Borgenicht, David

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BORGENICHT, David. American, b. 1968. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction, Humor/Satire. Career: Nonfiction writer and editor; Quirk Productions (formerly Book Soup Publishing), Philadelphia, PA, president/publisher. Publications: FOR CHILDREN: (compiler) A Treasury of Children's Poetry, 1994; (reteller) Bible Stories: Four of the Greatest Stories Ever, 1994; (reteller) Brer Rabbit, 1995; (reteller) The Legend of King Arthur: A Young Reader's Edition of the Classic Story by Howard Pyle, 1996; Grimm's Fairy Tales: The Children's Classic Edition, 1997; Whose Nose Is This?, 2001; Whose Tail Is This?, 2001. WITH J. PIVEN: The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, 1999; (with J. Worick) The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating and Sex, 2001; (with D. Concannon) The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel, 2001. OTHER: Smile! Twenty-five Happy Reminders, 1995; Bytes of Wisdom: A User's Guide to the World, 1996; (compiler) Mom Always Said, Don't Play Ball in the House, 1996; The Little Book of Stupid Questions: 300 Hilarious, Embarrassing, Bold, Personal, and Basically Pointless Queries, 1999; Sesame Street Unpaved: Scripts, Stories, Secrets, Songs, 1998; The Jewish Mother Goose: Modified Rhymes for Meshugennah Times, 2000. EDITOR: The Best Little Book of One Liners, 1992; Golf: Great Thoughts on the Grand Game, 1995. Address: 215 Church Street, 1st Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106, U.S.A. Online address:

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