I'll Take You There

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I'll Take You There ★★ 1999 (R)

Lightweight, somewhat schizophrenic romantic comedy-road flick-drama has despondent Bill (Rogers) trying to recover from a failed relationship. His sister sets him up with old school friend Bernice (Sheedy), but he viciously insults her on the date. She shows up a few days later, and kidnaps him on a road trip that begins with the heist of a prom dress. More outlandish events ensue, but the unbelievable plot almost sinks the whole enterprise. Solid work by a strong cast mostly save the day. 93m/C VHS, DVD . Ally Sheedy, Reg Rogers, Lara Harris, John Pyper-Ferguson, Alice Drummond, Alan North, Ben Vereen, Adrienne Shelly; D: Adrienne Shelly; W: Adrienne Shelly; C: Vanja Cernjul; M: Andrew Hollander.

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