I'm Going Home

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I'm Going Home ★★★ Je Rentre a la Maison 2000

Distinguished, elderly actor Gilbert Valence (Piccoli) is dealt a devastating blow when his wife, daughter, and son-in-law are killed in a car accident. Coping with dignity, he looks after his young grandson and works in the theatre (playing Prospero in “The Tempest”). His agent urges Valance to take his first role in an English-language film directed by an American (Malkovich) and he struggles mightily to cope with his part. Title refers to Valance's simple statement when he realizes that his time is past. French with subtitles. 90m/C VHS, DVD . PT FR Michel Piccoli, Catherine Deneuve, John Malkovich, Leonor Silveira, Antoine Chappey, Leonor Baldaque, Jean Koeltgen; D: Manoel de Oliveira; W: Manoel de Oliveira; C: Sabine Lancelin.

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