American Society for Theatre Research

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American Society for Theatre Research

American Society for Theatre Research Dissertation Research Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)
ASTR Research Fellowships (All/Grant)

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American Society for Theatre Research Dissertation Research Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To financially support PhD candidates with their

travel in conducting a research projects connected with

their dissertations. Focus: Theater arts. Qualif.: Applicants must be PhD candidates who have passed their qualifying exams within the last two years and have begun working on their dissertations. Criteria: Recipients will be selected based on clarity, originality and critical rigor.

Funds Avail.: A total of $3,000 to be divided equally into three awards. Number Awarded: 3. To Apply: Applicants must submit a project abstract (100 words); description of the proposed project (500 words, including the nature of the project, research strategy, current status of the project and a rationale for the project); a statement on how the award will be used and how will it help the project; a curriculum vitae; and two letters of recommendation (one from the dissertation advisor, and another from a scholar familiar with the applicant's work). Applications must be in.rtf or.doc format. Deadline: March 15. Contact: Julie Stone Peters, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, 1150 Amsterdam Ave. Rm. 602 New York, NY 10027,

ASTR Research Fellowships (All/Grant)

Purpose: To underwrite some of the research expenses of scholars undertaking projects significant to the field of theatre and/or performance studies. Focus: Theater arts; Performing arts. Qualif.: Applicant must be holding a terminal degree and a member of ASTR for at least three years. Criteria: Selection is based on the merit of the project within the field of theatre or performance studies.

Funds Avail.: A total of $4,000 which can be divided among multiple winners. To Apply: Applicants must submit a 150-word abstract of the project; a longer narrative description of the project indicating its procedures, goals and significance; a budget; a two-page curriculum vitae; and three letters of support from scholars in the proposed or related fields of study. Deadline: March 15. Contact: Gretchen Smith email address:

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