I, Monster

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I, Monster ★★★ 1971

The character names may have changed but this is still Robert Louis Stevenson's “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Lee tackles the title characters with his usual sinister savoir faire as Dr. Marlowe, who is obsessed with the nature of the id, the ego, and the superego and whether they can be separated within an individual. He injects himself with his secret formula and is transformed into Mr. Blake, who prowls the seedy sections of Victorian London to satisfy his violent desires. Frequent co-star Cushing shows up as a suspicious colleague. 74m/C VHS, DVD . GB Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Mike Raven, George Merritt, Richard Hurndall, Kenneth J. Warren, Michael Des Barres, Susan Jameson; D: Stephen Weeks; W: Milton Subotsky; C: Moray Grant; M: Carl Davis.

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