Scholliner, Hermann

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Benedictine theologian; b. Freising (Bavaria), Jan. 15, 1722; d. Welchenberg, July 16, 1795. He entered the Abbey of Oberaltaich in 1738. After his philosophical and theological studies at Erfurt and Salzburg, he was appointed director of the house of studies of the Bavarian Benedictines (175257), and then taught dogmatic theology at Salzburg (175966). He became prior at Oberaltaich (1772), and after the suppression of the Jesuits, taught at Ingolstadt (177680). As a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences he wrote Monumenta Niederaltacensia and Monumenta Oberalticensia, Elisabethcellencia et Oosterhofensia, which are parts of the master collection Monumenta Boica, guided by Scholliner in 1768. Among his other works are De magistratum ecclesiasticorum origine et creatione (Salzburg 175152), De disciplinae arcani antiquitate et usu (Tegernsee 1755), Ecclesiae orientalis et occidentalis concordia in transubstantiatione (Regensburg 1756), De hierarchia ecclesiae catholica (Regensburg 1757), Historia theologiae christiani saeculi primi (Salzburg 1761), and Praelectiones theologicae ad usum studii communis congregationis Benedictino-Bavaricae (12 v. Augsburg 1769).

Bibliography: p. a. lindner, Schriftsteller des Benediktiner Ordens in Bayern, 17501880, 2 v. (Regensburg 1880). o. l. kapsner, A Benedictine Bibliography: An Author-Subject Union List, 2 v. (2d ed. Collegeville, Minn. 1962): v.1, author part; v.2, subject part. 1: 535.

[n. r. skvarla]

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