Society for Military History

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Society for Military History

Journal of Military History
George C. Marshall Library
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA 24450
Ph: (540)464-7468
Fax: (540)464-7330

ABC-Clio Research Grants (Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To promote research on military history. Focus: Military history. Qualif.: Applicant must be a member of the Society for Military History; a graduate student enrolled in a doctoral program; or employed full-time as a professional historian without a doctoral degree. Criteria: Grant recipients will be selected based on the jury's review of the application materials.

Funds Avail.: $500. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae (maximum of 5 pages) which includes a statement of 500 words about the project description, uses of funds, and other sources of financial support already received. Applicants must also submit a (one page) bibliography of the recent relevant secondary work on the topic. Deadline: November 1.

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