Centre de Recherches, d'Études, de Documentation et d'Information sur la Femme (CREDIF)

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tunisian research center on matters concerning women, also known as credif.

CREDIF, a public agency instituted on 7 August 1990 that performs research for the government, is now the scientific branch of the Tunisian Ministry of Women's, Children's, and Family Affairs, which was established in 1992. Its mission is to carry out research on women's rights and the status of women, to gather information, organize and maintain databases concerning gender, and produce reports on the evolution of women's condition in Tunisia. CREDIF has created a number of ways of intervening in the production of knowledge about women: by hosting forums for national and international exchange on women's issues; by creating an Observatory on Women's Condition, which allows for permanent, ongoing oversight and evaluation of women's condition through cross-disciplinary research, annual reports, and national and regional seminars on the changing condition of women; by establishing statistical databases disaggregated by gender; by disseminating information concerning bibliographic research, women's information networks, and nongovernmental development projects whose stakeholders are women; by extending out-reach to women to increase their legal literacy concerning rights and obligations; by studying the representation of women in the mass media; by holding training seminars on gender analysis; and by publishing a bilingual (Arabic/French) magazine, Info-CREDIF.

see also gender: gender and law; tunisia: overview; tunisia: political parties in.


Brand, Laurie A. Women, the State, and Political Liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African Experiences. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.

Ministère des Affaires de la Femme, de la Famille, et de l'Enfance (MAFFE). Available at <http://www.ministeres.tn/html/ministeres/tutelle/femme.html>.

Laura Rice

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Centre de Recherches, d'Études, de Documentation et d'Information sur la Femme (CREDIF)

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