I, the Worst of All

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I, the Worst of All ★★ Yo, la Peor de Todas 1990

Portrayal of 17th-century Mexican poet, Sister Juana Ines del la Cruz (Serna). She develops a passionate but chaste friendship with Maria Luisa (Sanda), the wife of the Spanish viceroy in Mexico, and writes love poems to her. However, the newly appointed archbishop (Murua) is a religious fanatic who condemns Juana's work, burns her books, and proceeds to persecute her. Adapted from the novel, “The Traps of Faith,” by Octavio Paz. Spanish with subtitles. 105m/ C VHS, DVD . SP Assumpta Serna, Dominique Sanda, Lautaro Murua, Hector Alterio; D: Maria-Luisa Bemberg; W: Maria-Luisa Bemberg, Antonio Larreta; C: Felix Monti; M: Luis Maria Serra.

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