Ward, Harriet (1808–c. 1860)

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Ward, Harriet (1808–c. 1860)

South African novelist. Born 1808 in Norfolk, England; died c. 1860.

Wrote account of time spent with husband in garrison town of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa, during frontier wars, Five Years in Kaffirland (1848, 1851), which was republished as 3 novels Jasper Lyle: A Tale of Kaffirland (1951), Lizzy Dorian: The Soldier's Wife (1954), and Hardy the Hunter (1858); also wrote Helen Charteris (1848), Memoirs of Colonel Tidy (1849) and Hester Fleming (1854); edited Past and Future Emigration, or The Book of the Cape (1849).

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