American Association of Medical Assistants

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American Association of Medical Assistants

20 N Wacker Dr., Ste. 1575
Chicago, IL 60606
Ph: (312)899-1500
Fax: (312)899-1259

Maxine Williams Scholarships (Postdoctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support students in a medical assisting program. Focus: Medical assisting. Qualif.: Applicant must be currently enrolled, and have completed a minimum of one quarter or a semester at a postsecondary medical assisting program accredited by (CAAHEP); and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Criteria: Selection is based on academic ability and financial need.

Funds Avail.: $1000, and one-year membership in AAMA. To Apply: Applicants must request an application electronically to, including applicant's name; accreditation code; and program's institution name, city and state. Deadline: February 15.

Remarks: Established in 1959, named after the first president and founder of the AAMA, Maxine Williams.

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American Association of Medical Assistants

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    American Association of Medical Assistants