American Association of Bovine Practitioners

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American Association of Bovine Practitioners

AABP Amstutz Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
AABP Bovine Veterinary Student Recognition Award (Undergraduate/Scholarship)
AABP Education Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)
AABP Research Assistantship (Doctorate/Scholarship)
AABP Student Externship Program (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

PO Box 3610
Auburn, AL 36831-3610
Ph: (334)821-0442
Fax: (334)821-9532

AABP Amstutz Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To enhance the professional lives of its members through relevant continuing education that will improve the well-being of cattle and the economic success of the owners; increase awareness; to promote leadership for issues critical to cattle industries; to improve opportunities for careers in bovine medicine. Focus: Veterinary science and medicine. Qualif.: Applicant must be student enrolled in college of veterinary medicine in Canada and United States; applicant must be in second year of the veterinarian curriculum at the time of the application. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated for the overall interest of the applicant in bovine practice, involvement in bovine medicine and bovine-related extracurricular activities, ability to express oneself in writing, and insightful answers to the essay questions.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a current cumulative school GPA through December, 2007 and a current class rank; he/she must submit a biographical account that outlines the background of the cattle industry; an applicant must prepare a one-page or less list factors that stimulate the interest and involvement in bovine medicine and extracurricular activities; ten lines or less description of plans following graduation from veterinary school; 30 lines or less answer about the experiences that stimulate in pursuing a career in food/animal/bovine medicine; 30 lines or less answering the question “What is our role today and in the future as a veterinarian in shaping public perception of food animal welfare in U.S. or Canada?”; an essay about the plans in using the money acquired from the award if considered; applicant must submit two letters of recommendation from either veterinarian or faculty members regarding the applicant's worthiness for the award. Deadline: March 31.

AABP Bovine Veterinary Student Recognition Award (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide awards to 3rd and/or 4th year veterinary students who are interested in dairy and/or beef veterinary medicine. Focus: Veterinary science and medicine. Qualif.: Applicant must be a student member of AABP enrolled at Veterinary Colleges and Schools during the 2nd year and/or 3rd year. Criteria: Award committee will evaluate student's application based on the interest in

bovine medicine, work experience, academic and professional experience, career goals, and recommendation letter.

Funds Avail.: $1,500. To Apply: An applicant must fill out the on-line application form which outlines the background, work, and academic experience, primary interests in veterinary medicine, career goals and providing the name of a faculty sponsor. Deadline: March 15.

AABP Education Grants (Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To help expand the skills and knowledge base of the cattle production medicine practitioner. Focus: Veterinary science and medicine. Qualif.: An applicant must be a member or student member of the AABP. Criteria: Recipients will evaluate the application based on the academic award of th applicant.

Funds Avail.: $500. To Apply: Applicant must fill out the online application form including the career goal, current job description, prior experience with food animal production medicine, and goals of advanced education program; an applicant must submit a brief course outline, a letter of recommendation, a signed hold harmless agreement release form; and applicant must obtain a completion of the advanced training, and the successful applicants will be required to submit an evaluation from detailing the experience. Deadline: April 15.

AABP Research Assistantship (Doctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To enhance the professional lives of its members through continuing relevant education that will improve the well-being of cattle and economic success of the owners; to increase the awareness; to promote leadership for issues critical to cattle industries; to improve opportunities for careers in bovine medicine. Focus: Veterinary science and medicine. Qualif.: Applicant must be enrolled at an accredited North American veterinary college (school) pursuing a concurrent master's or doctoral degree; applicant must be a student AABP member. Criteria: Scholarship Committee will evaluate the student's application based on the academic qualifications and experience; justification and relevance to the concerns of private practice and the cattle industry; clarity of objectives and probability of completing the research; methodology and scientific merit; budget; site suitability for proposed research.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must fill out the online application form; applicant must submit an evaluation criteria and scoring system, and a progress report. Deadline: February 1. Contact: 334-821-9532.

AABP Student Externship Program (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support veterinary students. Focus: Veterinary science and medicine. Qualif.: Applicant must be admitted to veterinary school and complete an externship of at least two weeks in bovine practice; applicant must be a student and AABP member; applicants must be full-time veterinary students at an American, Canadian, or Caribbean veterinary college or be a newly admitted freshmen at such college. Criteria: Scholarship will be given to students who have an interest in food animal practice but who may not have extensive exposure to bovine practice or cattle industry; awards will be given to underclassmen and to externship where the practice provides some tangible support for the student, such as room or board.

Funds Avail.: $500. To Apply: An applicant must submit the filled out online application form including dates of expected externship, practice where it is to take place, projected cost support to be provided by the practice and amount of aid requested, and student's career interests, prior experience with food producing animals, and goals for the externship; an applicant must provide a letter from the practice describing what the students will be doing; a letter from a faculty member at the student's veterinary college; he/she must submit a completed release agreement. Deadline: May 1-October 31.

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