Financial Aid for Women's Studies
Women's Studies
Attn: Association for Feminist Anthropology
2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201-3357
Tel: (703)528-1902
Fax: (703)528-3546
Web Site:
To recognize and reward the best student essays in feminist anthropology.
Title of Award: Sylvia Forman Prize Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Anthropology; Women's studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: At least 2 each year: 1 for an undergraduate and 1 for a graduate student. Funds Available: Each of the winning essays receives a cash award. Duration: The competition is held annually.
Eligibility Requirements: Both graduate and undergraduate students may compete. They are invited to submit essays (up to 35 pages), in any subfield of anthropology, that focus on such topics as feminist analysis of women's work, reproduction, sexuality, religion, language and expressive culture, family and kin relations, economic development, gender and material culture, gender and biology, women and development, globalization, or race and class. Essays that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted may be eligible as entries. Already accepted or published articles may not be submitted. Only 1 submission per student is accepted. Selection is based on the use of feminist theory to analyze a particular issue; organization, quality, and clarity of writing; effective use of both theory and data; significance to feminist scholarship; timeliness and relevance of the topic; and originality of work. Deadline for Receipt: July of each year. Additional Information: The winning essays are published in the association's Anthropology Newsletter. This competition began in 1995. Information is also available from Florence Babb, University of Iowa, Department of Anthropology, 114 Macbride Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1322, E-mail:
191 University Boulevard, Suite 300
P.O. Box 22005
Denver, CO 80222
Tel: (303)761-5552
Fax: (303)761-5284
Web Site:
To recognize and reward feminists who are high school seniors and interested in writing on feminist issues.
Title of Award: Young Feminist Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Women's studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The scholarship award is $1,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to feminist students in their last year of high school. They are invited to submit an essay on feminism and what it means to them. Essays may be no longer than 1,200 words. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: Spinsters Ink is a feminist publishing house. This program was established in 1998, as part of Spinsters Ink's 20th anniversary celebration. Recipients may use the award as a scholarship at any school of their choosing. The winner is also given the opportunity to attend Norcroft (a writing retreat for women) for 1 week during the summer. Norcroft, funded by Harmony Women's Fund, is situated on Minnesota's north shore of Lake Superior.
Attn: TFBPW Foundation
803 Forest Ridge Drive, Suite 207
Bedford, TX 76022
Tel: (817)283-0862
Fax: (817)283-0872
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance to women in Texas who are preparing to enter selected professions.
Title of Award: Hermine Dalkowitz Tobolowsky Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: History; Law; Political science; Public administration; Women's studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women in Texas who are interested in attending school to prepare for a career in law, public service, government, political science, or women's history. Applicants must have completed at least 2 semesters of study at an accredited college or university in Texas, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be U.S. citizens. Selection is based on academic achievement and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1995.
Attn: Corporate Scholars Program
P.O. Box 1435
Alexandria, VA 22313-9998
Web Site:
To provide financial assistance and work experience to students of color who are interested in working during the summer on an organizing campaign for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
Title of Award: AFSCME/UNCF Union Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: African-American studies; Anthropology; Asian studies; Economics; Hispanic American studies; History; Industrial and labor relations; Native American studies; Political science; Psychology; Social work; Sociology; United States studies; Women's studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The program provides a stipend of $4,000, on-site housing at their location, a week-long orientation and training, and (based on successful performance during the organizing campaign) a $5,000 scholarship. Duration: 10 weeks for the organizing assignment; 1 year for the scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students of color, including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian/Pacific Islander Americans, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives. Applicants must be second semester sophomores or juniors and majoring in ethnic studies, women's studies, labor studies, American studies, sociology, anthropology, history, political science, psychology, social work, or economics. They must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be interested in working on a union organizing campaign at 1 of several locations in the United States. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.
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Financial Aid for Women's Studies
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