centre of origin

views 3,123,571 updated Jun 08 2018

centre of origin The region where a particular group of organisms is believed to have originated. Many authorities believe centres of origin are also centres of diversity. For example, the tropical timber-tree family Dipterocarpaceae is strongly concentrated in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, although it ranges from Africa to New Guinea. It is difficult, however, to reconcile this explanation of centres of origin with the concept of allopatric speciation.

centre of origin

views 3,558,380 updated May 23 2018

centre of origin A geographical location or local region (often in the tropics) where a particular group of organisms is believed to have originated. Many authorities believe centres of origin are also centres of diversity. For example, there are 6 genera of Palmae (palms) in the lower part of the Amazon basin, twice the number found anywhere else. It is difficult, however, to reconcile this explanation of centres of origin with the concept of allopatric speciation.

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