Klöffler, Johann Friedrich

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Klöffler, Johann Friedrich

German conductor and composer; b. Kassel, April 20, 1725; d. Burgsteinfurt, Feb. 21, 1790. He became a musician and official at the court of the Counts of Bentheim and Steinfurt in 1750, organizing the court orch. in 1752, becoming Konzertmeister in 1753 and music director in 1754; in 1757 he also received a judicial appointment. He became well known as a conductor via tours of Europe, visiting Vienna, London, Moscow, and St. Petersburg (1781–87). In 1789 he retired from his court duties. He wrote numerous syms., many concertos, and much chamber music. His Bataille Symphony (1777) was written for 2 orchs., representing two opposing armies.


W. Götze, J.F. K. (1725–1790) (diss., Univ. of Münster, 1965).

—Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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