American Society of Echocardiography
American Society of Echocardiography
Cardiac Sonographer Education Development Grants (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Grant)
Quality Initiative Grant-in-Aid (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
1500 Sunday Dr., Ste. 102
Raleigh, NC 27607
Ph: (919)861-5574
Fax: (919)787-4916
Cardiac Sonographer Education Development Grants (Professional Development, Undergraduate/Grant)
Purpose: To financially support the graduating students in the cardiac sonography program. Focus: Cardiology. Qualif.: Applicant must be involved in the cardiac sonography programs. Criteria: Recipients of the awards are based on ASE guidelines for the award.
Funds Avail.: $50,000. To Apply: Applicant must send application form and other supporting documents including lists of participants in the submission process (academic titles and affiliations, participants contribution to the proposal), summary of the proposal not exceeding 400 words (specific aims, how the program will use the money to increase qualified sonographer graduates, how the program will sustain the effort after the grant ended); budget, proposed method, additional supporting material, if any. Deadline: April 18.
Quality Initiative Grant-in-Aid (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
Purpose: To support meritorious research focusing on specific issues. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must hold the professional degree of MD, PhD or equivalent or a sonographer; faculty of an institution; open to individuals, teams, firms with appropriate qualifications to implement the project, including a demonstrated track record with similar research projects. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on committee's review on proposal.
Funds Avail.: $100,000. To Apply: Application form should include the following: Name of the grant applied for; title of the project; summary of the proposal (not to exceed 400 words); listing of all co-investigators, with degrees, titles and affiliation and a paragraph delineating their contribution to the proposed project; abbreviate curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch of all investigators (maximum 2 pages perinvestigator) or a professional resume; proposed budget including budget justifications; other funding; proposed approach to the problem; full description of the project including reference and any figures should not exceed 7 typewritten pages with 1-inch margins using a minimum of a 10-point font. Deadline: Contact: Cathy Kerr.
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American Society of Echocardiography
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American Society of Echocardiography