 and 26. Most entrants are currently enrolled in college. In the competition, they must play preselected works of Chopin. Deadline for Receipt: November of the year prior to the competition. Additional Information: The first competition took place in 1975. The application fee is $65.


Attn: Scholarship Fund
2834 West Kingsley Road
Garland, TX 75041-2498
Tel: (972)271-1521, ext. 232
Fax: (972)840-3113
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division and graduate students majoring in church music.

Title of Award: Ruth Jacobs Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students working full time on a degree in church music. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in working with children's and youth choir programs.


c/o Mark Hijleh
Houghton College
Greatbatch School of Music
Houghton, NY 14744
Tel: (585)567-9424
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Christian composers interested in studying art music composition.

Title of Award: Christian Fellowship of Art Music Composers Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music composition; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000; funds are sent directly to the educational institution or summer festival designated by the recipient. Duration: 1 academic year or 1 summer; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Christian student composers who enrolled in a program of art music composition study in a preparatory music program, a collegiate music program, or an approved summer music program. Applicants must submit 2 letters of recommendation, a brief Christian testimony, a brief essay on how their compositional activities and Christian life are related, a curriculum vitae, a detailed explanation of how the award will be used, and 1 or 2 scores of art music composed for voice, instruments, and/or electronic media. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1998. Applicants automatically become student composer members for 1 year in the Christian Fellowship of Art Music Composers.


312 East Main Street, Suite B
P.O. Box 246
Greenfield, IN 46140-0246
Tel: (317)467-1223
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of the Christian Church or Church of Christ (Independent) in Indiana who are preparing for a church-related vocation.

Title of Award: Alexander Christian Foundation of Indiana Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Education, Religious; Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $1,200 to $2,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of the Christian Church or Church of Christ (Independent) in Indiana who are candidates for a church-related vocation or currently working full time on an appropriate undergraduate or graduate degree. Applicants must be attending or planning to attend a college or seminary affiliated with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. Students at Christian colleges must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on "Why I Desire to Serve Christ in a Church-Related Vocation." Selection is based on that essay, evaluations of the applicant's character and motivation by their home church minister and an elder of their church, and transcripts. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1964. Church-related vocations include preaching ministry, youth ministry, missions ministry, music ministry, counseling ministry, and education ministry.


Attn: Secretary
6322 Cornplanter
San Antonio, TX 78209

To provide financial assistance to pre-college and college students who are Texas residents and interested in studying classical music.

Title of Award: Colburn-Pledge Music Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Bass; Music, Cello; Music, Classical; Music, Viola; Music, Violin Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Funds Available: Stipends range up to $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be 1) residents of Texas, 2) studying a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass) in classical music with the intention of becoming a professional musician, and 3) less than high school age, currently in high school, or currently in college. Financial need must be demonstrated, but selection is based primarily on musical talent. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: Recipients may attend college, music schools, or music camps in Texas or in any other state.


50 Hurt Plaza, Suite 449
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404)688-5525
Fax: (404)688-3060
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school seniors, especially those from designated states.

Title of Award: James M. and Virginia M. Smyth Scholarship Fund Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Music; Religion; Social work Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Stipends range up to $2,500. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors, with special consideration given to residents of Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be interested in attending a college, university, or community college to work on a degree in the arts and sciences, human services, music, or ministry. They must be able to demonstrate financial need and a commitment to community service through school, community, or religious organizations. Adults returning to school to increase employability are also eligible. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
3833 Cleghorn Avenue, Suite 400
Nashville, TN 37215-2519
Tel: (615)321-4939; 888-540-5200
Fax: (615)327-2746
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American upper-division and graduate students from Tennessee who are working on a degree in music.

Title of Award: John W. Work III Memorial Foundation Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $500 to $2,500 per year. Funds are paid to the recipient's school and must be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, board, or miscellaneous expenses. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American residents of Tennessee enrolled as juniors, seniors, or graduate students at an accredited college, university, or institute. Applicants must be working on a degree in music and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Selection is based on demonstrated potential for excellence in music, academic record, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, work experience, community involvement, recommendations, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Jodie Hellman, Scholarship Chair
376 Old Woodbury Road
Southbury, CT 06488
Tel: (203)264-7921
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Connecticut who are interested in studying health, physical education, recreation, or dance in college.

Title of Award: Mary Benevento Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Funds are paid to the recipient's college or university to be applied toward tuition, books, room, and board. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to U.S. citizens who are graduating seniors at high schools in Connecticut. Applicants must be interested in attending a college or university that offers a bachelor's degree in order to prepare for a career in the professional studies of health (defined as school health teaching, not nursing, public health, or psychology), physical education, recreation, or dance. They must submit a 300-word statement describing the educational objectives that qualify them for the scholarship award and summarizing their school and out-of-school activities and accomplishments. Selection is based on that essay, academic achievement, honors and awards, school and community extracurricular activities, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Jodie Hellman, Scholarship Chair
376 Old Woodbury Road
Southbury, CT 06488
Tel: (203)264-7921
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college juniors and seniors from Connecticut who are interested in preparing for a career in health, physical education, recreation, or dance.

Title of Award: Gibson-Laemel Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Funds are paid to the recipient's college or university to be applied toward tuition, books, room, and board. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Connecticut who are entering their junior or senior year of college and preparing for a career in the professional studies of health (defined as school health teaching, not nursing, public health, or psychology), physical education, recreation, or dance. Applicants must submit 1) a 350-word statement expressing their thoughts and feelings on why they are entering the field of health, physical education, recreation, or dance; 2) transcripts (with a GPA of 2.7 or higher); and 3) letters of recommendation from 2 professionally related sources. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Executive Vice
President 100 West 10th Street, Suite 115
P.O. Box 1636
Wilmington, DE 19899
Tel: (302)504-5222
Fax: (302)571-1553
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to dance students who reside in or study dance in Delaware.

Title of Award: James Jamieson Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to dance students who reside in or study dance in Delaware. Applicants must be preparing for a professional career in ballet. They must submit a short essay on why they desire to undertake a career in ballet. Finalists must attend a personal interview and audition. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship was established by the board of Wilmington Dance, Inc., upon the group's dissolution.


Attn: International Thespian Society
2343 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219-2819
Tel: (513)421-3900
Fax: (513)421-7077
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school members of the International Thespian Society.

Title of Award: Thespian Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Dance; Fashion design; Filmmaking; Music; Performing arts; Playwriting; Radio and television; Speech, Debate, and Forensics; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 8 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors who participate in the annual International Thespian Festival. Applicants must be members of the society, have a minimum GPA of 2.7, and intend to use the funds to further their education in the communicative arts (theater, film, speech, radio, television, broadcasting, music, or dance). They may participate in 1 of 4 categories: 1) performance, with a solo presentation of a 2-minute song or monologue; 2) technical theater, with a portfolio of renderings, sketches, models, or illustrations of scenic or costume designs; 3) theater educator, with an essay on why they want to be a theater teacher, their most inspirational teacher, or the most important issue facing high school theater today; or 4) playwriting, with a manuscript of a play. Only 2 students from each troupe may participate. Selection is based on involvement with the thespian troupe at their school and their audition performance, portfolio, essay, or manuscript. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: The application fee is $15.


Attn: Administrator
P.O. Box 24787
Nashville, TN 37202-4787
Tel: (615)749-6875
Free: 800-952-8977
Fax: (615)749-6874
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students who are training for a music ministry in the United Methodist Church.

Title of Award: Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts Memorial Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Under-graduate Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time music degree candidates entering or enrolled in an accredited college, university, or school of theology. Applicants must have been members of the United Methodist Church for at least 1 year immediately before applying. They must be able to demonstrate exceptional musical talents, leadership abilities, and outstanding promise of future usefulness to the church in the areas of worship and/or music. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Administrator
P.O. Box 24787
Nashville, TN 37202-4787
Tel: (615)749-6875
Free: 800-952-8977
Fax: (615)749-6874
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students who are training for a ministry in the United Methodist Church in an area of the arts other than music.

Title of Award: Thom Jones Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Performing arts; Playwriting; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time degree candidates entering or enrolled in an accredited college, university, or school of theology to prepare for a ministry in worship, drama, dance, visuals, or other liturgical art. Applicants must have been members of the United Methodist Church for at least 1 year immediately before applying. They must be able to demonstrate exceptional artistic talents, leadership abilities, and outstanding promise of future usefulness to the church in an area of worship. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


c/o Luke Nash
5836-4 Queen Elizabeth Way
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students majoring in music who are members of a United Methodist Church in Florida.

Title of Award: Grant K. Pulen Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors and current undergraduate students who are majoring in music. Applicants must have been a member of a United Methodist church in the Florida Conference for at least 1 year prior to applying. Preference is given to applicants currently active in religious and music activities in churches, schools, or other organizations. Selection is based on health, emotional stability, Christian character, talent, leadership ability, promise of future usefulness to the Methodist church, transcripts, 3 letters of recommendation, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Charlotte Hoyt Bagnall Scholarship Committee
689 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06070
Tel: (860)651-3593
Fax: (860)408-9229
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school and college students interested in studying religious music.

Title of Award: Charlotte Hoyt Bagnall Scholarship for Church Musicians Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or 2 each year. Funds Available: Stipends up to $1,500 are available. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to musicians interested in improving their ability to support religious worship services by studying religious music and liturgy. Applicants must be interested in a program of music lessons; high school, college, or graduate level studies related to organ or religious music; or attendance at seminars. Competitions are limited to high school musicians in even-numbered years and post high school musicians in odd-numbered years. Along with their application, they must submit essays on their 1) goals and aspirations, including what they want to achieve in their ministry of music; and 2) course of study, including the course of study for which they want to use the scholarship and how it will help them achieve their goals and aspirations. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1995. Information is also available from the Charlotte Hoyt Bagnall Scholarship Committee, 17 Beaverbrook Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, (860) 658-7405, E-mail:


236 Linden
P.O. Box 1963
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Tel: (970)482-4823
Fax: (970)482-4858

To recognize and reward outstanding young pianists and instrumentalists.

Title of Award: Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra Senior Concerto Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Piano Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 semifinalists and 3 finalists are chosen each year; all 3 finalists receive a prize. Funds Available: The first-place winner receives the Adeline Rosenberg Memorial Prize of $6,000. Second prize is $4,000. The awards are cash prizes only. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be students 25 years of age or younger and submit cassette tapes of a standard, readily available solo concerto or similar work played from memory. Based on the tapes, semifinalists are invited to Fort Collins for a second round in March. From the semifinalists, finalists are chosen for the third round of performances in April. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: The competition is for piano in even-numbered years and instruments in odd-numbered years. The entry fee is $50. Requests for applications must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.


Attn: FMMC Foundation
2233 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite 326
Washington, DC 20007-4126
Tel: (202)333-2075
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding young string players.

Title of Award: Johansen International Competition for Young String Players Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Cello; Music, Viola; Music, Violin Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 first prizes (1 each for violin, viola, and cello) are awarded in each competition. The number of other prizes varies; recently, those included 2 second prizes, 2 third prizes, an honorable mention, and an award for best performance of the commissioned piece for violin players and 1 honorable mention for cello players. Funds Available: First prize in each category is $10,000. Other prizes vary in each competition. Recently, violin players received second prizes of $7,000, third prizes of $5,000, honorable mention of $750, and best performance on the commissioned piece $500. No other awards were presented to viola players. Honorable mentioned for cello was $750. Duration: The competition is held triennially (2006, 2009, etc.).

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to young string players (13 through 17 years of age). Applicants must submit an audiocassette or CD with 1) 5 minutes or less of an unaccompanied sonata, partita, or suite of J.S. Bach; 2) 12 minutes or less of a sonata from the classical, romantic, impressionist, or contemporary period; and 3) 13 minutes or less of a concerto or major work for soloist or orchestra by a composer other than Bach. Based on those recordings, semifinalists are invited to compete in Washington, D.C. They must be prepared to play any selection from their preliminary repertoire as well as a new work commissioned for this competition and sent to them prior to the semifinals. Finalists are selected from those auditions and compete the following day. All repertoire must be performed from memory. Separate awards are presented for violin, viola, and cello. Deadline for Receipt: December of the year prior to the competition. Additional Information: The first-prize winners also appear in solo recitals. This competition was established in 1997. Information is also available from Alice Berman, P.O. Box 500, Kensington, MD 20895, (301) 946-9531, There is a nonrefundable $50 application fee.


c/o Harvey Miller
402 East French Broad Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3410
Tel: (828)862-3412

To provide financial assistance to blind students who are majoring or planning to major in fields related to the arts.

Title of Award: Friends-in-Art Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Creative writing; Music; Playwriting Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to blind and visually impaired high school seniors and college students who are majoring or planning to major in music, art, drama, or creative writing. Required submissions are a recording of 2 contrasting pieces for music students; 10 slides of their work for art students; a recording of 1 dramatic and 1 comic scene for drama students; and a varied selection of their writing for creative writing students. Selection is based on achievement, talent, and excellence in the arts. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1999.


1110 Navaho Drive, Suite 204
Raleigh, NC 27609
Tel: (919)790-8684
Free: 800-448-8684
Fax: (919)790-8705
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to graduating high school seniors in North Carolina who are interested in majoring in music (particularly piano) in college.

Title of Award: Mary K. Paul Whitener Piano Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Piano Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 4 years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from a high school in North Carolina. Both males and females may apply. Applicants must be interested in majoring in music in college, with an emphasis on piano. They must be sponsored by a Federated Club. Each applicant will be required to perform at the sponsor's Arts Festival. Winners are selected on the basis of tone, technique, interpretation, musical effect, and stage presence. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Harrodsburg Baptist Foundation
312 South Main Street
P.O. Box 286
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Tel: (859)734-2339
Fax: (859)734-8384
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Baptist upper-division and seminary students, especially those from selected areas of Kentucky.

Title of Award: Harrodsburg Baptist Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Master's Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The normal annual stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed until the student has 1) received a total of $4,000 from the fund; 2) completed a master's degree; or 3) received funds for 4 calendar years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of Baptist churches who are full-time students working on a degree in a ministerial (pastoral, music, youth) or a specific missionary-related field. Students in a non-ministerial school must be classified as a junior or higher; graduate students must be attending an accredited seminary. First preference is given to members of Harrodsburg Baptist Church, second to members of other Baptist churches in Mercer County, Kentucky, third to members of other Kentucky Baptist churches, and fourth to other students. Applicants must submit information on their reasons for seeking this scholarship and their current financial situation. A personal interview is required. Additional Information: The foundation was organized in 1954.


Attn: Executive Secretary
1713 South West Street
Jacksonville, IL 62650
Tel: (217)245-6413
Fax: (217)245-5261
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students in Illinois who are majoring in health, physical education, recreation, or dance.

Title of Award: IAHPERD Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 6 each year: 1 at $1,000 and 5 at $750. Funds Available: Stipends are $1,000 or $750. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Illinois who are enrolled as a major in a professional program in health, physical education, recreation, or dance. Applicants must submit a personal letter explaining why they chose to go into their field and where they see themselves professionally in 5 years. Selection is based on that letter, involvement in professional organizations, involvement in extracurricular activities, involvement in community organizations, transcripts, and 2 letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Scholarship and Grant Services
1755 Lake Cook Road
Deerfield, IL 60015-5209
Tel: (847)948-8550
Free: 800-899-ISAC
Fax: (847)831-8549
Web Site:

To provide scholarship/loans to college students in Illinois who are interested in training or retraining for a teaching career in academic shortage areas.

Title of Award: Illinois Future Teacher Corps Program Area, Field, or Subject: Education; Education, Bilingual and cross-cultural; Education, Early childhood; Education, Elementary; Education, Music; Education, Physical; Education, Secondary; Education, Special; Hearing and deafness; Visual impairment Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year, depending on the availability of funds. Funds Available: This program pays tuition and fees, room and board, or a commuter allowance at academic institutions in Illinois. The maximum award is $5,000 or $10,000 (and may even be increased by an additional $5,000), depending on the teaching commitment the recipient makes. Funds are paid directly to the school. This is a scholarship/loan program. Recipients must agree to teach in an Illinois public, private, or parochial preschool, elementary school, or secondary school for 1 year for each full year of assistance received. The teaching obligation must be completed within 5 years of completion of the degree or certificate program for which the scholarship was awarded. That time period may be extended if the recipient serves in the U.S. armed forces, enrolls full time in a graduate program related to teaching, becomes temporarily disabled, is unable to find employment as a teacher, or takes additional courses on at least a half-time basis to teach in a specialized teacher shortage discipline. Recipients who fail to honor this work obligation must repay the award with interest. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Illinois residents who are enrolled at the junior level or higher at an institution of higher education in the state. Applicants must be planning to prepare for a career as a preschool, elementary, or secondary school teacher. Preference is given to students working on a degree in designated teacher shortage disciplines, making a commitment to teach at a hard-to-staff school, and/or planning to teach minority students. Recently, the teacher shortage disciplines included behavior disordered, bilingual teacher (K-12), cross categorical (seeking certification in 2 or more areas of special education), general special education (including blind and deaf specialties and early childhood special education), learning disabled, mathematics (K-12), music (K-12), physical education (K-12), reading and English language arts (K-12), and speech and language impaired. Preference is given to renewal applicants. Selection is based on cumulative GPA, expected family contribution, and minority student status. Deadline for Receipt: Priority consideration is given to applications submitted by February of each year. Additional Information: This program was formerly known as the David A. DeBolt Teacher Shortage Scholarship Program.


c/o Nikki Assmann, Executive Director
2301 Christy Lane
Muncie, IN 47304
Tel: (765)289-8549
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students in Indiana who are majoring in health, physical education, recreation, or dance.

Title of Award: Jean Lee/Jeff Marvin Collegiate Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health education; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Indiana who are majoring in health education, physical education, recreation, dance education, or related areas (including sports administration). Applicants must submit a statement in which they describe their plans for after graduation, why they need this scholarship, their extracurricular activities, and their personal philosophy relating to their future profession. Selection is based on participation in collegiate activities; professional competencies; potential as a professional; GPA; 2 letters of recommendation from members of the Indiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: Iowa Scholarships for the Arts
600 East Locust
Des Moines, IA 50319-0290
Tel: (515)281-4081
Fax: (515)242-6498
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Iowa high school seniors who plan to study the arts at a college or university in the state.

Title of Award: Iowa Scholarships for the Arts Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Literature; Music; Performing arts; Visual arts; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipends range from $1,000 to $2,000. Funds must be used for tuition at the Iowa institution where the recipient is enrolled. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating seniors at high schools in Iowa who have been accepted as full-time undergraduate students at an accredited college or university in the state. Applicants must be planning to major in music, dance, visual arts, traditional arts, theater, or literature. Along with their application, they must submit a 1-page essay on what they perceive to be their future in the arts. Selection is based on 1) proven artistic and academic abilities in the chosen artistic area and 2) future goals and objectives relating to the intended field of study. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


200 Tenth Street, Fourth Floor
Des Moines, IA 50309-3609
Tel: (515)242-3344
Free: 800-383-4222
Fax: (515)242-3388
Web Site:

To provide forgivable loans to students in Iowa who are interested in preparing for a career as a teacher of a shortage-area subject in the state.

Title of Award: Iowa Teacher Shortage Forgivable Loans Area, Field, or Subject: Counseling/Guidance; Education; Education, Bilingual and cross-cultural; Education, Elementary; Education, English as a second language; Education, Music; Education, Secondary; Education, Special; Education, Vocational-technical; Educational administration; Library and archival sciences; Reading; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 540 of these forgivable loans were awarded. Funds Available: The maximum forgivable loan is $3,000 per year; recently, loans averaged $2,759. Repayment begins 30 days after graduation or termination of enrollment. For each year that recipients teach in the shortage area in Iowa, 20% of the loan is forgiven. If they teach for 5 years, the entire amount of the loan is forgiven. If the teaching service is not performed, the loan must be repaid within 10 years at a variable interest rate capped at 8.25% (recently it was 3.42%). Duration: This is a 1-time award.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Iowa residents who are sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate students at an Iowa 4-year college or university on at least a half-time basis. Applicants must be working on a degree in a field designated annually by the Iowa Department of Education as a shortage area. Recently, those included the following fields for K-12 teachers: special education, talented and gifted, music, English as a second language, media specialist, counselor, and principal. Fields at the 7-12 level included agriculture, family and consumer science, foreign language, industrial technology, mathematics, and science. Financial need is considered in the selection process and priority is given to applicants with the greatest need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1999.


c/o Stinson Morrison Hecker L.L.P.
Attn: Charles F. Jensen
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150
Tel: (816)842-8600

To provide financial assistance to Missouri residents majoring in education and planning to teach humanities in elementary and middle schools in the state after graduation.

Title of Award: Jack J. Isgur Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Dance; Education, Elementary; Humanities; Literature; Music; Poetry Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Missouri who are enrolled at a 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in education with the goal of teaching the humanities (e.g., literature, dance, fine arts, music, art, and poetry) at the elementary or middle school level following graduation. Preference is given to students entering their junior year of college and planning to teach in rural school districts in Missouri, rather than metropolitan districts. The application process includes brief essays on the following topics: 1) work and life experiences indicating an interest in teaching subjects in the humanities to grade school and middle school students in Missouri upon graduation; 2) other activities (organizations to which they belong, hobbies, volunteer work) and their interest in them; 3) the 3 books that have most influenced them and why; and 4) their employment experiences. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Kansas-Nebraska Southern Baptist Foundation
5410 S.W. Seventh Street
Topeka, KS 66606-2398
Tel: (785)273-4880
Free: 800-984-9092
Fax: (785)273-4992
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Southern Baptists from Kansas and Nebraska who are interested in preparing for a career as a church musician.

Title of Award: Ed VanLandingham Music Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of churches in the Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists who are attending or planning to attend a college or university. Applicants must have declared church music as their vocation. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Director of Cultural Events
15 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021-6595
Tel: (212)734-2130, ext. 214
Free: 800-287-9956
Fax: (212)628-4552
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding pianists.

Title of Award: Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Piano Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Piano Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 national prizes are awarded each year. Funds Available: The preliminary competitions provide small cash prizes and round-trip airfare to the national finals. In the national competitions, first place is $5,000, second place $2,500, and third place $1,500. Duration: The competition is held annually; the preliminaries are held in March and the national finals in April.

Eligibility Requirements: The competition is open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the United States, and international full-time students with valid student visas; all entrants must be between 16 and 22 years of age. Contestants prepare a program of 60 to 75 minutes encompassing a selection of works by Chopin, a mazurka by Szymanowski, a major work by J.S. Bach, a complete classical (Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart or Schubert) sonata, a major 19th-century work by a composer other than Chopin, and a substantial work by an American, Polish, or Polish American composer written after 1950; jurors choose works from the program for the auditions. Preliminary competitions take place in Chicago and New York; winners advance to the national competitions in New York. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This competition was established in 1949. The first-prize winner also performs at concerts arranged by the Kosciuszko Foundation in the United States and Poland. Applications must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $35.


Attn: Director of Cultural Events
15 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021-6595
Tel: (212)734-2130, ext. 214
Free: 800-287-9956
Fax: (212)628-4552
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding violinists.

Title of Award: Kosciuszko Foundation Wieniawski Violin Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Violin Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 national prizes are awarded each year. Funds Available: First place is $5,000, second $2,500, and third $1,500. Duration: The competition is held annually, in April.

Eligibility Requirements: The competition is open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the United States, and international full-time students with valid student visas; all entrants must be between 16 and 22 years of age. Contestants prepare a program of 60 to 75 minutes encompassing a concerto by Wieniawski or Szymanowski, the first 2 movements of a Bach sonata, a sonata by Beethoven or Mozart, a virtuosic 19th-century work, a Paganini caprice, and a substantial work by an American, Polish, or Polish American composer written after 1950. They must submit an audition CD of approximately 15 minutes with selections from their program. Based on those CDs, finalists are invited to the competition in New York. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Applications must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $35.


Attn: Director of Cultural Events
15 East 65th Street
New York, NY 10021-6595
Tel: (212)734-2130, ext. 214
Free: 800-287-9956
Fax: (212)628-4552
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding singers.

Title of Award: Marcella Sembrich Voice Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 prizes are awarded each year of the competition. Funds Available: The first-prize winner receives a $1,000 cash scholarship; round-trip airfare from New York City to Warsaw, accommodations, and meals in Poland to perform in the International Moniuszko Competition; a recital at the Moniuszko Festival in Poland; and an invitation to perform at the Sembrich Memorial Association in Lake George, New York. Second and third prizes are $750 and $500, respectively. Duration: The competition is held triennially, in March.

Eligibility Requirements: The competition is open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the United States, and international full-time students with valid student visas; all entrants must be between 18 and 35 years of age and preparing for professional singing careers. They must submit an audio cassette recording of a proposed program if they are selected for the competition; the program must include a Baroque or Classical aria, an aria by Giuseppe Verdi, a Polish song, a 19th-century Romantic opera aria, a contemporary American aria or song, and an aria by Stanislaw Moniuszko. Deadline for Receipt: December of the years prior to the competitions, which are held in 2007, 2010, etc. Additional Information: Applications must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $35.


Attn: Administrative Director
7080 Donlon Way, Suite 202
P.O. Box 2967
Dublin, CA 94568
Tel: (925)828-3883
Fax: (925)828-3883
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for undergraduate study to members of the Luso-American Fraternal Federation who are musically oriented.

Title of Award: Antonio Toledo Memorial Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 7 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: A stipend is provided (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; renewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of the federation who are high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants should be interested in studying music. Preference is given to residents of the Chino/Ontario area of California. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Membership in the Luso-American Fraternal Federation is limited to people who hold Luso-American Life Insurance policies or annuities.


Attn: Office of Student Financial Assistance
839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400
Annapolis, MD 21401-3013
Tel: (410)260-4569
Free: 800-974-1024, ext. 4569
Fax: (410)974-5376
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to outstanding high school juniors in Maryland.

Title of Award: Maryland Distinguished Scholar Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; General studies/Field of study not specified; Music; Music, Vocal; Visual arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 350 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $3,000 per year. The total amount of all state awards may not exceed the cost of attendance as determined by the school's financial aid office or $17,800, whichever is less. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed up to 3 additional years if the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA and remains enrolled full time at an eligible Maryland institution.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply are outstanding high school juniors in Maryland who intend to work on an undergraduate degree on a full-time basis at an accredited college, university, or private career school in the state. Students may qualify in 1 of 3 ways: 1) superior academic achievement, in which finalists are selected on the basis of GPA (minimum 3.7) and scores on PSAT, SAT, or ACT exams; 2) National Achievement Scholarship and National Merit Scholarship programs, in which finalists automatically receive these scholarships if they enroll in eligible Maryland institutions; and 3) superior talent in the arts, in which finalists are selected in statewide auditions or portfolio evaluations in visual art, instrumental music, vocal music, dance, or drama. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: Applications in the academic achievement category must be submitted in February of each year; nominations in the talent category must be submitted in April of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Program
107 East Main Street
P.O. Box 61
Clarinda, IA 51632
Tel: (712)542-4439
Fax: (712)542-2461
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to present and prospective college music majors.

Title of Award: Glenn Miller Scholarship Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The first-place instrumentalist receives $2,400; the second-place instrumentalist receives $1,200. The first-place vocalist receives $2,000; the second-place vocalist receives $1,000. The funds are to be used for any school-related expense. Duration: The competition is held annually, in June.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply are 1) graduating high school seniors planning to major in music in college and 2) freshmen music majors at an accredited college, university, or school of music. Both instrumentalists and vocalists may compete. Those who entered as high school seniors and did not win first place are eligible to enter again as college freshmen. Each entrant must submit an audition tape, from which finalists are selected. Finalists are auditioned in person. They must perform a composition of concert quality, up to 5 to 10 minutes in length. Selection is based on talent in any field of applied music; the competition is not intended to select Glenn Miller look-alikes or sound-alikes. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Finalists compete in auditions at the Glenn Miller Festival stage show, in Clarinda, Iowa. The scholarship for the first-place vocalist is designated as the GMBS-Ralph Brewster Vocal Scholarship; the scholarship for the second-place vocalist is designated as the GMBS-Jack Pullan Memorial Vocal Scholarship. Applicants selected as finalists on the basis of their audition tapes are responsible for their own transportation expenses to go to Clarinda to perform at the auditions. A $25 application fee is required but is returned to applicants who are not selected to be finalists and to those who are selected as finalists and complete the required audition.


Attn: Scholarship Department
Two Miss America Way, Suite 1000
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Tel: (609)345-7571, ext. 27
Free: 800-282-MISS
Fax: (609)347-6079
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women who are working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in the performing arts and who, in the past, competed at some level in the Miss America competition.

Title of Award: Eugenia Vellner Fischer Award for the Performing Arts Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Music; Music, Vocal; Performing arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Under-graduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year; renewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women who are working on an undergraduate, master's, or higher degree in the performing arts and who competed at the local, state, or national level in a Miss America competition within the past 10 years. Applicants may be studying dance, instrumental, monologue, or vocal. They must submit an essay, up to 500 words, on the factors that influenced their decision to enter the field of performing arts, what they consider to be their major strengths in the field, and how they plan to use their degree in the field. Selection is based on GPA, class rank, extracurricular activities, financial need, and level of participation within the system. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship was established in 1999.


Attn: Scholarship Department
Two Miss America Way, Suite 1000
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Tel: (609)345-7571, ext. 27
Free: 800-282-MISS
Fax: (609)347-6079
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to students who participate in the Miss America Parade as part of a high school marching band.

Title of Award: Marching Band Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 or more each year. Funds Available: The winning bands receive $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, or $5,000. The band directors and/or school administrators of these bands are responsible for selecting a student or students to win the scholarships. Funds are paid to the winning student's college or university and may be used to pay tuition, room, or board. Duration: The awards are made annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants may be male or female, but they must be seniors in high school and play in bands that march in a Miss America parade. The winning high school bands may select 1 student to receive all the funds or may split the funds into separate scholarships. Additional Information: These scholarships were initiated in the 1990s as part of the Miss America organization's effort to extend funding to people outside of its network of competitions.


Attn: Scholarship Department
Two Miss America Way, Suite 1000
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Tel: (609)345-7571, ext. 27
Free: 800-282-MISS
Fax: (609)347-6079
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women who are working on a degree in education and who, in the past, competed at some level in the Miss America competition.

Title of Award: Albert A. Marks Scholarship for Teacher Education Area, Field, or Subject: Counseling/Guidance; Education; Education, Music; Education, Physical; Educational administration; Nursing; Psychology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Under-graduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Recently, 4 of these scholarships were awarded: 1 at $4,000 and 3 at $2,000. Funds Available: Stipends are $4,000 or $2,000. Duration: 1 year; renewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women who are working on an undergraduate, master's, or higher degree in education and who competed at the local, state, or national level in a Miss America competition within the past 10 years. Applicants must be preparing for a career as a classroom teacher, special area teacher (i.e., art, physical education, music), school counselor, school psychologist, school nurse, or school administrator. They must submit an essay, up to 500 words, on the factors that influenced them to enter the field of education, what they consider to be the major issues facing education today, and what they would do to strengthen and improve our educational system. Selection is based on GPA, class rank, extracurricular activities, financial need, and level of participation within the system. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship was established in 1997.


Attn: ACT-SO Director
4805 Mt. Hope Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
Tel: (410)580-5650
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding African American high school students who distinguish themselves in the Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) program.

Title of Award: Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) Area, Field, or Subject: Architecture; Art; Biological and clinical sciences; Business administration; Chemistry; Computer and information sciences; Dance; Electronics; Energy-related areas; Filmmaking; Humanities; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Music; Music, Classical; Painting; Performing arts; Photography; Physics; Playwriting; Poetry; Science; Sculpture; Speech, Debate, and Forensics; Visual arts; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 75 each year: 3 in each of 25 categories. Funds Available: In each category, the first-prize winner receives a gold medal and a $2,000 scholarship, the second-prize winner receives a silver medal and a $1,500 scholarship, and the third-prize winner receives a bronze medal and a $1,000 scholarship. Duration: The competition has been held annually since 1977.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school students (grades 9-12) of African descent who are U.S. citizens and amateurs in the category in which they wish to participate. Competitions are held in 25 categories in 5 general areas: humanities (music composition, original essay, playwriting, and poetry), sciences (architecture, biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics/electronics, physics/energy, and physics/general), performing arts (dance, dramatics, music instrumental/classical, music instrumental/contemporary, music vocal/classical, music vocal/contemporary, and oratory), visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and filmmaking/video), and business (entrepreneurship). Competition is first conducted by local chapters of the NAACP; winners in each event at the local level then compete at the national level. Deadline for Receipt: Local competitions usually take place between March and May. The national finals are held each year in July.


Attn: NPM Scholarships
962 Wayne Avenue, Suite 210
Silver Spring, MD 20910-4461
Tel: (240)247-3000
Fax: (240)247-3001
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate student members of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians.

Title of Award: National Association of Pastoral Musicians Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 11 each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $1,000 to $5,000. Funds must be used to pay for registration, fees, or books. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of the association who are enrolled part or full time in an undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education program. They must be studying in a field related to pastoral music, be able to demonstrate financial need, and be intending to work for at least 2 years in the field of pastoral music following graduation. Applicants must submit a 5-minute performance cassette tape of themselves or the choir-ensemble they direct. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program includes the following named scholarships: the NPM Members' Scholarship ($5,000), the NPM Koinonia Scholarship ($2,500); the NPM Board of Directors Scholarship ($2,000); the NPM Perrot Scholarship ($2,000), the MuSonics Scholarship ($2,000), the Paluch Family Foundation/WLP Scholarship ($2,000), the OCP Scholarship ($1,500), the GIA Pastoral Chorale Scholarship $1,500), the Dosogne/Rendler-Georgetown Memorial Scholarship ($1,000), the Rensselaer Challenge Grant ($1,000), and the Funk Family Memorial Scholarship ($1,000).


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding high school students in the arts.

Title of Award: ARTS Competition Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Dance; Filmmaking; Music; Music composition; Music, Jazz; Music, Vocal; Performing arts; Photography; Playwriting; Poetry; Visual arts; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 125 award candidates compete in Miami (20 in dance, 5 in film and video, 20 in instrumental music, 5 in jazz, 5 in photography, 20 in theater, 20 in visual arts, 10 in voice, and 20 in writing); an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, the 125 award candidates received 50 first-level awards, 51 second-level awards, and 24 third-level awards. In addition, 9 of them (1 in each category) were selected as gold award winners. Funds Available: Gold awards are $10,000, first-level $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors, or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. Applicants may enter competitions in dance, film and video, instrumental music, jazz, photography, theater, visual arts, voice, or writing by submitting samples of their work, as videotapes, audio tapes, or portfolios. On the basis of the tapes or portfolios, award winners are invited to Miami for the final competitions. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: ARTS (Arts Recognition and Talent Search) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions, which have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding high school student dancers or choreographers.

Title of Award: Dance Competition Awards of the Arts Recognition and Talent Search Area, Field, or Subject: Dance Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 20 award candidates compete in Miami; an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, awards included 9 at the first level, 4 at the second level, and 7 at the third level; of those, 1 was selected to receive the gold award. Funds Available: The gold award is $10,000, first-level awards are $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. Dancers should have several years of concentrated study and choreographers should have a record of serious interest and production extending over at least 1 year. Acceptable categories are ballet, choreography, jazz, modern, tap, and world dance forms (such as African, East Indian, Native American, Irish Step, and Spanish); applicants may enter 1 or more of the categories. Applicants must submit videotapes showing up to 2 minutes of technique and up to 2 minutes of solo performance. On the basis of the tapes, judges invite award winners to Miami for the final competitions. Selection is based on appearance, technique, musicality and phrasing, and artistry. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: The Arts Recognition and Talent Search (ARTS) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts, which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions that have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding high school student musicians.

Title of Award: Instrumental Music Competition Awards of the Arts Recognition and Talent Search Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Classical; Music composition; Music, Piano Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 20 award candidates compete in Miami; an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, awards included 8 at the first level, 8 at the second level, and 4 at the third level; of those, 1 was selected to receive the gold award. Funds Available: The gold award is $10,000, first-level awards are $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. They may compete in the following categories: classical instruments (each instrument is a separate category), popular piano, or composition. Applicants submit audio tapes for each category entered; the required content of the audio tape varies according to the music category. Judges select award winners to come to Miami for the final competitions. Selection in the performance categories is based on tone production, technique, rhythm, intonation, interpretation, and phrasing; selection in the composition category is based on musical ideas, musical structure, and control of medium. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: The Arts Recognition and Talent Search (ARTS) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions that have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding high school student musicians.

Title of Award: Music for Youth Foundation Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Jazz; Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year: 1 in each of the music categories. Funds Available: The awards are $25,000. They are in addition to any other awards the students receive from the ARTS program. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to participants in the 3 music categories (jazz, instrumental, and voice) of the ARTS (Arts Recognition and Talent Search) program sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA). Applicants to that program must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. Selection of these awardees is based on superior ARTS Week audition materials, extraordinary ARTS week performances, and recommendations by ARTS week panelists. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications to the ARTS competition must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding high school student singers.

Title of Award: Voice Competition Awards of the Arts Recognition and Talent Search Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 10 award candidates compete in Miami; an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, awards included 4 at the first level, 4 at the second level, and 2 at the third level; of those, 1 was selected to receive the gold award. Funds Available: The gold award is $10,000, first-level awards are $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. They may compete in either classical voice or popular music vocals by submitting an audio tape or (preferably) CD audition. Classical voice singers must submit at least 5 selections in contrasting styles and varied tempos. Popular music sender must submit at least 4 selections, including 2 compositions in any style of the applicant's own choosing, 1 music standard or traditional popular song, and 1 contemporary popular song. Based on the auditions, judges select award winners to come to Miami for the final competitions. Selection is based on tone production, technique, diction, rhythm, intonation, interpretation, and phrasing. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: The Arts Recognition and Talent Search (ARTS) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions that have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


201 Dayton Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
Tel: (513)884-1500
Fax: (513)884-1999
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students enrolled in a college music program leading to a career in the ministry of music.

Title of Award: National Religious Music Week Alliance Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled in a college or university and majoring in music. Applicants must be interested in preparing for a career in church music. Along with their application, they must submit a brief essay on their plans for continuing their education and their goals following graduation. Selection is based on the essay, grade transcripts, 2 letters of recommendation, scholastic distinctions and honors, and involvement in church, school, or community activities. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: These scholarships were first awarded in 2004.


Attn: Scholarship Chair
P.O. Box 27040
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7040
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of New Mexico who are planning to work on an undergraduate degree in health, physical education, recreation, or dance at a college or university in the state.

Title of Award: NMAHPERD College Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of New Mexico who are planning to enter a 4-year college or university in the state as a freshman. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher for the first semester of their senior year in high school. They must have expressed an interest in studying in the health, physical education, recreation, or dance fields. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a 350-word narrative expressing their rationale for entering the field of health, physical education, recreation, or dance; 2) a brief narrative of their involvement in extracurricular and civic activities; 3) an explanation of how they have demonstrated their ability to work with a diverse population; and 4) 2 letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Executive Director
P.O. Box 27751
Raleigh, NC 27611
Fax: (919)463-8393
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to members of the North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NCAAHPERD).

Title of Award: June P. Galloway Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply for this scholarship are rising seniors majoring in health, physical education, recreation, and/or dance who are members of NCAAHPERD and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher for all college work and 3.0 or higher for their major. Selection is based twothirds on academic achievement and one-third on leadership and contributions to the profession. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


Attn: Executive Director
P.O. Box 27751
Raleigh, NC 27611
Fax: (919)463-8393
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to members of the North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NCAAHPERD).

Title of Award: Nathan Taylor Dodson Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply for this scholarship are rising seniors majoring in health, physical education, recreation, and/or dance who are members of NCAAHPERD and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher for all college work and 3.0 or higher for their major. Selection is based twothirds on academic achievement and one-third on leadership and contributions to the profession. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


c/o Liz Wetzel
1887 Rim Rock Canyon Road
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949)376-1568

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate school women in California who are preparing for a career in music or the fine arts.

Title of Award: Ora Keck Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Under-graduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to female residents of California who have completed 4 years of high school (or the equivalent), are enrolled at or accepted by an accredited college, university, vocational school, or graduate school, have an excellent academic record, and are able to demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be studying music or the fine arts. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


c/o Liz Wetzel
1887 Rim Rock Canyon Road
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
Tel: (949)376-1568

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate women in California who are preparing for a career in music performance or music education.

Title of Award: Phyllis J. Van Deventer Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Education, Music; Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to female residents of California who have completed 4 years of high school (or the equivalent), are enrolled at or accepted by an accredited college, university, or vocational school, have an excellent academic record, and are able to demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be studying music performance or music education. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


701 N.W. Ferris Avenue
Lawton, OK 73507-5442
Tel: (580)353-1455
Fax: (580)353-1456
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to student members of the Percussive Arts Society (PAS).

Title of Award: PAS/Remo, Inc. Fred Hoey Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to PAS members entering their freshman year in the school of music at an accredited college or university. Selection is based on a videotape, up to 3 minutes in length, of a percussion performance. The videotape should demonstrate the student's ability to play at least 2 different percussion instruments. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


701 N.W. Ferris Avenue
Lawton, OK 73507-5442
Tel: (580)353-1455
Fax: (580)353-1456
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to young drummers interested in furthering their drumset studies.

Title of Award: PAS/Sabian, Ltd. Larrie Londin Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 in each age category. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000 for students in the 18-24 age category or $1,000 for students under 17. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to drummers in 2 categories: those 17 years of age and under and those from 18 to 24 years of age. Applicants must submit 1) a videotape, up to 3 minutes in length, that demonstrates their ability to perform different drumming styles; 2) an essay (from 100 to 200 words in length) on why they feel they qualify for a scholarship and how the money would be used (e.g., college, summer camp, private teacher); and 3) a supporting letter of recommendation verifying their age and school attendance. Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Scholarships Committee
4101 East Third Street
P.O. Box 6626
Bloomington, IN 47407-6626
Tel: (812)339-3411
Free: 800-487-3411
Fax: (812)339-3462
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students preparing for careers as a teacher of physical education or a related field.

Title of Award: Tobin Sorenson Physical Education Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Athletics; Dance; Education, Elementary; Education, Physical; Education, Secondary; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 every other year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students preparing for careers at the K-12 level. Applicants must be interested in becoming a physical education teacher, adaptive physical education teacher, coach, recreational therapist, dance therapist, or similar professional teaching the knowledge and use of the human body. They must be sophomores or above and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Selection is based on academic achievement, potential for leadership, and extracurricular involvement in physical/sports education, recreation therapy, or similar activities (e.g., coaching, tutoring, volunteer work for appropriate organizations on or off campus). Deadline for Receipt: February of each odd-numbered year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1999. If the recipient is not already a member of Pi Lambda Theta (an international honor and professional association in education), a complimentary 1-year honorary membership is also awarded.


1305 Broadway
Denison, IA 51442
Tel: (712)263-3334
Free: 800-336-4692
Fax: (712)263-8026
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors interested in studying the performing arts in college.

Title of Award: Donna Reed Performing Arts Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Vocal; Performing arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 9 each year: in each of the 3 divisions, 1 national winner and 2 other finalists receive awards. In addition, each of the 9 national finalists receive free tuition and all expenses to participate in the Donna Reed Festival and Workshops for the Performing Arts. Another 3 scholarships (1 in each division) are awarded to Iowa residents, and another 3 scholarships (1 in each division) are awarded to residents of Crawford County, Iowa. Funds Available: National winners receive $1,000 per year and finalists receive $500. Funds may be used for an accredited postsecondary or approved program of study of the recipient's choice. Iowa winners receive $1,000 scholarships and Crawford County winners receive $500 scholarships. Duration: Scholarships for national winners are for 4 years. Scholarships for other winners are for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who wish to pursue an education or a career in 1 of the following 3 performing arts: acting, vocal (classical, jazz, popular), or musical theater. Applicants must graduate or have graduated from high school during the period between September prior to applying and August after applying. They must submit audio or videotapes; based on those tapes, finalists are invited to a live competition in June at the Donna Reed Festival and Workshops for the Performing Arts in Denison, Iowa. Selection is based on talent. Grades and financial need are not considered. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Separate award are presented to residents of Iowa and to residents of Crawford County, Iowa. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: The widower and friends of the actress Donna Reed established this foundation in 1987, the year after her death. It is based in, and the workshops are held in, Denison, Iowa, Donna Reed's birthplace. A $40 application fee is required for the first discipline category the applicant enters; additional entries require an additional $30 fee. Fees may be waived in cases of financial need.


c/o Gab Wynne
17 Blossom Court
Warwick, RI 02886
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to Rhode Island residents who are interested in preparing for a career in health education, physical education, recreation, or dance.

Title of Award: RIAHPERD Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Health education; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Rhode Island who are high school seniors or current undergraduate students. Applicants must be planning to enter the fields of health education, physical education, recreation, or dance; health-related programs such as nursing, pre-medicine, physical therapy, and occupational therapy do not qualify. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a personal letter on their philosophy of physical activity and wellness, awards and recognitions received, contributions to their community, and career goals; 2) high school or college transcripts; and 3) 3 letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
One Union Station
Providence, RI 02903
Tel: (401)274-4564
Fax: (401)331-8085
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students in Rhode Island who demonstrate ability in playing the organ or other keyboard instrument and to church organists.

Title of Award: Bach Organ and Keyboard Music Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Piano; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 3 each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $300 to $1,000.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to music majors specializing in organ or piano in pursuit of a college degree. Applicants must be Rhode Island residents and church organists who are members of the American Guild of Organists (AGO). They must submit a letter of reference from their organ/keyboard teacher or church official and an essay (up to 300 words) on what they hope they will be doing in their professional life 10 years from now. Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


9501 Skokie Boulevard
Skokie, IL 60077
Tel: (847)679-9501, ext. 3014
Fax: (847)679-1879
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding young string instrumentalists.

Title of Award: Harvey E. Mittenthal Scholarship and Chair Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Viola; Music, Violin Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The award is a $1,500 scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to all orchestral string instrumentalists between 15 and 32 years of age. Applicants participate in a competition on the campus of Northeastern Illinois University in which they play a memorized movement of a concerto. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The winner also agrees to rehearse and play with the Skokie Valley Symphony for the season following the year of the award. Applications must be accompanied by a $15 fee.


c/o Sons of Norway 1455
West Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408-2666
Tel: (612)827-3611
Free: 800-945-8851
Fax: (612)827-0658
Web Site:

To provide support to college students of Norwegian heritage who are interested in pursuing further study of that heritage in North America or Norway.

Title of Award: King Olav V Norwegian-American Heritage Fund Area, Field, or Subject: Area and ethnic studies; Art industries and trade; Crafts; Folklore; History; Literature; Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Since 1984, 167 of these scholarships have been awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $250 to $3,000, depending upon the number of recipients in any given year. Duration: 1 year; a student may be awarded 2 scholarships within a 5-year period.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to North Americans of Norwegian heritage, 18 years of age or older, who have demonstrated an interest in their heritage and who desire to further the study of that heritage at a recognized educational institution in North America or Norway. The program of study may include arts, crafts, literature, history, music, or folklore. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay that describes their reasons for applying for the scholarship, the course of study to be pursued, the length of the course, the name of the institution which they plan to attend, the tuition and costs, the amount of financial aid desired, how their course of study will benefit their community, and how their study corresponds to the goals and objectives of the Sons of Norway Foundation. Selection is based on the essay, academic potential, benefit to Sons of Norway and the wider Norwegian community, involvement in school and community activities, work experience, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Awards are also made to Norwegians who wish to study in North America. Applications may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. Final reports are requested (but are not required).


c/o Mellon Private Asset Management
One Boston Place
AIM: 024-0084
Boston, MA 02108-4402
Tel: (617)722-3891
Fax: (617)722-6826

To provide financial aid to women residents of Massachusetts who are working on a college degree in music.

Title of Award: Susan Glover Hitchcock Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies; approximately 15 each year. Funds Available: Scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 are granted to cover tuition, room and board, and other expenses related to the recipient's college education. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women who are residents of Massachusetts and working on a college degree in music in any state. Students must apply through their college. Along with their application, they must submit a statement on their plans for studying and preparing for a career in music, along with information on their musical accomplishments and extracurricular activities. Selection is based on academic performance; character, abilities, and talents in music; and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program was formerly called the Young Artists Award Program. It was originally established in 1934 by Madeline Soren and named the Susan Glover Hitchcock Scholarship Award in honor of her mother.


Interstate Center
16 Berryhill Road, Suite 210
P.O. Box 21487
Columbia, SC 29221
Tel: (803)798-0916
Free: 800-347-2752
Fax: (803)772-9410
Web Site:

To provide scholarship/loans to students in South Carolina who wish to teach certain subjects or in certain geographic areas.

Title of Award: South Carolina Teacher Loan Program Area, Field, or Subject: Classical studies; Consumer affairs; Counseling/Guidance; Education; Education, Elementary; Education, Music; Education, Special; English language and literature; Foreign languages; Library and archival sciences; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Science; Speech and language pathology/audiology; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Freshmen and sophomores may borrow up to $2,500 per academic year; juniors, seniors, and graduate students may borrow up to $5,000 per academic year. This is a scholarship/loan program; loans are forgivable at the rate of 20% or $3,000, whichever is greater, for each full year of teaching in an area (either geographic or subject) of critical need; for students who teach in both critical subject and geographic areas, the rate of cancellation is 33% or $5,000, whichever is greater, per year. Borrowers who fail to teach in either a critical subject or geographic area must repay the loan at an annual interest rate that varies (currently, 6.06%) but is capped at 10.25%. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for a total of 5 years of undergraduate and 5 years of graduate study.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply are residents of South Carolina who are planning to teach in certain critical geographic areas of the state, or to teach in critical subject areas. Entering freshmen must have ranked in the top 40% of their high school class and have an ACT or SAT score greater than the South Carolina average; enrolled undergraduates or entering graduate students must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA; graduate students who have completed at least 1 term must have a GPA of 3.5 or better. Undergraduate students at South Carolina colleges must have taken and passed the Education Entrance Exam; students at institutions outside South Carolina must have completed the necessary prerequisites required at that institution. Only U.S. citizens may apply. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: Recently, the critical subject areas include mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, physics, and general science), media specialist, special education, industrial technology, guidance, foreign languages (Spanish, French, Latin, and German), family and consumer science, art, music, business education, English and language arts, and speech and drama/theater. For a list of critical geographic area, contact the sponsor.


c/o Yerti Nelson, Scholarship Committee
3759 Mykonos Court
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Tel: (561)997-2050
Fax: (561)997-8010
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Florida residents interested in studying in Sweden or an area related to Swedish studies.

Title of Award: South Florida SWEA Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Art industries and trade; Crafts; Design; Environmental conservation; Environmental science; Foreign languages; General studies/Field of study not specified; Literature; Music; Swedish studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $3,000.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to all residents of Florida interested in participating in an exchange program in Sweden. Applicants may also propose to study in the United States, if the studies specifically emphasize Sweden and Swedish aspects, including 1) Swedish language; 2) Swedish culture or traditions; 3) environmental science; 4) a health care program promoting better health for women and children; or 5) handicraft, art, glass art, music, literature, or design. Study proposals must be well-defined in time and content. Along with their application, they must submit a transcript from college, university, or vocational school; curriculum vitae; project proposal, describing the planned studies, length of studies, and goals; financial statement; and letter of recommendation from an instructor. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Within 3 months after the end of studies or the project, the recipient must report to the scholarship committee or, if possible, accept an invitation to an organization meeting to share the experience.


Attn: Executive Director
7900 Centre Park Drive, Suite A
Austin, TX 78754
Tel: (512)474-2801
Fax: (512)474-7873
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division and graduate students in Texas who are working on a degree in choral music or church music.

Title of Award: Texas Choral Directors Association Student Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Vocal; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply for this scholarship are undergraduates who have completed at least 60 hours and graduate students. Applicants must be enrolled at a Texas college or university, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and be enrolled in a program of study that will lead to a degree in elementary or secondary choral music or church music. Selection is based on musical contributions and accomplishments, potential for success in the choral music profession, and personal qualifications. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program includes the TCDA/Gandy Ink Student Scholarship and the TCDA/Past Presidents Student Scholarship.


Attn: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Office of Loans and Scholarships
1001 19th Avenue South
P.O. Box 340007
Nashville, TN 37203-0007
Tel: (615)340-7344
Fax: (615)340-7367
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate Methodist students who are preparing for a career in music.

Title of Award: Miriam Hoffman Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Education, Music; Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 12 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled full time and preparing for a career in music. Applicants must have been active, full members of a United Methodist Church for at least 1 year prior to applying and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Preference is given to students interested in music education or music ministry. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 2001.


Attn: Scholarships and Grants Department
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Tel: (703)205-3466
Free: 800-331-2244
Fax: (703)205-3574
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in fields related to performing arts or communications at colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund.

Title of Award: Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Communications; English language and literature; Music; Performing arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled at UNCF-member institutions who are majoring in art, communications, English, music, or performing arts. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be able to demonstrate financial need. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


Attn: John Lennon Songwriting Contest
7950 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22108-0210
Fax: (703)854-2122
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding songs written by high school students.

Title of Award: USA Weekend/John Lennon Songwriting Contest for Teens Area, Field, or Subject: Music composition; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The Grand Prize winner receives a $1,000 U.S. savings bond, a trip for 2 to Los Angeles, a walk-on role in an episode of the NBC series "American Dreams," publication of winning lyrics in USA Weekend, and other gifts. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to compete are full-time students in grades 7-12 in accredited public, private, parochial, or home schools. They are invited to submit the lyrics of an original song, up to 125 words in length, that relates to a theme that changes annually. Recently, the theme was "American Dreams." Selection is based on originality and creativity (30%); songwriting ability (30%); appropriateness of song lyrics for recording (20%), and appropriateness of song lyrics for the theme. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Champlain Mill
Attn: Scholarship Programs
P.O. Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404-2601
Tel: (802)654-3798; 888-253-4819
Fax: (802)654-3765
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of Vermont who are interested in working on a college degree in music.

Title of Award: Lee A. Lyman Memorial Music Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This scholarship is available to the residents of Vermont who are seniors in high school, high school graduates, or currently enrolled in college. Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a postsecondary degree program in music. Selection is based on participation in music-related activities, performances, groups, etc.; academic achievement; required essays; letters of recommendation; and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1995.


c/o Jack Schiltz, Executive Director
817 West Franklin Street
P.O. Box 842037
Richmond, VA 23284-2037
Tel: (804)828-1948
Free: 800-918-9899
Fax: (804)828-1946
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college seniors majoring in health, physical education, recreation, or dance in Virginia.

Title of Award: Frances A. Mays Scholarship Award Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students who have been working full time for 3 years on a degree in health, physical education, recreation, or dance at a college or university in Virginia. Candidates must be nominated by their school and be members of the Virginia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (VAHPERD) and the American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD). Selection is based on academic achievement, leadership in campus life activities, service to college or university, awards and honors, and service to community. Deadline for Receipt: September of each year.


Attn: Education Office
1300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202)628-2800
Free: 800-933-8721
Fax: (202)737-0725
Web Site:

To recognize and reward performing musicians who are physically or mentally challenged.

Title of Award: Panasonic Young Soloists Award Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Classical; Music, Jazz; Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: A monetary award is presented (amount not specified). Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Contestants must be vocalists or instrumentalists under 25 years of age who have a disability. Applicants may be performers in any type of music, including country, classical, jazz, rap, rock, bluegrass, or ethnic. They are required to submit an audition tape and a 1-page biography that describes why they should be selected to receive this award. Tapes are evaluated on the basis of technique, tone, intonation, rhythm, and interpretation. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: Applications must first be submitted to the respective state organization of Very Special Arts (VSA). Funding for these awards has been provided by Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company since 1991.


Orchestra Hall
1111 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55403-2477
Tel: (612)371-5654
Fax: (612)371-0838
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding young musicians from the Midwest and selected areas in Canada who perform in the Women's Association of the Minnesota Orchestra (WAMSO) competition.

Title of Award: WAMSO Young Artist Competition Awards and Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Music; Music, Cello; Music, Piano; Music, Violin Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate, Other Number Awarded: A large number of awards and scholarships are offered annually. Funds Available: The first-prize winner receives the Ehrma Strachauer Medal, the WAMSO Young Artist Award of $3,000, the WAMSO Achievement Award of $2,250, a performance with the Minnesota Orchestra, and a taped performance on WQXR, New York. The second-prize winner receives the WAMSO Award of $2,500 and a taped performance on WQXR, New York. The third-prize winner receives the WAMSO Award of $1,000. Other awards include the Elaine Louise Lagerstrom Memorial Award of $1,000 for violin, the Mathilda Heck Award of $1,000 for woodwind, the Twin Cities Musicians Union AFM Award of $1,000, the Mary Winston Smail Memorial Award of $500 for piano, and the Vincent R. Bastien Memorial Award of $500 for cello. Summer program scholarships are awarded to Aspen Music School, Madeline Island Music Camp, and Interlochen Center for the Arts. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Contestants must be performers of instruments that have permanent chairs in the Minnesota Orchestra and be legal residents of or students in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Manitoba, or Ontario. They must be 26 years of age or younger. The repertoire for audition tapes is at their discretion but must include a concerto and 2 solo works representing contrasting styles and periods. Based on those tapes, 16 contestants advance to the semifinals held in January at Macalester College in St. Paul. The finals are held in Orchestra Hall. Deadline for Receipt: Applications must be submitted by September of each year and tapes by October of each year. Additional Information: This competition was first held in 1956. There is a $75 application fee.


6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 224
Culver City, CA 90230
Tel: (323)671-0394
Fax: (323)778-2613
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division African Americans working on a degree in classical music.

Title of Award: Leonardo Watts Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Music, Classical; Music, Vocal Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to U.S. citizens of African American descent who are enrolled full time as a college or university junior. Applicants must be studying classical music, including voice and/or instrumental. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, be between 17 and 24 years of age, and be able to demonstrate that they intend to continue their education for at least 2 years. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a 1-paragraph statement on why they should be awarded a Watts Foundation scholarship, and 2) a 1- to 2-page essay on a specific type of cancer, based either on how it has impacted their life or on researched information. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: Royce R. Watts, Sr. established the Watts Charity Association after he learned he had cancer in 2001.


1019 Juliana Street
P.O. Box 1019
Parkersburg, WV 26102-1019
Tel: (304)422-6449
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students from West Virginia who are preparing for a career of vocational ministry within the American Baptist Church USA.

Title of Award: Bowen Charitable Trust Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Counseling/Guidance; Education, Religious; Music; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Master's, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Funding does not exceed the cost of tuition, housing, meals, books, and fees for a student living on campus in campus housing. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for the maximum number of years for the course of study.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing to dedicate their lives to Christian service in vocational ministry, including as a pastor, associate/assistant pastor, minister of Christian education, music, worship, youth, pastoral care, family life, or Christian counselor. Scholarships are granted in the following order of priority: 1) members of Calvary Baptist Church in Charleston, West Virginia and/or First Baptist Church of Clendenin, West Virginia; 2) members of other churches in the Kanawha Valley Association of the West Virginia Baptist Convention; 3) members of other churches in the West Virginia Baptist Convention; 4) members of the Mount Lebanon Baptist Church in Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania; and 5) members of other American Baptist USA churches. Preference is also given to students at Alderson Broaddus College (Philippi, West Virginia) and Eastern University or Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Applicants must submit documentation of financial need and an essay on their call to ministry. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Bowen Charitable Trust, P.O. Box 346, Parkersburg, WV 26102-0346, E-mail:


Attn: Executive Director
University of Wisconsin at La Crosse
24 Mitchell Hall
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601-3788
Tel: (608)785-8175
Free: 800-441-4568
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of the Wisconsin Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (WAHPERD) who are working on a college degree.

Title of Award: WAHPERD Student Scholarship Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Athletics; Dance; Education, Physical; Health care services; Management; Parks and recreation Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $4,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to WAHPERD members who have completed at least 2 years of study at a 4-year college or university with a major in physical education, health education, exercise fitness, recreation, athletic training, sports management, or dance. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.2 or higher, at least 2 years' WAHPERD membership, and a record of professional involvement and leadership responsibility. They must submit a resume and 2 letters of recommendation. Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.

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