I'll Be There

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I'll Be There ★½ 2003 (PG-13)

Aging pop idol (Ferguson) sobers up and discovers he has a teenage daughter (Church). The two start to develop a relationship in spite of Mother's reservations. Of course, the kid can sing and catches the attention of Dad's slimy manager. Church's acting has a way to go to catch up to her singing, but she's better than Britny or Mariah (at both). Scottish comic Ferguson seems to have taken on more (cowriting/directing/acting) than he can currently handle, but gets points for effort. 104m/C VHS, DVD . US Craig Ferguson, Jemma Redgrave, Joss Ackland, Charlotte Church, Ralph Brown, Ian McNeice, Imelda Staunton, Anthony Head; D: Craig Ferguson; W: Craig Ferguson, Philip McGrade; C: Ian Wilson; M: Trevor Jones.

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