American Speech Language Hearing Foundation

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American Speech Language Hearing Foundation

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Clinical Research Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Endowed Scholarships (Postdoctorate/Scholarship)
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation General Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships for International Students (Graduate/Scholarship)
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships for Students with Disability (All/Scholarship)
ASHFA Scholarships for Minority Students (Postgraduate/Scholarship)
New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarships (Postdoctorate/Scholarship)
New Century Scholars Research Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
Research Grants in Speech Science (Doctorate/Grant)
Student Research Grants in Audiology (Doctorate/Grant)

2200 Research Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20850-3289
Ph: (301)296-8700

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Clinical Research Grants (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must have received a Ph.D or equivalent research doctorate within the discipline of communication sciences and disorders or related field and must demonstrate the potential and commitment to conducting independent research with a clear plan for applying for extramural research support. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on objectives and significance; experimental design and research method; innovation; facilities and resources; management plan and budget; investigator; mentor and mentoring plan; collaborators and collaboration plan.

Funds Avail.: $50,000-$75,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit original application form with all accompanying documents along with a hard copy or electronic version of the proposal. Deadline: June 2.

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Endowed Scholarships (Postdoctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the advancement of knowledge in the area of disabilities and to improve the lives of people with speech, language, or hearing disorders. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled or accepted in a master's or doctoral in communication sciences and disorders program in the United States; and must be enrolled in full-time study for full academic year. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need and academic standing.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 5. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the Student Information form; Optional Form; letter of application; accompanying documents including statement of good standing, transcript, GPA, Essay, and Confidential Reference form. Deadline: June 6. Contact: Emily Diaz at the above address (see entry 1097).

1100 ■ American Speech Language Hearing Foundation General Scholarships (Postgraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the advancement of knowledge in the area of disabilities and to improve the lives of people with speech, language, or hearing disorders. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled or accepted in a graduate study in communication sciences and disorders program in the United States and must be enrolled in a full-time study for full academic year. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. Number Awarded: 7. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the Student Information form; Optional Form; letter of application; accompanying documents including statement of good standing, transcript, GPA, Essay, and Confidential Reference form. Deadline: June 6. Contact: Emily Diaz at the above address (see entry 1097).

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships for International Students (Graduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the advancement of knowledge in the area of disabilities and to improve the lives of people with speech, language, or hearing disorders. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be international graduate students studying in the United States. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need and academic standing.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the Student Information form and the Optional Form. They must submit letter of application and accompanying documents including statement of good standing, transcript, GPA, Essay, and Confidential Reference form. Deadline: June 6. Contact: Emily Diaz at the above address (see entry 1097).

American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships for Students with Disability (All/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the advancement of knowledge in the area of disabilities and to improve the lives of people with speech, language, or hearing disorders. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Program is open to individuals who have disorders or disabilities. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need and academic standing.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must complete the Student Information form; Optional Form; letter of application; accompanying documents including statement of good standing, transcript, GPA, Essay, and Confidential Reference form. Deadline: June 6. Contact: Emily Diaz at the above address (see entry 1097).

ASHFA Scholarships for Minority Students (Postgraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support the advancement of knowledge in the area of disabilities and to improve the lives of people with speech, language, or hearing disorders. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be members of a racial or ethnic minority group and must be U.S. citizens. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on financial need and academic standing.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply:

Applicants must complete the Student Information form and Optional Form. They must submit letter of application, accompanying documents including statement of good standing, transcript, GPA, Essay, and Confidential Reference

form. Deadline: June 6. Contact: Emily Diaz at the above address (see entry 1097).

New Century Scholars Doctoral Scholarships (Postdoctorate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To support strong doctoral candidates who are committed to attaining the research doctoral degree and to working in the higher education academic community in the field of communication sciences and disorders in the United States. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be enrolled in a doctorate study in a communication sciences and disorders program in the United States. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on academic standing.

Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must fill out the application form.

New Century Scholars Research Grants (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices; to support innovative studies or unmet research. Focus: Disabilities. Qualif.: Applicants must be scientists with research doctorate within the discipline of communication sciences and disorders or related field; must demonstrate the potential and commitment to conducting independent research with a clear plan for applying for extramural research support. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the objectives and significance; experimental design and research method; innovation; facilities and resources; management plan and budget; investigator; mentor and mentoring plan; collaborators and collaboration plan.

Funds Avail.: $10,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit original application form with all accompanying documents along with a hard copy or electronic version of the proposal. Deadline: June 2.

Research Grants in Speech Science (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices; to help further research activities of new investigators that have particular relevance to audiology and/or speech language pathology. Focus: Audiology. Qualif.: Applicants must have received a doctoral degree within the past five years and wish to further research activities in the areas of speech communication. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the clearly stated project aims; significance of the research and its potential impact on the clinical needs relevant to speech-language pathology or audiology; merit of the design for answering the question, including detailed account of the methodology to be used; adequate provision for evaluating the results of the project, explicit statement of how the objectives will be measured; indication of the facilities, resources, personnel and subjects to which the applicant would have access in order to carry out the activities described in the proposal; the perceived ability of the applicant to complete the proposed research within one year period; Management plan that clearly outlines the activities and timeliness.

Funds Avail.: $5,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit original application form with all accompanying documents and a hard copy or electronic version of the proposal. Deadline: May 9.

Student Research Grants in Audiology (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices. To help further research activities of new investigators that have particular relevance to audiology and/or speech language pathology. Focus: Audiology. Qualif.: Applicants must have received a master's and doctoral degree in communication sciences and disorders and aim to conduct research. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the clearly stated project aims; the significance of the research and it's potential impact on the clinical needs relevant to speech-language pathology or audiology; the merit of the design for answering the question, including detailed account of the methodology to be used; adequate provision for evaluating the results of the project, explicit statement of how the objectives will be measured; indication of the facilities, resources, personnel and subjects to which the applicant would have access in order to carry out the activities described in the proposal; the perceived ability of the applicant to complete the proposed research within a one year period; and management plan that clearly outlines the activities and timeliness.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit original application form with all accompanying documents and a hard copy or electronic version of the proposal. Deadline: May 23.

Student Research Grants in Early Childhood Language Development (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices; to help further research activities of new investigators that have particular relevance to audiology and/or speech language pathology. Focus: Audiology. Qualif.: Applicants must have received a master's and doctoral degree in communication sciences and disorders and aim to conduct research in early childhood language development. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on the clearly stated project aims; the significance of the research and its potential impact on the clinical needs relevant to speech-language pathology or audiology; the merit of the design for answering the question, including detailed account of the methodology to be used; adequate provision for evaluating the results of the project, explicit statement of how the objectives will be measured; indication of the facilities, resources, personnel and subjects to which the applicant would have access in order to carry out the activities described in the proposal; the perceived ability of the applicant to complete the proposed research within one year period; and management plan that clearly outlines the activities and timeliness.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit original application form with all accompanying documents along with a hard copy or electronic version of the proposal. Deadline: May 23.

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American Speech Language Hearing Foundation

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