Financial Aid for Language and Literature

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Language and Literature


c/o Dianne Casolaro
7501 Roper Tunnel Road
Trussville, AL 35173
Tel: (205)879-9218
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Alabama students interested in preparing for a career in journalism or a related field.

Title of Award: Alabama Media Professionals Award Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Alabama, students enrolled in a college or university in Alabama, and residents of Alabama attending college in other states. Applicants must be preparing for a career in journalism, communications, broadcasting, or other media fields. Along with their application, they must submit samples of their work, 2 letters of recommendation, and a brief statement telling why they are studying communications and describing their career plans. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Alabama Media Professionals is a local affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women.


700 West 41st Street
P.O. Box 102424
Anchorage, AK 99510
Tel: (907)258-2424
Fax: (907)258-2414
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of Alaska who are attending college to prepare for a career in broadcasting.

Title of Award: Linda Simmons Educational Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Funds are paid directly to the student's institution. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Alaska residents who are working on an undergraduate degree or certified course of study at an accredited junior or community college, professional trade school, college, or university in any state. They must be majoring in public relations, journalism, advertising, radio, and/or television broadcasting; if there are no candidates with those majors, students whose main interest is in a communication profession but whose major is another field are considered. Applicants must submit a resume that covers employment, school and community extracurricular activities, awards, and honors; 3 letters of reference; and a short essay on personal goals. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Connie Graffis
644 East 79th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99518
Tel: (907)273-9414
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students at colleges and universities in Alaska who are majoring in journalism or public communications fields.

Title of Award: Alaska Press Women Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Communications; Journalism; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 at $1,000 and 1 at $500. Funds Available: Stipends are $1,000 or $500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled at colleges and universities in Alaska, especially those beyond the freshman year. Applicants must be majoring in a phase of public communications, including advertising, public relations, print, radio-television, or video. Students with other majors may be eligible if they have a definite commitment to enter the media profession. Along with their application, they must submit a resume, a transcript covering all college work in Alaska or elsewhere, a statement of their career goals and why they desire the scholarship, at least 3 letters of recommendation, and up to 3 samples of their work. Selection is based on promise in the journalism or public communications fields and the likelihood that the applicant will enter those fields, financial need, and academic progress. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
7777 Jefferson Street, N.E.
P.O. Drawer J
Albuquerque, NM 87103
Tel: (505)823-7777

To provide financial assistance and work experience to minority upper-division students in journalism programs at universities in New Mexico.

Title of Award: C.T. Lang Journalism Minority Scholarship and Internship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The scholarship is $1,000 per semester; the recipient also receives a paid internship and moving expenses. Duration: The scholarship is for 2 semesters (fall and spring). The internship is for 1 semester.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority students majoring or minoring in journalism at a New Mexico university in their junior year with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must be enrolled full time. They must be planning a career in newswriting, photography, design, copy editing, or online. Selection is based on clips of published stories, a short autobiography that explains the applicant's interest in the field, a grade transcript, and a letter of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: This program is funded by the Albuquerque Journal, where the internship takes place.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
7777 Jefferson Street, N.E.
P.O. Drawer J
Albuquerque, NM 87103
Tel: (505)823-7777

To provide financial assistance to seniors graduating from high schools in New Mexico who are interested in studying journalism in college.

Title of Award: C.T. Lang Journalism Scholarships for High School Seniors Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed up to 3 additional years if the recipient continues to prepare for a career in print journalism and maintains a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating seniors at high schools in New Mexico who are planning to attend college full time and prepare for a career in print journalism. Applicants must write an essay (300 to 500 words) on questions that change annually; recently, the topics were 1) should the United States reinstate a draft for military service; 2) has the Albuquerque Police Department gone too far in trying to crack down on teen drinking; or 3) is there too much emphasis in our schools on athletics, to the detriment of academics. In addition to the essay, they must submit 2 letters of recommendation, 2 samples of their work (preferably articles or photos that have been published in a school newspaper or publication), and high school transcripts (with a GPA of 3.0 or higher). Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


c/o Nancy Agris Savage
9 Nonesuch Drive
Natick, MA 01760
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Greek American undergraduate and graduate students majoring in journalism or communications.

Title of Award: Peter Agris Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students of Greek American descent. Applicants must be enrolled full time as a journalism or communications major at an accredited college or university in the United States. They must be able to demonstrate financial need, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and active participation in school, community, and church organizations. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


One North Pennsylvania Street, 12th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Tel: (317)684-1865
Free: 800-508-5131, ext. 203
Fax: (317)684-1862
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate members of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity who are majoring in journalism

Title of Award: William D. Krahling Excellence in Journalism Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of the fraternity who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Applicants must be majoring in journalism or a related field, have completed at least 1 year of college, and have at least 1 year of undergraduate study remaining before graduation. Selection is based on academic achievement (40%), demonstrated leadership in the fraternity (30%), and demonstrated leadership on campus and in the community (30%). Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Association for Feminist Anthropology
2200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite
600 Arlington, VA 22201-3357
Tel: (703)528-1902
Fax: (703)528-3546
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward the best student essays in feminist anthropology.

Title of Award: Sylvia Forman Prize Competition Area, Field, or Subject: Anthropology; Women's studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: At least 2 each year: 1 for an undergraduate and 1 for a graduate student. Funds Available: Each of the winning essays receives a cash award. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Both graduate and undergraduate students may compete. They are invited to submit essays (up to 35 pages), in any subfield of anthropology, that focus on such topics as feminist analysis of women's work, reproduction, sexuality, religion, language and expressive culture, family and kin relations, economic development, gender and material culture, gender and biology, women and development, globalization, or race and class. Essays that have been submitted for publication but have not yet been accepted may be eligible as entries. Already accepted or published articles may not be submitted. Only 1 submission per student is accepted. Selection is based on the use of feminist theory to analyze a particular issue; organization, quality, and clarity of writing; effective use of both theory and data; significance to feminist scholarship; timeliness and relevance of the topic; and originality of work. Deadline for Receipt: July of each year. Additional Information: The winning essays are published in the association's Anthropology Newsletter. This competition began in 1995. Information is also available from Florence Babb, University of Iowa, Department of Anthropology, 114 Macbride Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1322, E-mail:


Attn: Poster Program Headquarters
1000 AAA Drive
Heathrow, FL 32746-5063
Tel: (407)444-7916
Fax: (407)444-7956
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding high school students who participate in a highway safety competition.

Title of Award: Senior High Communication Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Art; General studies/Field of study not specified; Graphic art and design; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Each year, 9 first-place awards, 9 second-place awards, and 9 third-place awards are presented (1 in each of the subject areas for each medium). In addition, 3 grand awards (1 for each medium) and up to 15 judge's awards are presented each year. Funds Available: In each of the subject areas for each medium (graphic arts, written, and audiovisual), first-place awards are $150 U.S. savings bonds, second-place awards are $125 bonds, and third-place awards are $100 bonds. The grand award winner for each medium also receives a $5,000 scholarship or bond. In addition, each judge may award a $50 savings bond to any non-winning entry for outstanding work. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to 1) students enrolled in grades 9-12 in a public, parochial, private, or home school in the United States or Canada; and 2) senior high students affiliated with a national youth organization (such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of America). Entries are invited in 3 subject areas: DUI prevention, safe driving practices, and motor vehicle occupant protection. For each of those subject areas, students may enter in 1 of 3 formats: graphic arts (a poster, either hand-drawn or computer-generated, or a cartoon), written (either an editorial up to 500 words or the text of a brochure), or audiovisual (either a video cassette or audio recording, both from 30 seconds to 2 minutes in documentary, drama, music, or public service announcement format). All entries are judged on originality and the relationship of the message to traffic safety. In addition, art/design and its execution are considered for poster, brochure, and cartoon entries; visual impact is considered for poster designs and brochures; content, organization, persuasive effect, and grammar are considered for editorials and brochures; and content, organization, presentation, and use of technology are considered for video cassettes and audio recordings. All entries must be the student's exclusive work in idea, design, and execution, although they must be completed under supervision of an authorized instructor. Entries must be addressed to the local AAA club and then forwarded to the national office for the national judging. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: For more than 50 years, senior high school students participated, along with elementary and junior high school students, in the National School Traffic Safety Poster Program. Starting in the 1996-97 school year, the program for senior high school students was expanded so they could submit entries in the graphic arts, written, or audiovisual media formats. Grand award winners must start postsecondary education within 1 year of graduating from high school if they wish to receive the award as a scholarship. They may elect to receive a savings bond in lieu of the scholarship.


Attn: Carol DeMasters, ACES Administrator
38309 Genesee Lake Road
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students interested in becoming copy editors.

Title of Award: Copy Editing Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Editors and editing; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate, Professional Number Awarded: 4 or 5 each year. Funds Available: Stipends are $2,500 (for the Merv Aubespin Scholarship) or $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college juniors, seniors, and graduate students who are interested in a career as a copy editor. Graduating students who will take full-time jobs or internships as copy editors are also eligible. Applicants must submit 1) a list of course work relevant to copy editing they have completed; 2) information on their copy editing experience, including work on student and professional newspapers; 3) an essay, up to 750 words, on what they think makes a good copy editor and why they want to prepare for that career; 4) 2 letters of recommendation; 5) 5 to 10 headlines they have written; and 6) a copy of a story they have edited, including an explanation of the changes they have made and the circumstances under which it was edited. Selection is based on commitment to copy editing as a career, work experience in copy editing, and abilities in copy editing. Financial need is not considered. The highest ranked applicant receives the Merv Aubespin Scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year.


9696 Skillman Street, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75243-8264
Tel: (214)349-5965
Fax: (214)343-8898
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors who write outstanding essays on fire sprinklers.

Title of Award: AFSA Annual Essay Scholarship Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 7 regional winners are selected each year; from among those, 3 are selected as national winners. Funds Available: Each regional winner receives a $1,000 scholarship. From among those winners, the national first prize is an additional $3,000 scholarship, second prize an additional $2,000 scholarship, and third prize an additional $1,000 scholarship. Funds are paid directly to the recipients' educational institutions. The school of each winning student receives an additional $500 for its general fund. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors at high schools in the United States. Home-schooled students are eligible if their course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school. Applicants must submit an essay of 700 to 1,000 words on a topic that varies annually but relates to fire sprinklers. Recently, students were invited to write about a successful fire sprinkler activation in their town, area, or state. Entries must be submitted through an online process. Selection is based on 1) content; 2) accuracy; 3) creativity and originality; and 4) spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Competitions are first held at the regional level. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This competition was first held in 1996.


c/o Tom Strange, Sr., Chair
Sunland Fire Protection, Inc.
P.O. Box 277
Jamestown, NC 27282
Tel: (336)886-7027, ext. 141
Fax: (336)886-7024
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in North Carolina who write outstanding essays on fire sprinklers.

Title of Award: William C. Klutz Scholarship Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: Prizes are scholarships of $2,000 for first place, $1,500 for second, and $1,000 for third. Duration: The contest is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors at high schools in North Carolina. Home-schooled students are eligible if their course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school. Applicants must submit an essay of 700 to 1,000 words on a topic that varies annually but relates to fire sprinklers. Recently, students were invited to write about a successful fire sprinkler activation in their town, area, or state. Entries must be submitted through an online process. Selection is based on 1) content; 2) accuracy; 3) creativity and originality; and 4) spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Competitions are first held at the regional level. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year.


Attn: Director of Public Relations
1440 79th Street Causeway, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33141
Tel: (305)864-2349
Fax: (305)865-5150
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Polish American and other students interested in working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in journalism or related fields.

Title of Award: Harriet Irsay Scholarship Grant Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 to 15 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: These are merit scholarships. They are available to students working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in the following fields: journalism, communications, and/or public relations. Preference is given to American students of Polish heritage. Applicants must submit a completed application, transcripts, a resume, and 3 letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: There is a $25 processing fee.


Attn: National Center for Science Literacy, Education, and Technology
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192
Tel: (212)496-3498
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward high school students who develop outstanding science projects.

Title of Award: Young Naturalist Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Science; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 12 awards are presented each year: 2 for each grade level. Funds Available: This program provides Scholarships of $2,500 for grade 12, $2,000 for grade 11, $1,500 for grade 10, $1,000 for grade 9, $750 for grade 8, or $500 for grade 7 Duration: Awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students in grades 7-12 currently enrolled in a public, private, parochial, or home school in the United States, Canada, the U.S. territories, or U.S.-sponsored schools abroad. Applicants are invited to submit reports of observation-based projects on a scientific theme that is the same every year: "Scientific Discovery Begins with Expeditions." Entries must be between 500 and 2,000 words for grades 7 and 8, between 750 and 2,500 words for grades 9 and 10, or between 1,000 and 3,000 words for grades 11 and 12. Students may include original drawings, photographs, timelines, maps, or graphs to support their writing. Entries are judged by grade level. Selection is based on focus of investigation (15 points), procedure (20 points), analysis and interpretation (20 points), documentation of research materials (15 points), personal voice (10 points), clarity and style (10 points), and use of visuals (10 points). Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by JPMorgan Chase Foundation. The authors of the winning essays also receive a trip to New York City, a tour of the American Museum of Natural History, publishing opportunities, and a chance to meet with scientists from the museum.


1607 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Tel: (202)332-6770
Fax: (202)265-6092
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women majoring in journalism at designated universities in the Washington, D.C. area.

Title of Award: ANWC Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Four Year College Number Awarded: 5 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women majoring in journalism at the following institutions: American University, Gallaudet University, George Washington University, Howard University, and University of Maryland. Applicants may be undergraduates or graduate students. Additional Information: This program began in 1975.


Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
2601 I-40 East
Amarillo, TX 79104
Tel: (806)376-5181; 888-209-8322
Fax: (806)376-1005
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to members of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) or the American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA) who are planning a career in journalism or communications.

Title of Award: AQHF Journalism or Communications Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $2,000 per year. Duration: Up to 4 years, provided the recipient maintains a GPA of 2.5 or higher and full-time enrollment.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have been members of either organization for at least 1 year and be graduating high school seniors or already enrolled in college. They must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be planning to work on a degree in journalism, communications, or a related field. Along with their application, they must submit an essay on "How my experiences through equine-related activities have influenced my life." Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: ARRL Foundation
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Tel: (860)594-0397
Fax: (860)594-0259
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to licensed radio amateurs, particularly from designated midwestern states, who are interested in working on an undergraduate degree, particularly in journalism or the sciences.

Title of Award: PHD ARA Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Computer and information sciences; Engineering; General studies/Field of study not specified; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to licensed radio amateurs of any class who are pursuing postsecondary education. Preference is given to 1) residents of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska; 2) students majoring in journalism, computer science, or electronic engineering; and 3) children of deceased radio amateurs. Applicants must submit an essay on the role amateur radio has played in their lives and provide documentation of financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: Student Programs Coordinator
1182 Market Street, Suite 320
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415)346-2051, ext. 102
Fax: (415)346-6343
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to student members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) interested in careers in broadcast, photo, or print journalism.

Title of Award: Cox Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Graphic art and design; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to AAJA members who are high school seniors or college students (graduate or undergraduate) enrolled full time in accredited institutions. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay on their involvement or interest in the Asian American community and how, if they are awarded this scholarship, they would contribute to the field of journalism and/or media issues involving the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Selection is based on scholastic ability, commitment to journalism, sensitivity to Asian American and Pacific Islander issues as demonstrated by community involvement, journalistic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program is supported by the Cox Foundation.


Attn: Student Programs Coordinator
1182 Market Street, Suite 320
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415)346-2051, ext. 102
Fax: (415)346-6343
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to graduating high school seniors who are members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) and interested in majoring in journalism in college.

Title of Award: Mary Moy Quan Ing Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors who are AAJA members enrolling in college to study journalism. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay on their involvement or interest in the Asian American community and how, if they are awarded this scholarship, they would contribute to the field of journalism and/or media issues involving the Asian Pacific American and Pacific Islander community. Selection is based on scholastic ability, commitment to journalism, sensitivity to Asian American and Pacific Islander issues as demonstrated by community involvement, journalistic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Student Programs Coordinator
1182 Market Street, Suite 320
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415)346-2051, ext. 102
Fax: (415)346-6343
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and summer work experience in print journalism to members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) who are undergraduate or graduate students.

Title of Award: S.I. Newhouse Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 7 of these scholarships (2 at $5,000, 3 at $4,000, 1 at $2,000, and 1 at $1,000) were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends are $5,000, $3,000, or $1,000 per year. Duration: 4 years for a graduating high school senior; 1 year for current undergraduate or graduate students.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to all students but especially welcomes applications from historically underrepresented Asian Pacific American groups, including southeast Asians (Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Hmong), south Asians, and Pacific Islanders. Applicants may be graduating high school seniors who declare journalism as a major or undergraduate or graduate students working on a degree in journalism and a career in print journalism. AAJA membership is required. Along with their application, they must submit a 500-word essay on their involvement or interest in the Asian American community and how, if they are awarded this scholarship, they would contribute to the field of journalism and/or media issues involving the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Selection is based on scholastic ability, commitment to journalism, sensitivity to Asian American and Pacific Islander issues as demonstrated by community involvement, journalistic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1994; it is funded by Newhouse News Service and administered by AAJA. Recipients are also eligible for summer internships with a Newhouse publication.


Attn: Student Programs Coordinator
1182 Market Street, Suite 320
San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415)346-2051, ext. 102
Fax: (415)346-6343
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to male Asian American students who are members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) and interested in a career in broadcast journalism.

Title of Award: Minoru Yasui Memorial Scholarship Award Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Asian American male high school seniors, undergraduates, or graduate students enrolled full time at an accredited college or university in a broadcast journalism program. Applicants must be AAJA members. Along with their application, they must submit a 500-word essay on their involvement or interest in the Asian American community and how, if they are awarded this scholarship, they would contribute to the field of journalism and/or media issues involving the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Selection is based on scholastic ability, commitment to journalism, sensitivity to Asian American and Pacific Islander issues as demonstrated by community involvement, journalistic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship honors Minoru Yasui, a civil rights advocate and attorney who was 1 of 3 Nisei to challenge the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.


c/o Murali Balaji
950 West Basin Road
New Castle, DE 19720
Tel: (302)324-2553
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) in the Delaware Valley area who are studying or planning to study journalism in college.

Title of Award: Future Building Initiative Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to AAJA members enrolled in high schools or colleges in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a stated interest in journalism. They must have demonstrated leadership and initiative by starting an AAJA student chapter at their high school or college. Along with their application, they must submit a letter of intent stating their interest in journalism and the benefits they see in being involved in AAJA, a letter of recommendation, and an unofficial copy of their transcript. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


c/o Tracy Jan
The Oregonian
Metro East News Bureau
295 N.E. Second Street
Gresham, OR 97030
Tel: (503)294-5970
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate journalism students in Oregon and southwestern Washington area who have been involved in the Asian American community.

Title of Award: Portland Chapter AAJA Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: Stipends up to $2,000 are available. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students who live or attend school in Oregon or the Vancouver, Washington area. Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll full time in a journalism program and be able to demonstrate involvement in the Asian American community. Along with their application, they must submit an essay (up to 750 words) on how they became interested in journalism or how they see themselves contributing to the Asian American community. They must also submit work samples (print: up to 3 articles; radio: up to 3 different stories on standard audio tapes; television: up to 3 different stories on a VHS tape; photojournalism: a portfolio of up to 15 entries). Selection is based on scholastic ability, commitment to journalism, sensitivity to Asian American issues as demonstrated by community involvement, journalistic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Julie Tam, Scholarship Chair
105 West Ferguson
P.O. Box 957 Tyler, TX 75710
Tel: (903)597-5588
Fax: (903)510-7847
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) in Texas who are working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in journalism.

Title of Award: Texas Chapter Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students who are either Texas residents or planning to attend an accredited college or university in Texas. Applicants must be AAJA members. Along with their application, they must submit a 250-word autobiography that explains why they are interested in a career in journalism, a 500-word essay on the role of ethnic diversity in news coverage (both for the subjects of the news events and also the journalists involved), their most recent official transcript, a statement of financial need, 2 letters of recommendation, and a resume. Work samples to be submitted are 2 legible clips from print journalism students; 3 to 5 prints or slides with captions or descriptions from print photojournalism students; 2 VHS taped excerpts with corresponding scripts from television broadcast students; 2 edited VHS excepts from television photojournalism students; 3 taped cassette excerpts with corresponding scripts from radio broadcast students; or 3 legible online articles from web journalism students. Selection is based on commitment to the field of journalism, awareness of Asian American issues, journalistic ability, scholastic ability, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Communication Technology and Policy Division
234 Outlet Pointe Boulevard, Suite A
Columbia, SC 29210-5667
Tel: (803)798-0271
Fax: (803)772-3509
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college student papers on communication technology and policy.

Title of Award: Jung-Sook Lee Award Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Technology; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: Cash prizes are awarded. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit research papers or articles intended for professional publication that focus on communication technology and policy. Papers or articles are to be no more than 25 pages in length and written during the past year. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Sriram "Sri" Kalyanaraman, (919) 843-5858, E-mail:


Attn: Radio-Television Journalism Division
234 Outlet Pointe Boulevard, Suite A
Columbia, SC 29210-5667
Tel: (803)798-0271
Fax: (803)772-3509
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding student and faculty papers on broadcast journalism.

Title of Award: Radio-Television Journalism Division Prizes Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Professional, Postdoctoral, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 to a student and 1 to a faculty member. Funds Available: Cash prizes are awarded. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Faculty members and students are invited to submit research papers on an aspect of broadcast journalism or electronic communication with a journalism emphasis. A variety of methodological approaches are welcome. Papers are to be no more than 25 pages in length and must have been written during the past year. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Kim Piper-Aiken, Michigan State University, School of Journalism, 355 Communication Arts Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1212, (517) 353-6405, E-mail:


Attn: Membership Department
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 600 West
Bethesda, MD 20814-3211
Tel: (301)907-2862
Fax: (301)907-2864
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding papers on financial management written by undergraduate or graduate students who have participated in the Corporate Treasury Management (CTM) Program of the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP).

Title of Award: AFP Scholar's Award Area, Field, or Subject: Finance; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $5,000 scholarship, complimentary registration to the annual conference of the AFP, and reimbursement of up to $1,000 in travel expenses. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply are business and finance students who are AFP student members or participants in the CTM Program. This is a merit competition. Selection is based on an original paper (10 to 12 pages in length) written by each candidate and submitted by their sponsor (faculty member). Papers must cover a subject related to treasury or financial management. They must be original and not previously submitted to any other award program. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: Winning papers may be published as a feature in the association's journal, AFP Exchange.


c/o Erin Brewer, President
United Way of Central Oklahoma
1315 North Broadway Place
Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Tel: (405)236-8441, ext. 281
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women studying journalism or a related field in Oklahoma.

Title of Award: Oklahoma City Chapter Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; the total amount awarded ranges from $5,000 to $8,000 each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $500 to $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women who are residents of Oklahoma working on a degree in communications, journalism, or a related field at a 2-year or 4-year college or university in the state. Applicants must submit a statement of 300 to 500 words explaining why they are applying for the scholarship, their plan for completing their education, the number of hours they plan to take each semester, proposed date of graduation, the school they have chosen and why, long-term career goals, and how they learned about the scholarship. Selection is based on aptitude, interest in preparing for a career in journalism or communications, academic achievement, community service, extracurricular activities, and financial need. Preference is given to student or professional members of the Association of Women in Communications. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Recipients must enroll full time.


Attn: Scholarship Chair
1319 Dexter Avenue North, Number 370
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: (206)654-2929
Fax: (206)285-5220
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division and graduate students in Washington who are preparing for a career in the communications industry.

Title of Award: Seattle Professional Chapter Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Communications; Filmmaking; Graphic art and design; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's school and must be used for tuition and fees. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Washington state residents who are enrolled at a 4-year college or university in the state as a junior, senior, or graduate student (sophomores at 2-year colleges applying to a 4-year institution are also eligible). Applicants must be majoring, or planning to major, in a communications program, including print and broadcast journalism, television and radio production, film, advertising, public relations, marketing, graphic design, multimedia design, photography, or technical communication. Selection is based on demonstrated excellence in communications; contributions made to communications on campus and in the community; scholastic achievement; financial need; and writing samples from journalism, advertising, public relations, or broadcasting. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Frappa Stout, Vice President of Student Affairs
USA Weekend
7950 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22108-0001
Fax: (703)854-2122
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women who are working on undergraduate degrees in a communications-related field at universities in the Washington, D.C. area.

Title of Award: AWIC-DC Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Communications; Graphic art and design; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to female sophomores and juniors attending a Washington, D.C. area university or college studying advertising, communications, graphic arts, journalism, marketing, public relations, or a related field. Applicants must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and work experience in communications or a related field. They must be active in extracurricular activities, including family obligations, volunteer work, clubs, and organizations, and their involvement must show versatility and commitment. Selection is based on a 500-word essay on their career plans and goals in communications, at least 2 letters of recommendation, and official transcripts; financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: AWJ Grant
P.O. Box 2199
Fort Worth, TX 76113
Tel: (817)685-3876
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women studying journalism at a college or university in Texas.

Title of Award: AWJ Scholarship for Women Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Funds are paid directly to the college or university to be applied to tuition. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Texas. Applicants must be majoring in print or broadcast journalism and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher in their major. They must submit 3 samples of their print or broadcast work or photographs, a letter of recommendation from an instructor or adviser, a statement of professional goals and how the scholarship will help, and a statement of financial need (if that is to be considered). Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Achievement Awards Program
315 Montgomery Street, Eighth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104-1866
Tel: (415)953-0927; 888-488-9802
Fax: (415)622-3469
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward high school seniors in California who excel in specific subject areas.

Title of Award: Bank of America Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Art; Business administration; Communications; Computer and information sciences; Education, English as a second language; English language and literature; History; Home Economics; Linguistics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Music; Playwriting; Religion; Science; Social sciences Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: All 320 finalists receive cash awards; the top 40 finalists (1 in each general study area in each region) receive first-place awards and other finalists receive awards depending on their scores in the competition. Funds Available: The cash awards are $2,000 for first-place winners, $1,500 for second-place winners, $1,000 for third-place winners, and $500 for other participating finalists. Duration: Prizes are awarded annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are high school seniors in California who are chosen by faculty committees in their schools. The committees select students to receive certificates in specific study areas (agriculture, art, business, communications, computer studies, drama, English, English as a Second Language, foreign language, history, home economics, mathematics, music, religious studies, science, social science, and trades and industrial studies). Small high schools (those with 199 or fewer students in grades 10-12) may award a total of 7 certificates and large high schools (those with 200 or more students) present a total of 14 certificates. In addition, the faculty committees select graduating seniors to receive plaques in 4 general study areas (applied arts, fine arts, liberal arts, and science and mathematics); certificate winners may not also receive plaques; the number of plaques awarded by each high school also depends on the size of the school (2 plaques with enrollment of 1 to 199 students in grades 10-12, 3 plaques with 200 to 599 students, and 4 plaques for schools with more than 600 students). Winners of plaques are then eligible to enter the Achievement Awards competition. Of all plaque winners statewide, 320 finalists (8 in each of 10 regions in each of the 4 general study areas) are selected to enter competitions involving 1) an essay judged on written expression, logical progression, ability to focus on topic, and creative interpretation, and 2) a group discussion judged on cooperation, sound and logical thinking, oral communication and command of English, and originality of thought. Deadline for Receipt: Schools must select their plaque recipients before the end of January of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1948.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1715-K South Rutherford Boulevard, Suite 295
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Tel: (615)904-0152
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who are working on a college degree to prepare for a career in Baptist communications.

Title of Award: Al Shackleford and Dan Martin Undergraduate Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; English language and literature; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate students who are majoring in communications, English, journalism, or public relations and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Their vocational objective must be in Baptist communications. Along with their application, they must submit a statement explaining why they desire to receive this scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1988.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1715-K South Rutherford Boulevard, Suite 295
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Tel: (615)904-0152
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority and international students who are working on an undergraduate degree to prepare for a career in Baptist communications.

Title of Award: Bob Stanley and Al Compton Minority and International Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; English language and literature; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate students of minority ethnic or international origin. Applicants must be majoring in communications, English, journalism, or public relations with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Their vocational objective must be in Baptist communications. Along with their application, they must submit a statement explaining why they desire to receive this scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1996.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
484 Lake Park Avenue
P.O. Box 61 Oakland, CA 94610
Tel: (510)986-9390
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American students working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in photojournalism.

Title of Award: Luci S. Williams Houston Photojournalism Award Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in an program in photojournalism. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. They may be residents of any state attending school in any state. Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on their accomplishments in photojournalism, career goals, interest in the field of photojournalism, and how and why the scholarship can help them. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Bill Diaz, President
P.O. Box 20261
Tampa, FL 33622
Tel: (813)354-2827
Fax: (813)875-2828
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Florida who are interested in studying a field related to media at a college or university in the state.

Title of Award: Bay Area Media Network Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who plan to attend a college or university in Florida. Applicants must have an interest in entering the field of media. Additional Information: Bay Area Media Network is the Tampa Chapter of American Women in Radio and Television.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 4567
Biloxi, MS 39535-4567
Tel: (228)896-2365
Fax: (228)896-2151
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority high school students in Mississippi who are interested in attending college to prepare for a career in the newspaper industry.

Title of Award: Biloxi Sun Herald Minority Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Business administration; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority high school seniors graduating from high schools in Mississippi. They must be interested in attending college to prepare for a career in the news or business aspects of the newspaper industry. Along with their application, they must submit a 500-word essay on why they want to prepare for a career in the newspaper industry. Selection is based on the essay, 2 letters of recommendation, a transcript of grades (including SAT/ACT scores), journalism or business experience, and extracurricular activities. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: The recipients of these scholarships are automatically entered into competition for the Knight Ridder Minority Scholarship Program of $40,000 over 4 years.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
2114 Central, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64108
Tel: (816)300-5716
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays written by high school seniors in selected states on the value of competition.

Title of Award: Birch Telecom Competition Rocks! Scholarship Program & Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Business administration; General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 24 each year: 4 at $2,500; 10 at $1,000; and 10 at $500. Funds Available: Awards range from $500 to $2,500; in total, $25,000 is distributed annually. Duration: These are 1-time awards; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and living in 1 of the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Texas. Interested students must submit an essay on the value of competition: lower prices, better service, more innovative products, etc. Entrants also need to have taken the ACT or SAT and be scheduled to enroll at a college or university in the fall following the competition. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Executive Director
54 West Broadway, Suite 1
Shelbyville, IN 46176
Tel: (317)392-7955
Fax: (317)392-4545
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of the circulation area of the Shelbyville News in Indiana who are interested in studying journalism or the graphic arts in college.

Title of Award: Daniel and Emma Avery Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Graphic art and design; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 per year. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of the geographic area served by the Shelbyville News in Indiana. Applicants must be planning to study journalism or the graphic arts in college. They must submit a 200-word essay on their personal goals, plans for achieving those, and why achieving them is important to them. Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o University of Southern California
Annenberg School of Journalism
300 South Grand Avenue, Suite 3950
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: (213)437-4408
Fax: (213)437-4423
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Latino students in California interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Joel Garcia Memorial Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 13 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $500 to $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors and college students of Latino descent who are California residents or students from other states attending a college or university in California. Applicants may major in any field, but they must enroll full time and be able to prove a sincere interest in preparing for a career in journalism. They must submit 1) an essay of 300 to 500 words explaining their family background, including any hardships they have experienced, and what they believe is the role of Latino journalists in the news media; 2) samples of their journalism-related work (e.g., newspaper articles, photographs, or TV or radio audition tapes); 3) transcripts; and 4) letters of reference. Finalists are interviewed. Selection is based on academic achievement, commitment to the journalism field, awareness of the community in which they live, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program includes the Los Angeles Times/Frank del Olmo Scholarships.


Attn: Education Committee
600 Grand Avenue, Suite 410
Oakland, CA 94610-3561
Tel: (510)663-4024
Fax: (510)663-4099
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, graduating high school seniors in California who submit outstanding essays on topics related to labor unions.

Title of Award: California Labor Federation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Industrial and labor relations; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 32 of these awards were presented. Funds Available: The award is a $2,000 scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to graduating high school students in public, private, or parochial schools in California who plan to enroll in an accredited college or technical school. Applicants must write an essay of up to 1,000 words on topics that change annually; recently, students were invited to write on an important event in the history of California's unions, why it was important when it happened, and what impact it has on working people in California today. Essays are submitted to high school principals who forward them for judging. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program is administered by the University of California's Center for Labor Research and Education, 2521 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94720-5555, (510) 642-0323, Fax: (510) 642-6432, E-mail:


Attn: American Dreams Contest
P.O. Box 9214
Medford, NY 11763-9214
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships and other prizes, high school students who submit outstanding essays on their American Dream.

Title of Award: Campbell's Tomato Soup American Dreams Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 finalists are selected, of whom 1 is designated the winner. Funds Available: The winner receives a $100,000 scholarship, a trip to Hollywood to appear on the television show American Dreams, bonus labels for the Labels for Education program worth $15,000 for their school, publication of their essay in a Scholastic classroom magazine, and a year's supply of Campbell's tomato soup. Other finalists receive a $2,500 scholarship, bonus labels worth $1,500 for their schools, a Campbell's varsity jacket, and a year's supply of Campbell's tomato soup. Teachers of the winner and other finalists receive an American Dreams DVD for their class and the latest Scholastic Encyclopedia Americana.Duration: Scholarship funds are paid in a single lump sum.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students in grades 9-12 (between 13 and 18 years of age). Applicants must submit an essay, from 250 to 500 words, on the question: "How does your American Dream compare to that of your parents?" Selection is based on creativity (25%), strength of argument (25%), correct use of language (25%), and organization (25%). Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: The Campbell Soup Company is designated as the sponsor of this program and Scholastic, Inc. as the promoter. Entries (except from residents of Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, North Dakota, Tennessee, and Vermont) must be accompanied by a 2-digit can code from the bottom of a can of Campbell's tomato soup.


336 East College Avenue, Room 303
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Tel: (850)222-5564

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors and college students in Florida who are planning to prepare for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Barbara L. Frye Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be 1) attending or expecting to attend a Florida college or university or 2) a graduate or prospective graduate of a Florida high school attending or expecting to attend a college inside or outside of Florida. College seniors are not eligible to apply. As part of the application process, applicants must write an essay (of 300-500 words) describing their reason for choosing a career in journalism. Applicants should also send samples of their work (either clippings or tapes) and at least 1 letter of recommendation from either a teacher or professor or professional journalist. Selection is based on merit, dedication to journalism, and demonstrated aptitude for print or broadcast journalism. An applicant's racial minority status may be considered by the selection committee. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: The scholarship fund was established in 1982.


Attn: President
206 Riffel Road
Wooster, OH 44691-8588
Tel: (330)345-2333
Free: 800-725-2333, ext. 279
Fax: (330)345-0808
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students working on a degree related to the beef industry.

Title of Award: Colvin Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Animal science and behavior; Business; Business administration; Communications; Food science and technology; Journalism; Marketing and distribution Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students entering their junior or senior year of college. Applicants must have demonstrated a commitment to the beef industry through work on a degree in meat science, food science, animal science, marketing, business, communications, journalism, or other field related to the industry. Along with their application, they must submit a 1,000-word essay on the challenges facing the beef industry and their solutions. They may also submit a statement of financial need. Selection is based on, in this order of importance, activities and scholastic achievement, communication skills (both essay and verbal), and reference letters. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1999. The recipient may also be offered a paid summer internship with the sponsor.


388 Market Street, 12th Floor Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415)283-2800; (866)34-CHELA
Fax: (415)283-2888
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward (with scholarships) college-bound high school seniors who submit outstanding essays on borrowing and money management.

Title of Award: Gateway to Success Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 each year. Funds Available: The award is a $5,000 scholarship. Duration: Awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school seniors who have a GPA of 2.0 or higher and are planning to attend an accredited U.S. 2-year or 4-year at least half time. Applicants must complete an essay, up to 300 words, on "How I am Financing My College Education." They do not need to have a student loan to qualify, but their essays should focus on how responsible borrowing and money management are helping them pay for college and meet their life goals. Other requirements include U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status and possession of a valid E-mail address. Essays are evaluated on the basis of appropriateness to overall theme (30%), persuasiveness (30%), quality of writing (20%), and creativity (20%). Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This competition was first held in 2003.


388 Market Street, 12th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415)283-2800; (866)34-CHELA
Fax: (415)283-2888
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward (with scholarships) undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a distance education program.

Title of Award: Go the Distance Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 30 each year: 15 undergraduates (3 each for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and fifth-year students) and 15 graduate students (3 in each year of graduate school). Funds Available: The award is a $5,000 scholarship. Duration: Awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a distance education program. Applicants must complete an essay, up to 300 words, on "My Challenges in Financing a Distance Degree." The essay should focus on challenges they have faced in covering the cost of their distance education responsibly and how they will do that while achieving their goals. They do not need to have a student loan to qualify. Essays are evaluated on the basis of appropriateness to overall theme (30%), persuasiveness (30%), quality of writing (20%), and creativity (20%). Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This competition was first held in 2004.


388 Market Street, 12th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Tel: (415)283-2800; (866)34-CHELA
Fax: (415)283-2888
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward (with scholarships) undergraduate and graduate students who submit outstanding essays on borrowing and money management.

Title of Award: Money Matters Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 15 each year. Funds Available: The award is a $5,000 scholarship. Duration: Awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to undergraduate and graduate students who have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. Applicants must complete an essay, up to 300 words, on "How I am Financing My College Education." They do not need to have a student loan to qualify, but their essays should focus on how responsible borrowing and money management are helping them pay for college and meet their life goals. Essays are evaluated on the basis of appropriateness to overall theme (30%), persuasiveness (30%), quality of writing (20%), and creativity (20%). U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year.


Attn: WELS Lutherans for Life
Scholarship Review Committee
2949 North Mayfair Road, Suite 309
Milwaukee, WI 53222-4304
Tel: (414)774-1331
Fax: (414)774-1360
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Lutheran high school seniors in Wisconsin who are interested in studying life-related issues in college.

Title of Award: WELS Lutherans for Life Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Biological and clinical sciences; Education, Special; Engineering, Biomedical; Journalism; Law; Medicine; Physical therapy; Political science; Psychology; Social work Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 9 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends up to $1,000 are available. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who are active members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or an affiliated church. Applicants must be planning to go to a 4-year school to prepare for a secular career in which pro-life values will be demonstrated. Acceptable fields include medicine, biotechnology/biological engineering, medical research/genetics, law/politics, journalism/media, psychology, physical therapy, social services, or special education. They must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit essays on 1) the field of study they plan to enter and how it relates to pro-life issues; 2) why the scholarship should be awarded to them, including their future goals; and 3) how they have demonstrated a Christian, pro-life attitude in their life. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: WELS Lutherans for Life was formerly a ministry of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.


P.O. Box 20724
New York, NY 10023-1488
Tel: (212)369-1576
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in urban areas who submit outstanding essays.

Title of Award: Urban America's Best and Brightest Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 grand prize and 3 runner-up prizes. Funds Available: The grand prize is a scholarship of $20,000, paid at the rate of $2,500 per semester for 8 semesters. Other finalists receive $500 scholarships for their freshman year of college. Duration: The contest is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors at public high schools in U.S. Census-designated "Urban Areas." Applicants must be planning to attend a 4-year college or university as a full-time student. They must submit an original essay, up to 250 words in length, on a topic of their choice. Selection is based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, leadership, personal strengths, and self-expression. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: This contest was first held in 2004. All finalists receive a paid trip to New York to participate in the sponsor's Gala Awards Weekend.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 48192
Denver, CO 80204
Tel: (303)929-7299
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American residents of Colorado who are majoring in a field related to journalism in college.

Title of Award: CABJ College Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American residents of Colorado who are majoring in journalism, communications, news editorial, photojournalism, broadcast journalism, advertising, public relations, or related fields at an accredited institution of higher learning. Applicants must submit a 2-page essay that covers why they chose to seek a degree in their particular field of study; their career goals; their involvement in campus, community, or school activities that demonstrates their commitment to journalism or a related field; how they envision making a contribution to the African American community through a career in journalism or a related field; any circumstances that have affected their GPA or decreased campus involvement (if any); and why they feel they should receive this scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 48192
Denver, CO 80204
Tel: (303)929-7299
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American residents of Colorado who are majoring in television journalism in college.

Title of Award: Reynelda Muse Television Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American residents of Colorado who are majoring in television journalism at an accredited institution of higher learning. Applicants must submit a 2-page essay that covers why they chose to seek a degree in their particular field of study; their career goals; their involvement in campus, community, or school activities that demonstrates their commitment to television journalism; how they envision making a contribution to the African American community through a career in television journalism; any circumstances that have affected their GPA or decreased campus involvement (if any); and why they feel they should receive this scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


Attn: Education Committee
2042 Boreas Pass Road
P.O. Box 2369
Breckenridge, CO 80424
Tel: (970)547-1388
Fax: (970)547-1384
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Colorado residents who are working on an undergraduate degree related to broadcasting at a college or university in the state.

Title of Award: Colorado Broadcasters Association College Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism; Telecommunications systems Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Colorado who are enrolled in an accredited college or university in the state that offers undergraduate degree programs in broadcast journalism, production or management, communications, speech, telecommunications, new media, or some other aspect of professional media education that explicitly prepares students for careers in broadcasting. Students must be nominated by their department, each of which may nominate up to 3 candidates but must identify a faculty or staff member who will be a liaison to the sponsoring organization. Applicants must submit a resume, their school transcript and any other relevant academic records, a statement of their educational and professional goals and their qualifications for the scholarship, a letter of recommendation from a faculty member, and an explanation of their financial need and other special circumstances that might bear on their application. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Department
5500 Caruth Haven Lane
Dallas, TX 75225-8146
Tel: (214)750-4222
Fax: (214)750-4210
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division and graduate students who are working on a degree in journalism and have an interest in aviation.

Title of Award: George E. Haddaway Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Aviation; Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500 per year. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college juniors, seniors, and graduate students who can demonstrate interest in aviation by such activities as 1) current or former membership in the aviation program of a college or university, the Boy or Girl Scouts of America, the Civil Air Patrol, or a similar organization; or 2) pursuit or completion of the requirements for an aircraft license. Applicants must be working on a baccalaureate or advanced degree in print or electronic journalism and have completed at least 52 hours of college course work with a GPA of 2.75 or higher. They must be able to demonstrate financial need. Along with their application, they must submit a paragraph (200 to 500 words) describing their interest in aviation and how they might combine that interest with a career in journalism. U.S. citizenship is required. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


50 Hurt Plaza, Suite 449
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404)688-5525
Fax: (404)688-3060
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Georgia residents who are majoring in journalism at a 4-year college or university.

Title of Award: Ron Autry Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Journalism; Personnel administration/human resources Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $2,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to legal residents of Georgia who are enrolled as a junior or senior at a college or university and preparing for a career in journalism or the newspaper industry (news, advertising, circulation, or human resources). Applicants must be enrolled full time, have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and be able to demonstrate financial need. Along with their application, they must submit a 500-word essay on a topic that changes annually; recently, applicants were invited to write on the topic: "What has been the impact of the Jayson Blair scandal on Black journalists and what should be done to avoid plagiarism?" Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists (AABJ), P.O. Box 54128, Atlanta, GA 30308, (404) 508-4612. Applications may be submitted to the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta or directly to the AABJ. The recipient is selected by the AABJ.


Attn: Paul Gough, Awards Committee Chair
598 Route 148
Killingworth, CT 06419
Tel: (860)663-3159
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students residing or studying in Connecticut who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Bob Eddy Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 at $2,500, 1 at $1,500, 1 at $1,000, and 1 at $500. Funds Available: Stipends are $2,500, $1,500, $1,000, or $500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors or seniors who are either Connecticut residents (may attend school in any state) or from other states enrolled in a 4-year college or university in Connecticut. All applicants must be preparing for a career in journalism, provide registrar-signed transcripts of all academic courses, fill out an application form, submit writing samples, tapes, or related work in any media that shows an interest and competency in journalism, and write a 500-word essay on why they want to become a journalist. Financial need must be demonstrated. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


1325 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Tel: (212)479-4300
Fax: (212)479-4399
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, women who are graduating high school seniors or already enrolled in college and provide excellent answers to online essay questions.

Title of Award: Calgon Take Me Away to College Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 8 each year: 1 first place, 1 second, 1 third, and 5 runners-up. Funds Available: First place is a $7,000 scholarship, second a $3,500 scholarship, third a $2,000 scholarship, and runners-up $1,000 scholarships. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to women residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll as a full-time undergraduate student at a 4-year U.S. college or university and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must submit online answers (up to 900 characters) to questions about luxuries in life they most enjoy and where they would go (and why) if they could go anywhere. Those short answers are judged on the basis of originality, quality of expression, and accordance with standard rules of English grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Financial need is not considered. The 25 finalists are then invited to submit a short essay on a specified topic, transcripts, a list of extracurricular activities, and other documents as part of an application packet to be provided. Scholarship America ranks the finalists on the basis of merit, exclusive of the essays. Maddenmedia selects the winner on the basis of that ranking and the essays. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This annual competition began in 1999. Information is also available from Scholarship America, One Scholarship Way, P.O. Box 297, St. Peter, MN 56082, (507) 931-1682, (800) 537-4180, Fax: (507) 931-9168, E-mail:, and from Maddenmedia, 1650 East Fort Lowell Road, Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85719.


Attn: Executive Vice President
100 West 10th Street, Suite 115
P.O. Box 1636
Wilmington, DE 19899
Tel: (302)504-5222
Fax: (302)571-1553
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school seniors in Delaware who have been active in journalism and/or communication activities.

Title of Award: William P. Frank Prize for Excellence in Communications Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year: 1 in each county of Delaware. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Delaware high school seniors who have been active in journalism and/or communication activities, including school newspapers and magazines and/or television and radio programs. Each school in the state may nominate 1 student. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Carvel State Office Building
820 North French Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Tel: (302)577-3240
Free: 800-292-7935
Fax: (302)577-6765
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, Delaware high school seniors who submit outstanding essays on a topic of historical significance.

Title of Award: Delaware Legislative Essay Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 65 each year: 1 in each of the 21 senatorial districts and 41 representative districts plus 3 statewide winners. Funds Available: Legislative district awards are $500. Statewide winners receive $5,000 for first, $2,500 for second, and $1,500 for third. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Delaware who plan to enroll full time in an accredited college or university. Applicants must submit an essay on a topic that changes annually; recently, the topic was "Lewis and Clark Expedition (The Corps of Discovery): A Mission of Adventure, Science, and the Human Spirit." U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Students first compete within their state senatorial and representative legislative district. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


Carvel State Office Building
820 North French Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Tel: (302)577-3240
Free: 800-292-7935
Fax: (302)577-6765
Web Site:

To provide scholarship/loans for teacher training to Delaware residents with outstanding academic records.

Title of Award: Christa McAuliffe Teacher Scholarship/Loan Area, Field, or Subject: Counseling/Guidance; Education; Education, Bilingual and cross-cultural; Education, English as a second language; Education, Special; English language and literature; Library and archival sciences; Linguistics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Psychology; Reading; Speech and language pathology/audiology; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 50 each year. Funds Available: Funds up to the cost of tuition, fees, and other direct educational expenses are provided. This is a scholarship/loan program; if the recipient performs required service at a school in Delaware, the loan is forgiven. Duration: 1 year; renewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Delaware residents who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment at a Delaware college or university in a program leading to teacher qualification. Preference is given to applicants planning to teach in an area of critical need. High school seniors must rank in the top half of their class and have above-average scores on the SAT or ACT; applicants who are already enrolled in college must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. Selection is based on academic achievement. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The areas of critical need recently included bilingual education, business education, English, foreign languages, English to speakers of other languages, mathematics, reading, science, school librarianship, school psychology, special education, speech pathology, and technology education.


1707 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202)986-2400
Fax: (202)986-2513
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to members of Delta Sigma Theta who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism or another area of communications.

Title of Award: Julia Bumry Jones Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Funds Available: The stipends range from $1,000 to $2,000. The funds may be used to cover tuition, fees, and living expenses. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed up to 2 additional years.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be college seniors or graduate students who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism or another area of communications and who are active, dues-paying members of Delta Sigma Theta. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Winners may also receive financial assistance from other sources. Confirmation of registration must be received before stipends are paid.


P.O. Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
Tel: (609)452-2820
Fax: (609)520-5804
Web Site:

To provide work experience and financial assistance to minority college students who are interested in careers in journalism.

Title of Award: Business Reporting Intern Program for Minority College Sophomores and Juniors Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 12 each year. Funds Available: Interns receive a salary of $350 per week during the summer and a $1,000 scholarship at the successful completion of the program. Duration: 10 weeks for the summer internship; 1 year for the scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college sophomores and juniors who are U.S. citizens interested in careers in journalism and participating in a summer internship at a daily newspaper as a business reporter. Applicants must be members of a minority group (African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaskan Native) enrolled as full-time students. They must submit a resume, 3 to 5 recently-published clips, a list of courses with grades, and a 500-word essay. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year.


P.O. Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
Tel: (609)452-2820
Fax: (609)520-5804
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to undergraduate and graduate students interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Newspaper Copy Editing Program for College Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students Area, Field, or Subject: Editors and editing; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Up to 100 each year. Funds Available: Interns receive a salary of $350 per week during the summer and a $1,000 scholarship at the successful completion of the program. Duration: 10 weeks for the summer internship; 1 year for the scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements: College juniors, college seniors, and graduate students are eligible to apply for the internship if they are full-time students interested in a career in journalism. Along with their application, they must submit a resume, a list of courses with grades, and a 500-word essay. Interns returning to undergraduate or graduate studies receive a scholarship. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. College professors and instructors and former full-time professional journalists are ineligible. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: Interns attend a 2-week editing residency and then work as copy editors on a daily newspaper. Residencies have been held at Temple University, Florida Southern College, University of Missouri at Columbia, San Jose State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of Texas at Austin.


P.O. Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
Tel: (609)452-2820
Fax: (609)520-5804
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to undergraduate and graduate students interested in preparing for a career in sports reporting.

Title of Award: Sports Copy Editing Program for College Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students Area, Field, or Subject: ; Editors and editing; Sports writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Interns receive a salary of $350 per week during the summer and a $1,000 scholarship at the successful completion of the program. Duration: 10 weeks for the summer internship; 1 year for the scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements: College juniors, college seniors, and graduate students are eligible to apply for the internship if they are full-time students interested in a career in sports journalism. Along with their application, they must submit a resume, a list of courses with grades, and a 500-word essay. Interns returning to undergraduate or graduate studies receive a scholarship. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. College professors and instructors and former full-time professional journalists are ineligible. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: Interns attend a 2-week editing residency and then work as sports copy editors on a daily newspaper. Recently, the residency was held at the University of Nebraska.


P.O. Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
Tel: (609)452-2820
Fax: (609)520-5804
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding participants in journalism workshops for minority high school students.

Title of Award: Summer Workshops Writing Competition for Minority High School Students Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 8 each year. Funds Available: The award is a college scholarship of $1,000. Duration: Workshops normally last 2 weeks during the summer. Scholarships are for 1 year and may be renewed for 1 additional year if the recipient maintains a GPA of 2.5 or higher and an interest in journalism.

Eligibility Requirements: Each summer, workshops on college campuses around the country allow minority high school students to experience work on a professional-quality publication. Students are taught to write, report, design, and layout a newspaper on topics relevant to youth. The director of each workshop nominates 1 student who submits an article from the workshop newspaper and an essay on why he/she wants to pursue journalism as a career. The students whose articles and essay are judged most outstanding receive these college scholarships. Additional Information: Recently, workshops were held on college campuses in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. For the name and address of the director of each workshop, contact the Newspaper Fund.


720 West Colonial Drive, Suite 204
Orlando, FL 32804
Fax: (407)841-1612
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward college students who submit outstanding essays on distance learning.

Title of Award: Dyzco Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The award is $10,000. Funds are paid directly to the winner's institution to be used to pay tuition. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to students enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education who are 18 years of age or older. Applicants must submit an essay, up to 1,000 words in English, on the question, "What Is the Future of Distance Learning?" Entries must be submitted online, and participants are required to register on the sponsor's web site. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This competition was first held in 2004.


Attn: International Thespian Society
2343 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45219-2819
Tel: (513)421-3900
Fax: (513)421-7077
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school members of the International Thespian Society.

Title of Award: Thespian Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Dance; Fashion design; Filmmaking; Music; Performing arts; Playwriting; Radio and television; Speech, Debate, and Forensics; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 8 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors who participate in the annual International Thespian Festival. Applicants must be members of the society, have a minimum GPA of 2.7, and intend to use the funds to further their education in the communicative arts (theater, film, speech, radio, television, broadcasting, music, or dance). They may participate in 1 of 4 categories: 1) performance, with a solo presentation of a 2-minute song or monologue; 2) technical theater, with a portfolio of renderings, sketches, models, or illustrations of scenic or costume designs; 3) theater educator, with an essay on why they want to be a theater teacher, their most inspirational teacher, or the most important issue facing high school theater today; or 4) playwriting, with a manuscript of a play. Only 2 students from each troupe may participate. Selection is based on involvement with the thespian troupe at their school and their audition performance, portfolio, essay, or manuscript. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: The application fee is $15.


Attn: Scholarships
P.O. Box 28129
Crystal, MN 55428
Tel: (763)535-4793
Fax: (763)535-4794
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division and graduate students interested in preparing for a career in Christian journalism.

Title of Award: Evangelical Press Association Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Several each year. Funds Available: Stipends range from $500 to $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to entering juniors, seniors, and graduate students who have at least 1 year of full-time study remaining. Applicants must be majoring or minoring in journalism or communications, preferably with an interest in the field of Christian journalism. They must be enrolled at an accredited Christian or secular college or university in the United States or Canada with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a biographical sketch that includes their birth date, hometown, family, and something about the factors that shaped their interest in Christian journalism; a copy of their academic record; references from their pastor and from an instructor; samples of published writing from church or school publications; and an original essay (from 500 to 700 words) on the state of journalism today. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program includes the Mel Larson Memorial Scholarship.


Attn: Julie Caine Brooks, Scholarship Chair
P.O. Box 1288
Great Falls, VA 22066

To provide financial assistance for college or graduate school to residents of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D. C. interested in preparing for a career in fashion or a fashion-related field.

Title of Award: Washington Fashion Group International Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Fashion design; Interior design; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Photography; Textile science Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $5,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Washington, D.C. and all cities and counties in Maryland and Virginia. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or current undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in a fashion or fashion-related degree program (commercial arts, textiles and clothing design, interior design, journalism, merchandising, or photography). They must submit a 200-word personal statement on their career goals and motivation for entering a fashion-related career. Selection is based on that statement, academic achievement, creative ability, related work activity (paid or unpaid), extracurricular activities and awards, and 3 letters of reference. Finalists are interviewed and asked to submit portfolio material of their work. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Minority Scholarship
100 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 510
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: (206)404-7000
Fax: (206)404-6037
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority college students in selected states who are interested in preparing for a career in broadcasting, marketing, or journalism.

Title of Award: Fisher Broadcasting Scholarships for Minorities Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Journalism; Marketing and distribution Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies; a total of $10,000 is available for this program each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students of non-white origin who are U.S. citizens, have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and are at least sophomores enrolled in 1) a broadcasting, marketing, or journalism curriculum leading to a bachelor's degree at an accredited 4-year college or university; 2) a broadcast curriculum at an accredited community college, transferable to a 4-year baccalaureate degree program; or 3) a broadcast curriculum at an accredited vocational/technical school. Applicants must be either 1) residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana; or 2) attending a school in those states. They must submit an essay that explains their financial need, education and career goals, and school activities; a copy of their college transcript; and 2 letters of recommendation. Selection is based on need, academic achievement, and personal qualities. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1987.


c/o Florida Press Association
2636 Mitcham Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Tel: (850)222-5790
Fax: (850)224-6012
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and summer work experience to minority upper-division students majoring in journalism at a college or university in Florida.

Title of Award: Florida Society of Newspaper Editors Minority Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; JournalismLevel of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: Winners are given a paid summer internship at a participating newspaper between their junior and senior year. Upon successfully completing the internship, the students are awarded a $3,000 scholarship (paid in 2 equal installments) to be used during their senior year. Duration: 1 summer for the internship; 1 academic year for the scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority students in accredited journalism or mass communication programs at Florida 4-year colleges and universities. Applicants must be full-time students in their junior year, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and be willing to participate in a paid summer internship at a Florida newspaper. Along with their application, they must submit a 300-word autobiographical essay explaining why they want to prepare for a career in print journalism and provide a standard resume, references, and clips or examples of relevant classroom work. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Rosemary Armao, FSNE Scholarship Committee, c/o The Sarasota Herald Tribune, 801 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34230.


Attn: Chips Quinn Scholars Program
1101 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
Tel: (703)284-3934
Fax: (703)284-3543
Web Site:

To provide work experience, career mentoring, and scholarship support to minority college students and recent graduates who are majoring in journalism.

Title of Award: Chips Quinn Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Professional Number Awarded: Varies each year. Recently, 94 scholarships were awarded, including 23 who completed their internships in spring and 71 whose internships were in the summer. Since the program began, 828 scholars have been selected. Funds Available: Students chosen for this program receive a travel stipend to attend a workshop at the Freedom Forum in Arlington, Virginia prior to reporting for their internship. Upon completion of the internship, they receive a $1,000 scholarship. Duration: Internships are for 10 to 12 weeks; the scholarship is for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students of color who are college juniors, seniors, or recent graduates with journalism majors or career goals in newspapers. Candidates must be nominated or endorsed by journalism faculty, campus media advisers, editors of newspapers, or leaders of minority journalism associations. They must be enrolled at an Historically Black College or University (HBCU) or a college or university that has significant numbers of students who are members of ethnic or racial minority groups. Along with their application, they must submit a resume, transcripts, work samples, 2 letters of recommendation, and an essay on why they believe they should be selected for this program. They must have a car and be available to work as a full-time intern during the spring or summer. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is required. Campus newspaper experience is strongly encouraged. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1991 in memory of the late John D. Quinn Jr., managing editor of the Poughkeepsie Journal. Funding is provided by the Freedom Forum, formerly the Gannett Foundation. After graduating from college and obtaining employment with a newspaper, alumni of this program are eligible to apply for fellowship support to attend professional journalism development activities.


Attn: Scholarship Chair
450 Shrewsbury Avenue, Suite 250
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Tel: (973)675-0752
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to African American high school students in New Jersey interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Garden State Association of Black Journalists Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 4 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. After proof of enrollment has been verified, a check is sent to the recipient. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American seniors at high schools in New Jersey who are interested in preparing for a career in print, online, or broadcast journalism. Applicants must submit 1) a nominating letter from their school adviser, dean, or teacher familiar with their work; 2) an official high school transcript (GPA of 2.8 or higher; and 3) a 500-word essay that explains their career goals and journalistic activities, such as work on school publications, internships, and writing awards. Selection is based on writing ability, originality, and potential to succeed in a journalism career. Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


c/o John Tagliareni, Scholarship Coordinator
Bergenfield High School
80 South Prospect Avenue
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Tel: (201)385-8898
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding high school journalists in New Jersey.

Title of Award: Bob Stevens Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Graphic art and design; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Funds are to be used for college. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to be nominated for this award are graduating high school seniors in New Jersey who have at least a 3.0 GPA, have served at least 2 years in some capacity in high school journalism, and are able to demonstrate their intent to study journalism in college and to prepare for a career in the field. Only 1 nomination per school may be submitted. The nominator must be a member of the Garden State Scholastic Press Association. Nominees must submit an official entry form, a self-analytical evaluation of their journalistic life, an official copy of their transcript, 3 to 4 letters of recommendation, and samples of their work, selected to show quality and diversity in reporting, writing, photography, design, etc. Selection is based on versatility (ability to handle a variety of subject areas with equal ability), responsibility (thorough research and ethical reporting), inquisitiveness (ability to seek out and investigate topics of importance to the high school audience and the community), and skill (quality work produced adeptly and creatively). Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program is administered by the New Jersey Press Foundation, 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305, West Trenton, NJ 08628-1019, (609) 406-0600, Fax: (609) 406-0300, E-mail:


c/o St. James Lutheran Church
1315 S.W. Park Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
Tel: (503)222-2194

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays on the general subject of peace written by high school students.

Title of Award: Generations for Peace Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Peace studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The first-place essay receives $1,500; the second-place essay receives $750. Funds are paid directly to the winner's school. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to all 11th and 12th grade students who are citizens and residents of the United States. Each year, the exact subject of the essay changes, but it always deals with the theme of peace. Essays may not be more than 750 words. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: There is a $1 handling charge.


621 North Avenue N.E., Suite C-100
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: (404)377-2400
Free: 800-377-2401
Fax: (678)420-6757
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who submit outstanding papers on topics related to the field of business.

Title of Award: Golden Key Business Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Business administration; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, second place a $750 scholarship, and third place a $500 scholarship. Duration: These awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate members of the society who submit a paper or report, up to 10 pages in length, on a topic related to business. Applicants must also submit 1) an essay, up to 2 pages in length, describing the assignment for writing the paper, the greatest challenge in writing the paper, the lessons learned from completing the assignment, and what they would change if they could redo the paper; 2) a letter of recommendation; and 3) academic transcripts. Selection of the winners is based on academic achievement and the quality of the paper. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 2001.


621 North Avenue N.E., Suite C-100
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: (404)377-2400
Free: 800-377-2401
Fax: (678)420-6757
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward undergraduate and graduate members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who submit outstanding papers on topics related to the field of education.

Title of Award: Golden Key Education Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Education; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, second place a $750 scholarship, and third place a $500 scholarship. Duration: These awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate members of the society who submit a paper or report, up to 10 pages in length, on a topic related to education. Applicants must also submit 1) an essay, up to 2 pages in length, describing the assignment for writing the paper, the greatest challenge in writing the paper, the lessons learned from completing the assignment, and what they would change if they could redo the paper; 2) a letter of recommendation; and 3) academic transcripts. Selection of the winners is based on academic achievement and the quality of the paper. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 2001.


621 North Avenue N.E., Suite C-100
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: (404)377-2400
Free: 800-377-2401
Fax: (678)420-6757
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward undergraduate and graduate members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who submit outstanding papers on topics related to the field of engineering.

Title of Award: Golden Key Engineering Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Engineering; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, second place a $750 scholarship, and third place a $500 scholarship. Duration: These awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate members of the society who submit a paper or report, up to 10 pages in length, on a topic related to engineering. Applicants must also submit 1) an essay, up to 2 pages in length, describing the assignment for writing the paper, the greatest challenge in writing the paper, the lessons learned from completing the assignment, and what they would change if they could redo the paper; 2) a letter of recommendation; and 3) academic transcripts. Selection of the winners is based on academic achievement and the quality of the paper. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 2001.


621 North Avenue N.E., Suite C-100
Atlanta, GA 30308
Tel: (404)377-2400
Free: 800-377-2401
Fax: (678)420-6757
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward undergraduate members of the Golden Key International Honour Society who submit outstanding papers on topics related to the fields of computer science and information systems.

Title of Award: Golden Key Information Systems Achievement Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Computer and information sciences; Information science and technology; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, second place a $750 scholarship, and third place a $500 scholarship. Duration: These awards are presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate members of the society who submit a paper or report, up to 10 pages in length, on a topic related to computer science and information systems. Applicants must also submit 1) an essay, up to 2 pages in length, describing the assignment for writing the paper, the greatest challenge in writing the paper, the lessons learned from completing the assignment, and what they would change if they could redo the paper; 2) a letter of recommendation; and 3) academic transcripts. Selection of the winners is based on academic achievement and the quality of the paper. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 2001.


Attn: Essay Contest
270 South Limestone Street
Lexington, KY 40508
Tel: (859)255-1691
Fax: (859)254-7337
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward high school students in Kentucky who write outstanding essays on smoking.

Title of Award: Good Samaritan Foundation High School Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Tobacco consumption; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 31 prizes are awarded each year: 1 first, 10 seconds, and 20 thirds. Funds Available: First place is $5,000, second $1,000, and third $500. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to Kentucky high school students who submit essays on the topic "Why Do Teens Smoke?" Papers, up to 4 pages in length, may cover such issues as the effects of the price of tobacco products on teen smoking, the role of advertising tobacco products, whether smoke-free laws affect teen smoking, and how interested teen smokers are in quitting. Selection is based on compliance with instructions and general scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year.


Attn: Public Education and Citizenship Committee
220 Ocean Street
P.O. Box 1020 Jacksonville, FL 32201-1020 800-375-2339
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, outstanding essays written by high school seniors in Florida on the importance of education.

Title of Award: Public Education and Citizenship Statewide Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Education; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 each year. Funds Available: The award is $1,000. Funds are paid to the recipient's school. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to all graduating high school seniors in Florida who will be attending a state-supported school in Florida during the following semester/quarter. State-supported schools include any community college, university, or division of higher learning governed by the State Board of Regents. Students are invited to submit a 1,000-word essay on "Why Education Is Important." All work must be original. Essays are judged on merit, without regard to sex, race, creed, or religion. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Requests for applications must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.


Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
1600 Huntington Square
900 Lee Street, East
P.O. Box 3041 Charleston, WV 25331-3041
Tel: (304)346-3620
Fax: (304)346-3640
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of West Virginia who are interested in majoring in a field related to broadcasting in college.

Title of Award: West Virginia Broadcasters Fund Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Broadcasting; Communications; Electronics; Filmmaking; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 5 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of West Virginia who are students at a college or university anywhere in the country and majoring in communications, broadcasting, film, speech, broadcast journalism, advertising, broadcast electronics, or other arts and techniques of the communications field. Applicants must be recommended by a station that is a member of the West Virginia Broadcasters Association. They must have an ACT score of 20 or higher, be able to demonstrate good moral character, and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by the West Virginia Broadcasters Association.


16 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212)251-8100
Free: 800-932-2145
Fax: (212)684-0679
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding true spiritual stories written by high school students.

Title of Award: Guideposts Young Writers Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 scholarships and 10 gift certificates are awarded each year. Funds Available: Prizes, in the form of scholarships to accredited colleges or schools of the recipients' choice, are $10,000 for first, $8,000 for second, $6,000 for third, $4,000 for fourth, $3,000 for fifth, and $1,000 for sixth through tenth. The 11th through 20th prize winners receive $250 gift certificates for college supplies. Duration: The competition is held annually. Scholarships must be used within 5 years of high school graduation.

Eligibility Requirements: Entrants must be high school juniors or seniors. They must submit a true first-person story about a memorable or moving experience and how faith in God has made a difference in their lives. Manuscripts must be written in English and be no more than 1,200 words. Children of Guideposts employees and staff members are not eligible. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.


c/o Andy Czerniewski, Scholarship Committee Chair
VNA of Central Connecticut
One Long Wharf Drive
New Haven, CT 06511-5991
Tel: (203)777-5521, ext. 1700
Fax: (203)495-7483
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, undergraduate students in fields related to health care financial management at colleges and universities in Connecticut who submit outstanding essays on topics in the field.

Title of Award: Connecticut Chapter HFMA Undergraduate Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Accounting; Business administration; Finance; Health care services; Information science and technology; Nursing; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $1,000 scholarship, membership in the Connecticut chapter of HFMA and its scholarship committee, and waiver of chapter program fees for 1 year. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to undergraduate students at colleges and universities in Connecticut, children of members of the Connecticut chapter of Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), and residents of Connecticut commuting to a college or university in a state that borders Connecticut. Applicants must be enrolled in a business, finance, accounting, or information systems program and have an interest in health care or be enrolled in a nursing or allied health program. They must submit an essay, up to 3 pages, on what they see as the most significant challenge facing the health care industry today and their proposal for a practical and feasible solution. Finalists may be interviewed. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


90 New Montgomery Street, Suite 1212
San Francisco, CA 94105-4504
Tel: (415)543-6033, ext. 308
Fax: (415)348-0887
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college student broadcast news journalists.

Title of Award: Hearst Journalism Awards Program Broadcast News Competitions Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 20 semifinal and 10 final winners are chosen each year, and 2 additional scholarships are awarded each year for best use of radio and best use of television. Funds Available: In each of the 2 semifinal competitions, the first-place winner receives a $2,000 scholarship, second place $1,500, third place $1,000, fourth place $750, fifth place $600, and sixth through tenth places $500 each; identical grants are awarded to the journalism schools attended by the winning students. For the finals competition, additional scholarships are awarded of $5,000 to the first-place winner, $4,000 for second, $3,000 for third, and $1,000 for each of the other 7 finalists; in addition, the students who make the best use of radio for news coverage and the best use of television for news coverage each receive another scholarship of $1,000. Scholarship funds are paid to the college or university and credited to the recipients' educational costs (tuition, matriculation and other fees, and room and board provided by or approved by the college or university). Schools receive points for their students who place in the top 20 places in the semifinals and in the finals; the school with the most points receives an additional cash prize of $10,000, second wins $5,000, and third wins $2,500. The total amount awarded in scholarships and grants in this and the writing and photojournalism competitions is $400,000 per year. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are full-time undergraduate students majoring in journalism at 1 of the 105 accredited colleges and universities that are members of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC). For each of the 2 semifinal competitions, each student submits either an audio tape or a videotape originating with and produced by the undergraduate student with primary responsibility for the entry. Entries must have been "published" in the sense of having been made available to an anonymous audience of substantial size. The first competition of each year is for "features;" entries must be soft news: non-deadline reporting of personalities, events, or issues. They may be based on, but not limited to, public affairs, business, investigations, science, sports, or weather. The second competition of each year is for "news;" entries must be hard news, including enterprise reporting. They may be based on, but not limited to, public affairs reporting, business reporting, investigative reporting, science reporting, sports reporting, or weather reporting, as long as they have a hard news focus. All entries must have been produced since September of the previous year and must consist of at least 2 reports. Broadcast news tapes are judged on the basis of writing quality, understandability, clarity, depth, focus, editing, knowledge of subject, and broadcast skills. The 10 audio tapes and 10 videotapes selected by the judges as the best in the semifinals are then entered in the finals. The finalists submit new and different tapes, up to 10 minutes in length with a minimum of 3 reports, of which only 1 may have been submitted previously. The reports must include at least 1 news story and 1 feature. Judges select the top 5 audio tapes and the top 5 videotapes, and those 10 finalists go to San Francisco for an on-the-spot news assignment to rank the winners. Deadline for Receipt: The deadline for the first competition is in November of each year and for the second competition in early February of each year. Additional entries by finalists must be submitted by the end of March of each year. The competition among the top 10 finalists takes place in San Francisco in June. Additional Information: This program began in 1960. It is conducted by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation under the auspices of the ASJMC. If scholarship funds are awarded after a competing student has graduated, the college or university may credit funds retroactively.


90 New Montgomery Street, Suite 1212
San Francisco, CA 94105-4504
Tel: (415)543-6033, ext. 308
Fax: (415)348-0887
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college student photojournalists.

Title of Award: Hearst Journalism Awards Program Photojournalism Competitions Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 30 semifinal and 6 final winners are chosen each year, and 2 additional scholarships are awarded each year for the best single photo and best picture story. Funds Available: In each of the 3 semifinal competitions, the first-place winner receives a $2,000 scholarship, second place $1,500, third place $1,000, fourth place $750, fifth place $600, and sixth through tenth places $500 each; identical grants are awarded to the journalism schools attended by the winning students. For the finals competition, additional scholarships are awarded of $5,000 to the first-place winner, $4,000 for second, $3,000 for third; and $1,000 for each of the other 3 finalists. In addition, the photographers who submit the best single photo and the best picture story each receive another scholarship of $1,000. Scholarship funds are paid to the college or university and credited to the recipients' educational costs (tuition, matriculation and other fees, and room and board provided by or approved by the college or university). Schools receive points for their students who place in the top 20 places in the semifinals and in the finals; the school with the most points receives an additional cash prize of $10,000, second wins $5,000, and third wins $2,500. The total amount awarded in scholarships and grants in this and the writing and broadcast news competitions is $400,000 per year. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are full-time undergraduate students majoring in journalism at 1 of the 105 accredited colleges and universities that are members of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC). For each of the 3 semifinal competitions, each student submits photographs in 35mm slide form. For the first competition of each year, the categories are portrait/personality and feature; entries consist of 2 photographs in each of those 2 categories. For the second competition of each year, the categories are sports and news; entries consist of 2 photographs in each of those 2 categories. For the third competition of each year, the category is picture story/series; each entry must include 1 picture story/series, with up to 15 images. All photographs must have been taken since September of the previous year and may be in color or black and white. Photography is judged on the basis of quality, versatility, consistency, human interest, news value, and originality. The judges select the top 10 entrants in each of the 3 competitions; of those 10, the 4 top scoring entrants qualify for the photojournalism finals. Those 12 finalists must submit a portfolio consisting of prints of the slides previously judged, plus 2 additional photographs (published or unpublished) from each of the other categories in the overall contest; complete portfolios must thus consist of 2 pictures each in news, features, sports, portrait/personality, plus a picture story/series. Based on those portfolios, judges select the top 6 finalists to go to San Francisco for on-the-spot assignments to rank the winners. Deadline for Receipt: The deadline for the first competition is in early November of each year, for the second competition in late January of each year, and for the third competition in mid-March of each year. Additional entries by finalists must be submitted by late May of each year. The competition among the top 6 finalists takes place in San Francisco in June. Additional Information: This program began in 1960. It is conducted by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation under the auspices of the ASJMC. If scholarship funds are awarded after a competing student has graduated, the college or university may credit funds retroactively.


90 New Montgomery Street, Suite 1212
San Francisco, CA 94105-4504
Tel: (415)543-6033, ext 308
Fax: (415)348-0887
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college student journalists.

Title of Award: Hearst Journalism Awards Program Writing Competitions Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Each year, 60 scholarships are awarded to the monthly winners, and an additional 8 are presented to the national finalists. Funds Available: In each of the 6 competitions, the first-place winner receives a $2,000 scholarship, second place $1,500, third place $1,000, fourth place $750, fifth place $600, and sixth through tenth places $500; identical grants are awarded to the journalism schools attended by the students. For the finalists whose articles are judged best in the national writing championship, additional scholarships of $5,000 are awarded to the first-place winner, $4,000 for second place, $3,000 for third place, and $1,000 each for the other 5 finalists. Scholarship awards are paid to the college or university and credited to the recipients' educational costs (tuition, matriculation and other fees, and room and board provided by or approved by the college or university). Schools receive points for each of their students who place in the top 20 places in each monthly competition; the school with the most points receives an additional cash prize of $10,000, second wins $5,000, and third wins $2,500. The total amount awarded in scholarships and grants in this and the photojournalism and broadcast news competitions is $400,000 per year. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are full-time undergraduate students majoring in journalism at 1 of the 105 accredited colleges or universities that are members of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication (ASJMC). Each entry consists of a single article written by the student with primary responsibility for the work and published in a campus or professional publication. Each month, a separate competition is held; November: feature writing, a background, color, or mood article as opposed to a conventional news story or personality profile; December: editorials or signed columns of opinion, must be well researched and express a clear and cogent viewpoint; January: in-depth writing, must illustrate the student's ability to handle a complex subject clearly, precisely, and with sufficient background; February: sports writing, relevant to an event or issue, not to a sports personality; March: personality profile, a personality sketch of someone; April: spot news writing, articles written about a breaking news event and against a deadline. The 6 monthly winners and the 2 finalists who place highest in their top 2 scores in the monthly competitions qualify for the national writing championship held in San Francisco in June; at that time, competition assignments consist of an on-the-spot assignment and a news story and personality profile from a press interview of a prominent individual in the San Francisco area. Writing is judged on the basis of knowledge of subject, understandability, clarity, color, reporting in depth, and construction. Deadline for Receipt: Articles for the monthly competitions must be submitted early in the respective month of each year. The championship is held in June of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1960. It is conducted by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation under the auspices of the ASJMC. If scholarship funds are awarded after a competing student has graduated, the college or university may credit funds retroactively.


9019 Kirtland Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH 44094
Tel: (440)256-0514
Fax: (440)256-0541
Web Site:

To fundresearch involving the use of herbs.

Title of Award: Herb Society of America Research Grant Program Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Economics; History; Horticulture; Literature; Science Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Professional, Postdoctoral, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or 2 grants are awarded each year. Funds Available: Up to $5,000 per year. Funds may not be used for travel. Duration: Up to 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to persons who are proposing a scientific, academic, or artistic investigation of herbal plants. Fields of study may include horticulture, science, literature, history, art, and/or economics. Although both undergraduate and graduate students may apply, they may use the funds only for specific research on herbal projects, not as financial aid for education. Research should involve plants using the horticultural rather than the botanical definition of herbs. Proposals may not exceed 500 words. Finalists will be interviewed. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Progress reports are required 3 times during the year.


Attn: Educational Scholarships
538 Franklin Street
P.O. Box 1547 Columbus, IN 47202-1547
Tel: (812)376-7772
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to residents of the multi-county area in Indiana served by The Republic newspaper who are interested in preparing for a career in print journalism.

Title of Award: Bob Marshall-Bob Gordon Scholarship for Print Journalism Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $1,800. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors and college students who live in the multi-county circulation area of The Republic newspaper, formerly the Columbus Evening Republican in Columbus, Indiana. Applicants must be interested in a career in print journalism. They must be able to demonstrate involvement in extracurricular activities (including school publications), an interest in people and communities, participation in community activities and organizations, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: National Scholarship Program
One Dupont Circle, N.W. Suite 605
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202)467-0893
Fax: (202)496-9177
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students at member institutions of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) who are majoring in fields related to the news industry.

Title of Award: Time Warner Scholarship Award Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Business; Journalism; Performing arts; Radio and television; Telecommunications systems Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate students at 4-year HACU member and partner colleges and universities who have completed at least 12 units. Applicants may be majoring in any field, but they must have an interest in the entertainment, news, media, or telecommunications industries. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be able to demonstrate financial need. Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 200 to 250 words that describes their academic and/or career goals, where they expect to be and what they expect to be doing 10 years from now, and what skills they can bring to an employer. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by Time Warner and administered by HACU. Recipients may be considered for paid summer internships at Time Warner through its "STARS" program.


Attn: Scholarship Selection Committee
P.O. Box 565
Houston, TX 77001-0565
Tel: (281)920-2284
Fax: (713)335-9128
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American college students who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: HABJ Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Filmmaking; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Photography; Photography, Journalistic; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 4 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Funds are paid directly to the recipient's college or university. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African Americans attending an accredited 4-year institution or community college at the sophomore, junior, or senior level. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be majoring in radio, television, film, broadcasting, print journalism, photography, online journalism, marketing, or public relations. They must include a 1-page essay on the topic, "How Does Technology Influence the Media?" Selection is based on academic achievement, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: These scholarships are issued in the names of George McElroy and Leroy Patterson.


270 North 27th Street, Suite B
Boise, ID 83702-4741
Tel: (208)345-3072
Fax: (208)343-8946
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students at Idaho colleges and universities who are preparing for a career in the broadcasting field.

Title of Award: Idaho State Broadcasters Association Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Business administration; Communications; Communications technologies; Journalism; Marketing and distribution Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year: 2 general scholarships and the Cornils Scholarship. Funds Available: The stipend for the general scholarships is $1,000. The stipend of the Wayne C. Cornils Scholarship depends on the need of the recipient. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time students at Idaho schools who are preparing for a career in broadcasting, including business administration, sales, journalism, and engineering. Applicants must have a GPA of at least 2.0 for the first 2 years of school or 2.5 for the last 2 years. Along with their application, they must submit a letter of recommendation from the general manager of a broadcasting state that is a member of the Idaho State Broadcasters Association and a 1-page essay describing their career plans and why they want the scholarship. Applications are encouraged from a wide and diverse student population. The Wayne C. Cornils Scholarship is reserved for a less advantaged applicant. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Administrator
3003 East 98th Street, Suite 161
Indianapolis, IN 46280
Tel: (317)573-0119
Free: 800-342-6276 within IN
Fax: (317)573-0895
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students in Indiana who are interested in preparing for a career in a field related to broadcasting.

Title of Award: Indiana Broadcasters Association Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism; Telecommunications systems Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year: recently, 6 high school seniors and 7 current undergraduate students received these awards. Funds Available: The stipends are $500 for high school seniors or $2,000 for students already in college. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors planning to attend colleges that are members of the Indiana Broadcasters Association and to undergraduate students currently enrolled at those schools. Applicants must be majoring or planning to major in broadcasting, electronic media, telecommunications, or broadcast journalism. Selection is based on an essay on why they have chosen broadcasting as a career, special recognitions they have received, extracurricular activities, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: These scholarships were first offered in 1995.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
150 West Market Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Tel: (317)237-6222
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college students in Indiana who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Mary and Walter Hemphill Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Recently, stipends averaged $900 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled in an Indiana college or university and be interested in a career in the news business. Preference is given to students who are majoring in journalism or broadcast journalism. Along with their application, students must submit a 1-page essay in which they describe their career goals, how they plan to achieve those goals, why they are important to them, and how the scholarship will assist them in reaching their goal of a career in journalism. Financial need is considered, but career interest, writing ability, ethics, news judgment, and potential for success are the chief concerns in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


c/o Gene Stuffle
Idaho State University
College of Engineering
833 South Eighth Avenue
Pocatello, ID 83209-8060
Tel: (208)282-2902
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school authors of outstanding papers on electronics.

Title of Award: Wescon Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Electronics; Engineering; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 2 scholarships are awarded each year. Funds Available: The first prize is $5,000 and second prize is $3,000; funds are sent directly to the winners' engineering schools of choice after they have started college classes with a defined major in electronics or a related field. Winners also receive transportation and 1 night's accommodations at the Wescon Electronics Show and Convention, held in alternating years in the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to students who are juniors in high school planning to attend 4-year colleges and major in electronics engineering or associated fields. They must be attending high school in Region 6 of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which covers the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. The competition requires entrants to write a 500- to 600-word essay explaining the importance of electronics technology, the future of electronics in the United States, what electronics will offer to the next generation, how the students plan to prepare for a career in electronics, how they will contribute, and how they and others will benefit. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1986 to honor the 7 astronauts who lost their lives aboard Space Shuttle Challenger.


3301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 440
Arlington, VA 22201-4432
Tel: (703)993-4880
Free: 800-697-8799
Fax: (703)993-4890
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students in the United States or abroad who intend to pursue "intellectual careers" and have demonstrated an interest in classical liberal principles.

Title of Award: Humane Studies Fellowships Area, Field, or Subject: Business administration; Humanities; Journalism; Law; Public administration; Social sciences Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Approximately 100 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $12,000. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed upon reapplication.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students who will be full-time college juniors, seniors, or graduate students planning academic or other intellectual careers, including law, public policy, and journalism. Applicants must have a clearly demonstrated interest in the classical liberal/libertarian tradition of individual rights and market economics. Applications from students outside the United States or studying abroad receive equal consideration. Selection is based on academic or professional performance, relevance of work to the advancement of a free society, and potential for success. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: As defined by the sponsor, the core principles of the classical liberal/libertarian tradition include the recognition of individual rights and the dignity and worth of each individual; protection of these rights through the institutions of private property, contract, the rule of law, and freely evolved intermediary institutions; voluntarism in all human relations, including the unhampered market mechanism in economic affairs; and the goals of free trade, free migration, and peace. This program began in 1983 as Claude R. Lambe Fellowships. The application fee is $25.


3301 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 440
Arlington, VA 22201-4432
Tel: (703)993-4880
Free: 800-697-8799
Fax: (703)993-4890
Web Site:

To provide funding for training to upper-division and graduate students as well as recent graduates who are interested in a career in communications.

Title of Award: Young Communicators Fellowships Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Economics; Filmmaking; Journalism; Public administration; Publishing; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate, Professional Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The program provides a stipend of up to $2,500 and housing and travel assistance up to $2,500 (if required). Duration: Up to 12 weeks.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college juniors and seniors, graduate students, and recent graduates. Applicants must have a clearly demonstrated interest in the "classical liberal" tradition of individual rights and market economics; intend to prepare for a career in journalism, film, writing (fiction or nonfiction), publishing, or market-oriented public policy; and have arranged or applied for an internship, training program, or other short-term opportunity related to their intended career. Applications are not accepted for tuition or living expenses associated with a degree. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year for summer programs; up to 10 weeks in advance for programs at other times of the year.


Attn: Director of Strategic Initiatives
11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tel: (703)273-7200
Free: 800-659-7469
Fax: (703)278-8082
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college students in their final year of study who are interested in preparing for a career in the audiovisual industry.

Title of Award: International Communications Industries Association College Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Electronics; Information science and technology; Journalism; Telecommunications systems Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 7 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to 1) college juniors completing their bachelor's degree in the following year; 2) college seniors who plan to enter graduate school; and 3) students in their final year of study for an associate degree. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher in a program of audio, visual, audiovisual, electronics, telecommunications, technical theater, data networking, software development, or information technology. Students in other programs, such as journalism, may be eligible if they can demonstrate a relationship to career goals in the audiovisual industry. Along with their application, they must submit essays on why they are applying for this scholarship, why they are interested in the audiovisual industry, and their professional plans following graduation. Minority and women candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Selection is based on the essays, presentation of the application, GPA, work experience, and letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: Recipients are required to work during the summer as paid interns with a manufacturer, dealer, designer, or other firm that is a member of the International Communications Industries Association.


Attn: Director of Strategic Initiatives
11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
Tel: (703)273-7200
Free: 800-659-7469
Fax: (703)278-8082
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to dependents of members of the International Communications Industries Association (ICIA) interested in preparing for a career in the audiovisual industry.

Title of Award: Scholarships for Dependents of ICIA Members Area, Field, or Subject: Electronics; Information science and technology; Journalism; Telecommunications systems Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 3 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating high school seniors and current college students who are the children, stepchildren, and spouses of employees at ICIA member companies. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher and be majoring or planning to major in audio, visual, audiovisual, electronics, telecommunications, technical theater, data networking, software development, or information technology. Students in other programs, such as journalism, may be eligible if they can demonstrate a relationship to career goals in the audiovisual industry. Along with their application, they must submit 1) an essay of 150 to 200 words on the career path they see themselves pursuing in the next 5 years and why, and 2) an essay of 250 to 300 words on the experience or person that most influenced them in selecting the audiovisual industry as their career of choice. Minority and women candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Selection is based on the essays, presentation of the application, GPA, work experience, and letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


P.O. Box 491
Hyde Park, NY 12538
Tel: (845)229-6973
Fax: (845)229-6993
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate students who are interested in preparing for a career in communications in the food service industry.

Title of Award: IFEC Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Creative writing; Culinary arts; English language and literature; Food science and technology; Food service careers; Graphic art and design; Hotel, institutional, and restaurant management; Journalism; Management; Marketing and distribution; Nutrition; Photography; Photography, Journalistic; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Master's, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 6 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $1,000 to $3,750 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to currently-enrolled college students who are working on an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree. They must be enrolled full time and planning on a career in editorial, public relations, photography, food styling, or a related aspect of communications in the food service industry. The following food service majors are considered appropriate for this program: culinary arts; hospitality management; hotel, restaurant, and institutional management; dietetics; food science and technology; and nutrition. Applicable communications areas include journalism, English, mass communications, public relations, marketing, broadcast journalism, creative writing, graphic arts, and photography. Selection is based on academic record, character references, and demonstrated financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Iowa Scholarships for the Arts
600 East Locust
Des Moines, IA 50319-0290
Tel: (515)281-4081
Fax: (515)242-6498
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Iowa high school seniors who plan to study the arts at a college or university in the state.

Title of Award: Iowa Scholarships for the Arts Area, Field, or Subject: Dance; Literature; Music; Performing arts; Visual arts; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipends range from $1,000 to $2,000. Funds must be used for tuition at the Iowa institution where the recipient is enrolled. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating seniors at high schools in Iowa who have been accepted as full-time undergraduate students at an accredited college or university in the state. Applicants must be planning to major in music, dance, visual arts, traditional arts, theater, or literature. Along with their application, they must submit a 1-page essay on what they perceive to be their future in the arts. Selection is based on 1) proven artistic and academic abilities in the chosen artistic area and 2) future goals and objectives relating to the intended field of study. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


P.O. Box 71186
Des Moines, IA 50325
Tel: (515)224-7237
Fax: (515)224-6560
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Iowa who are interested in preparing for a career in broadcasting.

Title of Award: Quarton-McElroy/Iowa Broadcasters Association Broadcast Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $3,000 per year. Duration: 4 years.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be graduating from a high school in Iowa and planning to enroll full time in a 2- or 4-year college or university in the state. They must be planning to prepare for a career in the broadcasting field, including technical, telecommunicative arts broadcast production, or broadcast journalism. Along with their application, they must submit a 1- to 3-page letter on "Why I'm Interested in a Career in Broadcasting," including an analysis of their skills, interests, and work-related experience that would contribute to a career in broadcasting; their thoughts about the need for a college education to help them reach their career goals; and the importance of receiving this scholarship. Selection is based on the essay, academic record (as indicated by their high school transcripts and ACT or SAT scores), honors and/or awards, extracurricular activities, work experience and/or internships, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Stinson Morrison Hecker L.L.P.
Attn: Charles F. Jensen
1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2800
Kansas City, MO 64106-2150
Tel: (816)842-8600

To provide financial assistance to Missouri residents majoring in education and planning to teach humanities in elementary and middle schools in the state after graduation.

Title of Award: Jack J. Isgur Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Dance; Education, Elementary; Humanities; Literature; Music; Poetry Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year; recipients may reapply.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Missouri who are enrolled at a 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in education with the goal of teaching the humanities (e.g., literature, dance, fine arts, music, art, and poetry) at the elementary or middle school level following graduation. Preference is given to students entering their junior year of college and planning to teach in rural school districts in Missouri, rather than metropolitan districts. The application process includes brief essays on the following topics: 1) work and life experiences indicating an interest in teaching subjects in the humanities to grade school and middle school students in Missouri upon graduation; 2) other activities (organizations to which they belong, hobbies, volunteer work) and their interest in them; 3) the 3 books that have most influenced them and why; and 4) their employment experiences. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


675 Hegenberger Road, Suite 230
Oakland, CA 94621
Tel: (510)633-9058; 888-ICF-1924
Fax: (510)633-9758
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college students from selected states who are of Italian Catholic heritage and are interested in studying Italian language, literature, or culture.

Title of Award: Mario Cugia Italian Studies Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Foreign languages; Italian studies; Literature Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 20 of these scholarships were awarded, including both third-year and fourth-year students. Funds Available: The stipend is $600 per year for third-year students or $1,000 for fourth-year students. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for the fourth year of university study.

Eligibility Requirements: College students who live within Catholic Dioceses in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Illinois are eligible to apply if they are of Catholic and Italian descent (or whose non-Italian parents are members of the Italian Catholic Federation). Applicants must be entering their third year of study, have at least a 3.2 GPA, and be majoring in Italian language, Italian literature, or another area of Italian art, history, or culture. They must submit a personal statement explaining their future plans and Italian origin (or federation membership affiliation of their non-Italian parent or guardian). Selection is based on scholastic achievement, financial need, leadership role, faculty recommendations, and character references. Deadline for Receipt: July of each year.


Attn: National Scholarship Awards
1765 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Tel: (415)921-5225
Fax: (415)931-4671
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to student members of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), especially those majoring in journalism or agriculture.

Title of Award: Kyutaro and Yasuo Abiko Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; General studies/Field of study not specified; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: At least 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend depends on the availability of funds but usually ranges from $1,000 to $5,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to JACL members who are currently enrolled or planning to reenter a college, university, trade school, business college, or other institution of higher learning. Applicants must submit a statement describing their current level of involvement in the Japanese American community or Asian Pacific community and how they will continue their involvement in future years. Selection is based on academic record, extracurricular activities, financial need, and community involvement. Preference is given to students majoring in journalism or agriculture. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Applications must be submitted to the JACL National Scholarship Program, c/o San Diego JACL Chapter, 1031 25th Street, San Diego, CA 92102.


Attn: Lisa Lopez
1729 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64108
Tel: (816)234-4907
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding newspaper articles written by high school students.

Title of Award: Ernest Hemingway Writing Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 in each category. Funds Available: The prize is a $2,500 college scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school students who submit articles written during the previous calendar year and published in a student news publication (newspapers, news magazines, and magazine supplements published by student newspapers). Entries must be submitted by high schools, which may nominate up to 2 students in each of 4 areas: feature writing, newswriting (emphasis on breaking news or the presentation of new information), sports writing, and commentary (including editorials and signed columns). Each student must submit 2 examples of original work per category. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This competition, established in 1995, honors Ernest Hemingway, who wrote for his high school newspaper shortly before joining the Kansas City Star in 1917.


Attn: Pre-College
1440 Broadway, Ninth Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: (212)997-5886
Free: 800-KAP-TEST
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school students who write outstanding essays on topics related to their personal development and growth.

Title of Award: Kaplan/Newsweek "My Turn" Essay Competition Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 10 each year: 1 first-prize winner, 1 second-prize winner, and 8 third-prize winners. Funds Available: First prize is $5,000, second $2,000, and third $1,000. All funds are to be used for future educational needs. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to U.S. high school students planning to attend college after graduation. Applicants must write an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on a topic of their choice that is similar in format to the weekly "My Turn" column in Newsweek magazine, in which a member of the public shares an opinion, experience, or personal feeling. Judges look for direct personal experiences and observations with a fresh, original, engaging, moving, and thought-provoking point of view that appeals to a national readership. Selection is based on 1) effectiveness, insightfulness, creativity, and completeness; 2) organization and development of the ideas expressed, with clear and appropriate examples to support them; and 3) consistency in the use of language, variety in sentence structure and range of vocabulary, and use of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This competition is co-sponsored by Kaplan and Newsweek Magazine.


Attn: Media Scholarship
1044 Lincoln Street
Denver, CO 80203
Tel: (303)861-4444
Fax: (303)830-6537
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Colorado who are interested in majoring in communications in college.

Title of Award: Peter Rogot Media Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Broadcasting; Communications; Filmmaking; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's school. The money must be used for tuition or fees; it cannot be used for personal expenses. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Colorado who plan to attend college to major in broadcasting; newspaper, radio, or magazine journalism; advertising; public relations; or production in video, film, or photography. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and be able to demonstrate financial need. They must submit a paragraph explaining their educational and career goals. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1991.


Attn: Office of Diversity
50 West San Fernando Street, Suite 1200
San Jose, CA 95113
Tel: (408)938-7734
Fax: (408)938-7755
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to students at selected Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) who are studying advertising, business, or journalism.

Title of Award: Knight Ridder HBCU Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Business administration; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500 per year. Recipients also work as an intern at a Knight Ridder newspaper during the summer after their junior year and receive a salary according to the newspaper's normal scale. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for 1 additional year, if the recipient maintains a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students at selected HBCUs who are entering their junior year. Applicants must be majoring in advertising, business, or journalism. Additional Information: The participating HBCUs are Howard University, Florida A&M University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College. Further information is available from the placement office at those institutions.


Attn: Office of Diversity
50 West San Fernando Street, Suite 1200
San Jose, CA 95113
Tel: (408)938-7734
Fax: (408)938-7755
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to minority high school seniors who are interested in going to college to prepare for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Knight Ridder Minority Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Graphic art and design; Information science and technology; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 5 each year: 2 for news, 2 for business, and 1 for either. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year for the freshman and sophomore year and $15,000 per year for the junior and senior year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for up to 3 additional years, if the recipient maintains a GPA of 3.0 or higher and satisfactory performance on internships.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority seniors graduating from high schools in areas served by Knight Ridder. Applicants must be interested in attending college to prepare for a career in the newspaper industry. They first apply to their local Knight Ridder newspaper and compete for local scholarships; selected winners are then nominated for this award. Both "news" and "business" students are eligible. Additional Information: Recipients are offered an internship opportunity at a Knight Ridder newspaper during the summer. News scholars work in the newsroom, writing and editing stories, taking photographs, crafting illustrations, and designing news pages. Business scholars complete internships in advertising, marketing, information technology, circulation, and other areas essential to the industry. At the end of the sophomore year, recipients must agree to work at a Knight Ridder newspaper for 1 year after graduation.


Attn: Anthony Pugh
700 12th Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005-3994
Tel: (202)383-6013
Fax: (202)383-3738
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority high school seniors from the Washington, D.C. area who are interested in attending college to prepare for a career in the newspaper industry.

Title of Award: Washington Bureau Minority Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Business administration; Computer and information sciences; Graphic art and design; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority seniors graduating from high schools in the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C. Applicants must be able to demonstrate an interest in journalism, but they are not required to have been school newspaper reporters or editors. They may be photographers, graphic artists, computer experts, delivery workers with an interest in circulation, or business and advertising staff members. Along with their application, they must submit a transcript of grades (with a GPA of 3.0 or higher), SAT/ACT scores, 2 letters of recommendation, a list of journalism or business experience, information on extracurricular activities, up to 5 samples of work with bylines (for journalism applicants), and a 500-word essay on why they want to prepare for a career in journalism or communication business. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: The recipients of these scholarships are entered into competition for the Knight Ridder Minority Scholarship Program of $40,000 over 4 years.


c/o Bruce W. Hozeski, Executive Secretary/Treasurer
Ball State University
Department of English
2000 West University Avenue
Muncie, IN 47306-0460
Tel: (765)285-8580

To provide financial assistance for college to members of Lambda Iota Tau, the College Literature Honor Society.

Title of Award: Lambda Iota Tau Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Literature Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to be nominated for this scholarship are initiated members of the society. Only society chapters may submit nominations. The nomination letter must include a sample of the student's essay/creative writing and an essay from the nominee on his/her career goals and objectives. Selection is based on the writing sample, academic record, leadership, character, and service. No consideration is given to age, race, creed, sex, or national citizenship of the nominee. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year.


c/o Rich Martin, Managing Editor
The Roanoke Times
201 West Campbell Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24011
Tel: (540)981-3211
Free: 800-346-1234
Web Site:

To provide work experience and financial aid to minority rising juniors who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Landmark Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Graphic art and design; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic; Sports writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year. During the summers following their sophomore and junior years, recipients are provided with paid internships. Following graduation, they are offered a 1-year internship with full benefits and the possibility of continued employment. Duration: 2 years (the junior and senior years of college).

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority college sophomores, preferably those with ties to the mid-Atlantic states (Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.). Applicants must be full-time students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. They must be interested in preparing for a career in print journalism and in an internship as a reporter, photographer, graphic artist, sports writer, copy editor, or page designer. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: The internships are offered at the News & Record in Greensboro, North Carolina, the Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, Virginia, or the Roanoke Times in Roanoke, Virginia.


P.O. Box 8121
Charlottesville, VA 22906
Tel: (804)977-1861
Fax: (804)977-6083
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward students in Virginia who enter an historical essay contest and plan to attend a college or university in the United States.

Title of Award: Lee-Jackson Foundation Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; History, American; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 27 each year: 3 winners in each of the 8 public high school regions of the state plus 3 to private and home-school students. Bonus scholarships are awarded to 8 public school students (1 in each region) and 1 private or home-schooled student. The grand prize is awarded to the public school, private school, or home-schooled student whose essay is judged to be the best in the state. In addition, 9 schools (1 in each public school region plus 1 private/home-school region) receive the awards for encouraging the most participation. Funds Available: Total prizes are $10,000, $2,000, or $1,000. Each winner receives $1,000. The winners of bonus scholarships receive an additional $1,000 and the grand prize winner receives an additional $8,000. A $1,000 award is given to schools or home-school regions that encourage the most participation. Funds are mailed to the financial aid director of the college the winner attends; they may be used only for payment of tuition and required fees. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: High school juniors and seniors at any Virginia secondary school may compete for these scholarships by writing an essay that demonstrates an appreciation of the character and virtues of Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson. The length of the papers is not specified, but most are between 7 and 10 pages. Selection is based on historical accuracy, quality of research, and clarity of written expression. Students first compete in the 8 high school regions in the state; winners are selected by a screening committee in their localities. In each region, a bonus scholarship is awarded to the paper judged the best; a grand prize is awarded to the author of the essay judged best of all the essays submitted. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: Applications are available from division superintendents and school principals. Winners may use the scholarships at any 4-year institution in the United States. The author of the grand prize is designated as the J. Clifford Miller, Jr. Scholar.


910 Currie Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Tel: (817)336-1130
Fax: (817)232-4820
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in agricultural communications or related fields.

Title of Award: Forrest Bassford Student Award Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Communications; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 winner and 3 runners-up are selected each year. Funds Available: The winner receives a $2,500 scholarship, plus a $750 travel scholarship (to attend the council's annual meeting). The runners-up receive $750 travel scholarships to attend the meeting. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students majoring in agricultural journalism, agricultural communications, or agricultural public relations. They must have at least 1 semester of school remaining at the time they receive the award. Selection is based on a transcript of college work completed and a list of courses in progress, a list of scholarships and awards received, club and other organization memberships, extracurricular activities, employment record, a 200-word biographical sketch that includes livestock and communication background and career plans, 3 samples of communications work, and 2 letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: The funds for this program are provided by the Livestock Publications Council and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Information is also available from Angie Stump Denton, Angus Journal, 3201 Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph, MO 64506-2997, (800) 821-5478, ext. 211, Fax: (816) 233-6575, E-mail:


Attn: Administrative Director
7080 Donlon Way, Suite 202
P.O. Box 2967
Dublin, CA 94568
Tel: (925)828-3883
Fax: (925)828-3883
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students with a Portuguese connection in California who are interested in studying writing.

Title of Award: Mericia C. Gonsalves Literary Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must meet at least 1 of the following requirements: 1) be of Portuguese descent; 2) be planning to enroll in a Portuguese class in college; or 3) be a member of an organization whose scholarships are administered by the Luso-American Education Foundation. All applicants must be California residents younger than 21 years of age, have graduated from an accredited high school by the summer of the year of the award, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, be enrolled or planning to enroll at a 4-year college or university, and have demonstrated talent and interest in the written creative arts. Selection is based on promise of success in college, financial need, qualities of leadership, vocational promise, and sincerity of purpose. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: MLGPA Foundation
P.O. Box 1951
Portland, ME 04104
Tel: (207)761-3732
Fax: (207)761-8484
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in Maine who submit outstanding essays on sexual orientation.

Title of Award: I. Joel Abromson Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The prize is a $1,000 scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Maine who have been accepted at an institution of higher learning. Applicants must submit an essay on the following topic: "How can schools become safer for all students regardless of their sexual orientation and gender expression?" Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


P.O. Box 864
Rockport, ME 04856
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to women who are interested in working on a degree in a media-related field at a college or university in Maine.

Title of Award: KVA Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Communications; Creative writing; Design; Photography; Photography, Journalistic; Publishing; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to women who are enrolled at a college, university, or other postsecondary school in Maine. Applicants must be preparing for a media-related career in such areas as art, photography, design and marketing, creative writing, desktop publishing, photojournalism, videography, or communications. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 2004 to honor Karen Van Allsberg. Information is also available from Jude Stone, Scholarship Committee Chair, 9 Sanborns Grove Road, Bridgton, ME 04009.


186 Duke of Gloucester Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
Tel: (410)269-5977
Free: 800-327-5977
Fax: (410)269-1874
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in Maryland who submit outstanding essays on a topic related to banking.

Title of Award: Maryland Bankers Association Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Banking; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: Prizes are a $1,000 scholarship for first place, a $500 scholarship for second, and a $250 scholarship for third. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Maryland. Applicants must submit a 2-page essay on a topic that changes annually but relates to banking. Recently, students were asked how they would improve their community's money management skills if they were a bank president. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: MPA Foundation
827 North Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI 48906-5199
Tel: (517)372-2424
Fax: (517)372-2429
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in journalism at colleges and universities in Michigan.

Title of Award: Michigan Press Association Foundation College Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 10 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of Michigan majoring in journalism at colleges and universities in the state. Candidates must be nominated by faculty members at their schools. They must demonstrate interest in community journalism and have journalistic potential. Selection is based on scholastic achievement and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: These scholarships have been awarded since 1990.


Attn: MPA Foundation
827 North Washington Avenue
Lansing, MI 48906-5199
Tel: (517)372-2424
Fax: (517)372-2429
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school seniors in Michigan who agree to work as an intern at a newspaper during the summer following graduation.

Title of Award: Michigan Press Association Foundation High School Match Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 13 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000; that includes $1,000 provided by the newspaper that hires the student as an intern plus $1,000 from the Michigan Press Association (MPA) Foundation. Duration: Scholarships are for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Michigan who are interested in a paid summer internship with a newspaper that is a member of the Michigan Press Association (MPA). Candidates may be interested in an internship in writing, photography, advertising, circulation, or marketing. They must be nominated by their high school journalism advisor. If they obtain an internship, they qualify to receive this scholarship to attend a 4-year college or university or a community college. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Janet Mendler, P.O. Box 230, Howell, MI 48844-0230, (517) 552-2811, E-mail:


3123 East Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Tel: (612)721-6631
Fax: (612)721-3936
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Native American students working on an undergraduate or graduate degree in journalism.

Title of Award: First Person Journalism Scholarship Fund Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Native American undergraduate and graduate students preparing for a career in journalism or mass communications. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must also have applied to the Minnesota Indian Scholarship Program sponsored by the Minnesota State Department of Education. Along with their application, they must submit proof of tribal enrollment and/or blood quantum, transcripts, 2 letters of reference, a 250-word essay describing their involvement in the Indian community, and documentation of financial need. Special consideration is given to applicants with prior work experience on a student newspaper, broadcast outlet, or web site. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55108-5227
Tel: (651)642-0567
Free: 800-657-3866
Fax: (651)642-0675
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to outstanding high school seniors or graduates in Minnesota.

Title of Award: Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Creative writing; English language and literature; Linguistics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Science; Social sciences Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Scholarships at public institutions cover the cost of full-time attendance; scholarships at private institutions cover an amount equal to the lesser of the actual tuition and fees charged by the institution or the tuition and fees in comparable public institutions. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed up to 3 additional years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Minnesota residents who have demonstrated outstanding ability, achievement, and potential in English, creative writing, fine arts, foreign language, mathematics, science, or social science. Applicants must have been admitted as full-time students at a branch of the University of Minnesota, a Minnesota state university, or a private, baccalaureate degree-granting college or university in Minnesota. Additional Information: This program was established by the Minnesota Legislature in 1991. Funds for this program come from the sale of special collegiate license plates.


Attn: Director of Education
360 Pierce Avenue, Suite 106
North Mankato, MN 56003
Tel: (507)345-8814
Fax: (507)345-8681
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, residents of Minnesota who prepare outstanding essays and speeches on the pork industry.

Title of Award: Minnesota Pork Industry Ambassador Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Business; General studies/Field of study not specified; Speech, Debate, and Forensics; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 state winners are selected each year. Funds Available: The first-place winner receives a $1,500 scholarship, the first runner-up a $500 scholarship, and the second runner-up a $250 scholarship. The author of the best essay receives an additional $100. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to Minnesota residents between 17 and 21 years of age. Participants (or their families) should be 1) actively engaged in pork production or 2) preparing for a career in a related field or business. They must first prepare an essay of 600 to 1,000 words on 1 of the following topics as related to the pork industry: environment, education, promotion, management, production, economics, or food safety. Then they appear before judges at a county pork congress where they are interviewed and also present a 5-minute speech on the same topic. From each county, a winner and a runner-up advance to the state competition. Deadline for Receipt: County boards must submit the names of their winners by April of each year.


Attn: Director of AHANA
76 Gannett Hall
Columbia, MO 65211-1200
Tel: (573)882-2422
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school seniors who participate in the African, Hispanic, Asian and Native American (AHANA) Journalism Workshop during the summer at the University of Missouri.

Title of Award: AHANA Journalism Workshop Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 20 to 25 students participate in the workshop; 1 of them receives the scholarship. Funds Available: All participants receive a $1,600 stipend to cover expenses of the program. The scholarship awardee receives an additional $1,000 for college expenses. Duration: The workshop lasts 9 to 11 days, in July. The scholarship is for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority high school seniors from around the country who express an interest in journalism. Applicants must be interested in participating in a summer workshop at the university that includes experience and training in reporting, writing, editing, photography, and the convergence of broadcast, print, and online journalism. At the conclusion of the workshop, an outstanding participant is selected to receive a college scholarship. Additional Information: This program, which began in 1971, is sponsored by the Missouri School of Journalism and the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund.


HC 70 Box 98
Bonner, MT 59823
Tel: (406)244-4622
Fax: (406)244-5518
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college students in Montana who are preparing for a career in the broadcast industry.

Title of Award: MBA Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Communications technologies; Graphic art and design; Information science and technology; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Public relations; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 6 each year: 2 of the Billings Broadcasters Association Scholarships and 1 of each of the other scholarships. Funds Available: Stipends are awarded for all scholarships; the stipend for the Billings Broadcasters Association Scholarships is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program consists of the following Scholarships: 1) the Joe Durso Memorial Scholarship for a student at the University of Montana at Missoula who is entering the senior year with a major in radio-television or broadcast journalism; 2) the Directors' Scholarship at Montana State University at Bozeman for a student majoring in media and theater arts; 3) the Engineers' Scholarship for a second-year student at the UM College of Technology at Helena who is working on a degree in broadcast engineering; 4) the Great Falls Broadcasters Association Scholarship for a student who has graduated from a high school in north central Montana (Cascade, Meagher, Judith Basin, Fergus, Chouteau, Teton, Pondera, Glacier, Toole, Liberty, Hill, Blaine, Phillips, or Valley counties) and is enrolled in at least the second year in radio-television at any public or private Montana college or university; and 5) the Billings Broadcasters Association Scholarships for residents of Montana or Wyoming who are preparing for careers in the broadcast industry at Montana State University at Billings by majoring in such fields as promotions, public relations, graphic design, information technology, marketing, or other related areas. Applicants must submit a 1-page statement summarizing their professional abilities, career goals, and extracurricular activities; 2 letters of recommendation; and their most recent transcript. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The Montana Broadcasters Association (MBA) funds 3 of these scholarships directly. It provides matching funding to the Great Falls Broadcasters Association and the Billings Broadcasters Association for the other 2 scholarships.


c/o Allen Costantini, Scholarship Committee Chair
8811 Olson Memorial Highway
Minneapolis, MN 55427
Tel: (763)797-7235
Fax: (763)546-8606
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors from upper midwestern states planning to major in journalism in college.

Title of Award: Upper Midwest Chapter Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota who have applied to or been accepted at a 4-year college or university. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be planning to major in broadcasting, television, or electronic media. Along with their application, they must submit a personal statement about their goals and professional aspirations, how television has affected their life, and how television should affect society now and in years to come. Finalists may be invited to an interview. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Membership, Marketing, and Convention
1005 E Street, S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
Tel: (202)546-5722
Fax: (202)546-5726
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding student essays on agricultural aviation.

Title of Award: Women's National Agricultural Aviation Association Scholarship Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Aviation; General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: First prize is $2,000; second prize is $1,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to the children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, or spouses of any National Agricultural Aviation Association operator, pilot member, retired operator, or pilot who maintains an active membership in the association. The contest is also open to the children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, or spouses of an allied industry member. Entrants must be high school seniors, high school graduates, or college students. They may be of any age pursuing any area of education beyond high school. They are invited to submit an essay, up to 1,500 words, on a theme related to agricultural aviation that changes annually; recently, the topic was "The Effect 9/11 Had on the Agricultural Aviation Industry." A photograph of the entrant and a short biography should accompany the submission. Essays are judged on theme, development, clarity, and originality. Deadline for Receipt: August of each year.


Attn: Student Education Enrichment and Development Program
8701-A Adelphi Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1716
Tel: (301)445-7100, ext. 108
Fax: (301)445-7101
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate student members of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) who are majoring in print journalism.

Title of Award: Gerald Boyd/Robin Stone Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's college or university. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American undergraduate or graduate students who are currently attending an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in print journalism and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. They must submit samples of their work, an official college transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a 500- to 800-word essay describing their accomplishments as a student journalist, their career goals, and their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: All scholarship winners must become members of the association before they enroll in college.


Attn: Student Education Enrichment and Development Program
8701-A Adelphi Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1716
Tel: (301)445-7100, ext. 108
Fax: (301)445-7101
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate student members of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) who are majoring in broadcast journalism.

Title of Award: Allison Fisher Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's college or university. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American undergraduate or graduate students who are currently attending an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in broadcast journalism, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be able to demonstrate community service. They must submit samples of their work, an official college transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a 500- to 800-word essay describing their accomplishments as a student journalist, their career goals, and their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: All scholarship winners must become members of the association before they enroll in college.


Attn: Student Education Enrichment and Development Program
8701-A Adelphi Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1716
Tel: (301)445-7100, ext. 108
Fax: (301)445-7101
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate student members of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) who are majoring in a field related to journalism.

Title of Award: NABJ Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's college or university. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American undergraduate or graduate students who are currently attending an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in broadcast (radio or television), print, or online journalism and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. They must submit samples of their work, an official college transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a 500- to 800-word essay describing their accomplishments as a student journalist, their career goals, and their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: All scholarship winners must become members of the association before they enroll in college.


Attn: Student Education Enrichment and Development Program
8701-A Adelphi Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1716
Tel: (301)445-7100, ext. 108
Fax: (301)445-7101
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and summer work experience to African American upper-division students majoring in print journalism.

Title of Award: Newhouse Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for 1 additional year if the recipient maintains at least a 3.0 GPA, majors in print journalism, works with the campus newspaper, and works for 10 weeks as a paid intern (minimum salary of $325 per week) for 3 summers at a Newhouse Newspaper.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American juniors or seniors who are currently attending an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in print journalism, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have experience working on their campus newspaper. They must submit samples of their work, an official college transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a 500- to 800-word essay describing their accomplishments as a student journalist, their career goals, and their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by the Newhouse Foundation. All scholarship winners must become members of the association before they enroll in college.


Attn: Student Education Enrichment and Development Program
8701-A Adelphi Road
Adelphi, MD 20783-1716
Tel: (301)445-7100, ext. 108
Fax: (301)445-7101
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate student members of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) who are interested in a career in visual journalism.

Title of Award: Visual Task Force Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,250. Funds are paid directly to the recipient's college or university. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American undergraduate or graduate students who are currently attending an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be majoring in visual journalism, have a GPA of 2.75 or higher, have experience working on their campus newspaper or TV studio, and have had an internship. They must submit samples of their work, an official college transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a 500- to 800-word essay describing their accomplishments as a student journalist, their career goals, and their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: All scholarship winners must become members of the association before they enroll in college.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1000 National Press Building
529 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20045-2001
Tel: (202)662-7145; 888-346-NAHJ
Fax: (202)662-7144
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Hispanic American students interested in preparing for a career in English-language television news.

Title of Award: Joanna Bistany Memorial Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college students who are interested in preparing for a career as a reporter or producer in the field of English-language television news. Selection is based on commitment to the field of journalism, academic achievement, awareness of the Latino community, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program, which began in 2003, is sponsored by ABC News and administered by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) as part of its Ruben Salazar Scholarship Fund.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1000 National Press Building
529 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20045-2001
Tel: (202)662-7145; 888-346-NAHJ
Fax: (202)662-7144
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Hispanic American undergraduate and graduate students interested in preparing for careers in the media.

Title of Award: NAHJ General Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently 20 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $1,000 to $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Hispanic American high school seniors, undergraduates, and graduate students who are interested in preparing for a career in English- or Spanish-language print, broadcast (radio or television), online. or photojournalism; students majoring in other fields must be able to demonstrate a strong interest in preparing for a career in journalism. Applicants must submit an official transcript; a 1-page resume with their educational background, work history, awards, internships, other scholarships, language proficiency, and any work done for their school newspaper, radio, and/or television station; samples of their work; 2 reference letters; a 500-word autobiography in the form of a news story; and documentation of financial need. Selection is based on commitment to the field of journalism, academic achievement, awareness of the Latino community, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program is administered by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) as a component of its Ruben Salazar Scholarship Fund.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1000 National Press Building
529 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20045-2001
Tel: (202)662-7145; 888-346-NAHJ
Fax: (202)662-7144
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and summer work experience to Hispanic American undergraduate students interested in preparing for careers in the media.

Title of Award: Newhouse Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Graphic art and design; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year; the program also provides funding to attend the association's convention and an internship during the summer between the junior and senior year. Duration: 2 years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college juniors and seniors who are of Hispanic descent and interested in preparing for a career in English-language journalism as a reporter, editor, photographer, or graphic artist. Applicants must submit an official transcript; a 1-page resume with their educational background, work history, awards, internships, other scholarships, language proficiency, and any work done for their school newspaper, radio, and/or television station; samples of their work; 2 reference letters; a 500-word autobiography written as a news story; and documentation of financial need. Selection is based on commitment to the field of journalism, academic achievement, awareness of the Latino community, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program, which began in 1994, is sponsored by the Newhouse Foundation and administered by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) as part of its Ruben Salazar Scholarship Fund. The recipient participates in a summer internship at a Newhouse Newspaper.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1000 National Press Building
529 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20045-2001
Tel: (202)662-7145; 888-346-NAHJ
Fax: (202)662-7144
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to Hispanic American students interested in preparing for a career as a journalist in Spanish-language radio or television.

Title of Award: Maria Elena Salinas Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year; the program also provides funding for an internship during the summer Duration: 2 years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors, undergraduates, and first-year graduate students. Applicants must demonstrate a sincere desire to prepare for a career as a journalist in Spanish-language television or radio. They must submit 1) an essay in Spanish that explains why they are interested in a career as a Spanish-language journalist, and 2) work samples that are in Spanish. Selection is based on commitment to the field of journalism, academic achievement, awareness of the Latino community, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: This program, which began in 2002, is sponsored by the Univision network and administered by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) as part of its Ruben Salazar Scholarship Fund. The recipient participates in a summer internship with either the news division of the Univision network or with a Univision affiliate near them.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
1806 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009-3208
Tel: (202)483-4206
Fax: (202)462-7253
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to African American women studying journalism, economics, or a related field in college.

Title of Award: Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Economics; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to African American women enrolled in an accredited college or university as a sophomore or junior. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be majoring in journalism, economics, or a related field. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Leadership Advisory Board
700 West Washington Avenue
P.O. Box 6222
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Tel: (317)917-6816
Fax: (317)917-6888
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students interested in preparing for a career in sports journalism.

Title of Award: Freedom Forum-NCAA Sports Journalism Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Sports writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 8 each year: 1 in each of the geographical districts of the NCAA. Funds Available: The stipend is $3,000. Duration: The award is to be used in the recipient's senior year of study.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be college juniors who are planning a career in sports journalism and are either majoring in journalism or have experience in campus sports journalism. Along with their application, they must submit their official college transcript, 3 examples of sports journalism work, a letter of recommendation from a journalism professor, and (if they have had a professional internship) a letter of recommendation from their employer. They must also include a statement, 200 to 500 words in length, on a topic that changes annually; recently, they were asked to give their opinion on violence associated with prominent athletics events. Financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: This program is supported by a grant from the Freedom Forum to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Foundation.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding high school students in the arts.

Title of Award: ARTS Competition Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Dance; Filmmaking; Music; Music composition; Music, Jazz; Music, Vocal; Performing arts; Photography; Playwriting; Poetry; Visual arts; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 125 award candidates compete in Miami (20 in dance, 5 in film and video, 20 in instrumental music, 5 in jazz, 5 in photography, 20 in theater, 20 in visual arts, 10 in voice, and 20 in writing); an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, the 125 award candidates received 50 first-level awards, 51 second-level awards, and 24 third-level awards. In addition, 9 of them (1 in each category) were selected as gold award winners. Funds Available: Gold awards are $10,000, first-level $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors, or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. Applicants may enter competitions in dance, film and video, instrumental music, jazz, photography, theater, visual arts, voice, or writing by submitting samples of their work, as videotapes, audio tapes, or portfolios. On the basis of the tapes or portfolios, award winners are invited to Miami for the final competitions. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: ARTS (Arts Recognition and Talent Search) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions, which have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


444 Brickell Avenue, P-14
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: (305)377-1140
Free: 800-970-ARTS
Fax: (305)377-1149
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding high school student writers.

Title of Award: Writing Competition Awards of the Arts Recognition and Talent Search Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Playwriting; Poetry; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 20 award candidates compete in Miami; an unlimited number of honorable mention awards are made to candidates who are not invited to Miami. Recently, awards included 8 at the first level, 11 at the second level, and 1 at the third level; of those, 1 was selected to receive the gold award. Funds Available: The gold award is $10,000, first-level awards are $3,000 each, second level $1,500, third level $1,000, fourth level $500 (if any are awarded), and fifth level $100; honorable mention winners receive $100 awards but are not invited to Miami. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are graduating high school seniors, or, if not enrolled in high school, are 17 or 18 years old. Competitors may enter portfolios in 1 or more of these categories: poetry (up to 6 poems), short story (up to 3 stories), play or script for film or television (up to 2 scripts for dramatic performance in any medium), selection from a novel preceded by a description of the complete work, or expository (up to 3 essays). On the basis of the portfolios, award winners are invited to Miami for the final competitions. Selection is based on language, originality, imagination, and overall excellence. Deadline for Receipt: Early applications must be submitted by May of each year; regular applications are due by September of each year. Additional Information: The Arts Recognition and Talent Search (ARTS) is sponsored by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts which is funded by many corporations, foundations, and individuals. The names of all ARTS applicants are provided to 100 participating colleges, universities, and professional institutions that have $3 million in scholarships available for ARTS participants. The application fee is $30 for early applications or $40 for regular applications. Online applications receive a $5 discount.


910 16th Street, N.W., Suite 100
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202)293-3040
Fax: (202)293-5430
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward the best essays written by female high school juniors or seniors on a topic related to the Bill of Rights.

Title of Award: NFWL/NRA Bill of Rights Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Political science; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 7 each year. Funds Available: Each winner receives a $3,000 unrestricted scholarship to use toward college tuition at any U.S. college or university and an all-expense paid trip to the foundation's annual conference. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Open to female high school juniors or seniors. Applicants are invited to write an essay on a topic (changes annually) related to the Bill of Rights; recently, the topic was how the Bill of Rights relates to women's acts of courage, valor, and heroism. In addition to the essay, candidates must submit 2 personal reference letters. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This essay competition is sponsored jointly by the National Foundation of Women Legislators (NFWL) and the National Rifle Association (NRA).


Attn: Messenger-Anderson Journalism Scholarship and Internship Program
5455 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1505
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: (323)954-9597
Fax: (323)954-9454
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to members of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) interested in studying journalism in college.

Title of Award: Messenger-Anderson Journalism Scholarship and Internship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year. Funds Available: The scholarship stipend is $5,000 per year for the first year and $2,500 per year for subsequent years. Intern stipends are $300 per week; round-trip transportation, a $50 ground transportation award, and a housing allowance of $1,000 are also provided. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for up to 2 additional years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors and undergraduate students who plan to work on a bachelor's degree in journalism at an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be self-identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; have a GPA of 2.8 or higher; and be a member of NGLTF. They must also be interested in an 8-week summer internship at NGLTF's headquarters in Washington, D.C. or its field offices in New York City, Los Angeles, or Cambridge (Massachusetts). Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on media coverage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people in their community and the steps they would take as a working journalist to improve coverage of the GLBT movement. Financial need is considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Director
University of Maryland
0119 Cecil Hall
College Park, MD 20742
Tel: (301)314-9739
Fax: (301)314-9767
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding history papers, exhibits, performances, and media presentations prepared by middle and high school students around the country.

Title of Award: National History Day Awards for Students Area, Field, or Subject: History; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: At the local level, more than 500,000 students and 50,000 teachers participate in the competition. Nearly 2,000 students each year advance to the national competition where 3 prizes are presented in each of the 2 divisions and 7 categories. The number of special awards varies. There are 4 History Channel awards. Funds Available: At the national level, winners in each category of the 2 divisions receive prizes of $1,000 for first place, $500 for second place, and $250 for third place. The amounts of the special awards vary. The History Channel awards are $5,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to middle and high school students in the United States. Contests are held in 2 divisions (junior, for grades 6 through 8, and senior, for grades 9-12) and, within each division, in 7 categories: paper, individual exhibit, group exhibit, individual performance, group performance, individual documentary, and group documentary. The 3 group categories may include 2 to 5 students. Papers must be standard research essays from 1,500 to 2,500 words in length. Individual and group exhibits must be visual representations of research and interpretation, much like a small museum exhibit. Individual and group performances must be dramatic portrayals of an historical topic; they may not exceed 10 minutes in length. Individual and group documentaries must utilize photographs, film, video, audio tapes, and graphic presentations to communicate a topic's historical significance. Following local school and district contests, winners compete in state contests, where 2 entries in each category are selected to compete at the national level. Special awards are presented to the best entries on various special topics, including African American history, the history of baseball, labor history, history of the American presidency, history of agriculture and rural life, colonial and revolutionary history, Irish or Irish American history, U.S. foreign relations history, Holocaust history, naval history, military history, Civil War history, history of religious freedom, innovation in American history, women's history, and history in the federal government. History Channel awards are presented to high school seniors who submit the best individual documentary, the best group documentary, the best project tied to an historic site, and the best project on an international theme. Additional Information: The theme of the contest changes annually; scheduled topics are "Communication in History: The Key to Understanding" for 2005, "Taking a Stand in History" for 2006, "Triumph and Tragedy in History" for 2007, and "The Individual in History" for 2008. Sponsors of the special awards include such organizations as the Truman Library Institute, the Society for American Baseball Research, the Agricultural Historical Society, the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, the Civil War Preservation Trust, and the National Women's History Project.


Attn: Scholarship Selection Committee
5211 Port Royal Road, Suite 510
Springfield, VA 22151
Tel: (703)321-9606
Fax: (703)321-7342
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for the undergraduate or graduate education of journalism students who are knowledgeable about the Right to Work principle.

Title of Award: William B. Ruggles Right to Work Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Employment; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are undergraduate or graduate students majoring in journalism in institutions of higher learning in the United States. Graduating high school seniors may also apply. Applicants must demonstrate potential for successful completion of educational requirements in an accredited journalism program and demonstrate an understanding of the principles voluntary unionism and the economic and social problems of compulsory unionism. Selection is based on scholastic ability and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship was established in 1974 to honor the Texas journalist who coined the phrase "Right to Work." The sponsor considers only the first 150 applications received.


3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 306
Durham, NC 27705-2586
Tel: (919)383-7246
Free: 800-289-6772
Fax: (919)383-7261
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college students who are interested in preparing for a career in photojournalism.

Title of Award: Reid Blackburn Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Professional Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least 1 year at a recognized 4-year college or university in the United States or Canada that offers courses in photojournalism, be working on a bachelor's degree, be intending to prepare for a career in journalism, and have at least half a year of undergraduate study remaining. A statement of philosophy and goals is especially important in the selection process, although financial need and academic achievement are also considered. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program is named for a photographer for the Columbian newspaper of Vancouver, Washington who lost his life when Mount St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. Further information is available from Jeremiah Coughlan, The Columbian, 701 West Eighth Street, Vancouver, WA 98660, (360) 694-3391, E-mail: Recipients may attend school in the United States or Canada.


3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 306
Durham, NC 27705-2586
Tel: (919)383-7246
Free: 800-289-6772
Fax: (919)383-7261
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college photojournalists who are interested in continuing college or going to graduate school.

Title of Award: Bob East Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be full-time undergraduates in the first 3 and a half years of college or planning to work on a graduate degree. Eligible students must give evidence of photographic aptitude and academic ability, be able to demonstrate financial need, and submit at least 5 single images in addition to a picture story. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Recipients may attend a school in the United States or Canada. Further information is available from Chuck Fadely, The Miami Herald, One Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132, (305) 376-2015. The scholarship must be used at the beginning of the next semester or it will be forfeited and given to an alternate.


3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 306
Durham, NC 27705-2586
Tel: (919)383-7246
Free: 800-289-6772
Fax: (919)383-7261
Web Site: http://www.nppa.orgrenreich.html

To provide financial assistance to college students interested in preparing for a career in photojournalism.

Title of Award: Joseph Ehrenreich Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000 per year. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least 1 year at a recognized 4-year college or university in the United States or Canada that offers courses in photojournalism, be working on a bachelor's degree, be intending to prepare for a career in journalism, and have at least half a year of undergraduate study remaining. These awards are aimed at those with journalism potential but with little opportunity and great need. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program, established in 1976, is named for the president of Ehrenreich Photo-Optical industries, importer of Nikon cameras and lenses. Further information is available from Mike Smith, The New York Times, Picture Desk, 229 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036, (212) 556-7742, E-mail: Recipients may attend school in the United States or Canada.


3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 306
Durham, NC 27705-2586
Tel: (919)383-7246
Free: 800-289-6772
Fax: (919)383-7261
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to outstanding photojournalism students.

Title of Award: NPPF Still Photographer Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have completed at least 1 year at a recognized 4-year college or university in the United States or Canada that offers courses in photojournalism, be working on a bachelor's degree, be intending to prepare for a career in journalism, and have at least half a year of undergraduate study remaining. These awards are aimed at those with journalism potential but with little opportunity and great need. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Further information is available from Bill Sanders, 640 N.W. 100 Way, Coral Springs, FL 33071, (954) 341-9718, E-mail:


3200 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 306
Durham, NC 27705-2586
Tel: (919)383-7246
Free: 800-289-6772
Fax: (919)383-7261
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to photojournalism students interested in a career in television news.

Title of Award: NPPF Television News Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled at a recognized 4-year college or university in the United States or Canada that offers courses in television news photojournalism, working on a bachelor's degree as a junior or senior, and intending to prepare for a career in television news photojournalism. As part of the selection process, they must submit a videotape containing examples of their work (including up to 3 complete stories with voice narration from their professor or advisor) and a 1-page biographical sketch that includes a personal statement on professional goals. Financial need and academic achievement are also considered. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Further information is available from Dave Hamer, 3702 North 53rd Street, Omaha, NE 68104, E-mail:


2221 University Avenue, S.E., Suite 121
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Tel: (612)625-8335
Fax: (612)626-0720
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding high school journalists.

Title of Award: NSPA Journalism Honor Roll Award Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The award is a $1,000 scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who have earned a GPA of 3.75 or higher and have worked in student media for 1 or more years. The publication on which the student works must have a current membership in the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). Candidates must be nominated by their teacher. The nominee judged most outstanding receives this award. Selection is based on cumulative GPA, publication experience (including years on staff, positions held, and workshops/conventions attended), college plans, and an essay of 500 words or less that explains "Why I'm choosing a career in journalism." Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


2221 University Avenue, S.E., Suite 121
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Tel: (612)625-8335
Fax: (612)626-0720
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school journalists.

Title of Award: Wally Wikoff Scholarship for Editorial Leadership Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors who have worked on the staff of a student newspaper that is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). Applicants must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and must submit 3 published editorials and a brief recommendation from the program's adviser. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This scholarship, first presented in 1998, is jointly sponsored by NSPA and the Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation, publisher of "Who's Who Among American High School Students."


Attn: New England Press Educational Foundation
360 Huntington Avenue, 428 CP
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: (617)373-5610
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students enrolled in a journalism program at a college or university in New England.

Title of Award: NEPEF Journalism Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled in an accredited journalism program at a New England college or university. Applicants must submit official transcripts, work that shows an interest in the newspaper field and competency in the skills required (e.g., clips of stories, photos, pages from internships, student papers), a current resume, and a 500-word essay on the reasons for wanting to work in the newspaper field and how the scholarship would help to fulfill that goal.


Attn: Student Programs Coordinator
425 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 100
Roseland, NJ 07068-1723
Tel: (973)226-4494, ext. 209
Fax: (973)226-7425
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding manuscripts on accounting written by college students in New Jersey.

Title of Award: New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants Accounting Manuscript Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Accounting; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 4 each year: 1 first prize and up to 3 honorable mentions. Funds Available: First place is a $3,000 scholarship; honorable mentions are $1,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: The contest is open to sophomores and juniors who are attending 2-year or 4-year colleges or universities in New Jersey and majoring in accounting. They are invited to submit a manuscript on accounting (up to 1,000 words). All submissions must be original work that has not been previously published. Students must select a faculty member to serve as a mentor in the development of the article. No coauthored manuscripts are accepted. Manuscripts are judged on the basis of content, creativity, clarity, ability to communicate effectively the relevance of accountancy to the topic, and ability to communicate information that is relevant to New Jersey businesses. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: The winning manuscript is published in New Jersey Business magazine, which is also the co-sponsor of this award. The topic changes annually; recently it was "What is the importance of corporate ethics in financial reporting?"


Attn: Scholarship Program
8014 Menaul, N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Tel: (505)881-4444
Free: 800-622-2414
Fax: (505)881-5353
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in New Mexico who are preparing for a career in the broadcast industry.

Title of Award: New Mexico Broadcasters Association Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Accounting; Broadcasting; Communications; Communications technologies; Journalism; Management; Marketing and distribution Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Up to 10 each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $2,500 per year. Funds are sent directly to the student to help pay the cost of tuition, books, supplies and fees. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of New Mexico who are entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year at an accredited college, vocational institution, or university in the state. Applicants must be preparing for a career in the broadcast industry, including news, announcing, sales, accounting, management, engineering, traffic and billing, promotion, community affairs, programming, production, or other aspects of the industry. They must submit brief statements on their work experience at a broadcast facility and why they want to prepare for a career in the field. Race, gender, age, and financial need are not considered in the selection process. Nontraditional and reentry students are encouraged to apply. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: Recipients must secure an internship with a New Mexico broadcast facility.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
Route 9W
P.O. Box 992
Glenmont, NY 12077-0992
Tel: (518)436-8495
Free: 800-342-4143, ext. 5633
Fax: (518)431-5656
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward high school students in New York who submit outstanding essays on their involvement in agriculture.

Title of Award: Agricultural Youth Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: First prize is $1,000, second $500, and third $250. All prizes must be used as college Scholarships. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school juniors who live or work on a farm in New York or are involved with agriculture in some way. Farm Bureau membership is not required. Candidates must submit an essay, up to 2 pages in length, on "How Agriculture Affects My Life Now and Will Affect My Life in the Future." They must also provide information on the agricultural commodities on the farm where they live or work, their involvement in agricultural activities, their involvement in school and community activities, and their leadership roles and participation in any of those activities. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


Attn: Coordinator of Educational Programs
Cultural Education Center, Suite 9B52
Albany, NY 12230
Tel: (518)474-6926
Web Site:

To recognize and reward outstanding historical research conducted by students in grades 4 through 12 in New York State.

Title of Award: New York State Archives Student Research Award Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; History, American; Playwriting; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year: 1 in each grade level category. Funds Available: The award in each category consists of a certificate and a cash prize. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This is a statewide competition open to students in New York in 3 categories: grades 4-5, grades 6-8, and grades 9-12. Individual students and groups of students (including entire classes) may be nominated. All nominations for the award must be made by a teacher or administrator in the school attended by the entrants. Research projects prepared for other competitions (e.g., History Day) are eligible if they meet other relevant criteria, especially the use of historical records. An annotated bibliography is required for all entries. A substantial portion of the research must be based on historical records from archives, museums, historical societies, libraries, local governments, community organizations, businesses, families, and/or individuals. The product of the student research may be any of the following: research paper; exhibit; audiovisual production; performance; proposal for designation of historic marker, property, or district; or web sites, PowerPoint presentations, and other computer-based entries. Oral history interviews are not eligible for this award program. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1990.


Attn: NYWICI Foundation
355 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10017-6603
Tel: (212)297-2133
Fax: (212)370-9047
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college or graduate school to residents of designated eastern states who are interested in preparing for a career in the communications profession.

Title of Award: NYWICI Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism; Marketing and distribution; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1or more each year. Funds Available: The maximum stipend is $10,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to 1) seniors graduating from high schools in the state of New York; 2) undergraduate students who are permanent residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania; 3) graduate students who are permanent residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Pennsylvania; and 4) current members of New York Women in Communications, Inc. (NYWICI) who are returning to school. Applicants must be majoring in a communications-related field (advertising, broadcasting, communications, journalism, marketing, new media, or public relations) and have a GPA of 3.5 or higher in their major and 3.0 overall. Along with their application, they must submit a resume that includes school and extracurricular activities, significant achievements, academic honors and awards, and community service work; a statement of their future goals in the communications profession; a 300- to 500-word personal essay describing how events in their lives have inspired them to achieve success and overcome difficulty in the face of any financial and/or other obstacles; 2 letters of recommendation; and an official transcript. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


c/o Urbanomics Consulting Group
1010 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 430
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: (202)298-8226
Fax: (202)298-8074
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays written by minority high school seniors who will be going on to college.

Title of Award: Donna Jamison Lago Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 6 each year: 3 finalists and 3 semifinalists. Funds Available: Finalists receive $1,500 each; semifinalists receive $1,000 each. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to ethnic minority high school seniors in good academic standing. Entrants must be U.S. citizens and intending to attend a college or university after graduation. They must submit an essay, from 500 to 1,000 words, on a topic that changes annually; recently, students were invited to write on the following topic: "You have been elected President of the United States. What three initiatives would you want to introduce? Be specific rather than general and give arguments to support your choice." The essay should demonstrate critical thinking, creativity, and strong communication skills. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program was formerly known as the "Path to Excellence" Scholarship Award.


c/o Michael Ko
The Seattle Times
1120 John Street
Seattle, WA 98109
Tel: (206)515-5653
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority students from Washington state who are interested in careers in journalism.

Title of Award: Northwest Journalists of Color Scholarship Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: UndergraduateNumber Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 11 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range up to $1,000. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: These scholarships are open to minority (Asian American, African American, Native American, and Latino) students from Washington state who are planning a career in broadcast, photo, or print journalism. Applicants may be high school seniors or college undergraduates who are residents of Washington state, although they may attend college anywhere in the country. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a brief essay about themselves, including why they want to be a journalist, challenges they foresee, how they think they can contribute to the profession, and the influence their ethnic heritage might have on their perspective as a working journalist; 2) the kinds of experience they are seeking from this fellowship and why they are a good candidate for it; 3) up to 3 work samples; 4) reference letters; and 5) documentation of financial need. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program, established in 1986, is sponsored by the Seattle chapters of the Asian American Journalists Association, the Native American Journalists Association, the National Association of Black Journalists, and the Latino Media Association. It includes the Walt and Milly Woodward Memorial Scholarship donated by the Western Washington Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Other funding is provided by KING/5 Television, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and the Seattle Times.


1335 Dublin Road, Suite 216-B
Columbus, OH 43215-7038
Tel: (614)486-6677
Fax: (614)486-4940
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to minority high school seniors in Ohio planning to prepare for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Ohio Newspapers Foundation Minority Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to high school seniors in Ohio who are members of minority groups (African American, Hispanic, Asian American, or American Indian) and planning to prepare for a career in newspaper journalism. Applicants must have a high school GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrate writing ability in an autobiography of 750 to 1,000 words that describes their academic and career interests, awards, extracurricular activities, and journalism-related activities. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1990.


1335 Dublin Road, Suite 216-B
Columbus, OH 43215-7038
Tel: (614)486-6677
Fax: (614)486-4940
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in journalism at a college or university in Ohio.

Title of Award: Ohio Newspapers Foundation University Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors at Ohio colleges and universities who are majoring in journalism and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to write clearly in an autobiography of 750 to 1,000 words that describes their academic and career interests, awards, extracurricular activities, and journalism-related activities. Priority is given to students planning careers in newspaper or print journalism. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


Attn: Director of Scholarship and Grant Programs
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
P.O. Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850
Tel: (405)225-9239
Free: 800-858-1840
Fax: (405)225-9230
Web Site:

To provide forgivable loans to Oklahoma residents who are interested in teaching (particularly in teacher shortage fields) in Oklahoma.

Title of Award: Oklahoma Future Teachers Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Education; Education, Special; English language and literature; Linguistics; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Science Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 136 students received support through this program. Funds Available: Full-time students receive up to $1,500 per year if they have completed 60 hours or more or up to $1,000 if they have completed fewer than 60 hours; part-time students receive up to $750 per year if they have completed 60 hours or more or up to $500 per year if they have completed fewer than 60 hours. Funds are paid directly to the institution on the student's behalf. This is a forgivable loan program; recipients must agree to teach in Oklahoma public schools for 3 years following graduation and licensure. Duration: 1 year; may be renewable for up to 3 additional years as long as the recipient maintains a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Eligibility Requirements: Candidates for this program must be nominated by institutions of higher education in Oklahoma. Nominees may be high school seniors, high school graduates, or currently-enrolled undergraduate or graduate students. They must 1) rank in the top 15% of their high school graduating class; 2) have an ACT or SAT score ranking in the top 15% for high school graduates of the same year; 3) have been admitted into a professional education program at an accredited Oklahoma institution of higher education; or 4) have achieved an undergraduate record of outstanding success as defined by the institution. Both part-time and full-time students are eligible, but preference is given to full-time students. Applicants must be interested in teaching in critical shortage areas in the state upon graduation. These areas change periodically but recently have included special education, mathematics, science, English, and foreign languages. Deadline for Receipt: September of each year.


Attn: Sons of Italy Foundation
219 E Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: (202)547-5106
Fax: (202)546-8168
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to high school seniors of Italian descent who write about the principles of liberty, freedom, and equality in the United States.

Title of Award: Henry Salvatori Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Patriotism; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $25,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are U.S. citizens of Italian descent who are high school seniors planning to enroll as full-time students in an undergraduate program at an accredited 4-year college or university. Applications must be accompanied by essays, from 750 to 1,000 words, on the relevance to the United States today of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights and the meaning of those documents to the principles of liberty, freedom, and equality in the 21st century. The scholarship is presented to a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership, distinguished scholarship, and an understanding of the principles for which the country was founded. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Applications must be accompanied by a $25 processing fee.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
7150 S.W. Hampton Street, Suite 214
Portland, OR 97223-8366
Tel: (503)443-2299
Fax: (503)443-2488
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students in Oregon who are interested in majoring in broadcast-related fields in college.

Title of Award: Oregon Association of Broadcasters Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Broadcasting; Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 6 each year: 2 to graduating high school seniors and 4 to students currently enrolled in 2- or 4-year college broadcast programs. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Oregon residents who are either enrolled or accepted for enrollment at a 2- or 4-year public or private college or university in the state. Applicants must be planning to enroll or be currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study, majoring in broadcast journalism, production, management, or another broadcast-related field. They must be graduating high school seniors, first- or second-year students in a 2-year program, or sophomores, juniors, or seniors in a 4-year program. Preference is given to applicants with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and demonstrated academic and/or professional experience in broadcasting or other electronic-media fields. Along with their application, students must submit an essay that explains their reasons for choosing a broadcast major and includes any broadcast activities in which they have participated, their first job preference after college, their 10-year goals, any other scholarships they have received, and any academic honors they have received. Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Grants and Scholarships Division
1500 Valley River Drive, Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401-2146
Tel: (541)687-7395
Free: 800-452-8807, ext. 7395
Fax: (541)687-7419
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students in Oregon interested in majoring in journalism.

Title of Award: Jackson Foundation Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year; recently, 7 of these scholarships were awarded. Funds Available: Stipend amounts vary; recently, they were at least $1,429. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduates of Oregon high schools who are studying or planning to study journalism at a college or university in the state. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program is administered by the Oregon Student Assistance Commission (OSAC) with funds provided by the Oregon Community Foundation, 1221 S.W. Yamhill, Suite 100, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 227-6846, Fax: (503) 274-7771.


Attn: Grants and Scholarships Division
1500 Valley River Drive, Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401-2146
Tel: (541)687-7395
Free: 800-452-8807, ext. 7395
Fax: (541)687-7419
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward high school seniors in Oregon who submit essays on the proper use of credit.

Title of Award: Oregon Collectors Association Bob Hasson Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: Awards are $3,000 for first place, $2,500 for second place, or $1,500 for third place. Funds must be used for tuition and other educational expenses at a college or vocational school in Oregon. Duration: The award, presented annually, may not be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Oregon who submit a 3- to 4-page essay entitled "The Proper Use of Credit in the 21st Century." Children and grandchildren of owners and officers of collection agencies registered in Oregon are not eligible. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


121 Hickory Street, Suite 1
Missoula, MT 59801
Tel: (406)728-7434
Fax: (406)728-7445
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college or graduate school to students interested in a career in outdoor writing.

Title of Award: Bodie McDowell Scholarship Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Communications; Filmmaking; Journalism; Photography; Photography, Journalistic; Radio and television; Science; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Recently, 5 of these scholarships were awarded: 2 to graduate students and 3 to undergraduates. Funds Available: Stipends range from $2,500 to $3,500 per year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduates entering their junior or senior year of study and graduate students at an accredited school of journalism or mass communications that has registered with the sponsoring organization. Each school may nominate 2 candidates. Nominees must be planning a career in outdoor communications, including writing, radio and television, wildlife photography, art, lecturing, or video and filmmaking. Selection is based on transcripts, examples of outdoor communication work, a 1- to 2-page statement of career goals, and optional letters of recommendation. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Director, Overseas Press Club Foundation
40 West 45th Street New York, NY 10036
Tel: (212)626-9220
Fax: (212)626-9210
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing for a career as a foreign correspondent.

Title of Award: Overseas Press Club Foundation Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: International affairs and relations; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 11 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are studying in the United States and are interested in working as a foreign correspondent after graduation. Applicants are invited to submit an essay (up to 500 words) on an area of the world or an international topic that is in keeping with their interest. Also, they should attach a 1-page autobiographical letter that addresses such questions as how they developed their interest in that particular part of the world or issue, how they would use a scholarship to further their journalistic ambitions, and how they think journalists can deepen American interest in international affairs. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1992.


Attn: Academic Marketing Department
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
Tel: (212)366-2373
Fax: (212)366-2385
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward the best essays written by high school students on topics that relate to 1 of the books in the Signet Classic series (published by Penguin Putnam, Inc.).

Title of Award: Signet Classic Student Scholarship Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Literature; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 5 grand-prize winners each year. Funds Available: The grand-prize winners receive a $1,000 scholarship and a Signet Classic library for their school (valued at $1,700). Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school juniors and seniors and to home-schooled students between 16 and 18 years of age. Applicants must submit essays, from 2 to 3 pages in length, on a topic that changes annually but relates to the books published in the Signet Classic series. Recently, the essay contest focused on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Essays by high school students must be submitted by an English teacher. Essays by home-schooled students must be submitted by a parent or legal guardian. Submissions are judged on style, content, grammar, and originality. Judges look for clear, concise writing that is articulate, logically organized, and well supported. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This competition began in 1996.


c/o Teresa Spatara
P.O. Box 152
Sharpsville, PA 16150
Tel: (724)962-0990
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Pennsylvania residents interested in majoring in journalism on the undergraduate or graduate school level in the state.

Title of Award: Pennsylvania Women's Press Association Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College, Graduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Pennsylvania residents who are majoring in print journalism in a 4-year or graduate program at a Pennsylvania college or university. Both males and females are eligible. They must be classified as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Applications must be accompanied by a 500-word essay summarizing their interest in journalism, a copy of their current transcript, clippings of their published work, and a list of their brothers and sisters, along with their ages and educational status. Selection is based on proven journalistic ability, dedication to journalism, and general merit; financial need is not considered. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Ivan Sample
400 North Broad Street
P.O. Box 8263
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Tel: (215)854-2429
Fax: (215)854-2578
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority high school seniors from the circulation area of Philadelphia Newspapers Inc. (PNI) who are interested in a career in journalism or communications.

Title of Award: PNI Knight Ridder Minority Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority seniors graduating from high schools in the service area of the PNI newspapers (the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News) in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Applicants must be interested in majoring in journalism in college. Along with their application, they must submit 2 letters of recommendation, transcripts of grades, SAT or ACT scores, up to 5 samples of work with bylines, and an essay on why they want to prepare for a career in the journalism or communication business. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: The recipients of these scholarships are automatically entered into competition for the Knight Ridder Minority Scholarship Program of $40,000 over 4 years.


Attn: Poetry Foundation
1030 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60610-5412
Tel: (312)787-7070
Fax: (312)787-6650
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students who are studying poetry.

Title of Award: Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowships Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; English language and literature; Poetry Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $15,000 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students in creative writing or English who have not yet received a master's or doctoral degree. Program directors and department chairs at colleges and universities in the United States are invited to nominate 1 student-poet from their program. Candidates must be younger than 31 years of age and may not have published a book of poems. Nominations must be accompanied by samples of the candidate's poetry. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 1989.


Attn: Director of Education
33 Irving Place, Third Floor
New York, NY 10003-2376
Tel: (212)460-1474
Fax: (212)995-0757
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division members of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA).

Title of Award: Stephen D. Pisinski Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of the society who are majoring in journalism, communications, or public relations. Applicants must be juniors or seniors with a GPA of 3.3 or higher. They must submit a resume that includes academic honors, special projects, activities, and/or work experience; an official transcript; an essay, up to 1,000 words, on their career goals; 2 or 3 writing samples; and 2 letters of recommendation. Financial need is not considered in the selection process. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 2002.


Attn: Director of Education
33 Irving Place, Third Floor
New York, NY 10003-2376
Tel: (212)460-1474
Fax: (212)995-0757
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority college students who are interested in preparing for a career in public relations.

Title of Award: Public Relations Student Society of America Multicultural Affairs Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 2 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority (African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Pacific Islander) students who are at least juniors at an accredited 4-year college or university. Applicants must be attending full time, be able to demonstrate financial need, and have earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Membership in the Public Relations Student Society of America is preferred but not required. A major or minor in public relations is preferred; students who attend a school that does not offer a public relations degree or program must be enrolled in a communications degree program (e.g., journalism, mass communications). Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program was established in 1989.


Attn: Essay Contests
2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250
P.O. Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044
Tel: (949)222-6550
Fax: (949)222-6558
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays written by college students on Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged.

Title of Award: Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Literature; United States studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 49 each year: 1 first prize, 3 second prizes, 5 third prizes, 20 finalist prizes, and 20 semifinalist prizes. Funds Available: First prize is $5,000; second prizes are $1,000; third prizes are $400, finalist prizes are $100, and semifinalist prizes are $50. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Entrants must be enrolled full time in an undergraduate degree program. They must submit a typewritten essay on questions selected each year from Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged. The essay must be between 1,000 and 1,200 words. Selection is based on style and content. Judges look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. To win, an essay must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of the novel. Deadline for Receipt: September of each year. Additional Information: This competition began in the academic year 1998-99.


Attn: Essay Contests
2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250
P.O. Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044
Tel: (949)222-6550
Fax: (949)222-6558
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays written by high school students on Ayn Rand's novel, The Fountainhead.

Title of Award: The Fountainhead Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; General studies/Field of study not specified; Literature; United States studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 251 each year: 1 first prize, 5 second prizes, 10 third prizes, 35 finalist prizes, and 200 semifinalist prizes. Funds Available: First prize is $10,000; second prizes are $2,000; third prizes are $1,000; finalist prizes are $100; and semifinalist prizes are $50. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Entrants must be juniors or seniors in high school. They must submit a typewritten essay on questions selected each year from Ayn Rand's novel, The Fountainhead. The essay must be between 800 and 1,600 words. Selection is based on style and content. Judges look for writing that is clear, articulate, and logically organized. To win, an essay must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophical and psychological meaning of the novel. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: The institute publishes the winning essay in its fall newsletter. This competition began in the academic year 1985-86.


4201 North Interstate 35
Denton, TX 76207-3415
Tel: (940)387-3502
Fax: (940)383-4036
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding essays on the beef industry written by members of the National Junior Red Angus Association (NJRAA).

Title of Award: National Junior Red Angus Association Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: Agricultural sciences; Business; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Funds Available: Savings bonds and/or cash prizes are awarded in each of the 4 age divisions. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Students may enter 1 of the following divisions: junior division: grades K-6; intermediate division: grades 7-9; senior division: grades 10-12; and college division: high school graduates through 21 year olds. Participants in the junior division must write a 250-word essay and cite at least 1 reference; intermediate division participants must write a 500-word essay and cite at least 2 references; senior division participants must write a 750-word essay and cite at least 4 references; college division participants must write a 750-word essay and cite at least 5 references. Individual topics are assigned each year for each division; they relate to the future of the beef industry. Participants must be current, active members of NJRAA. Selection is based on clarity of expression, spelling, and grammar (20%); persuasiveness (10%); originality of thought and topic (35% or 40%); accuracy of information (30%); and references cited, if applicable, (5%). Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: This program began in 2000. Information is also available from Dawn Bernhard, 2003 190th Street, Algona, IA 50511, (515) 679-4006, E-mail: Students who submit essays in the college division are encouraged to send them also to the NCBA/CME Beef Industry Scholarship Program.


Attn: The Carolina Scholarship
75-22 37th Avenue, Suite 224
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area who submit outstanding essays.

Title of Award: Carolina Rice/Univision Radio Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 5 each year. Funds Available: The award is a $2,000 college scholarship. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to seniors graduating from high schools in the greater New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. Applicants must submit an essay, up to 250 words in length, on the topic "How does my education affect my family." Essays may be written in Spanish or in English. Selection is based on conciseness, originality, grammar, and spelling. Finalists are interviewed. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: This program, which began in 1987, is jointly sponsored by Riviana Foods Inc. of Houston, Texas and Univision Communications Inc., the premier Spanish-language media company in the United States. Information is also available from Barbara Miller, Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation, 485 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022, (212) 310-6077.


Attn: Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, Inc.
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Tel: (212)343-6493
Fax: (212)343-4885
E-mail: A&
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding middle school and high school writers.

Title of Award: Scholastic Writing Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Creative writing; Playwriting; Poetry; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Each year, this competition presents 5 portfolio awards (4 Writing Portfolio Gold Awards and 1 New York Times James B. Reston Portfolio Gold Award), 1 Otto Friedrich Nonfiction Portfolio Silver Award, 5 Portfolio Teacher Awards, and 1 Gold Apple Teacher Award. Funds Available: The Portfolio Gold Awards, including the New York Times James B. Reston Portfolio Gold Award, are $10,000 scholarships. The Otto Friedrich Nonfiction Portfolio Silver Award is $1,000. In addition, teachers of the Portfolio Gold Award winners receive Portfolio Teacher Awards of $1,000. The teacher who submits the most outstanding group of entries receives the Gold Apple Teacher Award of $500.

Eligibility Requirements: All students in grades 7-12 who are currently enrolled in public and private schools in the United States, U.S. territories, U.S.-sponsored schools abroad, and Canada are eligible. Competitions are held in Group 1 for grades 7 through 9 and Group 2 for grades 10 through 12 and in 9 categories: short story (1,300 to 3,000 words); short short story (600 to 1,300 words); personal essay/memoir (500 to 2,000 words for group 1, 750 to 3,000 words for group 2); journalism (400 to 2,000 words for Group 1, 500 to 3,000 words for Group 2); dramatic script (up to 50 pages); poetry (35 to 100 lines for Group 1, 50 to 200 lines for Group 2); humor (600 to 3,000 words); novel writing (3 to 5 chapters, or 15 to 50 pages, plus an outline for the entire book); and science fiction/fantasy (600 to 3,000 words). A separate general portfolio competition for graduating seniors only consists of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 8 narratives, individual poems, and/or dramatic scripts up to a total of 50 pages, and the James B. Reston Portfolio for graduating seniors only consists of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 8 essays, nonfiction, and/or opinion pieces up to a total of 50 pages. Works may not have been submitted previously in this or any other competition and must be original. Each student may enter only 1 category. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Other scholarships are also available from several writing programs at various universities.


Attn: Vickie Martin
312 Walnut Street, 28th Floor
P.O. Box 5380
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Tel: (513)977-3034
Fax: (513)977-3800
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college journalism students.

Title of Award: Roy Howard National Reporting Competition and Seminar Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 9 finalists are selected each year. Of those, 3 are designated as first-place winners, 3 as runners-up, and 3 as honorable mentions. Funds Available: First-place winners receive $3,000 scholarships, runners-up receive $2,000 scholarships, and honorable mentions receive $1,000 scholarships. All finalists also receive an all-expense paid trip to Indiana University for a seminar with journalism professionals and to attend the Roy W. Howard Lecture. Student newspapers of the winners each receive $1,000 grants, of the runners-up $750 grants, and of the honorable mentions $500 grants. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to undergraduate journalism students in their freshman, sophomore, or junior year. They must be nominated by their college, which must submit a story or series written by the nominee involving coverage of campus or community events, issues, trends, or personalities. Entries must have been published in a student newspaper between the first of March of the previous year and the end of February of the current year. They should reflect in-depth enterprise reporting in words or in photo essays that have an impact on the campus or community. Routine coverage of events and meetings, editorials, and commentaries are not eligible. Each college or university may nominate up to 3 students. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from the Indiana University School of Journalism, 940 East Seventh Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-9249.


Attn: National Journalism Awards Administrator
312 Walnut Street, 28th Floor
P.O. Box 5380
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Tel: (513)977-3035
Free: 800-888-3000
Fax: (513)977-3800
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding college cartoonists.

Title of Award: Charles M. Schulz Award for College Cartoonists Area, Field, or Subject: Art, Caricatures and cartoons; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The prize is $5,000 and a trophy. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Any student cartoonist at a college newspaper or magazine in the United States or its territories may enter this competition. Work must have been completed during the calendar year of the contest. Cartoons may be panels, strips, and/or editorial cartoons. Entries must include a 250-word statement by the cartoonist outlining his or her goals in cartooning. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: Vickie Martin
312 Walnut Street, 28th Floor
P.O. Box 5380
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Tel: (513)977-3034
Fax: (513)977-3800
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to college juniors and seniors interested in a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Scripps Howard Top Ten Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 10 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $10,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time students entering their junior or senior year with a major in journalism. They must be nominated by the college or university they attend. Selection is based on academic achievement and a demonstrated interest in a career in journalism. Nominees also must submit a personal essay emphasizing their long-term goals. Additional Information: This program began in 1999.


Communication Department
Attn: Director, Journalism Summer Workshop
900 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122-4340
Tel: (206)296-5343
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance for college to minority high school students from Washington who participate in a summer journalism workshop at Seattle University.

Title of Award: Seattle Journalism Summer Workshop Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 14 students (12 writers and 2 photographers) participate in the workshop; 2 of them (1 writer and 1 photographer) receive scholarships. Funds Available: The scholarship stipend is $1,000. All expenses for the workshop are covered. Duration: The workshop lasts 1 week, in June. The scholarship is for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors of color (African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American, Asian or Pacific Islander) at high schools in Washington. Applicants must be interested in participating in a workshop on the campus of Seattle University where they will receive intensive instruction in news writing or photography from journalists and university professionals. Along with their application, they must submit a critique of the front page of a major newspaper in Washington, detailing strengths and weaknesses of the writing, headlines, photography, layout, and news content; an autobiography of 500 to 700 words that describes what they have done, what is important to them, why they want to participate in this workshop, their special interests and community activities, and their journalism experience; 2 letters of recommendation; and relevant samples of their work. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants are eligible for college scholarships. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year. Additional Information: Funding for the scholarship is provided by the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund.


Attn: Awards and Fellowships Coordinator
3909 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Tel: (317)927-8000
Fax: (317)920-4789
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school students who write outstanding essays on the importance of a free press.

Title of Award: Freedom of the Press High School Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Journalism; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 each year. Funds Available: Winners receive scholarships of $1,000 for first place, $500 for second place, and $300 for third place. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students in grade 9-12 in the United States. Applicants must submit an essay (300 to 500 words) on "What a Free Media Means to America" to their local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Denver Press Club
1330 Glenarm Place
Denver, CO 80204
Tel: (303)571-5250
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to juniors majoring in journalism at colleges and universities in Colorado.

Title of Award: Helen Verba Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 to a student in print journalism and 1 to a student in broadcast journalism. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students entering their junior year at a college or university in Colorado. Applicants must be majoring in print or broadcast journalism. They must submit a resume, 2 references, at least 1 clip of a story or article published in a school or professional publication, and a 500-word essay illustrating their writing abilities and indicating their plans for a career in journalism. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


c/o Lori O'Toole Buselt, Scholarship Chair
The Wichita Eagle
P.O. Box 820
Wichita, KS 67201-0820
Tel: (316)268-6327
Fax: (316)268-6627
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students at colleges and universities in Kansas who are interested in a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Michael Bates Memorial Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Kansas. Sophomores may apply, designating the award for their junior year. Applicants do not have to be journalism or communication majors, but they must demonstrate a strong and sincere interest in print journalism, broadcast journalism, or photojournalism. They must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and participate in outside journalismrelated activities (demonstrated by involvement in student or trade organizations and/or student or other news organizations or publications). Along with their application, they must submit 4 to 6 examples of their best work (clips or stories, copies of photographs, tapes or transcripts of broadcasts). Selection is based on the quality of work submitted, academic standing, references, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Lori O'Toole Buselt, Scholarship Chair
The Wichita Eagle
P.O. Box 820
Wichita, KS 67201-0820
Tel: (316)268-6327
Fax: (316)268-6627
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students at colleges and universities in Kansas who are interested in a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Heaton-Perry Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Kansas. Sophomores may apply, designating the award for their junior year. Applicants do not have to be journalism or communication majors, but they must demonstrate a strong and sincere interest in print journalism, broadcast journalism, or photojournalism. They must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and participate in outside journalismrelated activities, as demonstrated by involvement in student or trade organizations and/or student or other news organizations or publications. Along with their application, they must submit 4 to 6 examples of their best work (clips or stories, copies of photographs, tapes or transcripts of broadcasts). Selection is based on the quality of work submitted, academic standing, references, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Lori O'Toole Buselt, Scholarship Chair
The Wichita Eagle
P.O. Box 820
Wichita, KS 67201-0820
Tel: (316)268-6327
Fax: (316)268-6627
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority students at colleges and universities in Kansas who are interested in a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Newsroom Diversity Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Photography, Journalistic Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of racial minority groups who are juniors and seniors at colleges and universities in Kansas. Sophomores may apply, designating the award for their junior year. Applicants do not have to be journalism or communication majors, but they must demonstrate a strong and sincere interest in print journalism, broadcast journalism, or photojournalism. They must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and participate in outside journalism-related activities demonstrated by involvement in student or trade organizations and/or student or other news organizations or publications. Along with their application, they must submit 4 to 6 examples of their best work (clips or stories, copies of photographs, tapes or transcripts of broadcasts). Selection is based on the quality of work submitted, academic standing, references, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


c/o Sue Kopen Katcef
402 Fox Hollow Lane
Annapolis, MD 21403
Tel: (410)269-5676
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students from Maryland who are majoring in journalism.

Title of Award: Maryland SPJ Pro Chapter College Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 or more each year. Funds Available: A stipend is awarded (amount not specified). Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to undergraduate students working on a bachelor's degree on a full- or part-time basis with an emphasis or major in journalism. Applicants must be residents of Maryland, although they may be attending a college or university outside the state in nearby Virginia, Pennsylvania, or the District of Columbia. This is no age restriction; adults beyond regular college age attending night school to earn an undergraduate degree are eligible. Selection is based on a brief essay on future plans for a career in journalism, transcripts for at least the 2 previous semesters in college, awards or honors received, letters of recommendation, and financial need. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


c/o Randy Miller, Scholarship Committee Chair
University of South Florida
School of Mass Communications
4202 East Fowler Avenue, CIS 1040
Tampa, FL 33620-7800
Tel: (813)974-6791
Fax: (813)974-2592
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students from mid-Florida who are interested in preparing for a career in television journalism.

Title of Award: Danielle Cipriani TV News Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Radio and television Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to residents of the mid-Florida (between Gainesville and Sarasota) region who are attending a college or university in Florida. Applicants must be majoring in television news or television production and must be intending to prepare for a career in television news. Along with their application, they must submit an essay of 250 to 300 words on their career goals, a VHS tape or DVD that demonstrates their work in television news or production, and 2 letters of reference. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


c/o Randy Miller, Scholarship Committee Chair
University of South Florida
School of Mass Communications
4202 East Fowler Avenue, CIS 1040
Tampa, FL 33620-7800
Tel: (813)974-6791
Fax: (813)974-2592
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority students in mid-Florida who are interested in preparing for a career in journalism.

Title of Award: Tyler Ward Minority Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to minority college students who are from the mid-Florida (between Gainesville and Sarasota) region or who attend colleges or universities there. Applicants must submit an essay on their goals for a journalism career and a reference letter from a journalism professor or a campus media adviser. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Competition
3838 Stone Way North
Seattle, WA 98103
Tel: (206)545-7918
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in Washington state who are majoring in journalism.

Title of Award: Western Washington Chapter Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 5 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: Undergraduate students in Washington who are currently majoring in journalism or communications (including community college students planning to pursue journalism careers at a Washington college or university) are eligible to apply. As part of the application process, students must submit a letter of application, including an answer to the question "Why have you chosen a journalism career and what do you hope to accomplish" (500 words), a copy of their resume, a letter of recommendation, an official transcript of all college credits, and 3 work samples. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year.


901 North Stuart Street, Suite 904
Arlington, VA 22203-1822
Tel: (703)522-4114
Fax: (703)522-2075
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing for a career in some area of technical communications.

Title of Award: Scholarships in Technical Communication Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Graphic art and design; Technology; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year: 2 to undergraduate students and 2 to graduate students. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000; funds are paid to the school for the benefit of the recipient. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to 1) full-time undergraduate students working on a bachelor's degree in technical communications who have completed at least 1 year of college and 2) full-time graduate students working on a master's or doctoral degree in technical communications. Applicants must be studying communication of information about technical subjects; other majors, such as general journalism, electronic communication engineering, computer programming, entertainment, and creative writing are not eligible. Selection is based on academic record, experience with technical communication, and potential for contributing to the profession; financial need is not considered unless applicants are judged to be equal in all other respects. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Lenore S. Ridgway, Scholarship Selection Committee, 19 Johnston Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401-5211, (845) 339-4927.


c/o Sons of Norway 1455 West Lake Street Minneapolis, MN 55408-2666
Tel: (612)827-3611
Free: 800-945-8851
Fax: (612)827-0658
Web Site:

To provide support to college students of Norwegian heritage who are interested in pursuing further study of that heritage in North America or Norway.

Title of Award: King Olav V Norwegian-American Heritage Fund Area, Field, or Subject: Area and ethnic studies; Art industries and trade; Crafts; Folklore; History; Literature; Music Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Since 1984, 167 of these scholarships have been awarded. Funds Available: Stipends range from $250 to $3,000, depending upon the number of recipients in any given year. Duration: 1 year; a student may be awarded 2 scholarships within a 5-year period.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to North Americans of Norwegian heritage, 18 years of age or older, who have demonstrated an interest in their heritage and who desire to further the study of that heritage at a recognized educational institution in North America or Norway. The program of study may include arts, crafts, literature, history, music, or folklore. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay that describes their reasons for applying for the scholarship, the course of study to be pursued, the length of the course, the name of the institution which they plan to attend, the tuition and costs, the amount of financial aid desired, how their course of study will benefit their community, and how their study corresponds to the goals and objectives of the Sons of Norway Foundation. Selection is based on the essay, academic potential, benefit to Sons of Norway and the wider Norwegian community, involvement in school and community activities, work experience, and financial need.Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: Awards are also made to Norwegians who wish to study in North America. Applications may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. Final reports are requested (but are not required).


Attn: Secretary, S.C. Press Association Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 11429 Columbia, SC 29211
Tel: (803)750-9561; 888-SCPRESS
Web Site:

To provide scholarship/loans to upper-division students majoring in journalism in South Carolina.

Title of Award: SCPA Scholarships Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000 per year. Recipients must agree to work in the newspaper field in the United States for 2 years within 5 years of graduation. If not, they must agree to repay the scholarship to the South Carolina Press Association (SPCA) Foundation. Duration: 2 years.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students interested in newspaper careers who are entering their junior year as full-time students at a South Carolina 4-year college or university. Applicants must submit a 250-word statement on why they are interested in a newspaper career, college transcripts, a list of work they have done on student publications, a list of work they have done for newspapers, any scholarships or awards they have received, 2 letters of recommendation, and information on their financial need. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year.


Interstate Center
16 Berryhill Road, Suite 210
P.O. Box 21487
Columbia, SC 29221
Tel: (803)798-0916
Free: 800-347-2752
Fax: (803)772-9410
Web Site:

To provide scholarship/loans to students in South Carolina who wish to teach certain subjects or in certain geographic areas.

Title of Award: South Carolina Teacher Loan Program Area, Field, or Subject: Classical studies; Consumer affairs; Counseling/Guidance; Education; Education, Elementary; Education, Music; Education, Special; English language and literature; Foreign languages; Library and archival sciences; Mathematics and mathematical sciences; Science; Speech and language pathology/audiology; Technology Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Undergraduate Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: Freshmen and sophomores may borrow up to $2,500 per academic year; juniors, seniors, and graduate students may borrow up to $5,000 per academic year. This is a scholarship/loan program; loans are forgivable at the rate of 20% or $3,000, whichever is greater, for each full year of teaching in an area (either geographic or subject) of critical need; for students who teach in both critical subject and geographic areas, the rate of cancellation is 33% or $5,000, whichever is greater, per year. Borrowers who fail to teach in either a critical subject or geographic area must repay the loan at an annual interest rate that varies (currently, 6.06%) but is capped at 10.25%. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for a total of 5 years of undergraduate and 5 years of graduate study.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply are residents of South Carolina who are planning to teach in certain critical geographic areas of the state, or to teach in critical subject areas. Entering freshmen must have ranked in the top 40% of their high school class and have an ACT or SAT score greater than the South Carolina average; enrolled undergraduates or entering graduate students must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA; graduate students who have completed at least 1 term must have a GPA of 3.5 or better. Undergraduate students at South Carolina colleges must have taken and passed the Education Entrance Exam; students at institutions outside South Carolina must have completed the necessary prerequisites required at that institution. Only U.S. citizens may apply. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year. Additional Information: Recently, the critical subject areas include mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, physics, and general science), media specialist, special education, industrial technology, guidance, foreign languages (Spanish, French, Latin, and German), family and consumer science, art, music, business education, English and language arts, and speech and drama/theater. For a list of critical geographic area, contact the sponsor.


191 University Boulevard, Suite 300
P.O. Box 22005
Denver, CO 80222
Tel: (303)761-5552
Fax: (303)761-5284
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward feminists who are high school seniors and interested in writing on feminist issues.

Title of Award: Young Feminist Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Women's studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The scholarship award is $1,000. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to feminist students in their last year of high school. They are invited to submit an essay on feminism and what it means to them. Essays may be no longer than 1,200 words. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year. Additional Information: Spinsters Ink is a feminist publishing house. This program was established in 1998, as part of Spinsters Ink's 20th anniversary celebration. Recipients may use the award as a scholarship at any school of their choosing. The winner is also given the opportunity to attend Norcroft (a writing retreat for women) for 1 week during the summer. Norcroft, funded by Harmony Women's Fund, is situated on Minnesota's north shore of Lake Superior.


Attn: Executive Director
1101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209-2211
Tel: (703)807-1904
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward secondary school student journalists and school officials who have supported the First Amendment.

Title of Award: Courage in Student Journalism Awards Area, Field, or Subject: Intellectual freedom; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Professional, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 2 each year: 1 student and 1 school official. Funds Available: The winners in each category (student and administrator) receive a $5,000 award. Duration: The award is presented annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to deserving middle and high school student journalists and school officials who have stood up in support of the First Amendment. Student applicants must have shown determination, despite difficulty and resistance, in exercising their First Amendment press rights. School administrator applicants must have demonstrated support, under difficult circumstances, for the First Amendment press rights of their school's student media. Entrants should submit a written description (up to 600 words) of how their case meets the entry criteria, along with 2 letters of support and supporting materials or press clippings. Deadline for Receipt: June of each year. Additional Information: This program, which began in 1998, is sponsored by The Newseum, the National Scholastic Press Association, and the Student Press Law Center.


c/o Yerti Nelson, Scholarship Committee
3759 Mykonos Court
Boca Raton, FL 33486
Tel: (561)997-2050
Fax: (561)997-8010
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Florida residents interested in studying in Sweden or an area related to Swedish studies.

Title of Award: South Florida SWEA Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Art industries and trade; Crafts; Design; Environmental conservation; Environmental science; Foreign languages; General studies/Field of study not specified; Literature; Music; Swedish studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $3,000.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to all residents of Florida interested in participating in an exchange program in Sweden. Applicants may also propose to study in the United States, if the studies specifically emphasize Sweden and Swedish aspects, including 1) Swedish language; 2) Swedish culture or traditions; 3) environmental science; 4) a health care program promoting better health for women and children; or 5) handicraft, art, glass art, music, literature, or design. Study proposals must be well-defined in time and content. Along with their application, they must submit a transcript from college, university, or vocational school; curriculum vitae; project proposal, describing the planned studies, length of studies, and goals; financial statement; and letter of recommendation from an instructor. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: Within 3 months after the end of studies or the project, the recipient must report to the scholarship committee or, if possible, accept an invitation to an organization meeting to share the experience.


Attn: Scholarship Coordinator
P.O. Box 15152
Minneapolis, MN 55412

To provide financial assistance to African American students from Minnesota who are majoring in journalism in college.

Title of Award: Twin Cities Black Journalists Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year; nonrenewable.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to Minnesota African American students majoring in journalism at a 4-year college or university. Applicants must submit samples of their work, a resume, 2 letters of recommendation, and a transcript.


Attn: Education Director
328 North Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220-4057
Tel: (804)355-1636
Fax: (804)353-1396
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to lineal descendants of Confederate veterans in certain southern states who are interested in majoring in southern history or literature.

Title of Award: Helen James Brewer Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: English language and literature; History, American; Literature; United States studies Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The amount of this scholarship depends on the availability of funds. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to apply for these scholarships are lineal descendants of worthy Confederates or collateral descendants who are current or former members of the Children of the Confederacy or current members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Applicants must intend to study English or southern history and literature and must submit a family financial report and certified proof of the Confederate record of 1 ancestor, with the company and regiment in which he served. They must have at least a 3.0 GPA in high school. Residency in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia is required. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: Information is also available from Mrs. Robert C. Kraus, Second Vice President General, 239 Deerfield Lane, Franklin, NC 28734-0112. Members of the same family may not hold scholarships simultaneously, and only 1 application per family will be accepted within any 1 year. All requests for applications must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.


Attn: Communications Resourcing Team
810 12th Avenue South
P.O. Box 320
Nashville, TN 37202-0320
Tel: (615)742-5481; 888-CRT-4UMC
Fax: (615)742-5485
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to minority United Methodist college students who are interested in careers in religious communications.

Title of Award: Leonard M. Perryman Communications Scholarship for Ethnic Minority Students Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Religion Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $2,500 per year. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to United Methodist ethnic minority students enrolled in accredited institutions of higher education as juniors or seniors. Applicants must be interested in preparing for a career in religious communications. For the purposes of this program, "communications" is meant to cover audiovisual, electronic, and print journalism. Selection is based on Christian commitment and involvement in the life of the United Methodist church, academic achievement, journalistic experience, clarity of purpose, and professional potential as a religious journalist. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The scholarship may be used at any accredited institution of higher education.


Attn: Scholarships and Grants Department
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Tel: (703)205-3466
Free: 800-331-2244
Fax: (703)205-3574
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in fields related to performing arts or communications at colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund.

Title of Award: Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Art; Communications; English language and literature; Music; Performing arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Funds Available: The stipend is $2,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled at UNCF-member institutions who are majoring in art, communications, English, music, or performing arts. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be able to demonstrate financial need. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


Attn: Scholarships and Grants Department
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Tel: (703)205-3466
Free: 800-331-2244
Fax: (703)205-3574
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to students majoring in the performing arts, English, and communications at colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).

Title of Award: Michael Jackson Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; English language and literature; Performing arts Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Funds Available: The stipend is $4,000. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed, based on satisfactory academic progress.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to students enrolled in communications, English, or the performing arts at UNCF-member institutions. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be able to demonstrate financial need. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: Funds for this scholarship come from Jackson's 1985 "Victory" tour and his 1988 benefit concert and dinner.


Attn: Scholarships and Grants Department
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Tel: (703)205-3466
Free: 800-331-2244
Fax: (703)205-3574
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to freshmen at colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) who are majoring in humanities with an interest in English literature.

Title of Award: McClare Family Trust Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: English language and literature; Humanities Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Funds Available: The stipend depends on the need of the recipient. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college freshmen at UNCF-member colleges and universities who are or will be majoring in the humanities with an emphasis in English literature, have at least a 3.0 GPA, and can demonstrate leadership through involvement in school, church, or community activities. To apply, students must submit a 500-word essay on their career goals, an official transcript, 2 letters of recommendation, and a photograph. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year.


Attn: Scholarships and Grants Department
8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031-8044
Tel: (703)205-3466
Free: 800-331-2244
Fax: (703)205-3574
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students who are majoring in communications, journalism, or English at colleges and universities that are members of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).

Title of Award: Reader's Digest Foundation Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; English language and literature; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Funds Available: The stipend is $5,000 per year. Funds are sent directly to the recipient's college to pay for tuition, fees, room, and board. Duration: 1 year; may be renewed for 1 additional year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to juniors and seniors enrolled full time at a UNCF-member college or university who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, have demonstrated an interest in print journalism, and are majoring or minoring in communications, journalism, or English. Applicants must submit a completed application form, a published writing sample, a personal statement on background and career goals, a financial need statement, an official transcript, a photograph, and a recommendation from a professor of journalism, communications, or English. Deadline for Receipt: November of each year.


Attn: Corporate Scholars Program
P.O. Box 1435
Alexandria, VA 22313-9998
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance and work experience to minority students who are majoring in selected business and science fields.

Title of Award: UNCF/Sprint Scholars Program Area, Field, or Subject: Accounting; Business administration; Computer and information sciences; Economics; Engineering, Computer; Engineering, Electrical; Engineering, Industrial; Finance; Information science and technology; Journalism; Management; Marketing and distribution; Public relations; Statistics Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: Varies each year. Funds Available: This program provides a paid internship and (upon successful completion of the internship) a need-based stipend of up to $7,500. Duration: 10 to 12 weeks for the internships; 1 year for the scholarships.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to members of minority groups who are enrolled full time as juniors or seniors at a 4-year college or university in the United States. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be majoring in accounting, business, computer engineering, computer information systems, computer science, economics, electrical engineering, finance, industrial engineering, journalism, marketing, management information systems, public relations, or statistics. They must be interested in a summer internship at Sprint. Along with their application, they must submit a 1-page personal statement describing their career interests and goals, a current resume, a letter of recommendation, official transcripts, and a financial need statement. Deadline for Receipt: October of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by Sprint. Recipients may attend any of the 39 member institutions of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), or an accredited majority 4-year college or university.


Attn: National Peace Essay Contest Project Officer
1200 17th Street, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036-3011
Tel: (202)429-3854
Fax: (202)429-6063
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward winners of the National Peace Essay Contest.

Title of Award: National Peace Essay Contest Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Peace studies; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: Each year, 1 winner in each state and 3 national winners receive scholarships. Funds Available: Each state-level winner receives a $1,000 scholarship. National-level scholarships are $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second place, and $2,500 for third place. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible are students working toward a high school degree in a public, private, or parochial high school in grades 9-12 in the United States or its territories. U.S. citizens studying in other countries are also eligible. Contestants must prepare a 1,500-word essay on a topic that changes each year; recently, the topic was "Rebuilding Societies After Conflict." Judging of the essays is based on quality of the research (one third), quality of the analysis (one third), and style and mechanics (one third). Deadline for Receipt: January of each year. Additional Information: First-place winners in each state advance to the national competition and also receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. that includes visits with various government officials.


Attn: Interscholastic League Press Conference
1701 Manor Road
P.O. Box 8028
Austin, TX 78713
Tel: (512)471-5883
Fax: (512)232-7311
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to seniors at high schools in Texas belonging to the Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC) who wish to study journalism in college.

Title of Award: ILPC Journalism Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors at ILPC-member schools in Texas who plan to major in journalism in college. Applicants must submit statements on how scholastic competition in ILPC activities has helped them to be successful in high school journalism, their career plans as they relate to journalism, their high school awards for journalism and other activities, their involvement in school and outside activities, and their involvement in journalism outside of school-sponsored activities. They must also write an editorial to convince the selection committee that they are the correct choice for this scholarship. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year. Additional Information: The recipient may attend a college or university in any state.


Attn: Interscholastic League Press Conference
1701 Manor Road
P.O. Box 8028
Austin, TX 78713
Tel: (512)471-5883
Fax: (512)232-7311
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Texas who plan to study communications in college.

Title of Award: Herff Jones Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduating seniors in Texas who have worked on their high school yearbook and plan to continue their education in a communications-related field (major or minor) in college. Applicants must have a GPA of "B" or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a statement on their involvement in journalism while in high school, a description of their college and future plans, a letter of recommendation, and 3 to 5 samples of their work as a journalism student. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by Herff Jones, Inc., but the student's school need not be a Herff Jones customer. Information is also available from Marcia Crenshaw, Herff Jones Yearbooks, 9601 Monroe Road, Charlotte, NC 28270.


Attn: Interscholastic League Press Conference
1701 Manor Road
P.O. Box 8028
Austin, TX 78713
Tel: (512)471-5883
Fax: (512)232-7311
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Texas who plan to study communications in college.

Title of Award: Jostens Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Texas who have been involved in journalism and plan to continue their education in a communications-related field (major or minor) in college. Applicants must have a GPA of "B" or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a statement on their involvement in journalism while in high school, a description of their college and future plans, a letter of recommendation, and 3 to 5 samples of their work as a journalism student. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by Jostens Publishing Company, but the student's school need not be a Jostens customer.


Attn: Interscholastic League Press Conference
1701 Manor Road
P.O. Box 8028
Austin, TX 78713
Tel: (512)471-5883
Fax: (512)232-7311
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to high school seniors in Texas who plan to study communications in college.

Title of Award: Walsworth Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Texas who have been involved in journalism and plan to continue their education in a communications-related field (major or minor) in college. Applicants must have a GPA of "B" or higher. Along with their application, they must submit a statement on their involvement in journalism while in high school, a description of their college and future plans, a letter of recommendation, and 3 to 5 samples of their work as a journalism student. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: This program is sponsored by Walsworth Publishing Company, but the student's school need not be a Walsworth customer. Information is also available from Walsworth Publishing, 2301 Beckwood Trail, Round Rock, TX 78664.


Attn: Office of Community Relations
P.O. Box N
Austin, TX 78713-8914
Tel: (512)232-7599
Fax: (512)232-4848
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school students in Texas who submit outstanding essays on topics related to African Americans in the state.

Title of Award: Barbara Jordan Historical Essay Competition Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 prizes are awarded each year. Funds Available: In the state finals, first prize is $2,500, second $1,500, and third $1,000. Prizes are scholarships that may be used at any institution of the winner's choice. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This competition is open to high school students in grades 9-12 in Texas. Applicants must submit an essay, from 1,500 to 2,500 words in length on a topic that changes annually; recently, students were invited to write on "The African American in Texas: Past and Present." Competitions are first held in 10 regions in the state, with 3 regional winners advancing to the state finals. Deadline for Receipt: March of each year. Additional Information: The winning essays are submitted to the Texas State Historical Association for consideration for publication in its student journal, Texas Historian.


Attn: John Lennon Songwriting Contest
7950 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22108-0210
Fax: (703)854-2122
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding songs written by high school students.

Title of Award: USA Weekend/John Lennon Songwriting Contest for Teens Area, Field, or Subject: Music composition; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The Grand Prize winner receives a $1,000 U.S. savings bond, a trip for 2 to Los Angeles, a walk-on role in an episode of the NBC series "American Dreams," publication of winning lyrics in USA Weekend, and other gifts. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to compete are full-time students in grades 7-12 in accredited public, private, parochial, or home schools. They are invited to submit the lyrics of an original song, up to 125 words in length, that relates to a theme that changes annually. Recently, the theme was "American Dreams." Selection is based on originality and creativity (30%); songwriting ability (30%); appropriateness of song lyrics for recording (20%), and appropriateness of song lyrics for the theme. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
630 Country Green Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Tel: (434)977-3716
Fax: (434)979-2439
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to upper-division students (either residents of Virginia or attending school there) who are majoring in broadcasting.

Title of Award: Virginia Association of Broadcasters Scholarship Grant Area, Field, or Subject: Advertising; Broadcasting; Communications; Communications technologies; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 at $1,000 and 3 at $500. Funds Available: The stipend is either $1,000 or $500. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to entering juniors and seniors at a college or university that offers undergraduate training in broadcasting-related fields, such as mass media, communications, journalism, and advertising. Applicants must be either 1) a Virginia resident attending a college or university anywhere in the United States or a professional broadcast school certified by the Virginia Department of Education; or 2) a nonresident student attending a Virginia college, university. or certified professional broadcast school. They must intend to prepare for a career in broadcasting. Along with their application, they must submit 1) a 250-word essay describing their reasons for choosing a broadcasting career and their interest in radio or television broadcasting or engineering; 2) college transcript; and 3) documentation of financial need. Deadline for Receipt: February of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Competition
10500 Sager Avenue, Suite C
Fairfax, VA 22030
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward, with college scholarships, high school seniors in Virginia who submit outstanding essays on law enforcement.

Title of Award: VCOPS College Scholarship Program Area, Field, or Subject: General studies/Field of study not specified; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 3 winners are selected each year. Funds Available: The award is a $1,000 scholarship. Funds are paid directly to the winners' college or university account. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to college-bound seniors graduating from high schools in Virginia. Applicants must submit an essay, up to 1,500 words in length, on Virginia law enforcement and the general theme, "Virginia Law Enforcement: A Commitment to Community." They must also include a 150-word statement on their plans for college. Deadline for Receipt: April of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 3672
Seattle, WA 98124-3672
Tel: (206)262-9793
Fax: (206)464-7902
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Washington college students who are majoring in a communication-related field at an academic institution in the state.

Title of Award: Dick Larsen Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Political science; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to graduates of high schools in Washington who have a serious interest in communications, including journalism, politics, public relations, or related fields. Applicants must be enrolled at a 4-year public or private university in the state. They must be able to demonstrate financial need. Along with their application, they submit an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on themselves, why they want to prepare for a career in communications, and how they think they can contribute to their chosen profession. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 3672
Seattle, WA 98124-3672
Tel: (206)262-9793
Fax: (206)464-7902
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to Washington high school seniors who are interested in majoring in a communication-related field at an academic institution in the state.

Title of Award: Herb Robinson Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Journalism; Political science; Public relations Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 1 each year. Funds Available: The stipend is $1,000. Duration: 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to seniors graduating from high schools in Washington who have a serious interest in communications, including journalism, politics, public relations, or related fields. Applicants must be accepted at a 4-year public or private university in the state. They must be able to demonstrate financial need. Along with their application, they submit an essay of 500 to 1,000 words on themselves, why they want to prepare for a career in communications, and how they think they can contribute to their chosen profession. Deadline for Receipt: May of each year.


Attn: Thoroughbred Horse Racing's United Scholarship Trust
P.O. Box 1499
Auburn, WA 98071-1499
Tel: (253)288-7878
Fax: (253)288-7890
Web Site:

To provide financial assistance to residents of Washington who are studying a field related to the equine industry, journalism, or communications in college.

Title of Award: THRUST Equine Industry/Journalism/Communications Scholarship Area, Field, or Subject: Communications; Equine studies; Journalism Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Undergraduate Number Awarded: 4 each year: 1 at $2,500, 1 at $2,000, and 2 at $1,000. Funds Available: Stipends are $2,500, $2,000, or $1,000 per year. Duration: The $2,500 scholarship may be renewed for a total of 4 years, provided the recipient maintains satisfactory progress toward a degree and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The $2,000 and $1,000 awards are for 1 year.

Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to full-time students who have declared or are intending to declare a major in a field of study related to the equine industry; journalism and communications majors are also eligible. Applicants (or an immediate family member) must be a resident of Washington at the time of application, although they may attend a college or university in any state. They must submit an essay on the thoroughbred horse racing industry and why and how they think their major will impact that industry. Selection is based on that essay, academic performance, and a personal interview. Deadline for Receipt: January of each year.


Attn: Program Coordinator
529 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1802
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212)490-7777
Fax: (212)490-6006
Web Site:

To recognizeand reward outstanding student essays on a topic related to ethics.

Title of Award: Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Area, Field, or Subject: Ethics and bioethics; Writing Level of Education for which Award is Granted: Four Year College Number Awarded: 5 prizes each year: a first, second, and third prize as well as 2 honorable mentions. Funds Available: First prize is $5,000, second prize is $2,500, third prize is $1,500, and each honorable mention is $500. Duration: The competition is held annually.

Eligibility Requirements: Eligible to compete are full-time juniors and seniors at accredited colleges and universities in the United States. Essays must be submitted by the college or university, each of which may submit only 3 student works. Essays must be between 3,000 and 4,000 words in length and on a theme of the student's choice that involves ethical choices. Readers look for adherence to design format, carefully proofread essays, well thought-out essays that do not stray from the topic, depth of feeling and genuine grappling with a moral dilemma, originality and imagination, eloquence of writing style, and intensity and unity in the essay. Deadline for Receipt: December of each year.

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