I'm Losing You

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I'm Losing You ★★ 1998 (R)

Confusing story with too many shocks and no point of view, which wastes a good cast. TV producer Perry Krohn (Langella) learns that he is dying of cancer. His wife, Diantha (Jens), takes the news badly, as do his wayward children Bertie (McCarthy) and Rachel (Arquette). But it seems everyone has a doom-laden revelation to deal with. Wagner adapts from his own novel. 102m/C VHS, DVD . Frank Langella, Salome Jens, Rosanna Arquette, Andrew McCarthy, Amanda Donohoe, Elizabeth Perkins, Gina Gershon, Buck Henry, Ed Begley Jr.; D: Bruce Wagner; W: Bruce Wagner; C: Rob Sweeney; M: Daniel Catan.

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