D’Accone, Frank (Anthony)

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D’Accone, Frank (Anthony)

D’Accone, Frank (Anthony) , American musicologist; b. Somerville, Mass., June 13, 1931. He was a student of Geiringer, Read, and Norden at Boston Univ. (B.M., 1952; M.M., 1953) and of Pirrotta, Merritt, Thompson, Piston, and Dart at Harvard Univ. (M.A., 1955; Ph.D., 1960, with the diss. A Documentary History of Music at the Florentine Cathedral and Baptistry). He was an asst. prof. (1960–63) and assoc. prof. (1963–68) of music at the State Univ. of N.Y. at Buffalo. In 1966–67 he was a visiting prof. of music at the Univ. of Calif, at Los Angeles, where he then was a prof. of music (1968–94) and chairman of its depts. of music (1973–76) and musicology (1989–92). In 1972–73 he also was a visiting prof. of music at Yale Univ. He was general ed. of the Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae series, co-ed, of Musica Disciplina, and a contributor to scholarly books and journals. In 1974 he was named a Cavaliere della Repubblica d’ltalia, in 1980–81 he held a Guggenheim fellowship, in 1997 he was awarded the International Galileo Galilei Prize of the Univ. of Pisa, and in 1998 he was made a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


The History of a Baroque Opera: Alessandro Scarlatti’s Gli equivod nel sembiante (N.Y., 1985); The Civic Muse: Music and Musicians in Siena during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Chicago, 1997).


I. Aim, A. McLamore, and C. Reardon, eds., Musica Franca: Essays in Honor of F. A. D. (Stuyvesant, N.Y, 1996).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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