Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Jane Beattie Memorial Scholarships (All/Scholarship)
Einhorn New Investigator Awards (Undergraduate/A ward/Prize)
PO Box 3061110
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110
Jane Beattie Memorial Scholarships (All/Scholarship)
Purpose: To provide funding to subsidize travel to the U.S. for purposes of scholarly activity by foreign scholars in the area of judgment and decision research. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be scholars living and working in a country other than the United States. Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the committee's estimate of the prospective value of the proposed activity, its relevance to the field of judgment and decision research, the scholarly credentials of the applicant, and the extent to which the award would contribute to the success of the applicant including considerations of financial and academic need.
Funds Avail.: $400 to $700. To Apply: Applicants must submit one-page application form, a one-page (single-spaced) description of the planned scholarly activity and a copy of their curriculum vitae. The activity may consist of attendance at a relevant conference in the U.S., or a visit to a U.S. institution. The description of activities should indicate the nature of the planned scholarly activity, with whom the applicant plans to work (if applicable), what the applicant hopes to accomplish with the visit, and why travel to the U.S. is important to its accomplishment.
Einhorn New Investigator Awards (Undergraduate/A ward/Prize)
Purpose: To encourage outstanding work by new researchers. Focus: General studies. Qualif.: Applicants must be individuals who have not yet completed their PhD. Criteria: Candidates will be evaluated based on the criteria designed by the committee appointed by the President of the Committee.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must submit four copies of a journal-style manuscript on any topic related to judgment and decision making accompanied by: (1) four copies of a summary or extended abstract of the paper, not to exceed four pages in length and (2) a cover letter that includes the name of the investigator's graduate advisor and the date that the Ph.D. was awarded (if applicable). In the case of co-authored papers, if the authors are all new investigators they can be considered jointly; otherwise, the new investigator(s) must be the primary author(s) and should be the primary source of ideas. Deadline: July 1. Contact: Craig R. M. McKen-zie, 9500 Gilman Dr. MC 0109, University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA, 92093-0109, USA.
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Society for Judgment and Decision Making