Klose, Friedrich (Karl Wilhelm)

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Klose, Friedrich (Karl Wilhelm)

Klose, Friedrich (Karl Wilhelm), Swiss composer; b. Karlsruhe (of Swiss parents), Nov. 29, 1862; d. Ruvigliana, near Lugano, Dec. 24, 1942. He studied with V. Lachner in Karlsruhe and Ruthardt in Geneva, then with Bruckner in Vienna (1886–91). He taught in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany before joining the faculty at Munich’s Akademie der Tonkunst (1907–19). He publ. Meine Lehrjahre bei Bruckner (Regensburg, 1927) and Bayreuth (Regensburg, 1929).


Ilsebill, dramatic sym. (Munich, Oct. 29, 1905); symphonic poems: Elfenreigen (1892), Das Leben ein Traum (1896), and Festzug (1913); Mass (1889); an oratorio, Der Sonne-Geist (Basel, 1918); String Quartet (1911); organ works; songs.


R. Louis, F. K. und seine symphonische Dichtung “Das Leben ein Traum” (Munich, 1905); H. Knappe, F. K.: Eine Studie (Munich, 1921); idem, ed., F. K. zum 80. Geburtstag (Lugano, 1942).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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