Civil Statutes of Limitation

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35. Civil Statutes of Limitation

How Long?

From When to When?

The idea behind statutes of limitation is mainly one of general practicability and fairness. It is never fair to let a legal matter hang unfinished over someones head indefinitely. There needs to be a distinct end to each legal conflict in order to let the parties involved move on with their lives. Particular legal matters may cause parties to cease certain business transactions or personal activity as they await the outcome.

A similar dynamic is at work with respect to statutes of limitation. The offending party in any legal dispute knows that he or she committed or may be accused of committing some wrong against the other party. In such a case, the wronged party must decide whether to press a lawsuit in order to recover for his or her wrong. The law will not tolerate a procrastinative plaintiff, a plaintiff who delays for effect, or one who is negligent or forgetful. After a period of time has passed, the chance to sue disappears.

How Long?

The lengths of time for statutes of limitation correspond roughly to the amount of notice that both parties have regarding the underlying injury or wrong. The more notice both parties have that there is a problem and the more likely it is that the injured party will sue, the longer the statute of limitation. The less likely it is that the offending party will be aware of his wrong or the more inconsequential it is likely to be, the shorter the statute of limitation.

The longest statutes of limitation are generally those regarding the recovery of judgments after a lawsuit. Obviously, the parties are clearly on notice in this situation. If the losing party refuses to pay his judgment, it should come as no surprise that he will be sued, even if it is as many as ten years later. On the other hand, if one person is physically injured by another person but does not sue within a year or two, it is reasonable to expect that the plaintiff either forgot about the injury or it was not as serious as originally suspected. In this case, the potential defendant is protected from a lawsuit that he may not even be aware is pending, especially more than a year or two after the accident that caused the injury occurred.

Where no statute is listed on the following chart, it is probable that there is simply not a specific statute governing the situation. In these cases, a general civil statute of limitation most likely applies. For example, in cases of medical malpractice, the statute of limitation may just as easily be covered by the statute governing personal injury.

From When to When?

There are many interesting controversies about when statutes of limitation begin and end. In many cases, the injured party may not even know he was wronged until a great while after the wrong was committed. This is often true in the case of breach of contract or fraud, and it often arises, perhaps surprisingly, in cases of personal injury or medical malpractice. In the case of certain surgical procedures, the party may not know that, for example, a sponge was left in his abdomen or something else was done improperlyuntil years later. There has also been much controversy, now largely settled by statute, about whether the statute should begin to run when the wrong was committed or when it was discovered. Court decisions have largely gone in favor of the injured party, allowing the statute to start running upon discovery of the injury or when the injury or act of negligence should reasonably have been discovered.

Most states toll or stop the statute of limitation upon the incapacity of the injured party. But there are a number of ways a person can be incapacitated. If the person has been committed to a mental hospital or is out of the country, these may toll the statute of limitation until they either regain their mental facilities or return from abroad.

Overall, the statutes of limitation are fair and reasonable limitations of potentially disruptive and always distracting legal action between parties. Dramatic stories about lawyers rushing to file papers before the statute runs out are almost always due to the injured partys (or the partys attorneys) procrastination or negligence.

Table 35: Civil Statutes of Limitation
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
Under a contract: 6 yrs. §6-2-34(9); In general 2 yrs. §6-2-38(l)2 yrs. §6-2-38(k)2 yrs. from accrual of action (discovery) §6-2-36 yrs. §6-2-34(2)Medical: 2 yrs. §6-5-4826 yrs. §6-2-34(1, 2)6 yrs. §6-2-34(5)Written: 10 yrs. if under seal; 6 yrs. if not §§6-2-33 to 6-2-34; Oral: 6 yrs. §6-2-34(9)6 yrs. stated liquidated account; 3 yrs. open unliqui-dated account §§6-2-34(5) and 6-2-3720 yrs. §6-2-32
2 yrs. §09.10.0702 yrs. §09.10.07010 yrs. §09.10.1006 yrs. §09.10.050Medical not under contract: 2 yrs. §09.10.070; under contract: 6 yrs. §09.10.0506 yrs. §09.10.0510 yrs. §09.10.1003 yrs. §09.10.05310 yrs. §09.10.10010 yrs. §09.10.040
False imprisonment; 1 yr. §12-541; if not 2 yrs. §12-5421 yr. §12-5413 yrs. §12-543(3)2 yrs. §12-542Medical: 2 yrs. §12-5422 yrs. §12-542(3) Written: 6 yrs. §12-548; Oral (for indebtedness): 3 yrs. §12-543(1)3 yrs. §12-543(2)4 yrs. foreign judgment §12-544(3)
1 yr. §16-56-104Libel: 3 yrs. §16-56-105 Slander: 1 yr. §§16-56-104Common law fraud and fraud and deceit: 3 yrs. §16-56-1053 yrs. §16-56-105Legal: 3 yrs. §16-56-105; Medical: 2 yrs. §16-114-2033 yrs. §16-56-1053 yrs. §16-56-105Written: 5 yrs. §16-56-111; Oral: 3 yrs. §16-56-1053 yrs. if not written or under seal §16-56-10510 yrs. §16-56-114
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
false imprisonment: 1 yr. Civ. Proc. §340(c)1 yr. Civ. Proc. §340(c)3 yrs. Civ. Proc. §338(d)3 yrs. Civ. Proc. §338(b), (c)Legal: 1 yr. from discovery, max. of 4 yrs. from the wrong Civ. Proc. §340.6; Medical: 1 yr. from discovery, 3 yrs. if injury known Civ. Proc. §340.5; Vet.: 1 yr. for injury or death of animal Civ. Prop. §340(c)3 yrs. Civ. Proc. §338(b)4 yrs. Civ. Proc. §337.2Written: 4 yrs. §337; Oral: 2 yrs. Civ. Proc. §3394 yrs. (book and stated accounts) Civ. Proc. §33710 yrs. Civ. Proc. §337.5
1 yr. §13-80-103(1)(a); 3 yrs. §13-80-101(n) if from use or operation of a motor vehicle1 yr. §13-80-103(1)(a)1 yr. for actions under §13-80-103(g); 3 yrs. §13-80-101(1)(c)3 yrs. §13-80-101(n) if from use or operation of a motor vehicleVet: 2 yrs. §13-80-102(1)(c); Medical: 2 yrs. upon discovery §13-80-1022 yrs. §13-80-1026 yrs. §13-80-103.5(1)(b)Written: 3 yrs. §13-80-101; Oral: 3 yrs. §13-80-101; 2 yrs. §13-80-102 if tort action for tortious breach of contract6 yrs. if contract §13-80-103.5 
3 yrs. §52-5772 yrs. §52-5973 yrs. §52-5772 yrs. from discovery; max. of 3 from act §52-5842 yrs. from discovery; max. of 3 from wrong §52-5843 yrs. §52-577 Written: 6 yrs. §52-576; Oral: 3 yrs. §52-5816 yrs. §52-57620 yrs. (variations for small claims judgments) §52-598
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. Tit. 10 §81192 yrs. Tit. 10 §8119 2 yrs. Tit. 10 §81072 yrs. Tit. 10 §81193 yrs. Tit. 10 §8106 Written: 3 yrs. Tit. 10 §8106; Oral: 3 yrs. Tit. 10 §81063 yrs. Tit. 10 §81065 yrs. Tit. 10 §5072
1 yr. §12-301(4)1 yr. §12-301(4)3 yrs. §12-301(8)3 yrs. §12-301(2, 3)3 yrs. §12-301(8)3 yrs. §12-301(3)3 yrs. §12-301(8)Written: 4 yrs. (sale contract); 3 yrs. (simple contract) §§28:2-725 and 12-301(7)3 yrs. § 12-301(8)12 yrs. §15-101;Foreign judgments according to law of foreign jurisdiction §12-307
4 yrs. §95.11(3) (o)2 yrs. §95.11(4) (g)4 yrs. §95.11(3)(j)4 yrs. §95.11(3) (h)2 yrs.; Medical: 2-4 yrs. §95.11(4)(a) and (b)4 yrs. §95.11(3) (g) Written: 5 yrs. §95.11(2)(b), 1 yr. specific perfor-mance§95. 11(5)(a)Or-al: 4 yrs. §95.11(3) (k) 20 yrs. domestic §95.11(1); 5 yrs. foreign judgment §95.11(2)(a)
2 yrs. §9-3-331 yr. §9-3-332 yrs. §9-3-334 yrs. §9-3-32Medical: 2 yrs., max. of 5 from act §9-3-714 yrs. §9-3-30 Written: 6 yrs. §9-3-24; Oral: 4 yrs. §9-3-264 yrs. §9-3-255 yrs. foreign judgment §9-3-20
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. §657-72 yrs. §657-42 yrs. §657-72 yrs. §657-7Medical: 2 yrs. from reasonable discovery to max. of 6 §657-7.32 yrs. §657-76 yrs. §657-1Written: 6 yrs. §657-1; Oral: 6 yrs. §657-16 yrs. §657-110 yrs. from ct. of record §657-5; 6 yrs. if judgment from a court not of record §657-1
2 yrs. §5-219(4 & 5)2 yrs. §5-219(5)3 yrs. §5-218(4)3 yrs. §5-218(3)2 yrs. §5-219(4)3 yrs. §5-218(2)5 yrs. §5-204Written: 5 yrs. §5-216; Oral: 4 yrs. §5-217 6 yrs. §5-215(1)
2 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-2021 yr. 735 ILCS 5/13-201For concealment of a cause of action: 5 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-215; Fraud by decedent: 2 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-2205 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-205Medical: 2 yrs.-4 yrs. §735 ILCS 5/13-212; Legal: max. 6 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-214.35 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-205 Written: 10 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-206; Oral: 5 yrs. 735 ILCS 5/13-205 Judgment may be revived within 20 yrs., 735 ILCS 5/13-218
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. §34-11-2-4(1)2 yrs. §34-11-2-4(1)6 yrs. §34-11-2-7(4)2 yrs. §34-11-2-4(2)2 yrs. §34-11-2-32 yrs. §34-11-2-46 yrs. §34-11-2-7Written: 10 yrs. §34-11-2-11; 6 yrs. for contract for payment of money §34-11-2-9; Oral: 6 yrs., 2 yrs. employment agreements §§34-11-2-7 and 34-11-2-16 yrs. §34-11-2-720 yrs. §34-11-2-12
2 yrs. §614.1(2)2 yrs. §614.1(2)5 yrs. §614.1(4)5 yrs. §614.1(4)Medical: 2 yrs. from reasonable discovery; max. of 6 from act §614.1(9)5 yrs. §614.1(4)If rent is prescribed in written contract then 10 yearsWritten: 10 yrs. §614.1(5); Oral: 5 yrs. §614.1(4)If rent is prescribed in written contract then 10 years20 yrs.: judgment of court of record §614.1(6); 10 yrs.: judgment of court not of record §614.1(5)
1 yr. §60-514(b)1 yr. §60-514(a)2 yrs. §60-513 (a)(3), does not begin accruing until fraud is discovered2 yrs. §60-513 (a)(2)2 yrs. from reasonable discovery, 4 max. §60-513(a)(7), 60-513(c)2 yrs. §60-513(a)(1)If pursuant to a contract, express or implied, then 3 yrs.Written: 5 yrs. §60-511(1); Oral: 3 yrs. §60-512(1)If pursuant to a contract, express or implied, then 3 yrs. 
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
1 yr. §413.140(1)(a)1 yr. §413.140(1)(d)5 yrs. §413.120(12)2 yrs. §413.125Professional service: 1 yr. §413.245; Medical: 1 yr. §413.140(e)5 yrs. §413.120(4)If prescribed by written contract then 15 yrs.Written: 15 yrs. §413.090(2); Oral: 5 yrs. §413.120(1)5 yrs. §413.12015 yrs. §413.090(1)
1 yr. Civ. CODE §34921 yr. Civ. CODE §34921 yr. Civ. CODE §34921 yr. Civ. CODE §34921 yr. Civ. CODE §34921 yrs. Civ. CODE §34923 yrs. Civ. CODE §3494(3)Written: 10 yrs. Civ. CODE §3499; Oral: 10 yrs. Civ. CODE §34993 yrs. Civ. CODE §3494(4)Monetary judgments: 10 yrs. Civ. CODE §3501
2 yrs. Tit. 14 §7532 yrs. Tit. 14 §7536 yrs. Tit. 14 §859All civil acts must commence within 6 yrs. Title 14§752Architects/Engineers: 4 yrs. to 10 max. Tit. 14 §752-A; Attorneys: 2 yrs. §753-B; Medical: 3 yrs. Tit. 24 §2902All civil acts must commence within 6 yrs. Title 14§752All civil acts must commence within 6 yrs. Title 14§752Written: 20 yrs. if under seal Tit. 14 §751All civil acts must commence within 6 yrs. Title 14§75220 yrs. Tit. 14 §864
1 yr. Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-1051 yr. Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-1053 yr. general limit Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-1013 yrs. generally Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-101Medical: 5 yrs. from injury or 3 yrs. from discovery, whichever is shorter (max. 7) Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-1093 yr. general limit Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-1013 yr. general limit Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-101Written: 3 yrs.; 12 yrs. if under seal Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-101; 5-102(a)(5)3 yrs. Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-10112 yrs. Cts. & JUD. Proc. §5-102 (a)(3)
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
3 yrs. Ch. 260 §43 yrs. Ch. 260 §43 yrs. Ch. 260 §2A3 yrs. Ch. 260 §43 yrs., max. 7 yrs. (personal injury) Ch. 260 §43 yrs. Ch. 260 §2A3 yrs. Ch. 260 §2AWritten: 20 yrs. if under seal; 6 yrs. others Ch. 260 §§1, 2; Oral: 6 yrs. Ch. 260 §26 yrs. Ch. 260 §26 yrs. Ch. 260 §2
2 yrs. §600.5805(2)1 yr. §600.5805 (9)6 yrs. §600.58133 yrs. §600.5805(10)2 yrs. §600.5805(6)6 yrs. §600.58136 yrs. §600.5813Written: 6 yrs. §600.5807(8); Oral: 6 yrs. §600.5807(8)6 yrs. §600.581310 yrs. ct. of record; 6 yrs. ct. not of record §600.5809(3)
2 yrs. §541.07(1)2 yrs. §541.07(1)6 yrs. §541.05(6)6 yrs. §541.05(4)Medical and veterinary: 2 yrs. §541.07(1)6 yrs. §541.05(3) Written: 6 yrs. §541.05(1); Oral: 6 yrs. §541.05(1) 10 yrs. §541.04
1 yr. §15-1-351 yr. §15-1-35  2 yrs. from act or discovery §15-1-36  Oral: 3 yrs.; unwritten contract based on employment: 1 yr. §15-1-293 yrs. §15-1-297 yrs. domestic and foreign judgments §§15-1-43, 45
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. §516.1402 yrs. §516.14010 yrs. §516.120 (5)5 yrs. §516.120(4)Medical: 2 yrs. from discovery, max. 10. §516.1055 yrs. §516.120(3)10 yrs. §516.110 (3)Written: 5 yrs; for payment of money or property, 10 yrs. §516.120(1); 516.110; Oral: 5 yrs. §516.120(1)10 yrs. if in writing §516.110(1)10 yrs. §516.350
Assault & Battery: 2 yrs. §27-2-204(3); Wrongful Death: 3 yrs. §27-2-204(2)2 yrs. §27-2-204(3)2 yrs. §27-2-2032 yrs. §27-2-207(2)Legal: 3 yrs. from discovery, max. 10 yrs. §27-2-206; Medical: 3 yrs., max. 5 yrs. §27-2-2052 yrs. §27-2-207(1)3 yrs. obligation or liability other than contract not in writing §27-2-202(3)Written: 8 yrs. §27-2-202(1); Oral: 5 yrs. §27-2-202(2)3 yrs. obligation or liability other than contract not in writing §27-2-202(3)10 yrs. §27-2-201(2)
1 yr. §25-2081 yr. §25-2084 yrs. §25-207(4)4 yrs. §25-207(2)2 yrs. or 1 yr. from discovery §25-222; 2 yrs. §25-2084 yrs. §25-207(1)4 yrs. §25-212Written: 5 yrs. §25-205: Oral: 4 yrs. §25-2064 yrs. §25-2125 yrs. (foreign) §25-205
2 yrs. §11.190-(4)(c)2 yrs. §11.190-(4)(c)3 yrs. §11.190-(3)(d)3 yrs. §11.190-(3)(c)Accountant, Attorney, Veterinarian: 4 yrs.; Medical: 2 yrs. after discovery or 4 yrs. after act §11.207 and §41A.0973 yrs. §11.190 (3)(b)4 yrs. §11.220Written: 6 yrs. §11.190 (1)(b); Oral: 4 yrs. §11.190-(2)(c)4 yrs. §11.190-(2)(a)6 yrs. §11.190(1) (a)
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
3 yrs. §508:43 yrs. §508:43 yrs. §508:43 yrs. §508:43 yrs. §508:42 yrs. §539:8 Written: 20 yrs. under seal §508:5 20 yrs. §508:5
2 yrs. §2A:14-21 yr. §2A:14-36 yrs. §2A:14-16 yrs. §2A:14-12 yrs. §2A:14-26 yrs. §2A:14-116 yrs. §2A:14-4Written: 6 yrs. §2A:14-1; Oral: 6 yrs. §2A:14-16 yrs. §2A:14-120 yrs. from court of record §2A:14-5
3 yrs. §37-1-83 yrs. §37-1-84 yrs. §37-1-44 yrs. §37-1-4 4 yrs. §37-1-4 Written: 6 yrs. §37-1-3; Oral: 4 yrs. §37-1-44 yrs.§37-1-414 yrs. from ct. of record; 6 yrs. otherwise §37-1-2, 3
1 yr. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §215; 3 yrs. §2141 yr. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §2156 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §2133 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §2143 yrs.; medical: 2 1/2 yrs.; foreign object in body of patient 1 yr. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §214(6) and §214-a3 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §2146 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §213(1)Written: 6 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §213; Oral: 6 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §2136 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §213(1)20 yrs. N.Y. Civ. Prac. L. & R. §211(b)
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
3 yrs. §1-521 yr. §1-543 yrs. §1-52(9)3 yrs. §1-52(4)2 yrs. or more after the occurrence of the last act of the defendant, max. 4 yrs.; damages by reason of a foreign object left in body; 1 yr. upon discovery, max. 10 yrs. §1-153 yrs. §1-52(3)3 yrs. §1-52Written: 3 yrs. §1-52(1); Oral: 3 yrs. §1-52(1) 10 yrs. §1-47
2 yrs. §28-01-182 yrs. §28-01-186 yrs. §28-01-16(6)6 yrs. §28-01-16(4)2 yrs.; (Medical: max.6) §28-01-186 yrs. §28-01-16(3)6 yrs. §28-01-16(2)Written: 6 yrs. §28-01-16(1); Oral: 6 yrs. §28-01-16(1)6 yrs. §28-01-16(2)10 yrs. §28-01-15
1 yr. or 2 yrs. if bodily injury §§2305.11(a); 2305.10; 2305.1111 yr. §2305.11(a)4 yrs. §2305.09(c)2 yrs. §2305.101 yr.;Medical: 1 yr. to give notice which extends time 180 days after notice, max. 4 yrs. §§2305.11 (a); 2305.1134 yrs. §2305.09(a) Written: 15 yrs. §2305.06; Oral: 6 yrs. §2305.076 yrs. §2305.0710 yrs. §2325.18
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
1 yr. Tit. 12 §95(4)1 yr. Tit. 12 §95(4)2 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(3)2 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(3)2 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(3)2 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(3)5 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(12)Written: 5 yrs. Tit. 12§95(1); Oral: 3 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(2)5 yrs. Tit. 12 §95(12)3 yrs. foreign judgment Tit. 12 §95(2)
2 yrs. §12.1102 yrs. §12.1102 yrs. from discovery §12.1106 yrs. §12.080Medical: 2 yrs. from act or reasonable discovery (max. 5 yrs.) §12.110(4)6 yrs. §12.080(3)1 yr. §12.125Written: 6 yrs. §12.080; Oral: 6 yrs. §12.0806 yrs. §12.080(2)10 yrs. §12.070
2 yrs. Tit. 42§5524(1)1 yr. Tit. 42§5523(1)2 yrs. Tit. 42§5524(7)2 yrs. Tit. 42§5524(3)2 yrs. Tit. 42 §5524(7), (8)2 yrs. Tit. 42 §5524(4)21 yrs. Tit. 42§5530(2)Written: 20 yrs. under seal; 4 years other Tit. 42 §5529(b); 5525(8); Oral: 4 yrs. Tit. 42§5525(3)2 yrs. Tit. 42§55244 yrs. Tit. 42 §5525(5)
3 yrs. §9-1-14Slander: 1 yr. §9-1-14  Medical, Legal, Veterinarian, Accounting, Insurance, or Real Estate: 3 yrs. §9-1- 14.1; 9-1- 14.3  Written: 20 yrs. under seal; 4 yrs. sale of goods §§6A-2-725; 9-1-17 20 yrs. §9-1-17
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. §15-3-5502 yrs. §15-3-5503 yrs. §15-3-530(7)3 yrs. §15-3-530(4)Medical: 3 yrs. from act or reasonable discovery (max. 6 yrs.); if foreign object in body: 2 yrs. §15-3-545; Architects, contractors, professional engineers: 2 yrs. or 10 yrs. depending on action 15-3-6403 yrs. §15-3-530(3)6 yrs. if prescribed by KWritten: 20 yrs. under seal; 3 yrs. others §§15-3-520, 530; Oral: 3 yrs. §15-3-530(1)6 yrs. if prescribed by K§15-3-600 10 yrs.
2 yrs. §15-2-15(1)2 yrs. §15-2-15(1)6 yrs. §15-2-13(6)6 yrs. §15-2-13(4)Medical: 2 yrs. §15-2-14.1; Legal: 3 yrs. §15-2-14.2; CPA 4 yrs. §15-2-14.46 yrs. §15-2-13(3) 6 yrs. §§15-2-6, 13; Oral: 6 yrs. §15-2-13 20 yrs. domestic judgments; 10 yrs. foreign §§15-2-6, 8
1 yr. §28-3-104(a)(1)Libel: 1 yr.; Slander: 6 mos. §§28-3-103, 104Not specified3 yrs. §28-3-105(1)Legal: 1 yr. CPA: 1 yr. §28-3-104(2)3 yrs. §28-3-105(1)6 yrs. §28-3-109(1)Written and oral: 6 yrs. §28-3-1096 yrs. unless expressly provided10 yrs. §28-3-110(2)
2 yrs. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.003(a); 5 yrs. for sex crimes 16.00451 yr. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.002(a)4 yrs. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.004(a) (4)2 yrs. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.003(a) 2 yrs. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.003(a) Written: 4 yrs. real property Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.004(a) (3)4 yrs. Civ. Prac. & Rem. §16.004(a) (3) 
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
1 yr. §78-12-29(4)1 yr. §78-12-29(4)3 yrs. §78-12-26(3)3 yrs. §78-12-26(2)Medical: 2 yrs. (max. 4 yrs.) §78-14-43 yrs. §78-12-26(1)6 yrs. §78-12-23Written: 6 yrs. §78-12-23; Oral: 4 yrs. §78-12-25(1)4 yrs. §78-12-25(1)8 yrs. §78-12-22
3 yrs. Tit. 12 §512(1) §512(4); except injury caused by skiing is 1 yr. Tit.12 §5133 yrs. Tit. 12 §512(3)6 yrs. Tit. 12 §5113 yrs. Tit. 12 §512(5)Medical: 3 yrs. from incident or 2 from reasonable discovery (max. 7 yrs.) Tit. 12 §521  Written: 8 yrs. under seal; 6 yrs. others; 4 yrs. sales Tit. 12 §507; 9A §2-725; 12 §511; Oral: 6 yrs. Tit. 12§5116 yrs., Tit. 12 §5118 yrs. ct. of record; 6 yrs. not ct. of record Tit. 12 §506; Tit. 12 §511
2 yrs. §8.01-243(A)2 yrs. §8.01-243(A)2 yrs. §8.01-243(A)5 yrs. §8.01-243(B)Health care providers: 1 to 2 yrs.; 10 max. §8.01-243.15 yrs. §8.01-243(B) Written: 5 yrs. §8.01-246(2); Oral: 3 yrs. §8.01-246(4) 20 yrs.; 10 yrs. to enforce lien §8.01-251(a), (c)
2 yrs. §4.16.100(1)2 yrs. §4.16.100(1)3 yrs. §4.16.080(4)3 yrs. §4.16.080(2)Medical: 3 yrs. of injury or 1 yr. upon discovery (max. 8 yrs.) §4.16.350(3)3 yrs. §4.16.080(1)6 yrs. §4.16.040(2)Written: 6 yrs. §4.16.040(1); Oral: 3 yrs. §4.16.080(3)6 yrs. §4.16.040 (3)10 yrs. §4.16.020(2)
2 yrs. §55-2-12(b)1 yr. §55-2-12(c) 2 yrs. §55-2-12(a)2 yrs. §55-2-12(b)2 yrs. §55-2-12(a)5 yrs. §55-4-21Written: 10 yrs. §55-2-6; Oral: 5 yrs. §55-2-6 10 yrs. foreign judgment §55-2-13
Injury to PersonLibel/SlanderFraudInjury to Personal PropertyProfessional MalpracticeTrespassCollection of RentsContractsCollection of Debt on AccountJudgments
2 yrs. §893.572 yrs. §893.576 yrs. §893.93(1)(b)6 yrs. §893.52Medical: the later of 3 yrs. from incident or 1 yr. from discovery (max. 5 yrs.) §893.55(4) (c)(lm)(a); (b)6 yrs. §893.526 yrs. §843.13(1)Written: 6 yrs. §893.43; Oral: 6 yrs. §893.43 20 yrs.; 6 yrs. ct. not of record §§893.40, 893.42
1 yr. §1-3-105(a)(v), (B)1 yr. §1-3-105(a)(v) (A)4 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(iv) (D)4 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(iv) (B) 4 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(iv) (A) Written: 10 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(i); Oral: 8 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(ii) (A)5 yrs. §1-3-105(a)(iii)5 yrs. foreign judgment §1-3-105(a)(iii)

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