American Society of Comparative Law
American Society of Comparative Law
245 Winter St. SE
Salem, OR 97301
Ph: (503)370-6402
Fax: (503)370-6828
American Society of Comparative Law TransCoop Programs (All/Fellowship)
Purpose: To provide funds for cooperative research between German, American and/or Canadian scholars in the fields of humanities, social sciences, law, and economics. Focus: Humanities; Social Sciences; Law; Economics. Qualif.: Applicants must permanent residents or scholars of United States, Germany, and Canada. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on originality of the proposed
research work; scholarly qualifications of the applicants; and potential to strengthen transatlantic cooperation.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit completed application form; time and expenses schedule indicating when and for what purpose funds will be required; one confidential reference letter; publication list; proof of matching funds. Deadline: April 30. Contact:
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American Society of Comparative Law
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