Ward, John Quincy Adams

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John Quincy Adams Ward, 1830–1910, American sculptor, b. Urbana, Ohio. He was trained under H. K. Brown, whom he assisted in the execution of the equestrian statue of George Washington in New York City. His Indian Hunter (1864) was the first of many works for Central Park, New York City. His later commissions were for portrait statues and monuments. These include the equestrian statue of General Thomas, the Garfield monument, and General Sherman, Washington, D.C.; Lafayette, Burlington, Vt.; George Washington, in front of the Subtreasury, and Horace Greeley, New York. In 1903, with the collaboration of P. W. Bartlett, he made the pediment sculptures for the New York Stock Exchange. His work is marked by liveliness and strength. He was a founder and president of the National Sculpture Society (1893–1904) and president of the National Academy of Design (1874). His brother Edgar Melville Ward, 1839–1915, was a genre painter; his Coppersmith is housed in the Metropolitan Museum.

See A. Adams, John Quincy Adams Ward (1912).

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