Heising, Willetta L.

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HEISING, Willetta L.

HEISING, Willetta L. American, b. 1947. Genres: Bibliography. Career: Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, instructor in geography, 1970-71; Model Cities Program, City of Detroit, city planner, 1971-73; Chatham Supermarkets, site location analyst, 1973-74; Marketing Research and Private Banking, National Bank of Detroit, facilities planning, 1974-92; The Writing Company, owner, 1992-94; Purple Moon Press, publisher, 1994-. Publications: Detecting Women: A Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women, 1994, 3rd ed., 1999; Detecting Women Pocket Guide: A Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Women, 1995, 3rd. ed, 1998; Detecting Men Pocket Guide: A Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Men, 1997; Detecting Men: A Reader's Guide and Checklist for Mystery Series Written by Men, 1998. Address: Purple Moon Press, 3319 Greenfield Rd., # 317, Dearborn, MI 48120-1212, U.S.A. Online address: willetta@purplemoonpress.com

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Heising, Willetta L.

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