American Society of Genealogists
American Society of Genealogists
PO Box 519
Williamstown, MA 01267
ASG Scholar Awards (Professional Development/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to a scholar to attend an educational training program. Focus: Genealogy. Qualif.: Applicants must be a genealogist, genealogical librarians, and researchers working in related fields. Criteria: Applicants will be selected by the ASG Scholarship Committee.
Funds Avail.: $500 for tuition expenses. To Apply: Applicants must submit three copies of resume; manuscript or published work (maximum of 5000 words); and a 100-150 words statement to Melinde Lutz Sanborn, Chair, ASG Scholarship Committee. Deadline: March 15.
Remarks: Created in 1996. Contact: Melinde Lutz Sanborn, Chair, ASG Scholarship Committee.
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American Society of Genealogists