Heiser, Charles B(ixler), Jr.

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HEISER, Charles B(ixler), Jr.

HEISER, Charles B(ixler), Jr. American, b. 1920. Genres: Botany. Career: Indiana University, Bloomington, Assistant Professor to Professor, 1947-79, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Botany, 1979-. President, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, 1967, Society for the Study of Evolution, 1975, Society for Economic Botany, 1978, Botanical Society of America, 1980; elected to the National Academy of Sciences, 1987. Publications: Nightshades, The Paradoxical Plants, 1969; Seed to Civilization: The Story of Food, 1973, 3rd ed. 1990; The Sunflower, 1976; The Gourd Book, 1979; Of Plants and People, 1985; Weeds in My Garden: Observations on Some Misunderstood Plants, 2003. Address: Dept of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A. Online address: cbheiser@bio.indiana.edu

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