Kloosterman, Simke 1876–1938

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Kloosterman, Simke 1876–1938

PERSONAL: Born November 25, 1876, in Twijzel, Netherlands; died December 5, 1938, in Leeuwarden, Netherlands; daughter of Jan Ritskes Kloosterman (a poet).

CAREER: Novelist and poet.


Ruth. In hânfol ieren, Jongbloed (Ljouwert, Netherlands), 1910.

De Hoara's fan Hastings, 1921, reprinted, Broerren Hoitsema (Grins, Netherlands), 1950.

It jubeljier (1793–1813) (novel), Broerren Hoitsema (Grins, Netherlands), 1927, reprinted, Brandenburgh (Snits, Netherlands), 1948.

Twiljocht teltsjes mearkes, Broerren Hoitsema (Grins, Netherlands), 1928.

De wylde fûgel: it samle ferse-wurk, Broerren Hoitsema (Grins, Netherlands), 1932, expanded edition, Drukkerij Laverman (Drachten, Netherlands), 1952.

(Editor, with T. Hellinga-Zwart) Great teltsjeboek for Fryske bern, Brandenburgh (Snits, Netherlands), 1932.

(Editor, with T. Hellinga-Zwart) Lyts teltsjeboek for Fryske bern, Brandenburgh (Snits, Netherlands), 1933.

Ut de gielgoerde: karlêzing, A.J. Osinga (Boalsert, Netherlands), 1936, reprinted, Leverman (Drachten), 1963.

Spreuken. Útjown fan A.I. Brouwer-Prakke, N. Miedema (Ljouwert, Netherlands), 1962.

De briefwiksel tusken Simke Kloosterman en Douwe Kalma (correspondence), Frysk Ynstitut oan de Ryksuniversiteit to Grins (Gröningen, Netherlands), 1976.

(With Ate Kirk Wumkes) Myn Lân: kar út de fersen, De Tille (Ljouwert, Netherlands), 1982.

Also author of Hengisten en Horsa (novel), 1933; Swanneblommen, Frisia. Us Striid Verzamelde verhalen, 1936–40; and Verzamelde poezie (poems), 1952–1960.

SIDELIGHTS: Novelist Simke Kloosterman, who wrote in the Frisian language, came from a literary family. Her father was Fries poet Jan Ritskes Kloosterman and an earlier ancestor was eighteenth-century poet Eelke Meinerts. Kloosterman used her intimate knowledge of the Frisian community's traditions and daily life in her books. It jubeljier (1793–1813) is an historical novel of the French period in Fries history and is considered highly political and patriotic. Another historical novel, Hengisten en Horsa, is a retelling of a romantic legend. Kloosterman's poems are collected in Verzamelde poezie while correspondence with Dutch writer and literary leader Douwe Kalma has been published in De briefwiksel tusken Simke Kloosterman en Douwe Kalma.

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