Williams, Jerome 1926-2002

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WILLIAMS, Jerome 1926-2002

OBITUARY NOTICE—See index for CA sketch: Born July 15, 1926, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; died after surgery June 7, 2002, in Annapolis, MD. Oceanographer, physicist, environmentalist, educator, administrator, consultant, and author. For more than thirty years Williams taught oceanography at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland where he also studied marine pollution and other topics related to the sea. He was active in several scientific research bodies, including as vice president and executive director of the Estuarine Research Federation, as president of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, and as a consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Marine Technology Society. Early in his career Williams worked as a researcher for the Chesapeake Bay Institute and as a marine physicist for Vitro Laboratories. In his later years he devoted some of his spare time to community activities, as an officer and performer with the Colonial Players and as the chair of the Anne Arundel County Commission for Culture and the Arts. Williams produced several scientific volumes, including Oceanography: An Introduction to the Marine Sciences (1962), Optical Properties of the Sea (1970), Introduction to Marine Pollution Control (1979) and the 1972 children's book Oceanography: A First Book.



Washington Post, June 23, 2002, p. C8.

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Williams, Jerome 1926-2002

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