Klose, Hyacinthe-Eléonore

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Klose, Hyacinthe-Eléonore

Klose, Hyacinthe-Eléonore, noted French clarinetist and pedagogue; b. Corfu, Oct. 11, 1808; d. Paris, Aug. 29, 1880. He studied with Frédéric Berr at the Paris Cons., where he then taught (1838–68). With the instrument maker Louis-Auguste Buffet, he developed a clarinet utilizing the ring-key system of the Boehm flute, which was first shown in 1839 and patented in 1844. He publ. Grande méthode pour la clarinette à anneaux mobiles (1844) based on that system. He also did much to promote the then-novel saxophone, and wrote some music both for it and for the clarinet. He was made a Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur in 1864.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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