Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

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Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

Samuel Flagg Bemis Research Grants (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
Stuart L. Bernath Dissertation Grants (Doctorate/Grant)
Myrna F. Bernath Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)
Robert A. and Barbara Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants (Graduate/Grant)
Lawrence Gelfand - Armin Rappaport Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
Michael J. Hogan Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)
W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)
SHAFR Dissertation Completion Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

106 Dulles Hall
230 W 17th Ave.
Department of History
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Ph: (614)292-1951
Fax: (614)292-2282

Samuel Flagg Bemis Research Grants (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To help defray the costs of domestic or international travel in conducting a research on a significant scholarly project. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be working on a dissertation dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history and must have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree except the dissertation. Criteria: Selection is based on a review of the submitted materials.

Funds Avail.: $2,000. To Apply: Graduate students must apply for the Holt Fellowships to be considered for the Samuel F. Bemis Research Grants. Untenured faculty members and recent Ph.D.s working as professional historians must submit a dissertation prospectus including a paragraph or two on how funds would be expended (8-12 pages), a concise curriculum (1-2 pages), a budget (1 page); and a recommendation letter to be submitted separately (all documents must be submitted through email). Deadline: February 1.

Stuart L. Bernath Dissertation Grants (Doctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To help defray expenses in writing dissertations. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be working on dissertations dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history and have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree except the dissertation. Criteria: Selection is based on merit. Applicants will also be considered for the Gelfand-Rappaport Fellowship.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. Number Awarded: 1. To Apply: Applicants must submit a dissertation prospectus with a paragraph or two on how funds would be expended (8-12 pages); a concise c.v. (1-2 pages); and a budget (1 page). Dissertation adviser must write a letter of recommendation which must be submitted separately. All documents must be submitted through email. Deadline: November 15.

Remarks: Established through Dr. Gerald J. and Myrna F Bernath, in memory of their late son, Stuart L. Bernath, Ph.D. Contact: Andrew L. Johns, Department of History, Brigham Young University,

Myrna F. Bernath Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To defray the costs of scholarly research by women. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be women from U.S. universities or women abroad pursuing a research in the United States. Criteria: Preference will be given to graduate students who will be finishing their Ph.Ds within five years.

Funds Avail.: $ 5,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a dissertation prospectus including a paragraph or two on how funds would be expended (8-12 pages), a curriculum vitae (1-2 pages), a budget (1 page), and a letter of recommendation (to be submitted separately). All documents must be submitted through email. Deadline: December 1. Contact: Darlene Rivas, Pepperdine University,

Robert A. and Barbara Divine Graduate Student Travel Grants (Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To support the travel of graduate students. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduate students who will present papers at the annual meetings of SHAFR. Criteria: Program committee shall evaluate applications and allocate the available funds. Selection is based on merit and not on financial need.

Funds Avail.: Funds vary each year. To Apply: Application details are publicized in each annual Call For Papers for the annual meeting.

Remarks: Established in 2006 to honor Professor and Mrs. Robert A. Divine, a long-time professor at the University of Texas.

Lawrence Gelfand - Armin Rappaport Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To defray the costs of travel in conducting a research on a significant dissertation project. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be working on a dissertation dealing with some aspect of United States foreign relations history and have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree except the dissertation. Criteria: Selection is based on a review of the submitted materials.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a dissertation prospectus including a paragraph or two on how funds would be expended (8-12 pages), a concise curriculum vitae (1-2 pages), and a budget (1 page). Dissertation advisers must write a letter of recommendation and submit it separately via e-mail. Deadline: November 15.

Remarks: Applicants are also considered for the Bernath Dissertation Grants. Established in honor of Lawrence Gel-fand, founding member and former SHAFR president and Armin Rappaport, founding editor of Diplomatic History. Contact: Andrew L. Johns, Department of History, Brigham Young University,

Michael J. Hogan Fellowships (Graduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To encourage researches on foreign languages. Focus: Foreign languages. Qualif.: Applicants must be graduate students conducting research on some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history. Criteria: Membership in SHAFR is not required but could be considered.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a detailed plan in using the fellowship to achieve the purposes of the program (5-7 pages); a curriculum vitae (1-2 pages); and a one-page budget. Graduate adviser must write a recommendation letter and submit it separately (all documents must be submitted through email to the committee chair). Deadline: February 1.

Remarks: Established in honor of Michael J. Hogan, a long-time editor of Diplomatic History. Contact: Kristin Ahl-berg, Hogan Committee Chair,

W. Stull Holt Dissertation Fellowships (Doctorate, Graduate/Grant)

Purpose: To defray the costs of travel in conducting a research on a significant dissertation project. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be working on a dissertation dealing with some aspect of U.S. foreign relations history and must have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree except the dissertation. Criteria: Selection is based on the submitted dissertation prospectus.

Funds Avail.: $4,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit a dissertation prospectus including a paragraph or two on how funds would be expended (8-12 pages), a concise curriculum (1-2 pages), and a budget (1 page). Dissertation adviser must write a recommendation letter and submit it separately (all documents must be submitted through email). Deadline: February 1. Contact: Kristin Ahlberg, Holt Committee Chair,

SHAFR Dissertation Completion Fellowships (Doctorate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To support the writing and completion of doctoral dissertation. Focus: International affairs and relations. Qualif.: Applicants must be candidates for the PhD in a humanities or social science program; must be at the writing stage of the dissertation with a topic in the field of U.S. foreign relations history or international history; and must be members of SHAFR. Criteria: Selection is based on the submitted applications and other supporting materials.

Funds Avail.: $20,000. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit an application letter stating the project's significance, applicant's status, and other received support; a statement of research (3 pages, 750 words); a curriculum vitae; and a recommendation letter from the doctoral advisor. Send applications electronically to Emily S. Rosenberg at (Subject: Last Name: SHAFR Dissertation Completion Fellowship). Deadline: April 1. Contact: Dissertation Completion Fellowship Chair, Emily S. Rosenberg,

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