Williams, John Hartley

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WILLIAMS, John Hartley

WILLIAMS, John Hartley. British, b. 1942. Genres: Poetry, Literary criticism and history. Career: Catholic University of Lille, France, lecturer in English language and literature, 1965-66; National Institute for Applied Sciences, Toulouse, France, lecturer in English literature, 1966-67; Bishop Road School, Bristol, England, teacher of English as a foreign language, 1967-68; University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, lecturer in English language, 1968-70; University of Yaounde, Cameroon, lecturer in English language and literature, 1970-72; Herndon College and Technology, London, lecturer in liberal studies, 1975-76; Free University of Berlin, Germany, lecturer in English, 2000-. University of Leeds, England, fellowship, 2000. Publications: POETRY: Hidden Identities, 1982; Bright River Yonder, 1987; Cornerless People, 1990; Double, 1994; Ignoble Sentiments (and prose), 1995; Canada, 1997; Censored Poems: Translations of Marin Soresai, 2001; Spending Time with Walter, 2001; Blues, 2004. OTHER: Teach Yourself Writing Poetry and Getting Published, 1996, rev. ed., 2003; Mystery in Spiderville (prose poems), 2002, rev. ed., 2003. Address: 18 Jenbacher Weg, 12209 Berlin, Germany. Online address: www.johnhartleywilliams.de

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Williams, John Hartley

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