Borg, Marcus J(oel)

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BORG, Marcus J(oel)

BORG, Marcus J(oel). American, b. 1942. Genres: Philosophy, Theology/Religion. Career: Educator and writer. Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, instructor, 1966-69, then assistant professor, 1972-74; South Dakota State University, Brookings, assistant professor, 1975-76; Carleton College, Northfield, MN, assistant professor, 1976-79; Oregon State University, Corvallis, professor, 1979-, faculty council president, 1985-86, 1992-93, Hundere Professor of Religious Studies, 1993-. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, distinguished visiting professor, 1986-87; Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA, visiting professor, 1989-91. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, member of editorial board, 1991-. Publications: Conflict and Social Change, 1971; Conflict, Holiness, and Politics in the Teachings of Jesus, 1984, rev. ed, 1998; Jesus, a New Vision: Spirit, Culture, and the Life of Discipleship, 1987; Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship, 1994; Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith, 1994; (with J.D. Crossan and S. Patterson) The Search for Jesus: Modern Scholarship Looks at the Gospels, 1994; The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to Authentic Contemporary Faith, 1997; (with J. Kornfield and R. Riegert) Jesus and Buddha: The Parallel Sayings, 1997; (with N.T. Wright) The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions, 1999; Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but Not Literally, 2001; The Heart of Christianity, 2003. EDITOR: (with M. Powelson and R. Riegert) The Lost Gospel Q: The Original Sayings of Jesus, 1996; Jesus at Two Thousand, 1997; (with R. Mackenzie) God at Two Thousand, 2000. Address: Department of Philosophy, Oregon State University, 208 Hovland Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A. Online address:

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