I'm Not Scared

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I'm Not Scared ★★ Io Non Ho Paura 2003 (R)

10-year-old Michele (Christiana) lives in a remote and poor village in south ern Italy. As he pokes around an abandoned house one hot summer day, he dis covers a trapdoor that leads to a pit where a traumatized kidnapped boy, Filippo (Di Pierro), is being held prisoner. Michele's afraid to tell his parents-rightly so as it be comes clear his father (Abbrescia) is in volvedbut he also can't abandon Filippo, returning to him again and again with food and water. Just what Michele does do becomes the crux of this disturbing thriller. Based on the novel by co-screenwriter Ammaniti. Italian with subtitles. 110m/C DVD . GB IT SP Aitana Sanchez-Gijon, Diego Abatantuono, Dino Abbrescia, Giorgio Careccia, Giuseppe Cristiano, Mattia Di Perro; D: Gabriele Salvatores; W: Francesca Marciano, Niccolo Ammaniti; C: Italo Petriccione; M: Pepo Scherman, Ezio Bosso.

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