American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse (CNRN) Recertification Grants Program (Professional Development/Grant)
Integra Foundation NNF Research Grants Award (Professional Development/Grant)
NNF Scholarships Program (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
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Certified Neuroscience Registered Nurse (CNRN) Recertification Grants Program (Professional Development/Grant)
Purpose: To award financial assistance to nurses seeking recertification as a CNRN during their 5th year after CNRN certification. Focus: Neuroscience; Nursing. Qualif.: Open to all CNRNs in their 5th year of certification. The applicants must meet the requirements for recertification as delineated by the ABNN. One letter of recommendation from a supervisor in support of applicant is to accompany the application. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds Avail.: $150. To Apply: Applicants must provide one complete original (with Form A) and four blinded (no identifying information, such as name, institution name, city, etc. Use generic terms instead), collated copies of the application (without Form A). The Agreement Statement and letter of recommendation should be included with the complete original application. Deadline: June 1. Contact: AANN at the above address (see entry 373).
Integra Foundation NNF Research Grants Award (Professional Development/Grant)
Purpose: To encourage qualified nurses to contribute to the advancement of neuroscience nursing through research. Focus: Neuroscience; Nursing. Qualif.: Principal investigator must be a registered nurse. Investigators must be ready to start the research project, or are already in the process of conducting the research, which must be congruent with NNF research priorities and must be significant to neuroscience nursing. Criteria: Selection will be based on the quality of the proposed research and the NNF research fund budget.
Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit the following requirements: Application Form - One copy of the application form with all information included, six copies of the application form with all identifying information removed; Investigator Information Form - One copy of investigator information form (Form A) with all information included (one for each investigator), six copies of each investigator information form (Form B) for use in blind review; Budget Page - Six copies of the budget page; The Proposal - One copy of the proposal which may include names and identifying information, six additional copies of the proposal without names or identifying information; Local Institution Approval Approval from local institutional review board indicating approval of protection of human participants (if Local institutional approval is pending, submit it when obtained). Study must have been submitted to local review committee prior to the time of application. Deadline: June 30. Contact: American Association of Neu-roscience Nurses at the above address (see entry 373).
NNF Scholarships Program (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship)
Purpose: To promote excellence in neuroscience nursing. Focus: Neuroscience; Nursing. Qualif.: Applicants must be registered nurses pursuing a career in neuroscience nursing at the undergraduate or graduate level. Criteria: Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds Avail.: $1,500. To Apply: Applications must be typed or word-processed. The application is available at the NNF web site, Complete all information as requested. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be returned to the applicants. School which the applicant attends, or plans to attend must be accredited. Submit one copy of Form A, four copies of Form B (including personal statement). Deadline: January 15. Contact: AANN at the above address (see entry 373).
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American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
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American Association of Neuroscience Nurses