Williams, Jody (1950–)

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Williams, Jody (1950–)

American political activist. Born Jo-Anne Williams, Oct 9, 1950, in Poultney, Vermont; dau. of John and Ruth Williams; University of Vermont, BA, 1972; School for International Training, MA in Spanish and teaching English as a 2nd language, 1976; Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, MA, 1984.

Served as co-coordinator for the Nicaragua-Honduras Education Project (1984–86); was deputy director of Medical Aid for El Salvador (1986–1992); drafted by the founder of the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation to build a coalition to combat the widespread international use of antipersonnel land mines (1991); began serving as coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (1992), an effort for which she and her organization were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace (1997); attended signing of Mine Ban Treaty (Dec 1997), which was entered into force (Mar 1999).

See also Women in World History.

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Williams, Jody (1950–)

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