Heitman, Jane 1957- (Jane Anderson, Jane Van Der Werff)

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Heitman, Jane 1957- (Jane Anderson, Jane Van Der Werff)


Born January 17, 1957, in SD; daughter of Alton (in road construction) and Harriet (an elementary schoolteacher and homemaker) Anderson; divorced twice. Education: University of South Dakota, B.S., 1974. Politics: "Moderate." Religion: Christian. Hobbies and other interests: Music, hiking, travel.


Home—Grand Junction, CO. Office—PMB 9027, 2139 N. 12th St., Unit 10, Grand Junction, CO 91501. E-mail—jheitman22@hotmail.com.


High school English teacher and librarian in Tripp, Sioux Falls, and Armour, SD, between 1974 and 1988; Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO, interlibrary loan technician at college library, 1990—. Treasure Publishing, writer and editor of Sunday school curriculum material for "DiscipleLand," 1997-2000. Mesa County Public Library District, volunteer in Children's Center, 2002—; lecturer.


Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.


The Star of the Show (short play), Contemporary Drama Service (Colorado Springs, CO), 1997.

Rhymes and Reasons: Librarians and Teachers Using Poetry to Foster Literacy, Grades K-6, Linworth Publishing (Worthington, OH), 2003.

Teach Writing to Older Readers Using Picture Books: Every Picture Tells a Story, Linworth Publishing (Worthington, OH), 2004.

Learning Center Activities for the New Teacher, Teacher Resource, Grade 3, Frank Schaffer Publications (Grand Rapids, MI), 2004.

Once upon a Time: Fairy Tales in the Library and Language Arts Classroom, Linworth Publishing (Columbus, OH), 2007.

Work represented in anthologies, including Power Plays, Book 1, Concordia Publishing, 1995. Contributor of short plays, articles, poetry, and devotions for young people and adults to periodicals, including Pockets, Real Kids, Library Media Connection, Teachers Interaction, Scope, Evangel, Woman's Touch, Lutheran Woman Today, Today's Christian Woman, and Home Altar. Some writings appear under the names Jane Anderson and Jane Van Der Werff.


Jane Heitman told CA: "My interest in writing sprang from my interest in reading, an activity fostered in my home, school, and community. Writing seemed to be a natural extension. My experience as a schoolteacher and librarian came together in my books. I enjoyed working with students in public schools and found it especially rewarding to see them light up when they understood a concept. I hope my books help other educators see that light in their students.

"Most of my other published work has been in the Christian and Christian education field. My niche is writing devotional messages, short scripture-based inspirational essays, for children and adults. I have regularly contributed to several Christian publications through the years.

"Though I'm not yet giving up my day job, writing is a priority. I spend time at my computer in my home office at least three evenings a week and on weekends. I belong to writers groups, attend conferences, and read, read, read to keep honing my skills. I enjoy the networking aspect of meeting writers, editors, and authors. My love of teaching continues in the presentations I give to education, library, and church groups."



Library Media Connection, February, 2004, Betsy Ruffin, review of Rhymes and Reasons: Librarians and Teachers Using Poetry to Foster Literacy, Grades K-6, p. 83; April-May, 2005, Terry Day, review of Teach Writing to Older Readers Using Picture Books: Every Picture Tells a Story, p. 101.

School Library Journal, July, 2004, Lee Bock, review of Rhymes and Reasons, p. 135.

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Heitman, Jane 1957- (Jane Anderson, Jane Van Der Werff)

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