Society for Interdisciplinary Studies

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Society for Interdisciplinary Studies

British organization founded in 1974 to act as a link between specialists in various disciplines who are interested in the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky. The aim of the society has been " to bring a rational and objective approach to the study of Velikovsky's theories and encourage the detailed evaluation which is their due in the light of the evidence accumulating in their favour."

Meetings for members are held throughout the United Kingdom and public seminars and conferences are organized at universities. While activities are focused in England, membership comes from around the world. The society maintains an extensive archive of reviews, reports, and other material. The society publishes a journal, Chronology & Catastrophism Review and the SIS Internet Digest. Address: 10 Witley Green, Darley Heights, Stopsley, Beds, LU2 8TR England. Website:


Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. March 8, 2000.

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