American Association of Neurological Surgeons

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American Association of Neurological Surgeons

AANS Medical Student Summer Research Fellowships (MSSRF) (Undergraduate/Fellowship)
ACS/NREF-AANS Faculty Career Development Award (Professional Development/Award/Prize)
William P. Van Wagenen Fellowships (Undergraduate/Fellowship)

5550 Meadowbrook Dr.
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Ph: (847)378-0500
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AANS Medical Student Summer Research Fellowships (MSSRF) (Undergraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide first or second year medical students the opportunity to participate in neurosurgical research through a summer fellowship within an academic department of neurosurgery in the United States or Canada. Focus: Neurology. Qualif.: Applicants must be American or Canadian medical students. Criteria: Candidates will be judged based upon the scientific merits of the proposed project, the credentials of the applicant, letters of reference, the preceptor statement and the support provided by the sponsoring program/laboratory.

Funds Avail.: $2,500. Number Awarded: 15. To Apply: Applicants must submit applications through mail (hard-copy format) or electronically to which must include the curriculum vitae and bio-sketch, a description of future plans, and a statement of why this fellowship is of interest to the applicant and why it would be beneficial to him/her. Deadline: February 1.

ACS/NREF-AANS Faculty Career Development Award (Professional Development/Award/Prize)

Purpose: To support the establishment of a new and independent research program in an area of neurological surgery, co-sponsored by the ACS and the NREF Focus: Neurology. Qualif.: Applicants must be surgeons who are members or candidate members of both the ACS and the AANS; have completed specialty training within the preceding five years and have received a full-time faculty appointment at a US or Canadian accredited medical school. Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the criteria designed by the Award Committee.

Funds Avail.: $40,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit complete application form found in website. Deadline: November 15.

William P. Van Wagenen Fellowships (Undergraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide financial support to a post neurosurgical resident for foreign travel for scientific enrichment, prior to beginning an academic career in neurological surgery. Focus: Neurology. Qualif.: Applicants must be senior neurosurgical residents whose country of study is different from the country of residence in approved neurosurgery residency programs and whose intent is to pursue an academic career in neurological surgery. Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated by the Van Wagenen Selection Committee based on the originality and quality of proposal, thoroughness with which the plan for a period abroad has been designed, personal attributes, and the quality of the research environment.

Funds Avail.: $60,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application together with the letter of reference. Deadline: October 1.

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