American Association of Occupational Health Nurses

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American Association of Occupational Health Nurses

AAOHN Academic Study Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
AAOHN Continuing Education Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)
Leadership Development Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

2920 Brandywine Rd., Ste. 100
Atlanta, GA 30341
Ph: (770)455-7757
Fax: (770)455-7271

AAOHN Academic Study Scholarships (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide opportunities to further professional education for occupational and environment health professionals. Focus: Occupational safety and health. Qualif.: Undergraduate candidate must be a registered nurse enrolled full or part time in a nationally accredited school of nursing baccalaureate program and demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, occupational and environmental health. Graduate candidate must be a registered nurse enrolled full or part time in a graduate program that has application to occupational and environmental health. Applicants must submit documentation of enrollment status. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.

Funds Avail.: $2,500-$3,000. Number Awarded: 4. To Apply: Applicants must submit a 500 word or less narrative (double-spaced with one-inch margins in 12-point font) addressing: professional goals as they pertain to academic activity and the field of occupational and environmental health; impact of education on career. Deadline: December

1. Contact: Don Bollmer, Dir. of Business Affairs, at the above address (see entry 377).

AAOHN Continuing Education Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support occupational and environmental health professionals in attending and successfully completing continuing education activities. Focus: Occupational safety and health. Qualif.: Candidates must be employed in the field of occupational and environmental health nursing and demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, occupational and environmental health. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.

Funds Avail.: $1,500. Number Awarded: 6. To Apply: Applicants must submit a 500 word or less narrative (double-spaced with one-inch margins in 12-point font) addressing: career goals as they pertain to applicant's professional development and continued competence; how continuing education will further applicant's goals; need for financial support; commitment to ongoing continuing education activities. Applicants must also submit a letter of support from their employer/supervisor and copy of continuing education activity brochure or other printed information describing the activity. Deadline: December 1. Contact: Don Bollmer, Dir. of Business Affairs, at the above address (see entry 377).

Leadership Development Scholarships (Professional Development/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support volunteer leadership development in occupational and environmental health nursing. Focus: Occupational safety and health. Qualif.: Candidates must be employed in the field of occupational and environmental health nursing and demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, occupational and environmental health. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.

Funds Avail.: $1,000. To Apply: This scholarship is to be applied to leadership development activity/program registration, travel and/or associated travel-related expenses. Types of activities that will be considered for funding include the AAOHN Conference of Leaders, Nurse in Washington Internship Program, mentoring development program, etc. Applicant must submit a 500 word or less narrative (double-spaced with one-inch margins in 12-point font) addressing: why the applicant considers him/herself an emerging leader in volunteer service; leadership skills applicant would develop by participating in the selected leadership development activity/program; how learned skills will be applied serving in a volunteer leadership role within the profession of occupational and environment health nursing; quality/relevance of leadership development activity/program to stated goals. Applicants must also submit a letter of support from employer/supervisor. Deadline: August 1. Contact: Don Bollmer, Dir. of Business Affairs, at the above address (see entry 377).

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